When the sky was getting dark, Jiang Lin woke up the young master Chun Shisan and carried her to the surrounding of the barracks.

"Xiang Gong, those grass figurines can actually emerge from the ground and grow bigger. No wonder that fat woman from Doman was so frightened."

Young Master Chun Shisan and Jiang Lin were hiding in the trees around the barracks. Seeing Jiang Lin's means, Young Master Chun Shisan lightly covered his mouth, thinking it was incredible.

"These are all minor tricks in my hometown. If you're interested, I'll teach you later. Come on, try it out, and follow my method to control them."

Jiang Lin bit his fingertips, tapped Chun Shisan Shao's forehead, and then taught her how to control the grass figurine.

Until the fourth watch, the thirteenth young master of Chun was about to burst into laughter. She followed Jiang Lin's instructions and made everyone in the military camp not far away as long as they heard a little bit of trouble, they thought that there was an enemy attack, but after they were empty , one by one, all swearing.

As for the commander Doman, he was like a shrew, hysterical scolding in the big tent.

Looking at the sky, Jiang Lin didn't let Young Master Chun Shisan continue to make trouble.

"Chun'er, you come to ride a horse, I have to concentrate on studying the mystery of the Divine Sword."

Carrying Young Master Chun Shisan to the place where the horse was tied, Jiang Lin asked Young Master Chun Shisan to mount the horse and sit behind him.

During his rush to Huadu, he needs to make reasonable use of it.

Chun Shisan didn't say much, just hit the horse and drove Jiang Lin to the destination.

At noon two days later, Jiang Lin was on a high mountain overlooking the city twenty miles below.

There is Huadu.

"Nima! Why is this whole flower a powerful formation?"

After gathering his eyes to look at it, the expression on Jiang Lin's face became a little ugly.

Looking down from a high place, he saw the whole picture of Huadu, and naturally also saw the layout of this national capital.

The pattern formed by the buildings of the entire Huadu forms a huge swastika.

Jiang Lin really did not expect that the Queen would actually have the ability to turn a huge city with such a large area into a powerful killing formation.

If the queen starts the big formation, then the entire flower will become impregnable, even if it is forcibly attacked, it will be sent to the big formation by itself.

Maybe he didn't even know how he died.

This Huadu is really like the one he guessed before, it is a Jedi.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If he hadn't paid more attention to this city beforehand and had overlooked it from a high place around Huadu, he would have been in big trouble.

Temporary use of all means of defense is equally useless.

If he doesn't check anything, he enters Huadu, even if he has the body of immortality, I am afraid he will become a puddle of powder.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Young Master Chun Shisan put his chin on Jiang Lin's shoulder and asked what Jiang Lin found.

Since she was carried by Jiang Lin, she was unwilling to come down. She didn't even want to walk, she just wanted to stick to Jiang Lin and let Jiang Lin carry her or hold her wherever she went.

"Your Huadu, it's a place where even the angels can't go back if they break in."

Jiang Lin's face darkened slightly, and he checked the key points of the overall layout of Huadu again, and finally confirmed that he had not made a mistake in judgment.

Chapter [-] Blood Temple Swastika Array

"Isn't it? Hey, why do the flowers look like this? They are square. Could it be that this is a giant magic circle?"

Young Master Chun Shisan followed Jiang Lin's gaze and found that the overall layout of Huadu was very neat, so she was stunned for a moment.

In the past two days, Jiang Lin also told her some knowledge about cultivation and her past experience, so she would associate the flowers with the big formation.

Young Master Chun Shisan heard Jiang Lin mention Anyang City. Anyang City is a city that was set up as a large magic circle by a terrifying ghost wood old demon.

"Yes, even I can't see the key formation, which is related to Buddhism. If I'm not mistaken, this formation should be the Swastika Formation of the Blood Temple, similar to an evil monk who appeared many years ago. 'Blood Brahma Tathagata' is related."

Jiang Lin nodded, and now he finally understood why he couldn't even understand the situation in Lord Heimu's body.

He is a Taoist priest who cultivates Taoism. Although he has a little knowledge of Buddhist methods, he is not a Buddhist practitioner.

Naturally, he couldn't see much doorway.

And Lord Heimu and the men who were captured by the Queen at the same time should have been influenced by this great formation.

As for how Jiang Lin recognized such a formation, it was because he knew a Buddhist monk with a very high level of cultivation—the eminent monk Fudo, who was the dwarf Arhat he met at Chantan Temple.

It was also in the Zhantan Temple of the immovable monk that Jiang Lin entered the Wanhua Forest by chance and became attached to the flower fairy peony there.

Later, Jiang Lin tried his best to solve the problem of his wife Jiang Ting with the help of the power of the immovable monk, and stayed in Wanhualin for a while.

During that time, he had approached the immortal monk to thank him, and at the same time, he also discussed with the latter his experience in the practice of the Tao.

This blood temple swastika formation was mentioned by the immortal monk, and it was a killing formation created by an evil monk named Blood Temple Tathagata.

The immovable monk also had a fight with this evil monk.

"Blood Temple Swastika Formation? What kind of magic formation is this? Is it true that even the Heavenly Immortals have gone to nowhere?"

Chun Shisan rarely saw Jiang Lin's expression solemn, and realized that the matter was not so serious, so he became worried.

"I once met an eminent monk, and I heard about this magic circle from him. After this great circle was created by the Xuesha Tathagata, the evil monk wanted to use such a killing circle to turn the Buddha into a demon. If you don't want to, then there will only be a vanishing end. This great formation can make the loving Buddha into the devil, the spiritual power into evil, and the yang into yin. Heimu is transformed from a man to a woman under the moonlight, it is estimated that this is the same as this The big formation is inseparable from the relationship. Back then, this blood temple Tathagata even wanted to use this big formation to build his own Buddhist kingdom."

Jiang Lin told Chun Shisan Shao about his understanding of this magic circle. The queen has such a strong barrier to protect it, no wonder she has no fear.

"Then what should we do? Sister Hongji and Lanling are still in Huadu. Are we going to Huadu?"

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Young Master Chun Shisan immediately lost his mind. To enter Huadu, he undoubtedly took the initiative to run into this magic circle.

But if they don't enter Huadu, what will happen to Red Eagle and Lan Ling?

"Of course I'm going. I have to go too. There are my two wives in it."

Jiang Lin glanced again, and then walked along the mountain with Chun Shisan on his back, preparing to observe it from another angle.

As long as he saw some eyebrows, he immediately entered Huadu.

Red Eagle and Lan Ling, as well as the ascending platform to Sky City, were all in Huadu, so he couldn't help but go.

No matter how dangerous it is, he has to make a breakthrough.

Moreover, he had checked it carefully just now, and the swastika formation formed by the entire flower capital seemed to be somewhat different from what he had learned.

The method of the blood temple swastika formation is endless resentment and corpse mountains and blood seas, which, the flowers below do not have.

In other words, the blood temple swastika array formed by this city is likely to be a copycat version.

Even if the queen is not weak, she should not be able to completely reproduce such a Buddhist circle.

Jiang Lin recalled the scene when he was talking with the eminent monk Fudo. He deduced that the cultivation of the evil monk Xuesha Tathagata should be not much different from the eminent monk Fufu in his peak period, who was already a practitioner of the Arhat level.

The queen wants to rectify the formation created by such Buddhist cultivators, but understanding alone is not enough.

Moreover, in normal times, this giant killing formation should be in an inactive state.

It is estimated that it is the trump card used by the queen to defend against the rebels.

This also means that as long as he is in Huadu, he and Chun Shisan Shao are careful not to be known by the queen, and their lives will not be in danger.

However, even if Jiang Lin considered this, he did not relax at all.

The ability of the queen cannot be underestimated at all.

With such a huge city, how can the huge magic circle be built for fun?

Even if it is a copycat version, it cannot be underestimated.

The flower capital of Qianji Country is much bigger than the original Anyang City.

"I see."

After walking for half an hour, Jiang Lin raised his brows after seeing some of the statues of gods in Huadu.

He finally knew how this killing formation started.

The air of robbery.

That is, when the entire Daluo Immortal Realm suffered a calamity, the yin qi resentment and suffocation that appeared.

These were actually stored by the queen using the statue of the goddess as a container.

The reason why Jiang Lin was able to discover this was because what he was thinking of at the beginning was to let the Da Luo Immortal Realm appear in a calamity, so that he could break through the realm.

In addition, when he united with Zhong Kui and a group of immortals to besiege Wutian, he had gathered a lot of such auras, so he was so familiar with it.

It seems that there is no way.

After Jiang Lin discovered this, he descended the mountain and prepared to enter Huadu.

As long as the Queen activates the magic circle, releasing the Yin Qi stored in the statue of the goddess, or interrupting its connection with the killing circle, the killing circle can be paralyzed.

Fortunately, he can let the Dundi people cooperate with this kind of thing.

Chapter [-] All three wives have been arrested! (superior)

"Xianggong, have you seen the doorway?"

Hearing Jiang Lin's chuckle, Young Master Chun Shisan asked.

"Yes, at present, the Queen will not start such a big formation. It should wait until Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others have attacked Huadu, and then use this as a reliance on the comeback. Although it is dangerous below, it should not be in a short time. What's the problem."

After Jiang Lin responded to Chun Shisan, he began to figure it out. If the queen knew that he was the leader of the uprising army, and learned that he had entered Huadu, it would not be very good.

To deal with him alone, as long as a part of the power of this large-scale killing formation is activated, it is almost enough.

In this case, even if Red Eagle and Lan Ling have already obtained the token, it is not easy to turn against the Queen.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin said: "Don't worry, with me, even if any danger comes, I will stand in front of you. After entering Huadu, you have to listen to me to ensure that Hongji and Lanling are not safe. Before, I couldn't make any mistakes. Well, I'm tired of being too big, it's time to come down, you still plan to let me carry you into the city?"

Jiang Lin patted Chun Shisan Shao's ass, it's time to come down, it's not because he has 502 glue on his back, so he can still keep it on his back?

"I know that you love us, Xianggong, don't worry, I'm very obedient."

Young Master Chun Shisan stretched out his head and kissed Jiang Lin's face, and then said, "This place is still far from the city gate, so let's wait until it's close and then come down."

"You, you are just a lump of maltose, sticking people to death."

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