After listening to Jiang Lin's words, Chun Shisan Shao understood why Jiang Lin said things that she didn't understand after seeing the chaos in the fallen city.

As for the leaders of the various old divisions in the castle, their faces gradually became ugly.

It's not good, it's not good.

Dear, those women may all join the army next.

After a little bit of association, everyone in the castle also understood why Jiang Lin wrote a big word of defeat on the wall when he first arrived here.

It's over, how do you restore the country, how do you overthrow the queen?

"Zhengyang Clan Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, willing to follow Your Majesty to overthrow the Empress and restore the previous dynasty! Please give His Majesty's guidance and deploy the ministers and others. The ministers and others will not give up, do not break Huadu, and do not retreat!"

At this time, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon knelt down on one knee toward Jiang Lin, and bowed to Jiang Lin as emperor. Since Jiang Lin had already raised these problems and drawbacks that appeared before the act, there must be a solution.

Taking advantage of this time, if he takes the lead in setting an example, and Jiang Lin proposes a strategy later, then not only will Jiang Lin be completely recognized by everyone, but the old ministries will also be able to work together because they have met a bright master.

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon knelt down, the rest of the crowd followed suit, bowing to Jiang Lin and making him emperor.

Jiang Lin looked straight ahead and said, "First of all, if you want to succeed, you must raise the banner of overthrowing the empress and carry the banner of righteousness for me. Everywhere I go, I will send someone to read the accusation of the empress. The same kind are pigs and dogs, and everyone gets them and kills them. We overthrow the queen to do justice for the heavens. Whether it is to restore the country or establish a new dynasty, we must play the banner of justice.”

What the hell!

Acting for the sky?

Good cows, good cows.

Jiang Lin said these words, and immediately Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and all the old men in the castle felt that they had grown taller.

We are doing things for heaven, are you afraid, are you afraid?

With his hands behind his back, Jiang Lin paced and said again: "Secondly, in a very short period of time, to create the standard clothing of the Fuguo Army, to divide the boundary with the male compatriots in the fallen city outside, we must declare that the Fuguo Army only Will overthrow the queen, not be the enemy of women, men and women are equal, this will not be hostile to all women. At the same time, not all women agree with the queen's approach, the difference between man and beast is how to protect himself The same kind, and women are no exception. I don’t care how much you hated women before, from now on, try to win over the opposite sex who are willing to support things into the army, and let them play a role in gaining more supporters of the opposite sex, don’t do your own thing It's time to destroy the flag."

Chapter two thousand two hundred and eighty-five the teacher of justice, walks the way for heaven (below)


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon took the lead and responded. Although Jiang Lin was surprised by what Jiang Lin said about attracting women into the rebel army, he contacted Jiang Lin and said that they should act for the sky and hold high the banner of justice. , he also weighed the pros and cons in a very short period of time.

If they don't do what Jiang Lin said, then who will they show the slogan of overthrowing the queen to act for the sky and the banner they are carrying?

Show it to a man?

How many men are there in Qianji Country?

After understanding this, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon thought to himself, Brother Jiang is worthy of being Brother Jiang, it's fine if they don't attack ordinary women, and they have to be pulled into the team to deal with the queen.

This means of instigation, serving, really serving.

Hey, didn't the queen get the support of the women to secure the throne?

Then Jiang Lin made such a move, making the queen gradually become a lonely commander.

At this time, in the castle, there were some noisy discussions in various old ministries.

It's not a problem to let these people not go to the trouble of women and only overthrow the empress, but now Jiang Lin obviously wants them to fight with those women regardless of their past suspicions.

This is a bit outrageous.

"Quiet! If there are any more private discussions, military law will deal with them!"

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon heard these voices, he snorted. Now that he is about to do something, it means that he is going to fight. Before the war, all interests must be given priority.

Jiang Lin glanced around and said, "I understand your wishes, but if you want to succeed and win, there are some things you don't want to do and you have to do. Like are you willing to die? Of course. I don’t want to, but I still have to move forward. What I need to do now is to separate the queen from the women of the Heavenly Girl Kingdom. If you can borrow external power to come here, of course you have to borrow it. As for how men and women get along in the future, it’s a matter of balance. Inequality, that is a matter of the future, who will sit on the dragon chair, who will consider it. In addition, although I let you wear standard military uniforms and draw a clear line with those male compatriots who have fallen into the city, it does not mean that you are in trouble with them. No, it's the same as what I said, borrow the power that can be borrowed. Compile those male compatriots and teach them, and when necessary, if there are disobedient people, kill the chickens and show them to the monkeys and women."

After hearing Jiang Lin's remarks, the leaders of the old divisions breathed a sigh of relief, and then praised His Majesty Shengming in unison.

These men have been ostracized and suppressed by women for decades. If they care about the shame and hatred of the past in the future, it is obviously impossible.

But the meaning of Jiang Lin's words is not difficult to understand. First, draw this force as much as possible. As for whether to settle accounts after the autumn, that will be a matter of the future.

At this time, none of the former minions of Qianji Kingdom were dissatisfied with Jiang Lin, although Jiang Lin only said three points. In the war, the second is to clarify the goal of the action, and only aim at the queen.But these three points are the most important three key points.

Before Jiang Lin arrived, none of them could think of any of them, not even the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon who temporarily led them had no such foresight.

Therefore, in their hearts, Jiang Lin boasted that he was both intelligent and brave before, and it was really no problem at all.

In terms of resourcefulness, Jiang Lin was able to take a comprehensive view of the situation and come up with a plan to solve the problems that the uprising army was about to face. In terms of bravery, Jiang Lin blasted a cave three to four feet deep with one hand.

Led by such a wise and brave Emperor Star, they may not be able to return with a great victory.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon obey orders!"

"Chen is here!"

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon raised his head and looked at Jiang Lin. Now, as long as Jiang Lin ordered, he would strictly obey it, without any hesitation.

"From now on, you will be the Grand Marshal, and you will be in charge of everything. Each old clan has limited manpower. First, divide three old clans to the surrounding fallen cities, protect the women there, and rectify the city to quickly restore order. Then send three old clans to unite with the Dundi clan, With those fallen cities as the center, the barracks of the surrounding cities are detected under the ground, and the late night surprise attack, the enemy will not kill those who fall, and those who do not fall will die. Expand the place that is not under the control of the queen into a whole, as a rebel army and The capital of the Queen's confrontation."

Looking at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Jiang Lin continued: "As for me, I will go to Huadu in person to find out the situation in Huadu. Queen, I will deal with it."

After that, Jiang Lin informed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of the method of calling the Dundi people.

Saying obey, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon immediately began to deploy according to Jiang Lin's order.

As for Jiang Lin's going to Huadu, he didn't ask much. As with the previous considerations, he didn't tell anyone about Hongji and Lanling either. Deliberately hand over (police) on behalf of (report).

The queen should just leave it to Jiang Lin. Anyway, now that Jiang Lin has formulated the overall strategy, he also knows how to direct those old divisions.

The first is to let the people under his hand make a banner for the sky, and then the city will be attacked and inserted directly on the city head.

To overthrow the queen is to do justice for heaven.

To be against them is to be against the sky.

"Master Blackwood."

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was arranging important tasks for the old ministries, Jiang Lin beckoned to Lord Heimu. Before that, he didn't know that Lord Heimu had been captured by the Queen before, so he heard Lord Heimu's self-reported He just wanted to know about the Queen's abilities.

"Lin... Your Majesty."

When Lord Heimu came to Jiang Lin, he was about to bend his knees. He never thought that Jiang Lin, a foreigner, had asked him for directions. It didn't take long for this foreign young man to become a former courtier. Mingzhu recognized by the old ministry.

"Master Heimu, there is no need for this."

Jiang Lin's detective went over to hold up Lord Heimu, and said, "When Jiang Lin first arrived, he was entertained by you, Lord Heimu, and now he is leading the former court to overthrow the queen. If this happens, Jiang Lin will definitely find a way to solve you. The problem."

For Lord Heimu, Jiang Lin is still quite grateful. When he came to this Thousand Machines Country, he had no access to any information at all, but Lord Heimu helped him with an old-fashioned approach, and he was even more willing to let him stay in the troupe. .

At that time, he might have caused trouble for Lord Heimu because of his surname, but Lord Heimu was not afraid of such risks.

Now he still has things to do. As long as things are over, he will find a way to solve the problem of Lord Heimu.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and eighty sixth by chance encounter with the fat woman general

"Thank you."

Lord Heimu thanked Jiang Lin again and again. Over the years, he has changed his name and surname to steal his life. Whenever the full moon is approaching, life is worse than death.

Now Jiang Lin is willing to help him solve the sequelae on his body.

After that, Jiang Lin inquired about what happened to Lord Heimu, and asked him to think about it carefully and provide the Queen's information.

Although both Red Eagle and Lan Ling were mysterious envoys who belonged to the Queen, but the high priests were so hidden, the two sisters, Red Eagle and Lan Ling, probably didn't know enough about the Queen.

However, it was a pity that Lord Heimu did not provide much useful information, so Jiang Lin probed the inside of Lord Heimu's body. However, even he couldn't figure out why Lord Heimu met the congregation for a while. Moonlight will change.

In other words, some of the Queen's abilities were beyond his control.

After giving Lord Heimu a treasure, Jiang Lin found Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, explaining some things, and gave Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon a way to contact him. Immediately left the underground castle and went straight in the direction of Huadu.

Although the situation in Qianji Nation is now tense, they still have no problem passing through the city. Jiang Lin has the identity certificates left by Hong Ji and Lan Ling on his body, and no one stops them.

"Jianglin, the city is in front of you. It's also the place where I met you for the first time. My residence is there, and there are some exercises I haven't brought with me. Can we stop there for a while?"

In the middle of the night, Young Master Chun, who was holding Jiang Lin from behind on the horse, asked Jiang Lin softly.

When talking with her sister Lan Lingye, she knew that when she was in Fengcheng, the man in the cape who hunted with Lan Ling and Hongji was Jiang Lin.

However, now that she mentions it like this, she is really afraid that Jiang Lin will blame her for remembering what happened that day.

But the chance she got at the beginning, a copy of the cultivation inheritance she found in the cave, is still at home and not on her body. She still has a lot of things she can't grasp. Next, Jiang Lin may have to deal with the queen, and she naturally wants to contribute.

Therefore, Young Master Chun Shisan wanted to work harder in the later time to let his strength be mentioned.

"Oh~ it turned out to be Fucheng. That's where you promised that fat woman to catch me and sell it to her?"

Jiang Lin thought about it and thought it was really interesting. Back then, when he was in Fengcheng, the three girls were chasing her. Now it's not too long, Hongji and Lanling have become his women, while Chunshi As for San Shao, he is holding him behind him right now.

Just like a daughter-in-law hugging her husband.

"You... don't blame me, I already knew I was wrong."

Young Chun Shisan pursed her lips. She thought that Jiang Lin said so, but she still cared about what she promised Doman for money.

"If I still blame you, can I be willing to ride a horse with you? You girl, you said that you can't buy a horse, but you just want to hold me in the back? It's okay if you hold me, you can't wait to put yourself on top of me. On the back, it's really as your sister said, shameless."

Jiang Lin couldn't help but want to laugh, now that the young girl Chun Thirteen is afraid of being with him, for fear of being blamed by him.

Young Master Chun Shisan immediately flushed his cheeks and stuck out his tongue.

"Actually, I've always wondered. I don't know General Doman at all, and I've never seen her before. Why would she ask you to arrest me?"

" don't know her? Oh! By the way, you came from outside, and it didn't take long. Besides, you didn't act in a troupe."

Jiang Lin's words suddenly woke up Chun Shisan. She had never thought about this before, but now that she thinks about it, she feels like... as if she had found the wrong person from the beginning.

Jiang Lin didn't know Doman, and he had no interaction with the fat general Doman, so how could Doman let her go to Jiang Lin?

The only possibility is that she found the wrong person.

Thinking of this, Chun Shisan Shao looked bitter. She had found the wrong person from beginning to end, and because of this, Jiang Lin's fists and feet were added. Even now, even if she has a sister as her thigh, she still wants to Carefully, for fear of being annoyed by Jiang Lin.

孽 孽!

How could such a big oolong appear!

Young Master Chun Thirteen wanted to cry. The reason why Jiang Lin didn't want to see her was because she knew that she was going to sell it to a super fat woman.

But if her goal was someone else at the beginning, she might have been pampered by Jiang Lin's arms now.

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