As a result, many light riders quickly turned around and galloped towards the city gate.

They knew that Lord Heimu was caught by the queen to do experiments. If he was covered by these shadows, he would probably die.

As for attacking the palace, when you go outside the city, let the people who escape the land make a way underground.

"Xianggong, is this the queen starting the big formation?"

Young Master Chun Shisan came to Jiang Lin's side, looking at the black mist in the air, his expression became solemn. The reason why Jiang Lin didn't appear when the Queen arrested her and Lan Ling should be because he was trying to find a way to deal with Huadu. The formation of the killing formation was manipulative, but now the big formation was actually activated by the queen.

"It should only be able to exert a part of the power of the big formation, but it should not be underestimated. Moreover, the queen is likely to have the ability to use the power of the big formation for her own use. You must be careful."

After responding to the Spring Thirteenth Young Master, Jiang Lin felt an invisible force pressing down on this side hall.

"All behind me!"

Holding the Divine Sword across his chest, Jiang Lin immediately stimulated the potential energy inside the Divine Sword, and his entire body erupted with golden light, forming a golden light curtain wall in front of him, resisting the crushing force.

After that, the black mist in the air suddenly gathered into one place, forming a mist tornado, like an electric drill, while spinning, it attacked Jianglin.

Jiang Lin's whole body's spiritual energy swelled up, and the golden light curtain wall in front of him suddenly expanded, resisting the black mist tornado.

But even so, Jiang Lin felt a little power that had invaded his body.

It was this little power that made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the black fog above, there is a strange power similar to the morning and evening clock.

"Emperor Star, today I let you fall in the palace as a stepping stone to my eternal imperial power!"

At this moment, there was a loud shout in the distance, and the queen in a black cloak came galloping.

Flying close to the side hall, the queen's hands suddenly joined together, her lips moved slightly, and she sang a strange Buddhist sound.

Thousands of imperial guards in front of the side hall also exploded, and blood flowed into rivers for a while.

The black fog tornado that was drilling towards Jiang Lin suddenly increased in strength, smashed the golden light curtain wall, and knocked the divine sword out of Jiang Lin's hand.

And the blood that gathered into the stream outside the hall also turned into ice thorns, spreading towards the Jianglin at the speed of lightning.

In an instant, Jiang Lin's body began to freeze, and the blood-colored ice froze into huge ice cubes.

Moments before his body completely froze, Jiang Lin spurted out a spout of blood essence, which was stained on the flying sword.

The Divine Sword was inserted into the wall of the hall, and the golden light was immediately prosperous, including Red Eagle, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao.

The queen suddenly accelerated in mid-air, and a palm was printed on the blood-colored ice on Jiang Lin's body, blasting Jiang Lin into the hall with ice.

As for the Red Eagle and the others behind Jiang Lin, they were all knocked away by the bloody ice cubes. Fortunately, they had protective runes on their bodies and were not hurt.

The queen landed on the ground of the side hall, stepped on the ground, and from the hole under the corner of the wall, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others flew out, spitting blood.

"Hmph, if you want to join forces to kill me here, you will really plan to fight!"

The Queen looked at Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others coldly. If she hadn't thought of a way to control the three lowly servants, she would probably be the one who vomited blood now.


Seeing that Jiang Lin was frozen with blood, Hong Ji rushed up and slashed at the ice with a bow and knife, but unfortunately, even if she used her whole body's spiritual power, it had no effect.

On the contrary, because she destroyed the blood-colored ice, she was shocked and flew out, breaking all the pillars in the hall.

"Several imperial concubines, separated one person to take the divine sword. His Majesty can only fight against the queen with the divine sword in his hand, and the rest will join us to kill the queen."

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon flicked his brow stick, so that the long stick in his hand exposed the spear head. After drinking at Red Eagle and the others, he charged towards the Queen.

The rest of the old leaders followed closely. As for the leader of the Dundi tribe, Palu, he got into the ground and prepared to cooperate with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others to attack the queen.

"Sister Chun'er, go get your sword, Lan Ling, kill this vicious woman with me!"

Hongji ordered Chun Shisan Shao to take back the Divine Sword to help Jiang Lin get out of trouble, while he and Lan Ling rushed towards the queen.

For a time, an extremely fierce battle broke out in the side hall.

Although Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon used all his strength, he couldn't help but feel worried.

The Queen's methods were still beyond his expectations.

As soon as it appeared, Jiang Lin was frozen in blood ice.

Moreover, Jiang Lin still has the Divine Sword in his hand.

With a single blow, Jiang Lin would not be able to exert his combat power. How terrifying is the ability of this queen.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has never doubted Jiang Lin's cultivation and strength. If there is anyone in the current Thousand Machines Kingdom who has the qualifications to fight the Queen, it must be Jiang Lin.

But even if Jiang Lin has such qualifications, it seems that it is not enough.

In Jianglin, if they were always frozen, even if they did their best, it would be three or two big cats and kittens.

In addition, as soon as the queen arrived, she saw through their ambush plan, and the attack was stillborn.

That is to say, they are calculating the queen, but they don't know that the queen has turned her back on them.

This time, the situation is not optimistic at all.


Brother Jiang, give me some strength!

The queen started the big formation, and she might be able to form a general trend with the power of the big formation, and she might be invincible.

While attacking wildly, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon prayed, they didn't have Jiang Lin, that was really impossible.

Just now, he was blown away by the Queen's palm and retreated to the edge of the golden light emitted by the divine sword. Contaminated by the black mist, he felt that there was something wrong with the Dao base in his body. Some of the masculine spiritual power in his golden core was transformed into feminine. .

If there is no golden light of the Divine Sword, I am afraid that these men will have a big problem because of the sudden change of the spiritual attributes in their bodies.

It may even go straight to the devil.

The reason why the Divine Sword still emits golden light is because Jiang Lin spit out a mouthful of blood essence, but if this mouthful of blood essence is exhausted and Jiang Lin has not yet escaped, he will just die.

As for Jiang Lin, who was being talked about by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, he was still trying his best to escape from his troubles in the bloody ice.

If it was just ice, he wouldn't take it seriously.

Even if there is no Yang Yan, there is still a light source in his body, and it is not difficult to create high temperature.But this ice cube also contained the power of evil Buddhism, which caused him to use Li Yang's profound light, but it would have no effect.

Moreover, because his Divine Sword left his hand, the power in the blood-colored ice cube had an impact on him, similar to the situation they encountered with Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and even more serious than them.

At this time, Jiang Lin also felt bad. He lost Yang Yan, and his means and strength were partially reduced. Based on this situation, he refined the flying sword and the god general soil puppet in the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty. When necessary, use the Dragon Shadow Sword Formation.

But now, all the flying swords are no longer with him, which is why he wants Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others to ambush and kill the queen with him and his three wives.

In other words, he, who is now the main force, has a certain distance from the Queen.

The current situation is really not optimistic at all.

At this time, Young Master Chun Shisan had already flown to draw the divine sword, but the Queen attacked him and knocked him aside.

The Queen was also afraid of Jiang Lin holding the Divine Sword. Now Hongji and the others have taken some treasures, which has greatly enhanced her mental will and soul strength, making it difficult for her to control it.

If the twin flowers in the prophecy and the Emperor Star are in the same camp, and there is a divine sword condensed by the luck of the motherland to deal with her together, then the prophecy of changing a thousand machines may really be impossible to stop.

However, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Red Eagle would not watch the Queen interfere with Chun Shisan to take the Divine Sword.Red Eagle and Lan Ling rely on their own means of protection as strong shields to resist the Queen's attack, while Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others launched a stormy offensive against the Queen from the rear or the side.

Young Master Chun Shisan got up and flew out again, pulled out the divine sword from the wall, ran in front of Jiang Lin, and slashed wildly at the blood ice around Jiang Lin.

But no matter how strong she was, the blood ice only showed some faint traces.

Can't cut it at all.

At this moment, the golden light on the divine sword dimmed a lot because Jiang Lin's blood essence was about to run out.

At the same time, all the men present except Jiang Lin were bleeding from their noses and mouths.

"Golden light, golden light, you can't disappear!"

Chun Shisan became anxious when she was younger. In her panic, she bit the tip of her tongue and sprayed blood on the head of the sword. In an instant, the golden light from the divine sword became a lot more flaming.

With joy in his heart, Young Master Chun Shisan immediately continued to wield the divine sword, and in a few strokes, the blood-colored ice cubes on Jiang Lin's body were destroyed.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon glanced at this scene, and realized that Divine Sword had been mixed with Jiang Lin's and Chun Shisan's blood essence and golden light, so he immediately reacted.

"Your Majesty, the twin flowers are blooming! Divine Sword needs the power of two twin concubines to fully stimulate its power!"

In order to remind Jiang Lin of this, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon couldn't help but get a moment of distraction, but with such distraction, his chest was pierced by the blood-colored ice sword in the Queen's hand.

"Need the power of twins?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows when he heard the words. He had never thought about this. If Young Master Chun Shisan died in a panic just now, he would be a living horse doctor. I'm afraid no one would know the blood of Young Master Chun Shisan and Lan Ling. Can increase the power of the Divine Sword.

"Xianggong, there is a tattoo on my back shoulder on the sword body."

When Young Master Chun Shisan handed the divine sword to Jiang Lin, he suddenly found a blood flower on the back of the sword, exactly the same as the pattern on her shoulder.


Jiang Lin nodded and took the divine sword. After the long sword was in his hand, the power radiating from the inside immediately smoothed out the chaos in his body.


With a roar, Jiang Lin waved the divine sword in his hand, and the crescent-shaped sword qi plowed out a foot-wide crack on the ground in the hall.

The queen did not dare to underestimate the divine sword whose power had been increased, and immediately transformed into an ice shield in front of her to resist.

Affected by the sword energy, the ice shield cracked immediately, and the queen flew backwards, knocking down the walls of the side hall.

"Master, and mine!"

Lan Ling used the spiritual power in her body to impact the sea urchin connected to her heart, and her heart was injured, causing her to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Jiang Lin leaped into the air and caught the blood spurted by Lan Ling with his divine sword.

On the other side of the sword back of the Divine Sword, another flower of blood appeared at this time, which was the same as the pattern on Lan Ling's back shoulder.

With the blood of the twin sisters, the Divine Sword was even like a charged lightsaber, vibrating and humming.

"Crazy woman, you die for me!"

Jiang Lin held the Divine Sword upside down and rushed towards the Queen. The Queen also had a premonition of a life-and-death crisis, so she let the power of the activated magic circle fall on her body, and at the same time, she evoked the blood-colored ice thorns on the ground and charged towards Jiang Lin. The forest spreads away.

However, these ice thorns were all twisted into ice shards by Jiang Lin wielding the divine sword as if cutting through thorns.

Seeing that Jiang Lin's mountain-splitting blow was about to land on her body, the Queen's face suddenly became ruthless and she screamed.

At the same time, the bodies of Red Eagle, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao flew out uncontrollably, and in the end they actually merged with the Queen.

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