The bad thing is that these soul essences can be controlled by the queen after they enter the body of others.

Even if Jiang Lin was a hypothetical emperor, he would not be able to assume such a situation.

Who would have thought that in order to target Hongji and the others, the queen would refine her own sister alive, so as to control these three sisters.

"Hmph, twin flowers, I will let you open as soon as I let you, and let you thank you, and you will wither!"

Seeing that the three women had become puppets, the queen blew a whistle, and after a while, a flying eagle flew in from outside.

Then the queen took out a finger-sized tubular whistle from the bracelet and blew it.

Enter the spell to control the red eagle and the others into the whistle, and the queen put it into the eagle's throat.

When the day dawned, she would need to preside over the work of starting the grand formation, so she had no time to be distracted, and the three lowly servants were controlled by the flying eagle, and she could just monitor it through the eagle eye.

"The palace is so big, where can I find Red Eagle and the others?"

At this time, Jiang Lin had already rushed to the street in front of the palace, looking at the palace wall in front of him, his head was a little big.

Before, he had used the technique of tracing the source to cooperate with the compass, and wanted to find out the location of the red eagles and the others, but this method was invalid because of the special feng shui of the palace.

This also means that he wants to find his three wives as soon as possible in this huge palace.

Chapter [-] I'm sorry, I cheated my teammates (Part [-])

Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, and let the corpse poison in the bones enter the flesh and blood, hiding his figure and sneaking into the palace.

However, after entering the palace, it may be because there are celestial statues outside the palace that echo each other and have strange invisible powers, which causes his invisibility ability to fail from time to time.

Therefore, Jiang Lin can only be careful and then be careful. Now that he has not seen Hongji and the others, he does not know how his three wives are. In this case, he can avoid trouble as much as possible.

However, Jiang Lin has been groping in the palace until the beginning of the fifth watch, but has not found any trace of Hongji and the others.

This made him a little anxious.

So, after weighing it up, Jiang Lin changed his voice and appearance, and asked the guards patrolling in the palace where Hong Ji and the others were being held.

It is a pity that the patrolling guards did not know where the Red Eagle and Lan Ling were being held.

In desperation, Jiang Lin found another team of guards, falsely claiming to be looking for the Queen to report his urgency, trying to find out where the Queen was.

After getting the whereabouts of the queen, Jiang Lin went directly to find the queen's bedroom.

After searching for so long, and failing to find his wives, Jiang Lin is not going to waste any more time, the big deal is to start a war with the queen ahead of time.

Time has not allowed him to continue such a carpet search.

In case the queen has a means he can't think of, two or three hours have passed, maybe Hongji and the others are suffering now.

Arriving in front of the queen's bedroom, Jiang Lin just wanted to kill someone by surprise, when a guard rushed to the door of the palace in a panic, indicating to the guard that there was an urgent matter that must be reported.

Could it be that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and those Dundi people have already arrived?

Seeing this, Jiang Lin found a dark place to stand, amplifying his hearing.

As he expected, what the imperial guard reported to the queen was that there was a great chaos in the west of the capital. A similar situation occurs everywhere.


After the queen asked the situation in detail, she was shocked. The location of the problem in the city was many of the key points of the grand formation.

"This must be because a lot of foreign enemies have entered the city. Pass my imperial order, and the whole city is on alert! In addition, dispatch all the guards and guards, search the entire city for invading enemies, and arrest all the men at the same time, not a single one!"

The Queen realized that the situation was out of her control. Before, she always thought that the Emperor Star who came to Huadu did not know that Huadu was a huge killing formation, and she captured Hongji and others and controlled them. In the future, the Queen is ready to wait for the Emperor Star to fall into the trap, and feels that there is no need to take the initiative to find this Emperor Star.

Not to mention, Lan Ling still has a thousand machine locks on her body. When people are with her, Emperor Star will definitely come over.

But now it seems that Emperor Star knew that the secret of Huadu had been destroyed, and the destruction of the statue of the goddess and the meridians of the Great Array was definitely not something that could be done by one person.

"Also, for the three lowly servants I detained in the underground palace, I sent five guards to protect them. Next, someone might force their way into the palace to rob them."

The queen was planning to go to the scene to handle affairs in person, but she thought about it, this may also be a traitor's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. Once she leaves the palace, someone will come to rob the prison.

Therefore, she made a special order.

Of course, the Queen is not worried about who will come to rob the prison. Now Hongji and the three of them are under her control, and they can't save them even if they want to save them.

She did this just to confuse people.

If someone really forcibly broke into the palace, then when they were fighting fiercely with those imperial guards, the three Red Eagles under her control suddenly shot, and I don't know how many elite traitors they could kill.

After Jiang Lin heard the Queen's order, he breathed a sigh of relief. Next, as long as he followed the guards who guarded Hongji and the others, they would be able to find them.

After that, the entire palace was no longer quiet, and the sky gradually brightened.

Jiang Lin followed behind a group of imperial guards and went to the underground palace that the queen said.

After a cup of tea, Jiang Lin followed the guards into the underground. At this time, he saw the red eagle, Lan Ling, and the thirteenth young master who were tied to the stone pillar and passed out.

what happened?

Jiang Lin frowned. Under normal circumstances, Red Eagle and the others have protective measures on them, so they shouldn't faint.

Even if they were sleeping, that would be unreasonable.

Red Eagle and the others definitely knew that he would come and rescue him, so how could they have the mind to fall asleep.

Just as Jiang Lin was about to act, his sleeves trembled slightly, and some debris was spilled.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon came to inform him.

Jiang Lin pressed the impulse in his heart. Although Hongjiu and the others fell asleep, there was no injury on their bodies, and the aura they exuded was not sluggish, let alone suffering, and they were not in a hurry to rescue them.

After finding an unoccupied place, Jiang Lin decided to negotiate with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon on the next plan.

Now that the person he wants to save has been found, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon should have already arrived near the palace, in this way, he can start a complete war with the queen.

Once at war with the Queen, it can prevent the Queen from repairing the key nodes of the Great Array, preventing her from starting and controlling the Great Array.

Not long after, the illusory figure of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon appeared in front of Jiang Lin again. After listening to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's report, Jiang Lin couldn't help but light up.

Previously, after the Dundi tribe entered Huadu to destroy the location he indicated, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon released a signal with signal fireworks.

When he came to Huadu, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon let [-] light cavalry begin to move, and every few miles left people on the road to report to the army.

It is estimated that in less than an hour, [-] light cavalry will be able to reach Huadu, and the army will be able to reach Huadu before sunset when the army is advancing at full speed.

If all goes well, the queen can be completely overthrown today.

This was something Jiang Lin didn't expect. What he didn't even expect was that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also said that the elite soldiers in Huadu might not have to be considered at all.

Because the commander of these elite soldiers is the fat woman general Doman, and after Hei Muye learned this information before Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon left the tent, he issued a military order saying that he could persuade Doman to overthrow the queen with them.

Because Lord Heimu was Doman's old lover.

I'm going!

It turns out that the fat woman Duoman asked Chun'er to look for was actually Lord Heimu?

After Jiang Lin heard Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon say this, the expression on his face was also slightly exciting.

Whether it's Doman or Lord Heimu, the tastes of the opposite sex are really quite special.

However, Jiang Lin didn't care about this, it was a good thing for him that things went so smoothly.

After that, he asked Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to lead the old leaders and the Dundi tribe to try to sneak into the palace and wait.

Once the queen learned that his emperor star appeared in the palace, she would have to return. At that time, he would join his three wives and a group of helpers to destroy the queen.

This is Jiang Lin's plan. After he saves his three wives, he will reveal his identity as the Emperor Star and ask the Imperial Guard to inform the Empress.

As for him, on the surface, he was entangled with these imperial guards, and he retreated from the border battle. In fact, he joined Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others. Once the Queen returned, he immediately launched a surprise attack.

However, Jiang Lin did not expect that his abacus was wrong this time.

He didn't expect that his three wives were already under the control of the queen, and in this way, his teammates, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others, would be pitted by him.

Chapter [-] I'm sorry, I cheated my teammates (below)

After negotiating with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Jiang Lin waited for a while. Now, most of the power in the palace has been transferred away by the Queen. There are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and some old leaders who are not weak. With the help of the special abilities of the Dundi people, it is not difficult to sneak into the palace.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin felt that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the Dundi people were ready, so he suddenly attacked and rushed out.

After teleporting one after another, Jiang Lin reached the stone pillar that bound the Red Eagles and the others, and slashed the chains on the three wives with his divine sword.

"I don't want to kill women, just get out of here! I am the Emperor Star in the prophecy, and I will kill the Queen in a few days. If you don't want to be punished, you'd better think about it for the future!"

The guards behind him all rushed over, and Jiang Lin turned around and drank.

If anyone delays him saving his wife, then he doesn't want to show mercy.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also stretched out his arms to embrace the waists of Hong Ji and Lan Ling, and let Chun Shisan Shao fall into his arms.

After he shouted, the many guards in front of him not only did not stop, but also became more aggressive.

"All are courting death!"

Jiang Lin's face suddenly turned cold, and red light beams shot out from his pupils, swept forward.

For a time, many guards fell down a lot, and their anger was gone.

Taking advantage of this moment, Jiang Lin investigated the physical condition of Hong Ji and the others, but strangely, he did not find anything unusual.

"Red Eagle, Lan Ling, Chun'er, wake up."

Jiang Lin called the three of them, but they didn't respond.

At this moment, a flying eagle screamed and flew towards Jiang Lin.

"Beast, courting death!"

With a stare, Feiying was hit by the rays shot out from Jiang Lin's pupils and stumbled into the earth wall.

The three wives in Jiang Lin's arms also opened their eyes at this time, but after shaking their bodies a few times, they fainted again.

After taking back the corpse poison, Jiang Lin waved the divine swords in his hands one after another, and the sword energy flew out one after another, instantly killing a lot of the guards who came again, and the blood was pouring wildly. Dare to step in again.

After that, Jiang Lin summoned the Moon Wheel Saber, placed it beside him, and put Hong Ji and the others on it.

With the palm of his hand, Jiang Lin blasted a big hole above the underground palace, and Jiang Lin and the Moon Blade that carried Hong Ji and the others also flew out of the top hole.

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