After running for four or five miles, an illusory light and shadow appeared in front of Jiang Lin. Seeing this, he jumped to a big tree on the street.

This is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon contacting him.

When he was in the underground castle, before leaving, Jiang Lin told Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon a way to contact him, that is, the gossip sound transmission array in Maoshan Taoism.

On the way to Huadu, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also used this method to inquire him from a long distance.

"Your Majesty... Brother Jiang, good news, our rebel army is already stationed a hundred miles away from Huadu, and we will be able to take Huadu directly after tomorrow. I didn't expect this event to be so easy. Thanks to Jiang For the credit of my brother, if it hadn’t been easy to take down the city, and really have the qualifications to wrestle with the queen, I’m afraid it will take time to conquer the mountains and rivers.”

The light and shadow in front of Jiang Lin gradually solidified, revealing the figure of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. At this time, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon should be in the military tent, waiting for the next step.

"So soon? Then you came at the right time!"

Jiang Lin did not expect that it would not be long before Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others did their thing, that they would be able to overwhelm the realm with a large army, and they would be able to attack Huanglong Mansion the day after tomorrow.

After a little thought, Jiang Lin understood the reason. On the one hand, it must have been the bitter queen of the world for a long time, and everyone responded to overthrow the queen together. On the other hand, I am afraid it has something to do with the queen.

The Queen has Huadu's reliance, and it is estimated that she would like to be attacked by the uprising army led by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

As long as you enter Huadu, you will lose as much as you come.

At that time, the remaining rebel army will be a group of dragons without a leader and no one to lead, and those elite soldiers in Huadu have been waiting for their work, all rushed out, and they will be invincible. Recover everything.

This is the Queen's golden abacus, and it's really good.

However, now that Jiang Lin knew that the flowers were all in one big formation, it was impossible for the Queen to make such an abacus.

"Since this is the case, then the march will continue, but I have something to tell you. Now, I am in Huadu, I found that this capital is actually a Jedi built by the queen. The whole flower is a terrifying The giant killing formation is the Buddhist blood temple swastika formation. The reason why the army will fight so smoothly and the results are so gratifying, I am afraid it is the Queen's intention to let it go. As long as the army invades Huadu, how many people will die and how many will they advance? out."

Jiang Lin told Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon about the situation in Huadu. After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon heard about it, he was almost stunned.

Huadu turned out to be a giant killing formation, how is this possible?

However, no matter how shocked he was, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon still did not doubt Jiang Lin's words, and Jiang Lin had no need to deceive him at all.

"Then... Brother Jiang, if that's the case, why do you continue to march? Isn't that what the army has thrown into its own snare?"

"Of course we have to continue the march, otherwise, the Queen will be suspicious. Now the Queen does not know that I have arrived in Huadu, and it is even less likely that someone will recognize such a huge killing formation. Therefore, the army must march normally, not Let the Queen notice the clue. However, it is estimated that the Queen does not understand this great formation deeply. Now I have found a key node of the great formation, and destroying it can block the start of the killing formation. However, this is still That's not enough, so, in addition to the normal march of the army, you quickly bring some tribal leaders and all the Dundi tribesmen to Huadu and enter the capital from the underground. It is necessary to make the large formation invalid or completely paralyzed. Dundi people. As for you, you will enter the palace with me and deal with the queen."

After a short pause, Jiang Lin continued: "Come over to me as quickly as possible, what I was doing was exposed, and the three wives were captured by the queen, I have to rescue them quickly."


Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was stunned when he heard the words, and then he suppressed his smile.

Fortunately, the queen is a woman, otherwise, Jiang Lin's three beautiful wives are not sure how they will be treated.

"Will you try to laugh at me again?"

Jiang Lin's face darkened. His three wives were all taken away by the queen, which made him feel so frustrated. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon actually wanted to laugh.

"This is the map of Huadu. You write down the location of the palace and enter from the south gate of Huadu. In addition, if the Dundi people arrive, they will stay at this location. Once they hear a loud noise and find that the statue of a goddess has collapsed and damaged, they will Just take those places as the center and dig around hard."

Jiang Lin showed the map of Huadu in front of the light and shadow, and explained how Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon should let the Dundi people behave.After that, he bit his finger again and clicked on several places on the map, and also asked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to tell the Dundi people to remember the location.

The place marked at the back of Jiang Lin is the key point of the big formation that he discovered after reading the formation diagram that Chun Shisan Shao showed him through the Xuanguang mirror.

Just destroy it all.

After giving the instructions, Jiang Lin continued to gallop towards the Huadu Palace.

At this time, in the underground of the palace, Red Eagle Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were both tied to stone pillars, while the Queen not far away looked at the earth wall in front of her, her eyes blurry.

Just now, the queen had summoned her sister who was integrated with the wall of prophecy, and because of this, she knew that Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were the twin flowers in the prophecy.

And this pair of twins, like Red Eagle, have become the women of the Emperor Star.

"Queen, you don't have to worry about it. Our man is no longer a dragon among men. We have the protection measures he left behind. In any case, you can't hurt us."

At this time, seeing that the queen seemed to be thinking deeply, the red eagle opened her mouth to speak, intending to interrupt the queen's thoughts.

Normally, it is impossible for the queen to hurt them, and she had just learned from the young master Chun Shisan that Jiang Lin had seen the map through the Xuanguang mirror.

Jiang Lin never showed up, probably because something was going on.But in terms of its ability, most of the killing formations have now had problems.

Therefore, the Queen just wanted to use the power of the big array to cramp and peel them, but she couldn't do it.

However, Red Eagle had a bad premonition. This queen is an extremely terrifying mad woman, and she may not give up so easily.

Squinting and smiling, the queen said, "I didn't want to hurt you. Now I just want to show the friendship of the landlords and entertain the three of you. If I can't hurt you, I can't entertain you?"

Saying that, the queen stretched out her hand and called out her sister in the wall of prophecy again.

"Sister, I hated you for so long, and you are tired. Now I have someone I hate even more, you can rest."

The queen pinched her sister's neck and deformed her own sister's illusory body.

However, there were some tears in the eyes of the queen.

"Sister, you..."

The queen's sister stared at the queen in a daze, and then screamed, and flames of spiritual power appeared all over her body.

It didn't take long for the queen's sister to become a mass of soul matter.

Before Red Eagle and the others could react, the soul substance in the Queen's hand was divided into three, rushed towards the three of them, and entered their mouths and noses.

"What's going on? Sister Hongji, what is the Queen's method? Why is the protection on our body ineffective?"

After inhaling the soul substance, Young Master Chun Shisan looked at the Red Eagle with a look of shock, but the Red Eagle didn't know what was going on, and a cloud of light also entered her body just now.

As a result, the red eagle quickly probed the situation in the body, but found that there was no abnormality at all.

"Don't worry, I said that if I treat you well, I will treat you well. That is the essence of my sister's soul, and it will be of great benefit to you."

The queen smiled while crying, and then continued: "The means of protection on your body is to prevent everything from the outside world from causing harm and damage to you, the essence of my sister's soul, that is beneficial to you. A harmful thing, this can be regarded as a treasure of heaven and earth, and the protective measures on your body will naturally not work."

After listening to the Queen's explanation, Hong Eagle's face became more and more ugly. She would never believe that the Queen would kill her twin sister with her own hands and bring benefits to the three of them.

"Why, aren't you satisfied with my hospitality?"

The queen still had a smile on her face, but it gradually became hideous. She gave a grim smile and said, "You three have a pair of twins, and my sister and I are twins. You, what do you know? Do you want sisters to be united?"

Chapter two thousand three hundred and two

Hearing the Queen's words and seeing the hideous expression on the latter's face, Red Eagle immediately felt bad. Although she still didn't know what means the Queen was using, she obviously had an idea to deal with it. they.

Struggling to move, the red eagle condensed the spiritual power of his body, ready to break the chain on his body.

In the current situation, she absolutely can't sit still.

Although Jiang Lin had thought a lot about their safety, he had basically considered everything that should be considered, but he should have never expected that all three of them would be caught by the Queen, let alone that the Queen actually used her biological sister as a means. .

However, even if Hong Jiumao struggled with all his strength, it still didn't work.

The chains tied to her and Lan Ling were not ordinary chains. They were specially used for cultivators like them. Not only were they made of special materials, they were also engraved with many runes.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan rarely saw that Hong Ji's expression was wrong, and it was difficult to calm down, and they also wanted to break free from the chains on their bodies.

At this time, the queen looked at the three of them like a clown, and said: "Although I don't know your man, what kind of character that Emperor Star is, but I don't think it's easy. He left you behind. The means he used can make you more than the Nine Lives Cat. However, I want to see if he can handle the means he left on you!"

After letting out a sneer, the queen began to put her hands together, and while the handprints kept changing, she was still chanting an obscure incantation.

Now, the Queen is looking forward to it.

These three lowly maids were regarded as darlings by their men, for fear that they would be hindered in the slightest, and even she was helpless.

Not to mention Red Eagle and Lan Ling, because they have to get the Qianji lock in the palace and have protective measures on their body, which is understandable, but the Spring Thirteenth Young Master is not in the palace, but his body is the same as Red Eagle and Lan Ling. .

This kind of protection means that the queen is like a tiger eating a hedgehog, and she can't speak at all. Unless she uses the power of the big array, otherwise, no matter what means she uses, there is nothing she can do.

However, the power of the Great Array is not something that can be used when you want to.

That is to say, even if the queen clenched her teeth with hatred, she could not do anything about these three women.

Since she can't do it, let others find a way.

Who can think of a way? Of course, it is the man that these three women have in common.

This is what the Queen is looking forward to. Just now, she sent the soul essence of her sister into the Red Eagle and the others. This is indeed a pure benefit to the Red Eagle.

However, if she can control these soul substances, this is a matter of two things.

The Queen and her sister are twin sisters of a single child. Using this relationship, the Queen has the means to control what belongs to her sister.

It is equivalent to her sending her soul substance into the bodies of the three of them.

In this way, she can control the three women and make them turn around and deal with her man.

The Queen is really looking forward to seeing such a scene, the husband and wife kill each other, what a sight to see.

As long as the red vultures and the others are still under control, they can create thorny troubles, and if they want to solve such troubles, it is naturally unavoidable that they will be hurt, and even the three women will be killed.

Thinking of this, a very proud smile appeared on the Queen's face. At that time, the Red Eagle and the others were equivalent to three incomparably strong talismans, which could not only protect her, but also serve as three invincible talismans for her. weapon.

It can withstand any attack, and can take advantage of this advantage to slaughter in the enemy army.

At the same time as the empress's seal was singing, Hongji and Lanling felt a sharp pain in their minds, and the pain was unbearable for them.

It didn't take long for their pupils to change color, and finally they turned into dark blue, and all three pairs of eyes looked empty.

Completely controlled by the Queen.

From a certain point of view, the protective measures that Jiang Lin left on his three wives are not ineffective. Even if the Red Eagle and the others were controlled by the queen, they did not suffer any harm.

When he was on the ghost town passenger ship, Jiang Lin had already regarded Red Eagle as his wife, so he added some other functions to the runes on Red Eagle.

Not only to resist attacks, some toxins or drugs with special functions, and mental attacks such as mind capture, he also thought of it.

The array patterns on Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao at the back also had the same effect.

Even if Red Eagle and Lan Ling encountered the worst situation and were captured by the Queen and fed them with poison, there would be no problem, and the mixed poison would be ineffective.

Jiang Lin even imagined that these two women of his might be drugged by the queen, become distraught, unable to control themselves, and do something.

Jiang Lin has taken precautions against these situations. Now, he just sprinkles the enhanced version of the psychedelic incense that Chun Shisan used before on Hongji and the others. .

However, no matter how carefully Jiang Lin thought about it, this time, he was still ignorant.

Just as the Queen said before, the protective means on the Red Eagle and the others can only protect them from being hindered and damaged, but there is no way to prevent them from simply benefiting.

Therefore, the soul essence of the queen's sister was directly absorbed by the Red Eagle and the others.

In any other situation, this is a ten percent benefit.

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