The effect he wants to create has been achieved, and it is difficult for the guards to stop him. In this case, the guards will immediately inform the queen of the situation.

When they got to the ground, Jiang Lin went to the side hall where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others were hiding while entangled with the imperial guards according to the previous plan.

"Surround them! Wait for the queen to return to the palace."

After Jiang Lin entered the side hall, he summoned some god generals and earthen puppets from the ancient mirror, and ordered them to form a wall of spiritual power outside the hall. The guard leader who came later saw this and asked his men to put the side hall round. Surrounded, ready to wait for the queen to come back before making a decision.

After flicking with his fingers, Jiang Lin placed magic circle materials in the corners of the side hall and placed a soundproof circle.After that, he waved his hands and closed the doors and windows, hugged Hong Ji and the others from the Moon Blade, and then checked their problems carefully.

In any case, Red Eagle and the others will not be lethargic. Whether it is breath or pulse, they are all normal. Compared with usual, there is nothing unusual about their state. The most important thing is that he stayed on the surface of Red Eagle and them. The amulet runes were not damaged or disappeared. What method did the queen use to make them unconscious?

This time, Jiang Lin was really puzzled.

"His Majesty."

At this time, there was movement in the inconspicuous corner of the side hall, and the leader of the Dundi tribe, Palu, jumped out from the ground, and then Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the four old leaders also appeared in the hall.

"Your Majesty, brother... what happened to the imperial concubine and the others?"

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saw the red eagle lying in Jiang Lin's arms and Lan Ling who was lying in the hall, he asked Jiang Lin what was going on.

Now there are outsiders, so Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon naturally still calls Jiang Lin your majesty, then Hongji and the others are of course the imperial concubine.

Originally, the plan that Jiang Lin discussed with him was to unite with Hongji and the others to deal with the queen, but now the three of them are unconscious, and it seems that an unexpected situation has occurred, then their combat power has been weakened a lot in an instant.

"They all have the protective measures I left behind. Normally, there will be no problems. I don't know what means the queen has used against them."

Jiang Lin frowned, and now even he couldn't find out what happened to the three Red Eagles, and they still had the medicinal power of the fairy treasures in their bodies. He wanted to wake up his three wives, but they were too big. problem.

At this moment, there was a cry of a falcon from outside the hall, and the Red Eagle and the others immediately opened their eyes.

Jiang Lin was just overjoyed, but suddenly a pain in his heart.

The red eagle has taken out the bow knife on his waist and stabbed it in his heart.

Jiang Lin did not take any precautions against the Red Eagle in his arms. Although his physical defense was not weak, if the Red Eagle hit him with all his strength, he could still hurt him.

At the same time, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao also attacked. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's shoulder was pierced by Lan Ling's bead stick, and another old leader was hit by Chun Shisan Shao's French seal on the forehead. fell down.

"Hongji, what are you doing! Lanling, Chun'er, what's the matter with you?"

Jiang Lin stared at Hong Jiu blankly. Although Hong Jiu had hurt him before, he wanted to kill him to get his golden pill, but that was all in the past.

Now that Hongji is his wife, how could he still do such a thing.

A knife into his heart.

For a time, Jiang Lin felt that his heart was cold.

He was stabbed in the heart by his wife.

I'm worried.

It's too heartbreaking.

Something that never happened.

"Your Majesty, there is something wrong with their state!"

When Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon saw that Lan Ling was about to slap his heavenly spirit, he immediately reacted. Even if Lan Ling attacked him, the expression on his face and the gaze in his eyes did not change. Like a puppet, not like a normal person at all.

Seeing that Lan Ling's palm was about to fall, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon raised one hand and blocked Lan Ling's wrist. However, a bright rune appeared on Lan Ling's wrist, shaking his arm. opened.

However, it was also because of the timely blocking that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon protected the vital point, but Lan Ling's palm landed on his shoulder, directly smashing his shoulder bones.

If you don't make a move, you will use all your strength as soon as you make a move.

In this short moment, another old leader spurted blood from his mouth and flew out backwards.

Spitting up blood is like not wanting money.

When the old leader was attacked by Chun Shisan Shao, he also responded in time, but the situation was similar to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the parry was shaken off.

Then it's almost gg.


Jiang Lin still wanted to try to wake up the red eagle, but the tip of the short blade of the red eagle bow was almost pierced into his eyeballs, so he had no choice but to turn over and step back.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon also threw his eyebrow stick at Lan Ling's waist and pulled his body out of Lan Ling's bead stick.

On the other hand, Hongji, Lanling, and the thirteenth young master of Chun stood together, looking at Jiang Lin and the others with ghastly expressions.

"Your Majesty, several imperial concubines seem to be under control, what should I do?"

Looking at Jiang Lin next to him, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon asked how to deal with it. Now the situation is very obvious, Red Eagle and the others have changed, and they are going to attack them indiscriminately.

Even Jiang Lin was so heartbroken.

Continuing like this is simply not the way to go.

In such a short time from just now, including Jiang Lin, four people on their side have been injured, and two of them are seriously injured, and one of them is not sure if he has died.

However, even so, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon did not dare to fight back against Red Eagle and the others. These three were all women from Jianglin.

Jiang Lin did not speak, but they dared to fight back.

What he and another old leader did just now were just normal blocks and parries.

Jiang Lin frowned and looked at Red Eagle and the others, and also found that his three wives seemed to have been caught by a spell such as mind capture.

Even if he thinks it shouldn't be, it's a fact now.

Red Eagle and the others' eyes have turned dark blue, which is not a normal eye color at all, and if they hadn't been controlled, they would never have looked at their man with murderous intent like beasts.

Jiang Lin glanced at the injury on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's shoulder and the drooping left arm, and then looked at the two old leaders who were seriously injured. The anger in his heart was a little hard to contain.

On the one hand, he was angry that he did not protect his wives well. Although they were not hurt, their breath and pulse were normal, and the protective measures on their bodies were still there. Controlled.

This must be the means of the Queen.

And if the Red Eagle and the others knew that they had killed them after they woke up, the guilt and discomfort in their hearts would not be small at all.

From this aspect, he still failed to protect his wife. Although he thought of many possible situations and implemented protection measures, he also hurt his three wives, which was a psychological injury later.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin was angry with his teammates.

Second uncle, this should be the first time he has cheated his teammates since his cultivation.

A pit is not light, not only is it not light, but it is also very serious, and he was almost killed by him.

It was Jiang Lin's idea to unite the three Red Eagle sisters, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others to raid the Queen together.

As for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the few old minions that came, they came because they believed in his leadership and ability.

As a result, not long after he came here, just after meeting, one of his three wives had a broken arm, one of his foreheads was about to crack, and the other was lying under the wall, pumping, and spewing blood from time to time.

Damn, but he was miserable.

There is nothing to do without sneaking into the palace. He is alive and kicking. When he heard his words, he was hiding in the side hall, and he almost died at this moment.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who pitted you this time."

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Jiang Lin said an apology. He must have made some expressions for his teammates to be so outrageous.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon smiled and said, "Cough cough, Your Majesty, it's actually nothing, you yourself have been tricked, don't worry about us, now your wife... Now the imperial concubine doesn't want you anymore, you have to find a way immediately."


After listening to Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's comforting words, Jiang Lin was dismayed.

Not long ago, all his wives were arrested, and now, all of his wives don't recognize him.


Chapter [-] Battle of the Queen ([-])

"Okay, great, these three lowly maids finally played their role."

When Jiang Lin was depressed, the queen who was commanding the guards in the west of Huadu laughed.

The flying eagles that controlled the red eagles and the others arrived outside the side hall. In addition to making a whistle, they circled around the side hall and saw some of the situation in the hall.

And these, the queen has also seen through the eagle eye.

Not only the situation in the palace, but not long ago in the underground palace, Jiang Lin robbed Hongji and others, and the queen also knew about it.

At that time, when Feiying was about to control Hongji and the others, he was beaten by Jianglin, and the three women closest to Jianglin did not attack and killed Jianglin.

At that time, the Queen felt quite a pity, but now, the Queen has no regrets in her heart.

On the contrary, she is still very happy now.

The Queen has already guessed that Jiang Lin, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others must want to team up to beat her by surprise. Judging from Jiang Lin's performance in the underground palace, it is definitely not difficult to leave the palace. Need to entangle with those guards to escape into the side hall.

In the side hall, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others were already waiting.

This obviously means that we have already negotiated and planned to cooperate with each other.

This is something the Queen never thought of. If she hadn't seen a part of the situation through her eagle eyes, I'm afraid she would have returned to the palace immediately when the imperial guard came to inform her.

At that time, she will be ambushed by this group of people in the palace.

But now, that's no longer the case.

The queen decided to return to the palace now, and use the Red Eagle and others under her control to annihilate the Emperor Star and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and other leaders in one fell swoop.

However, at this moment, a city defense team arrived in a hurry, and the captain of the guard knelt down with a look of panic and said, "Your Majesty, it's not good, there were [-] to [-] light cavalry outside the capital, and Doman, who was guarding the capital, was killed. General she...she has surrendered to the enemy!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the queen but also the surrounding guards who were repairing the great formation were stunned in place.

"Traitor, traitor!"

The queen's feet were even a little unsteady, and Doman, the commander who guarded Huadu, actually went to the enemy in front of the battle!

This time, the queen was so angry that blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth, and the succession of things was out of her control.

The big formation has not yet started. If she is attacked by tens of thousands of light cavalry into Huadu and rescues the hundreds of thousands of men who had been arrested by herself, she may not even have a chance to come back.

"Your Majesty, please make a decision! The tens of thousands of elite soldiers led by Doman have already stood on the side of the traitor and have now attacked the palace."

"Resist with all my strength, I want them all to die without a burial! Come on, bring all those arrested men to the palace and kill them on the spot!"

The queen has issued orders one after another. For the present, she has to return to the palace as soon as possible and start the killing formation in advance. Even if there are still many key nodes that have not been repaired, and forcibly ordering the large formation to operate, she can only play the role of the big formation. A small part of the role, she also had to do.

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