Even if she broke the window and found that Lan Ling was with a girl, she felt that Lan Ling was not meeting the Emperor Star, so she really wanted to ask what was going on.

But the content on the paper ball has made her no need to conduct any interrogation.

Lan Ling not only deceived her with bitter tricks from the very beginning, but also sang a loyal and treacherous scene with Red Eagle, and teamed up to deceive her.

What makes the queen even more irritating is that she actually believed it, she gave Lan Ling enough trust, and sent the Qianji lock out. Not long ago, she even put her biggest reliance in Huadu - the formation of the big array. The picture is handed over.

It's a pity that the Queen still doesn't know that she has won the two sisters in front of her, and it is impossible to swallow them alive.

Even if her cultivation level is the highest in the entire Thousand Machines Nation, there is no way to do it.

Unless it was to use Huadu's blood brake swastika formation to deal with the two sisters, but now, the big formation is being manipulated by Jiang Lin.

Now she is so angry that when she takes down these two sisters, she will be able to explode her lungs.

Chapter [*] can't hurt, so it's a good entertainment! (middle)

"Sister, withdraw!"

Chun Shisan Shao waved his arm, and threw a eagle feather flying arrow from his sleeve. Almost at the same time, she rubbed the palm of her hand on her waist bag, and a magic seal appeared on the palm of her hand.

With one palm expelled to the side, Young Master Chun Shisan used the seal in his palm to blast the walls of the guest room.

After the Spring Thirteenth Young Master jumped out, Lan Ling also followed closely, and at the same time, he also melted away the treasure in his belly.

With a press on the pocket with her palm on her waist, Lan Ling summoned a gear-shaped Frisbee and sacrificed it.

This is the magic weapon that Jiang Lin gave her. It was originally used to prepare her and Hongji to escape from the palace if they were noticed by the queen.

Now that the Queen is in front of her, Lan Ling can't take much care of it. For now, she can only get out of the current predicament.

The queen was also shocked when she saw the magic weapon that suddenly attacked her. She immediately hugged each other, and electromagnetic arc sparks appeared in her palms, which resisted the attacking Eagle Feather Flying Arrow and Frisbee. At the same time, the spiritual power in her body also All poured out, protecting the whole body.

Even if she reacted quickly and defended in time, the queen was pushed by the power of these two instruments and her feet slipped back, her back hit the table, and the table by the wall was smashed.

"I want to detain the souls of both of you, and put them in the bedroom to light the lamp!"

The crown on the queen's head fell off like a mad woman with disheveled hair.

"You still want to go? Where are you going! A pair of bastards, die for me!"

Staring with her eyes, the queen's palms condensed the spiritual power of her whole body, discharged two crimson spiritual power drills from the air, and blasted towards the backs of Lan Ling and Chun Shisan.

However, when these two attacks touched the backs of the two sisters, light appeared around their bodies, and the intricate runes shone with golden light, deflecting the queen's attack.

However, because of the force on their bodies, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were forced to fly forward for a certain distance before landing.

"I said how dare you plan things in front of me, it turns out that you have nothing to fear! Two turtle mothers, with turtle shells on their bodies, gave you so much courage!"

Seeing that her attack had no effect at all, the queen was so angry that she was almost burned out. After that, she stepped out in one step, flew across the sky, and chased after the two sisters.

At the same time, she kept pushing her palms forward, one after another huge illusory palm prints covering Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao.

However, still no effect.

The blood and bone marrow of the real dragon, as well as the protective runes drawn by the real yuan, can't be broken in a while.

"I don't believe that I have tried all my means, and I still can't break the tortoise shells of your two cheap servants! I can't hurt you anymore?!"

The queen became even more hysterical, and asked all the guards to attack and kill the two sisters with all their strength.

She was played as a monkey by Lan Ling and others, and now she has nothing to do with the other party, how can she endure this?

For a long time, the queen is that whoever is born will live, and whoever perishes will die.

Now that she does it herself, she can't hurt anyone.

What a big joke!

If this has always been the case, it means that even if she arrests someone, there is nothing she can do.

Lan Ling is like this, then Red Eagle must be like this.

When she thought that she couldn't dismember these three cheap servants, the queen was so angry that she kept screaming like a mental patient.

At this time, the guards below and in the guest room all drew their bows and arrows after the Queen's order, and one after another of feathered arrows shot out, forming a rain of arrows, falling towards Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao.

Even some of the guards with strong skills and cultivation have been lined up in an array, working together, condensing one wall of light after another, and blasting at the two sisters.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao didn't have any passive defense either. They took out the attack weapon that Jiang Lin had left on them from their pockets and pockets to resist the attack from the queen behind them and break through the resistance ahead.

The two sisters have been rushing to kill a street, and the magic tools that keep appearing in their hands do not know how many lives of the guards have been harvested.

Even, they all followed the method taught by Jiang Lin to make the magic weapon self-destruct.

Although the attacks of the queen and the guards failed to cause any harm to Lan Ling and the others, they still interfered.The number of guards brought by the queen is quite large. In terms of ability, they are much stronger than ordinary elite soldiers. Moreover, these guards have already set up capture and kill nets in advance. It is enough for them to get out of trouble, not to mention There is a queen behind them who has been attacking and killing them.

It didn't take long for Lan Ling and the others to be blocked by various obstacles and unable to move forward, and were surrounded by guards.

"Sister, the situation is not good. I collected these attacking tools, retained the spiritual power in my body, and delayed the time to wait for the arrival of my husband."

After the queen was completely ruthless, the two sisters were slapped on their backs by the queen's palm, making them unable to maintain their balance.Lan Ling judged the situation in a very short time, and immediately and decisively asked her sister to save her spiritual power to support the operation of the protective runes and defensive instruments on her body.

Even if they fall into the hands of the queen, this crazy woman can't hurt them in a short time. The longer their protective effect lasts, the more time and opportunity they can give Jiang Lin.


Young Master Chun Shisan immediately took the magic weapon back into his pocket, and took out a dragon-patterned collar and put it on his neck, and also put a pair of tortoise armor on his wrists.

As for Lan Ling, he took out a tiger-headed armor from his pocket and hung it on the front body, and then summoned a pair of bat wings, so that the two bat wings were plunged into the flesh and blood of his shoulders.

As soon as these guarantees were made, the two sisters were bound together with iron chains by a sanitation student.

The queen flew over, and her palms landed on the heavenly spirits of Lan Ling and Chun Shisan respectively, but no matter how she mobilized the spiritual power in her body, she still couldn't hurt the pair of sisters.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao have dragon shadows circulating on their bodies, and they emit slight dragon roars from time to time. In addition to the dragon shadow, the two of them also have golden runes flowing on their bodies, forming a rune shield for body protection.

"Catch it, catch it, how can you handle us, why don't you use your dog's mouth to bite it."

A proud smile appeared on the face of Chun Shisan Shao, what if my husband was not by our side?

He treats us like priceless treasures, and he is not willing to let us suffer any damage.

If we can't run, we can't run. If you have the ability, you can put us in a frying pan.

I gave you a kick at the bottom of the pot.

The Queen was mocked by Young Master Chun Shisan, and her eyes turned blood red.

Burn in anger.

"I don't believe that I can't hurt you two bitches!"

The queen's molars rubbed against each other, rattling, and even if an iron nail was put into her mouth, it could be chewed into a pile of iron filings.

After that, the furious queen snatched the silver spear from the guards around her, ignoring the majesty of the emperor at all, and jabbed wildly at Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao.

In the end, even the silver gun was bent.

"You gun, the silver rod wax gun head, is useless."

Young Master Chun Shisan made a face at the Queen again. She quite liked to see the Queen who wanted to eat her but couldn't help it.

"Okay, I can't hurt you, can I? In that case, I will treat you well!"

The queen laughed in anger. Although she was furious just now, she was not simply venting the anger in her heart.

It can't hurt, can it?

Can't hurt, can it?

Okay, I don't hurt, not only I don't hurt, but I'm still entertaining!

"Take it back! That immature red vulture can't let her go!"

The queen waved her hand, and the guards behind pushed out the prison cart, pushing Lan Ling and Young Master Chun Shisan inside.

Chapter [*] can't hurt, so it's good to entertain! (Down)

In the prison car, Young Master Chun Shisan was very lively and didn't take it seriously at all.

She knew that Jiang Lin would definitely find them and rescue them.

Jiang Lin put so much effort into her and Lan Ling's body, and the queen was so angry that she was like a crazy woman, and she couldn't do anything about them. It could be seen that Jiang Lin really took them seriously.

Jiang Lin hadn't arrived for so long, and most of them had been entangled in some trouble. As long as the trouble was resolved, they would definitely be considered in the first place.

However, unlike Young Master Chun Shisan, Lan Ling has scruples in her heart. If the Queen is always so angry, it's nothing.

The more angry a woman is, the easier it is to lose her wisdom. The reason why she and the Red Eagle were able to hide from the sky and not make the Queen suspicious is because the Queen knew that the High Priest really wanted to betray and treason, and they also saw the leader of the High Priest. Level and angry to the extreme.

But just now, the queen seemed to have suppressed her anger. Once the queen regained her senses, it would be quite terrifying, many times more terrifying than the previous Red Eagle.

For some reason, Lan Ling always had a bad intuition in her heart.

It didn't take long for the queen and a group of guards to take the two sisters to the street in front of the palace.

At this time, Red Eagle was breaking through the siege on the street, and Red Eagle was also very vigilant. When thousands of guards rushed to Xuanji Courtyard, she became alert, and she left the palace while retreating and fighting.

The queen flew out of the imperial carriage, and the many guards behind her attacked from back and forth, and it took a long while to take down the red eagle.

But even if the red eagle was captured, like Lan Ling and the others, there was not a single hair on his body.

Moreover, the three sisters were still chatting in the prison car. Hongji asked if the thirteenth young master of Chun had been stalking or drugging Jiang Lin, which made Jiang Lin confused and didn't know the east, west, north, south, and let her and Lan Ling A long wait.

Young Master Chun Shisan shouted, saying that Jiang Lin took the initiative to ask her, and she would not be bothered by how she acts like a spoiled child.

Hearing the three sisters in the prison car talking like no one else was around, the queen was really so angry that there was no pain in her heart.

When Hongji and the others were taken by the Queen to the underground palace, Huadu was underground, and Jiang Lin had already accumulated enough power for the Dragon Shadow Sword Array.

"Break it for me!"

With a loud shout, Jiang Lin controlled the surrounding gods to absorb the spiritual stone inside, and together with him, he focused the power of the sword array on one point.

With a "bang", the prisons around Jiang Lin and the sword formation were washed away by the power of the magic formation, and Jiang Lin also made a vertical leap at this time, jumping out of the gap in the ground.

And the gods in the ground still maintain the operation of the sword array mechanically, and continue to gather Yin Qi and evil spirits to increase the power of the sword array.

Jiang Lin didn't delay at all, and galloped towards the center of Huadu according to the direction of the palace in the map in his mind.

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