"Don't move around, what are you afraid of. Don't think about it, if I want to kill a queen's general, how can I keep her alive. This city is also a rich and important hub, but unfortunately I don't know where the military camp is. Time to investigate, but when I was so frightened, Doman ran over by himself, so there was no need to investigate, and he could use that fat woman to know the location."

Jiang Lin smiled. He did not want to reduce the trouble by saving the fat woman's life.

After that, Jiang Lin continued: "As for whether the fat woman will come, she doesn't dare, not only she doesn't dare, but she has to keep the soldiers under her guard on alert all night. As long as this situation lasts for two or three days, the whole The soldiers in the barracks will be exhausted. I only need to pass the location of the barracks, and then let Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon send someone to attack them late at night while they are tired, and this city will be captured. The area between the fallen towns and cities will be caught between two sides."

When Chun Shisan Shao heard Jiang Lin's words, he felt a little dumbfounded. So, in a few days, this Ruan City will also fall?

"You don't have a room here, I'll just stay here for one night."

Jiang Lin looked at the thirteenth young master, and reached out to untie the belt of the young master.

Young Master Chun Shisan was stunned for a moment, and then her face flushed red, as if she had painted cinnabar, she bit her cherry lips with her teeth, and tears flashed in her eyes again.

She tried to give her away for free many times before, but Jiang Lin didn't want her, but this time, she finally didn't need to give her away herself. Jiang Lin just said that she would sleep in a bed with her tonight.

Young Master Chun Shisan lowered the curtain and threw a copper bell from his sleeve to extinguish the flame of the oil lamp.

I want to be Mrs. Jiang.

At the same time, in the bedroom of the Queen of Huadu Palace, Lan Ling knelt on one knee in the hall, looking at the Queen who was preparing to sleep in front of her.

"Your Majesty, the sinner has something important to report."

"You are so courageous, you dare to come to see me with a guilty body."

The queen snorted coldly and stared at Lan Ling who was kneeling not far away.

When Red Eagle and Lan Ling returned to Huadu a few days ago, because she learned that the high priest really wanted to betray her, and saw the head of the high priest, she wanted to kill her in a rage. Resentment, Lan Ling was the first to die.

However, at that time, Hongji begged for the dead girl, and said that now the external turmoil is about to start, and it was when she was hiring that she temporarily exempted Lan Ling from the death penalty.

This is also because the Queen is well aware of the temperament of the Red Eagle. Even if Lan Ling does not die and falls into the hands of the Red Eagle, it is better to die than life.

Red Eagle's heartlessness and ruthlessness, she understands better than anyone.

"Why, you have been a good sister since you were a child. How she treats you and rewards you these days, come and listen to me, so that I can have a good time."

The queen showed a lazy demeanor and asked Lan Ling to talk about how she was tortured at Hong Ji.

Lan Ling lowered her face, if she hadn't become a sister with Hong Ji, then this time she fell into the hands of Hong Ji, I am afraid that life would be worse than death.

However, the fact is that Red Eagle is secretly taking good care of her, thinking of everything for her, so as to prevent her from getting into a disadvantageous situation because of her showing.

This time, it was Red Eagle's idea that she appeared here.

When Lan Ling met the Queen late at night, she came to report Red Eagle's conspiracy.

Since returning to Huadu, Hongjiu has successfully become a high priest because he has completed the task and the high priest is dead.

But even with the status of one person below ten thousand people, the authority can provide a lot of convenience. Red Eagle has exhausted his methods, but he still has not found out where the Queen put the token of opening the sky platform.

In desperation, Hongji could only choose to take risks, which is why Lan Ling appeared in the Queen's bedroom at this time.

The [*]th chapter keepsake (in)

The solution that Hongjiu thought of was to use a double reed in front of the Queen. One of the two sisters sang a red face, and the other sang a white face, at least to make the Queen think that was the case.

Red Eagle is also quite clear about the character of the queen, and she won't trust anyone, she is no exception, and Lan Ling is no exception, but if there is a comparison, it will form a close and distant contrast in the heart of the queen.

In the same way, Red Eagle also understands that his ambitions may be noticed by the Queen early in the morning. It is almost impossible for her to get the whereabouts of the token from the Queen's mouth.

But Lan Ling was different.

When the queen didn't know the truth, she still had a steel scale in her heart. The queen knew that Lan Ling had no heart to betray.

The reason why Lan Ling was given to death was only because the queen was stimulated by the betrayal of the high priest, causing Lan Ling to be conjoined.

This has room for action.

Red Eagle and Lan Ling are now willing to love each other from the bottom of their hearts, but the Queen does not know this, and still thinks that they are not compatible with each other. Even in the Queen's knowledge, Red Eagle wanted to cramp Lan Ling, the mortal enemy, early in the morning.

As long as such "facts" are shown, the Queen will never think that Lan Ling will stand on the same front as Red Eagle.

Now that Lan Ling is under the command of Hong Ji, her life is in the palm of her hand. If Lan Ling comes to risk her death to meet her and report her immediate boss at the risk of her life, she will definitely win more trust from the Queen.

After all, in the eyes of the Queen, Lan Ling is still a very obedient eagle dog, and now risking her death to remonstrate, she must be able to gain the Queen's favor.

"Huh? You...you've lost your virginity? Hahaha... I really appreciate the temperament of the red eagle. Women, it should be like this, with a heart like a snake and a gut like a scorpion, so that no one dares to betray, this is the only way I won't let myself be wronged! Oh, I understand, she gave you a bargain to those violent wolf clan half-orcs under her hands."

The queen was about to appreciate the expression on Lan Ling's face when she spoke, so she looked at Lan Ling, and then she found that Lan Ling was no longer perfect.

After a little association, the queen subconsciously thought that the reason why Lan Ling became what it is now is because of the red eagle.

After that, a perverted smile appeared on the queen's face. She knew that although her two mysterious envoys did not deliberately adhere to the principle of keeping their bodies like jade, they were still clean and pure, but now, she actually found that Lan Lingyu's body was destroyed.

Yes, that's how it should be.

When a woman treats someone who disobeys herself and is always against herself, she should do this absolutely.

What is human nature, can it be eaten?

When Lan Ling heard the Queen's words, she was stunned for a moment, but after a while, she also reacted.

When she returned to Huadu before, the queen was furious after hearing the report of Hongji, and she didn't pay attention to her at all, and she didn't realize that she was no longer a girl.

Only now did the Queen notice this and think that she was tortured by Red Eagle in inhuman ways.

How could I be so loyal to such a woman before?

For a while, Lan Ling really felt that the former self was simply stupid.

She has always fulfilled her duties before, and she has never slackened off the tasks assigned by the high priest or the orders of the queen.

Now the queen thought she was tortured and humiliated, misunderstood that she was rewarded by the Red Eagle as a plaything and rewarded the violent wolf team, but she laughed like this.

Thinking of this, Lan Ling was also completely disheartened, with tears dripping down her face. Not only that, but there were many expressions of hatred and regret on her face.

"She has a vicious heart, I can't wait to tear her to pieces!"

After suppressing the emotions in her heart, Lan Ling also calmed down. Since the Queen has misunderstood, she will follow the flow.

She came here to let the Queen know that she was incompatible with Red Eagle.

Seeing Lan Ling, the queen actually hated her eyes to tears, and there was still a look of resentment in her eyes, so she no longer doubted anything.

She thought that Lan Ling hated Hong Ji and regretted her forbearance with Hong Ji in the past, but in fact, Lan Ling hated her and regretted her past ignorance.

Anyway, no matter who the object is, the expression on Lan Ling's face at this time is genuine and unadulterated.

"Your Majesty, Lan Ling has something important to announce, Hong Ji intends to rebel and usurp the throne!"

After wiping away her tears, Lan Ling began to report Red Eagle.

"Oh? That cheap maid of Hongji, I've always known that she has two intentions. If you find anything, let's hear it."

The queen sat up, ready to hear what Lan Ling could say.

"I heard the secret conversation between Hong Ji and people by chance, and I want to take advantage of the current chaos in the world, let Your Majesty bring trouble to Xiao Qiang and cause domestic and foreign troubles in the country."

"Hmph, this girl is really capable, but I never took her seriously."

The queen snorted slightly, but didn't take Lan Ling's words to heart. Since she knew that Hongji had a heart against her, she naturally wouldn't be on guard.

Even if Red Eagle now has a lot of power in her hands, she doesn't take it seriously.

"But Your Majesty, although the Red Eagle can't get into His Majesty's eyes, the traitor outside His Majesty doesn't take it seriously, but if the Red Eagle brings foreign aid, His Majesty may not always be able to strategize. Please think twice."

Lan Ling continued to beg the Queen to accept her advice. Now that the token for opening the Thousand Machines to the Sky Terrace has not yet been found, she naturally can't just give up.

The queen smiled lightly and said, "Foreign aid? Where did the foreign aid come from, even if there is, how much can there be."

"Your Majesty, what if these foreign aids did not come in from the outside, but were airborne? Hong Ji seems to be looking for a token that can open the Qianji Tiantai, and she is going to open the Tiantai, intending to bring foreign objects from Sky City into Huadu. When the time comes, Huadu and Your Majesty will bear the brunt."


The queen sat up straight, she didn't even think that the red eagle would think of making trouble in this way.

"You are so courageous! The red eagle has humiliated you. You intend to take revenge on your boss. You even thought of such a method and let me cut my arms!"

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and the queen looked at Lan Ling coldly. At least for now, the Red Eagle still has a useful effect on her. She has no plans to do it yet, and she is also doubting the source of Lan Ling's information. How could Red Eagle easily leak such an important matter so that Lan Ling could hear it.

Unless there was no such thing at all, it was Lan Ling who came to her to file a false statement in order to retaliate against Hong Ji.

The [*]th chapter keepsake (below)

"My subordinates dare not deceive Your Majesty. All along, my subordinates have been loyal and unchanging, and the sun and the moon can learn from them!"

Lan Ling defended herself aloud, and at the same time she admired Red Eagle in her heart.Even if the queen would have such a reaction, Red Eagle had calculated it early.

"Loyalty? Hmph, in the entire Heavenly Girl Kingdom, there are a few who are loyal to me."

The queen smiled coldly. If it weren't for her ability and absolute authority, whoever wanted to be born would be born, and whoever wanted to die would die, how many people would be loyal to her.

"Lan Ling must be one of them. The sinner came this time to remind His Majesty to beware of the vicious woman of the Red Eagle. If Your Majesty doubts the sinful minister's loyalty, I have nothing to say. I also ask Your Majesty to think for a while, before the grand ceremony. After the teacher's betrayal, although I was kept in the dark, I knew His Majesty's character. , Your Majesty, in this situation, may not be able to get your subordinates punished."

Lan Ling's eyes did not evade, looked at the Queen, and continued: "The reason why Lan Ling came back is because I know that without the cultivation of the Queen, I would not be who I am today, and my life and death depend on Your Majesty. If this is not enough to show the loyalty of my subordinates, Then what is the reason for the sinner to come to meet His Majesty this time? His Majesty may not forgive me for my sins because of my words, nor can I cure the crime of red vultures treason by my words alone. He will not protect me. In this way, once the Red Eagle knows about my report, I still have a way to live? As for His Majesty's suspicion that I fabricated a crime because I wanted to take revenge on the Red Eagle, what's the point of it to me? ? How can Hongji not leave a way for himself? Could it be that my accusation will kill her? If I really want to take revenge, even if my life is now in her hands, if I want to burn all jade and stone, I will not see it If you can't seriously injure the red eagle, or even die with it, why do you need to do this?"

Speaking of this, Lan Ling's face showed a look of determination, and asked: "The sinner dared to ask Your Majesty, what am I trying to do? What am I betting on?"

The queen looked at Lan Ling quietly, thinking and weighing in her heart. After a while, the expression on her face changed.

With a slight smile, the queen said, "Okay, I really didn't see the wrong person."

The Queen stayed in bed and walked in front of Lan Ling, lifted her up, and said, "Lan Ling, I was so angry a few days ago that I couldn't help but be confused. You have been humiliated and devastated, so don't blame me. However, if a woman wants to If you want to make a big deal, you don't have to worry about it. If you want to command the world and govern a country, you have to be ruthless and ruthless, more poisonous than anyone."

Lan Ling hurriedly said: "The sinful ministers dare not, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. Lan Ling should have frozen to death on the street many years ago.

The queen said "Okay" a few times, and then her face suddenly turned cold, and she said with gnashing teeth: "Hongji, this cheap servant, actually wants to open the sky platform to deal with me, how can I allow her to live one more day!"

Now, the queen has believed that Lan Ling's arrival this time is to persuade her sincerely, and also believes that Hong Ji wants to rebel and use the sky platform to make trouble.

"Your Majesty, no! Now that foreign enemies are in front, if there is no definite evidence at this juncture, the execution of courtiers will only make people's hearts scatter."

Lan Ling stopped the Queen from dealing with Red Eagle at the right time. Now that Red Eagle was regarded by her as her own sister, how could she let the Queen attack him.

The queen nodded slightly, trusting Lan Ling even more in her heart, Lan Ling was able to let go of her resentment towards Red Eagle, and she was indeed loyal to her while taking the overall situation into consideration.

"Do you have any method suggestions?"

After looking at Lan Ling, the Queen asked her to talk about how to cook Red Eagle.

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