"Your Majesty, since the red eagle wants to get the token of going to the sky, why don't you come and catch the turtle in the urn. Your majesty will make a fake token, come with a fake, and then release the place where the token is hidden, or give the red vulture a fake one directly. The clues, let her feel empty. When the time comes, His Majesty will bring the crowd with him. Under the watchful eyes of the public, the red vulture is full of mouths, and it is difficult to explain. Of course, this is not for His Majesty to arrest her and punish her. The current situation Nervous, directly let the red eagle commit crimes and make meritorious deeds on the battlefield. First, this can show His Majesty's generosity, and second, it can also prevent the red eagle from revolting, persuading other people who are undecided to turn against the water. "

Lan Ling followed Red Eagle's instructions and analyzed the pros and cons of this suggestion to the Queen bit by bit.

In the end, Lan Ling said again: "This will not only allow Hongji to play the biggest role, but she is also guilty of treason. When the world is at peace again, and your Majesty will execute her, no one will dare to say anything. Even if you don't agree in your heart, that's fine, at that time, you don't need to worry about the separation of people's hearts."

"Wonderful, wonderful! It seems that the torture, humiliation and betrayal suffered by women can make a woman's heart grow at a very fast speed."

The Queen is very satisfied with Lan Ling's suggestion, and she has no doubt that Lan Ling will become so thoughtful.

Once a woman falls in love with someone, she becomes stupid, but when she hates someone, she becomes terrifyingly smart.

She had had such an experience herself, so she didn't feel anything strange about Lan Ling's changes.

Lan Ling suppressed the excitement in her heart. Can she find the hiding place of the token from the Queen?

What Lan Ling could not have imagined was that the queen took out a sea urchin-shaped object the size of a baby's fist with a tap on the bracelet on her wrist.

A token of the rooftop?

Lan Ling's heart jumped, she felt that the Queen had no reason to take out an insignificant thing at this time.

"Your Majesty, is this?"

"Here is the thousand machine lock that unlocks the sky platform."

The queen's palm moved slightly, and the gallbladder of the "sea urchin" cracked a slit in the middle, and the slit opened, revealing a regular hexahedron mechanism lock hidden inside.

It turned out that the token was hidden on the Queen's body!

It was only then that Lan Ling understood why the Red Eagle had exhausted all his efforts to investigate in the past few days, but could not find any information on this token.

This thing is hidden on the Queen's body, and it is too difficult to get it.

"Why don't you keep this Qianji lock for me, Lan Ling?"

The queen looked at Lan Ling, Lan Ling was stunned for a moment, and then quickly said: "Your Majesty, how can such an important and key thing be placed on outsiders, and criminals dare not accept it, in case of any mistakes, Lan Ling will A sinner through the ages."

After saying this, Lan Ling's back was sweating. If she hadn't reacted in time just now, she would have been agitated and noticed by the Queen.

In that case, the plan would be a complete failure.

"It doesn't matter, just with this Thousand Machine Lock, if there is no Emperor Luck, most of them can't open the sky platform. This Thousand Machine Lock is on me, and it has always been absorbing the luck of my body. Now the world will be in chaos. The resurgence of the national fortunes, I have to compete with the imperial fortune on me, this thing is temporarily placed elsewhere, and it is not necessarily a bad thing."

The queen did not change her mind. She asked Lan Ling to keep this thing, but it was not so easy to keep it. It happened that she could use this opportunity to test how loyal Lan Ling was to her.

Lan Ling was still hesitating. It wasn't that she was unwilling to accept the Thousand Machine Lock that the Queen took out. This token to open the sky platform was exactly the goal of her and Hong Ji.

The reason for the hesitation was because Lan Ling felt that this token was so easy for her to obtain, whether there would be any fraud.

After thinking about it, Lan Ling stretched out his palm and took the sea urchin-shaped utensil from the Queen's hand.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and ninety-one

Seeing Lan Ling took over the sea urchin holding the Qianji lock, the queen said, "If this Qianji lock is not placed in my storage bracelet, outsiders can use a tool similar to the sword-seeking slate to probe its location. , unless it is hidden in a living human body. Lan Ling, you swallow it together with the storage gallbladder."

"Swallow it in the stomach?"

Lan Ling's complexion changed. It was an item that could not be swallowed into the body at will. What's more, the sea urchin outside the Thousand Machine Lock had long spines like steel needles, how could it be swallowed into the abdomen?

This is simply courting death.

But before the queen could speak again, Lan Ling shook her palm slightly, causing the long spines around the sea urchin to shrink inward, and then she opened her mouth and swallowed it whole.

For a while, Lan Ling screamed and rolled on the ground in the hall.

It's really not that simple.

Lan Ling frowned while rolling on the ground, as she had worried before, it was really not that easy to get this token.

However, don't look at Lan Ling screaming again and again, in fact, her feelings are not as exaggerated as they are.

When they were on the ghost town passenger ship, Jiang Lin reminded her and Hongji that she usually devoured some fairy treasures and kept them in her belly for emergencies, so she followed suit.

Therefore, the treasures in her body are not only the healing fairy treasures with excellent medicinal effects, but also the pain-relieving material treasures. These treasures were digested by her in advance before she swallowed the sea urchin.

This means that as long as the attack she faces far exceeds the upper limit, she will not be in any danger.

And the pain that Lan Ling feels now is similar to the feeling of drinking hot water.

As for the change of breath formed by the transformation of the fairy treasure, it was also restrained because it inspired the protective rune on her body.

However, although the throat and gastrointestinal passages were severely injured by the long spines of the sea urchin, and healed quickly with the timely recuperation of the fairy treasure, Lan Ling was still not relieved. It was moved to the heart, and the long thorns pierced through her heart and connected with her heart vein.

As long as the Qianji lock in her body is taken by force, she will die.

Of course, this result is based on the premise that she has no fairy treasure to continue her life.

A quarter of an hour later, Lan Ling got up with sweat all over her face, and then she saw the satisfied smile on the Queen's face.

The queen was indeed quite satisfied. She let Lan Ling swallow such a thing, and the pain she would suffer could be imagined with her heels, but Lan Ling didn't think much about it at all and carried out her order directly.

If this is not faithfulness, then there is nothing that can be called faithfulness.

Now the queen is thinking about reusing Lanling in the future. The high priest is dead, and she doesn't plan to stay with Hongji. In the future, she really doesn't have any capable subordinates at her disposal.

"I'm afraid that this Thousand Machine Lock is not the only thing Red Eagle wants to get, but no matter how much people who have a desire to get it think about it, they will never think that this thing is no longer in the forbidden area of ​​the palace, nor in my bedroom. Inside, not in me, but in a living person.”

"Your Majesty Shengming."

Lan Ling said flattering words, but she was even more afraid of the queen in her heart.

She felt that the Queen might not have given her enough trust so far, and she even wondered if she also coveted this Thousand Machine Lock Heart.

It's just that the level of skepticism is relatively mild.

In any case, the queen has already linked Qianjisuo with her life. Once she has another intention, if she wants to take out this token, she has to take her own life.

From this point of view, although the red eagle is resourceful, it is still half as good as the queen.

"In these two days, I will take your suggestion and make a fake copy of this Thousand Machine Lock, and let the Red Eagle go to the forbidden area to get it. Then, I will be able to hold her life in my hands justifiably."

The queen sneered, and then let Lan Ling retire and go back to recuperate.

Fortunately, Xianggong gave many immortal treasures, even if the heart is clamped, there will be no problem.

On the way back, Lan Ling was thinking about how to take out the Thousand Machines Lock in his body and hand it over to Jiang Lin, but he felt that it would be inconvenient for him to take action in the past two days, lest he would make a big mess if he couldn't bear it.

Even if Jiang Lin didn't have time to reach Huadu, and the Red Eagle really fell into the game he designed, with the instruments and methods Jiang Lin left behind, the Red Eagle could escape safely.

Anyway, the token to open the rooftop has already been obtained, and it would be good for Hongji to take the opportunity to return to Jiang Lin's side.

Of course, Lan Ling knew that all of these needed to be agreed with Red Eagle.

Back at the Thousand Machines Institute, Lan Ling did not immediately go to Hong Ji to discuss it for the sake of safety.

For some simple things now, they only need to communicate with each other through eye contact. When they meet each other, she hints and waits for the red eagle to arrange the agreed matters.

I don't know if Xianggong has finished his work now, and when will he be able to arrive in Huadu.

Lan Ling couldn't help but miss Jiang Lin, and at the same time she was also worried that her younger sister Chun Shisan had made Jiang Lin annoyed.

She didn't know that the two people she was thinking of were lingering at this moment.

At the end of the fifth watch, when the sky was about to dawn, Jiang Lin woke up. Looking at the young Chun Thirteen, who was still sleeping with his arms around him, Jiang Lin kissed his bright forehead, and then kissed his cherry blossoms again. A little bit on the lips.

This time should be the most uncomfortable time to stay up late.

Jiang Lin took off the pair of lotus arms of the thirteenth young master, and then got dressed and got out of bed. It is estimated that the military camp in Fucheng stayed up all night. In this case, he came with a powerful medicine.

Let the sergeants of the Fengcheng military camp be stunned, and the grass and trees are all soldiers.

He took a compass from the ancient mirror. After Jiang Lin cast the spell, he revealed the location of the fat woman Dorman. After that, he arranged a soundproof array around the bed and outside the room.

"Come on!"

"Kill it!"

"Capture Fengcheng!"

After the sound insulation formation was completed, Jiang Lin shouted in various tones in the room, and at the same time, he summoned the flying sword in the ancient mirror, causing the swords to strike with a sound of gold.

And in the mid-air in front of Jiang Lin, there were one after another sound transmission.

Chapter two thousand two hundred and ninety-two

After recording these noisy voices into the talisman, Jiang Lin went to the firewood room to grab a bundle of straw. After returning to the room, he started to tie up slap-sized straw men. Among these straw men, he stuffed them all. Lingshi.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also took the rice paper from the ancient mirror, tore it into the shape of a pike and a spear, and stuffed it into the hands of the straw man.

Anyway, Young Master Chun Shisan needs to take a good rest, not only because of his body, although he solved the hidden dangers of this girl's practice before, he still needs to meditate and adjust himself to lay a foundation for the future practice. , It is estimated that he will be able to set off tomorrow. Since this is the case, then he will make good use of this time.

After sticking the sound transmission on the scarecrow, Jiang Lin took the dust from the ground, rubbed it with spiritual power on his fingertips, and finally smeared it on the dry grass on the bottom of the straw man's feet.

Jiang Lin stepped forward, forming a seal with one hand and making a sword with his other hand, shouting, "Withered wood sinks into the soil, fertile soil feeds the wood, and the soil and wood are combined, let me escape!"

After Jiang Lin's shout fell, the soles of the grass figurines he had pricked out had white eyes and sank into the ground.

As Jianglin's handprint changed again, the grass figurine who had escaped into the ground emerged again.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin nodded, and then put these straw figures who had been casted by him and the gods' puppets together, so that the gods hugged the puppets one by one.

"go with!"

He pointed in the direction of the outside of the room, and the god-general soil puppet flew out and flew straight to the barracks in Fengcheng.


He wanted to drop these straw figures around the barracks, and give Doman and the soldiers everything they needed to be.

Just when the sky was about to light up and the sergeants in the military camp who were guarding against the enemy's attack relaxed their vigilance, the god general in midair flew around the military camp and threw the straw man in his arms, and then flew into the lush. among the trees.

In an instant, shouts of killing broke out around the barracks, and the shouts were also mixed with the sound of weapons colliding.

All of a sudden, the entire barracks was in chaos, and it was like being beaten with blood.

The grass figurines that Jiang Lin used the gods to drop the soil puppets all started to grow in size under the stimulation of the spirit stones in their bodies, and finally became life-size, and the weapons made of rice paper in the grass figurines' hands also flickered under the moonlight.

After that, the entire barracks seemed to have turned into a messy sheepfold, and warnings of enemy attacks kept coming out.

As for those grass figurines, they shrunk back after playing their role, and escaped into the ground, and those gods and dolls flew back the same way.

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