After another short drive, after nightfall, Jiang Lin was led by a few young people into an underground castle that was not well-lit.

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saw Jiang Lin's arrival, he had a look of joy on his face, and hurriedly greeted him: "Brother Jiang, now the forces to overthrow the Queen have gathered around, and the uprising battle is about to break out, just wait for you to come and raise your arms."

"When I raise my arms, I don't think so."

Jiang Lin smiled. From the moment he came to the underground castle, he discovered that there were some practitioners in the old group called by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Less power is about the same.

And the number is not too small, it should be the leader of each old department.

This is not the point, the point is the eyes and attitudes of these leaders looking at him.

There is doubt, there is disdain, and it doesn't matter.

In addition to this, he also heard some whispers in the old department, and did not want to risk war.

These people all have their own living space. Unlike the men in the city, they can live a decent life, but if they really want to fight, they may lose their lives.

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand, and Young Master Chun Shisan took off the divine sword on his back and handed it to him.

Pulling off the cloth strip outside the Divine Sword, Jiang Lin waved the Divine Sword, and the sword energy charged against the wall in the distance. After a while, a big word "defeat" appeared on the wall of the castle.

"Brother Jiang, you..."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was puzzled by Jiang Lin's actions, but before he could finish asking, Jiang Lin raised his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say more.

"Is he the Emperor Star in the prophecy?"

"How do you fight this battle? Before you even graduate, you will have a big defeat."

"Let him lead us? Just his young man?"

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon made a sound, various words broke out in the castle.

Jiang Lin returned the divine sword in his hand to Young Master Chun Shisan. The reason why he showed the divine sword was to confirm the information of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Now that the Divine Sword is in his hands, and he can use the Divine Sword, it means that he is the Emperor Star of the prophecy.

"Many of you don't want to take risks and fight against the Queen. It's still early, you don't have to fight hard, just leave if you want. In order to survive, there's nothing wrong, as long as you don't betray your compatriots and stand on the opposite side of your compatriots. , it's not too embarrassing. Let me take these people against the queen, didn't I write them all? Of course, this is only one of the factors. "

Jiang Lin said lightly, since he wants to play a role in this big event of overthrowing the queen, then he will play it well.

At least let everyone follow his lead, in other words, you obey him and listen to his commands, instead of being suspicious or disdainful or indifferent.

On the way, Jiang Lin also thought about it, he didn't have the time and energy to lead troops to fight, so now what he needs to do is, even if he is not in the uprising army, the image he has established must be clear in the hearts of those soldiers and generals Incomparable.

To achieve this effect, it is natural to screen some of these old divisions first.

After the screening, it was inevitable to convince people with reason. In addition, he also had to use force to convince people.

But if you are involved in the event, there is a kind of you who will try it if you are not obedient.

As soon as Jiang Lin's words fell, many people looked at each other in dismay, and there were people who were not willing to fight and sacrifice, no matter where they were.

"Now there are some food and some housing, but it's okay to be angry with a woman."

"If you go to war, unfortunately you will lose your life."

After a while, someone muttered.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's face sank, no wonder Jiang Lin wrote the word "defeat" on the wall and let these people go to the battlefield.

Moreover, it now seems that there are not many people who have such a mentality.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and eighty-three

"It's better if it's gone. If it's like me, it's better than it's gone. Do you think you can get by if you don't fight?"

At this time, a voice came from the corner of the castle.

Jiang Lin and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon followed the sound, only to find that the source of the familiar voice was Lord Heimu, and next to Lord Heimu, Chai Tou and Charcoal Tou were also there.

Lord Heimu wrapped in a turban, walked out, and went under the skylight.

The skylight of this underground castle is designed to be able to gather light because of the consideration of lighting, and it can also gather moonlight.

When he walked into the moonlight, Lord Heimu tore off his turban and accepted the moonlight. After a while, he let out a scream, and his chest swelled obviously, like a woman.

After that, Lord Heimu's voice became sharp, and he said to everyone: "Have you seen what I look like now? It was the queen who made me like this. In order to completely eliminate men, she planned to make all men become Woman. I was taken away by the queen and used as a test subject by her, and there are many people like me. The queen hates seeing things in pairs. As long as men still exist, they will definitely appear in pairs with women. Therefore, she wants to exterminate the men in the country. My only thought now is to die, and my body is like being filled with humic acid. I am the only survivor, and I managed to escape, you don’t resist, It won't be long before she will be tortured to bite her tongue or die directly in the process of becoming a woman. Even if she survives, as long as she sees the bright moonlight, it will be more uncomfortable than death. The queen is a lunatic, but now You still don't know how crazy she is. Do you think you can really get along?"

Saying that, Lord Heimu pointed to a person and continued: "The next person who becomes me may be you."

"It could be you too!"

"It's more likely to be you!"

Lord Heimu pointed at the men who were unwilling to resist, scaring them to the point of numbness.

"Anyone now, or in other words, there is an old department who is unwilling to do anything, can leave immediately."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon glanced at everyone, but this time, no one was lucky, and it wasn't that the Queen couldn't do what Lord Heimu said.

Jiang Lin nodded slightly, and then said: "There are many cities outside now that are in complete chaos. I'm afraid that some of you old ministries have deliberately organized or guided them. What's the point of this? I'm thinking, let the Queen lose part of the city, you guys There are quite a few leaders who are complacent? Will this make the event a victory? Where’s the brain? Do you know what it means to be a soldier and a brood!”

After saying this, Jiang Lin also glanced at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and then Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon felt a little embarrassed.

He is also happy to see the situation mentioned by Jiang Lin.

What Jiang Lin said now, doesn't that mean that he is also an incompetent bear general?

As soon as Jiang Lin's words came out, the originally quiet old ministries went straight to fry. This time Jiang Lin named all the leaders of their old ministries, calling them bears by name.

There were even a few short-tempered leaders who were going to end up pking with Jiang Lin's real person.


Jiang Lin opened his mouth and drank, and there was a lot of spiritual power in his voice, and suddenly the entire castle seemed to tremble, and some dust fell from the roof of the castle.

As soon as his arm was raised, Jiang Lin's palm was like the muzzle of a pulsed cannon that stored energy. With a "Boom", a huge cone-shaped spiritual beam blasted out.

In the blink of an eye, the wall on which Jiang Lin had painted the word "defeated" disappeared, and in its place was a cylindrical cave about three feet deep and one meter in diameter.

"Whoever is angry, come here, come here, I will take care of your group with one hand."

Jiang Lin glanced at the past, and his own momentum burst out, pressing towards all parts of the castle.

After that, the entire castle was almost silent, including the previous grumpy old leaders, who just swallowed their saliva and didn't dare to chatter.

Just kidding, this young man is definitely far more terrifying than Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. If anyone provokes bad luck, it will probably become a piece of meat pie.

Although Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon mentioned to these old leaders that Jiang Lin's strength is superior to them, he did not elaborate on Jiang Lin's terrifying methods.

Jiang Lin is a sharp blade, and he wants to deal with the queen. Naturally, he cannot reveal too much information about the strength of this sharp blade.

Even if Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said that Jiang Lin's strength surpassed him, most of the old leaders didn't take it seriously, thinking that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said it to reassure them.

Now, seeing Jiang Lin's terrifying tactics, they were so frightened that they didn't even dare to say anything.

"Nobody has any opinions, right? Very good, now I'll introduce myself. My surname is Jiang Minglin. Well, I'm smart and brave."

After a short pause, Jiang Lin felt that this self-introduction was too brief, so he added: "Wise and brave, I am talking about me."


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was a little speechless. He didn't even know what Jiang Lin did to introduce himself here halfway through what he said. He also said that he was smart and brave, and he emphasized it again.

Not far away, Young Master Chun Shisan saw Jiang Lin's understated boasting in front of so many people, and his favorite hands cupped his cheeks.

This man is really able to capture the hearts of women.

Everyone in the castle also looked at me, and I looked at you, but also did not understand what Jiang Lin wanted to express.

"Okay, you should remember what I said just now, I'll say it again, the handsome is also me, and the general is also me. If you want to overthrow the queen, you can, but you must listen to my deployment. I don't care if you have marched to fight before. Has anyone, or has anyone ever been a general, listen to my command from now on. I don’t need you leaders to question and obey my orders!”

After Li Wei, Jiang Lin directly stated his request. He didn't want to ruin his affairs because some idiots were self-righteous.

He is not worried that among these people, there are really experts who use soldiers like gods and are very good at fighting, which makes him laugh at him here.

Just from the fallen city outside and the attitude of these old ministries, he knew that these guys were probably not as good as Zhao Kuo, who was just talking about soldiers.

Chapter [*] The teacher of justice, walks the way for the sky ([*])

"Then...then how do you lead us to victory?"

After Jiang Lin Liwei, although there were still people who were unconvinced, they did not dare to open their mouths, but some people still asked aloud.

"In any case, isn't it all about sieging cities and conquering land? There are many cities that have fallen, which is a good thing in any way."

After someone made an inquiry, some of the old leaders spoke up.

"It's good to attack the city, but if it's like the outside, I can only say that the person who came up with the idea is either bad or stupid, either full of bad water or brainless."

Jiang Lin looked at the leader who spoke. The leader heard Jiang Lin's run, his face suddenly darkened, but he dared not speak.

"Brother Jiang, if you have any ideas, you might as well say it. I'll be listening."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon spoke up at this time. This time, he asked Jiang Lin to come over, mainly because he wanted Jiang Lin to use his status as the Emperor Star to unite the old minions.

Jiang Lin has been saying ugly things here, and it is not a solution.

"Okay, let me ask you, what has been the situation of men since the founding of the Tiannv Kingdom? After a man was born, even surviving has been a problem. Even if he survived, he would either fall ill or be skinny, or just cater to him. Women, they wear heavy makeup all day long. Not to mention these matters related to combat effectiveness, I am afraid that the number of women in China is now ten or even twenty times more than men. How are you going to fight this battle? "

Before waiting for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to respond, Jiang Lin continued: "The fallen cities outside were lost because of the sudden incident and the lack of troops. Many men gathered in one place in one day, which led to the loss of the city. There was chaos. But after the chaos, those men were not so much responding to the call to restore the country as they were seeking revenge. Do you think the women here are fools? Once this situation becomes a common phenomenon, all women will take care of themselves. Follow the queen without hesitation. At that time, all the women in the country will be soldiers. Can you tell me how to fight this battle? Do you want to fight ten? Just those men with yellow faces and thin muscles, and at a glance, they don’t even have a strong physique with a straight spine. , even if they all respond, who will fight? Can they fight women? Can they fight? How many years are you going to fight this battle? Are you going to overthrow the queen, or are you going to take revenge on women?"


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was choked up by Jiang Lin's series of questions. Until now, he understood what Jiang Lin said before.

They knew that many cities were out of the Queen's control before, and they were secretly delighted. Now, after hearing Jiang Lin's words, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon realized the seriousness of the problem.

If the situation outside continues like this, then all women will choose to be their enemies, the men who have revolted and restored their country.

The female soldiers in the hands of the queen alone are already much larger than the population controlled by their old ministries, plus ten times twenty times more women, how to fight this battle?

In today's situation, it is no longer an era when men's physical strength is stronger than women's. Because of the Queen, men in the country are treated as pigs and dogs. In terms of strength, maybe they are not as good as women.

If gender is ignored, the situation Jiang Lin said is equivalent to an army of tens of thousands of people fighting against a heroic division of millions.

If that kind of situation were to occur, the prophecies, the effects of the Emperor Star and the Divine Sword would probably not be of much use.

It turned out to be the case.

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