When there was no movement, Jiang Lin took back the flying god-general and the earth puppet, he laughed, he was so whole, it is estimated that the generals and soldiers in the barracks were not full of energy during the day.

When it falls into the night again, he will do a few more hands. After he and Chun Shisan leave, the grass figurines there will be able to consume the spiritual power in the inner spiritual stone on their own, and repeat their old tricks from time to time.

In this way, it can create the effect of "the wolf is coming" to the soldiers in the army camp.

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon receives the location of the Fucheng military camp, it will be possible to confuse the fake with the real.

The wolf is really coming.

Once Fucheng is captured, it is estimated that it will not be long before the insurgent army led by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon will be able to capture half of the Qianji Kingdom.

Looking at the sky, Jiang Lin went to the kitchen to prepare a pot of dragon meat soup for his bride with the keel and dragon meat he had saved and some medicinal herbs to strengthen the body.

The [*]th Young Master Chun actually has an excellent aptitude for cultivation, otherwise he would not condense a golden elixir just based on the inheritance he picked up, but this girl has not been able to follow the correct path over the years, nor has she The leader supervises, in this way, if you don't take care of your body well, you may only be able to stop at the peak of Jindan in the future.

Now that Young Master Chun Shisan has become the mistress of the Jiang family, Jiang Lin will naturally not only deal with the hidden dangers of his wife in the past, but also consider the future.

At noon, the sleeping young master Chun Shisan smelled the fragrance of the food and opened his eyes.

At this time, Jiang Lin just came in with a bowl, so he removed the soundproof array by the bed.

"It's noon, why didn't you wake me up? Let's go to Huadu and meet up with sisters Hongji and Lanling as soon as possible."

As soon as he saw the reflection of the trees outside the window, Young Master Chun Shisan realized that he had slept for so long.Originally, the time last night should have been used to hurry, but it was delayed because of her, which delayed another half day.

"Don't get up, take a good rest, I can't bear to let you get out of bed and walk. We won't go today. I have to make a little more about the things at the barracks at night, and continue to cast spells, so that the wind and trees are full of turmoil. We will leave tomorrow, just in time. It can also give you a day of rest."

Jiang Lin didn't let Chun Shisan get up. Since he has already made a move to open up the military camp in Fengcheng, he will not give up halfway, at least to achieve sufficient results.

"The wind is blowing, and the grass and trees are all soldiers? What do you mean? Are you going to the military camp?"

Young Master Chun Shisan didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Lin's words, and looked puzzled.


Jiang Lin told Chun Shisan what he did when the sky was still dark.

After hearing this, this girl blinked her eyes a few times, and then said to Jiang Lin with a cute and lively expression: "Jiang... Xianggong, let's go and have a look? People are devastated."

Thinking of the fat woman Duoman who was going to steal a man from him, Jiang Lin's means made him look like a smoker, and Chun Shisan found it funny.

It would be a pity if she hadn't seen with her own eyes that the fat woman treated the grass man as the enemy's embarrassment.

Moreover, she was aroused by Jiang Lin's words, how could some little people made of straw make Doman and the others mistakenly think they were the enemy?

Chapter [*] Jedi Flower Capital (Part [*])

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Jiang Lin smiled, now that he has just begun to let the Fucheng Barracks Cup Bow Snake Shadow, relatively speaking, the vigilance of those soldiers is still relatively high.

It's safer to come to the scene tonight to take care of it.

"Then will we waste time when we leave tomorrow? It's not what happened to my sister in Huadu."

Young Master Chun Shisan couldn't help but worry about Lan Ling, and wanted to rush to Huadu with Jiang Lin as soon as possible. At the same time, she also wanted to see her own sister as soon as possible and share her current joy.

Jiang Lin was finally willing to accept her. Like his sister, she became Jiang Lin's woman. From now on, she would no longer be like an outsider.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "I won't waste time, I'll just hurry up later. I don't plan to stay here too long, we'll leave before dawn tomorrow. Originally, if it wasn't for you to come back this time I didn't plan to delay in Fengcheng, but since I got here, I happened to meet that fat woman general, and it's okay to stop and do something. Besides, your foundation is not stable. It’s solved, it’s not appropriate to rush around for the time being, and I’ll just take advantage of this time to prepare some medicinal herbs for you to practice.”

After answering Spring Thirteenth Young Master, Jiang Lin pondered.Chun Shisan mentioned Huadu several times, but it made him a little concerned.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Young Master Chun Shisan, but he found that he seemed to have overlooked something.

Something is wrong.

Ningmei thought for a moment, and Jiang Lin linked some information together in his mind.

It seems that this time it really stopped right.

Thinking of some information, Jiang Lin felt that the fact that he was allowed to stay in Fengcheng because of the thirteenth young master was probably a warning to him.

Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling are the twin flowers in the folk prophecies of Qianji. According to what the high priest once said, the sister flowers of Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling can help the emperor mentioned in the prophecy. star.

But now, because of the participation of the Corpse Emperor who is not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, the Chai Tou and Charcoal Tou as the Emperor Star have no effect, but even if he appears, it may not be able to change the general trend.

This also means that the prophecy will still come true, but the key to the core has naturally become him. He replaced the Emperor Star in the prophecy.

And the auxiliary role of the twin flowers was transferred to him.

The so-called twin flowers can help the Emperor Star, and early warning is naturally a help.

This is the conclusion Jiang Lin came to after thinking about it just now.

As for what the warning was, of course, it was to delay his arrival in Huadu.

"Could it be... Huadu will be a Jedi for me?"

Jiang Lin muttered to himself, and now he found that he did not pay enough attention to the capital of Huadu.

In fact, this is not because Jiang Lin has become too forward-looking and has too many concerns. There is a reason for him to have such thoughts.

A few days ago, Jiang Lin learned that Lord Heimu had been captured by the Queen and was taken into Huadu, and Lord Heimu was originally a very normal man, but after arriving in Huadu, he became both yin and yang. of.

Moreover, Lord Heimu was still experimented by the queen with other men in an assembly-line way. If there is nothing special about Huadu, this is obviously unlikely.

Jiang Lin had investigated the condition of Lord Heimu at the time, and it was not because of the effect of drugs that Lord Heimu's body had changed. Anyway, he didn't know what was going on.

In addition to this, Jiang Lin just thought of the military camp in Fengcheng.

With the Queen's suspicious character, she must have sent someone to the ghost town to investigate. Knowing that the Dundi people had turned against the water, the Queen could not have imagined what role the special abilities of these people could play.

But along the way, not only Rongcheng, but the rest of the cities did not seem to be deliberately preventing something from burrowing out of the ground.

In other words, the Queen didn't take it seriously at all.

If the Queen was the same type of woman as the previous Red Eagle, she wouldn't be so careless.

Unless, the queen has a reliance on which there is no need to be afraid.

From this point of view, we still need to study more about the role of the Divine Sword on the way, so as not to make a big mistake.

With a plan in his mind, Jiang Lin suppressed these thoughts in his heart, sat on the edge of the bed with a bowl in his hand, put the pillow against the edge of the bed, and asked Chun Shisan Shao to sit on his back.

After that, he brought the porcelain bowl and soup spoon to the lips of Chun Shisan Shao, and said, "You're hungry, these are the medicinal soup made from the bones and flesh of a real dragon combined with other treasures. It should suit your taste."

Chun Shisan looked at Jiang Lin blankly. She thought that Jiang Lin didn't wake her up and cooked something to eat. After all, it was already noon, but now Jiang Lin told her that these medicinal soups were specially made made for her.

Jiang Lin actually cooks for her himself.

Even Hongji and her sister Lanling have not been treated like this.

Moreover, Jiang Lin wouldn't let her do it, just open her mouth and feed her.

Even though Young Master Chun Shisan once imagined that Jiang Lin would accept him, he never thought that he would be treated so specially by Jiang Lin.

"You... why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden? You don't want to poison me, are you irresponsible?"

Young Master Chun Shisan suddenly didn't know what was going on. Instead, he felt a little scared in his heart, for fear that after Jiang Lin wanted her, he would not be entangled by her and kill him directly.

"You girl!"

Jiang Lin glared at Chun Shisan Shao and said, "If I want to kill you, do I still need to poison you?"

Being teased by this girl, Jiang Lin wanted to laugh a little, and Jiang Lin explained: "I treat my women like this, and I will treat you better in the future. No matter what happened to you in the past, but now that you have become mine I will not treat you differently. Besides, I have beaten you, kicked you, and drowned you in the water before. As a husband, now and in the future, I will definitely take all the grievances you have suffered with me. Compensate it back. In the future, you will not only be loved by your own sister, but also spoiled by other sisters, and even spoiled by me."

After Jiang Lin said these words, Young Master Chun Shisan cried out with a "wow", making Jiang Lin cry.

Chapter [*] Jedi Flower Capital (Part [*])

Young Master Chun Thirteen didn't know how many years she had not cried like this, even if she was kicked out of the tent and hung on a tree by Jiang Lin, she never cried like this.

Jiang Lin actually wanted to make up for the hurt she had done to her in the past, and was willing to spoil her in the future.

She really never thought that she would be treated so favorably by Jiang Lin.

"Silly girl, don't cry, your husband deliberately got up early and made soup for you with the real dragon's tendons. You can't eat it while it's hot."

Jiang Lin reached out and wiped the tears on the face of the thirteenth young master of Chun, feeling a little distressed. This girl had suffered a lot of grievances when he was with him before.

"I eat."

Chun Shisan Shao nodded again and again, drinking keel soup and sobbing, he couldn't bear it any longer.

As for Jiang Lin's statement that the ingredients used in the medicinal soup are the muscles and bones of a real dragon, she has no doubt that Jiang Lin even has elixir, which is not surprising.

"Chun'er, you have suffered a lot of grievances in the past, and you should not cry in the future. My wives rarely cry. Except for me being away from home for a long time or being injured, they hardly shed any tears. Clean up your emotions and let the medicinal effects circulate in your body, these treasures can improve your physique, and if you continue to practice in the future, the upper limit can be raised a lot."

Jiang Lin comforted Chun Shisan with a soft voice, and even gave the girl a nickname. This girl has no father or mother since she was a child, and she doesn't even have a normal name.

Young Master Chun Shisan was also very obedient, and immediately mobilized the spiritual power in his body to disperse the medicinal effects of the bone soup all over the body. She also liked the affectionate address Jiang Lin gave her.

After eating and drinking, Young Master Chun Shisan felt that the spiritual power in his body seemed to have increased a lot, and his lovely face was full of happy smiles.


Leaning over and hugging Jiang Lin, Young Master Chun Shisan said: "Xianggong, you will hurt me more in the future. I was supposed to be in front of my sister, but she took a seat. In the future, they want to give you some fat babies quickly. , I can't fall behind my sister anymore."

"You girl, it's the same as what your sister said, I don't know how to be ashamed."

Jiang Lin smiled and pinched Chun Shisan's peach cheeks. This girl will probably stick to him like maltose in the future. In terms of stickiness, I'm afraid she won't lose to the sticky spirit Ayan in his family.

"Go to sleep, have a good life, and tell me where the exercises you practice are. I'll guide you in the things you practice in the future. After night, I'll wake you up."

There is still more than half a day before it gets dark. Jiang Lin just wants to see the inheritance of Chun Shisan Shao's cultivation. Whether it's his wife's self-defense or to deal with the queen later, his cultivation and strength still need to be improved. .

"It's in the box over there. Xianggong, if you want to read, come to the bed, I can't sleep without you by my side~"

Young Master Chun Shisan pointed to the iron box in the corner, and then sneered at Jiang Lin's coquettishness.

"According to your."

Jiang Lin nodded helplessly, and then turned over the inheritance that Chun Thirteen had picked up in the past, and went into the bed to look it up.

As for the [*]th Young Master Chun, she was staring at Jiang Lin. The things she experienced were really like a dream.

It didn't take long for Chun Shisan to fall asleep, and he was still talking in his sleep, thanks to the fat woman General Duoman.

Without the help of this fat woman, how could she have such a good husband.

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