Chapter [*] I said, don't let me think of a way

Jiang Lin almost used up all the strength of his entire body at this moment before forcibly holding back the divine sword that was chopped down.

Now, the power of this divine sword has been completely stimulated, and its power is even comparable to that of a fairy weapon. With a single sword, even if the queen has a part of the power of the magic circle, it is estimated that it will be split in half.

If it is the power of the complete magic circle, the queen may still have a chance of survival, but in this state, there is basically no chance of survival.

The power pouring out from the Divine Sword seemed to come out spontaneously. If it wasn't in Jiang Lin's hands, anyone present would not be able to hold back the sword.

In that case, not only the Queen will be split, but even the Red Eagle and the others will be split in half.

Now the killing power contained in the Divine Sword is enough to ignore the protective measures on the Red Eagle and the others.

"Why don't you split it down, don't you want to?"

The queen's mouth overflowed with blood because of forcibly casting a different technique, but a mocking smile appeared on her face.

Chop off.

Why don't you hack it?

Kill me, and at least three lowly servants will be buried with you.

Not a loss.

At this time, the left and right sides of the queen's head and the back of the queen's head appeared phantoms of the faces of the red eagle and the others, struggling with all their might.

"If I were you, then the sword would come down. If you kill me, you will be able to ascend to the throne. With the imperial power in your hands, what kind of woman can't be found in the country? If you are hesitant, not only will you fail, but you will also bury yourself. And the lives of all the traitors!"

The queen continued to speak, she was now confident and knew that Jiang Lin would avoid rats.

Hongji and the others were treated as darlings by Jiang Lin, how could Jiang Lin be willing to attack them.

Just as the Queen had judged, Jiang Lin took a few steps back with a gloomy face.

In addition to being able to control the Red Eagles and the others, the Queen actually has the means to integrate them with herself.

Now it was Jiang Lin's turn to have a feeling of a tiger eating a hedgehog.

At this point, he can't help the queen.

"No woman has ever made me angry to the extreme. You are the first. From now on, you'd better pray that there is nothing I can do about it, otherwise, I will make you beg for death."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and stared at the queen. It was the first time he had such a mentality toward a woman. Killing her would be considered a big advantage for the other party.

Even if it was the original Red Eagle, Jiang Lin just wanted to cut off his beautiful head to play football.

But if such "preferential treatment" is placed on the queen, then this crazy woman is not worthy of it at all.

Taking his three wives as a life-saving trump card, the queen is really the only one from the past to the present.

As he stepped back, Jiang Lin's thoughts turned around, trying to find a way to rescue Hongji and the others.

The current situation is indeed far beyond his expectations.

The queen used her own sister to refine her sister into a soul substance, let the Red Eagle and the others absorb it, and then used means to control the Red Eagle and them. Can also use this method.

Now, because the Red Eagle Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao have eaten the blood orchid and other treasures, the queen can no longer control them, but they can use the medium of her sister's soul substance to integrate themselves with the three women.

"Your Majesty, now we are only one step away from success!"

"Your Majesty, our old divisions have endured for decades, just for today's decisive battle."

When the old leader who had retreated to the surrounding area saw that Jiang Lin could not bear to attack, he hurriedly spoke up.

The situation is very good now. If Jiang Lin hesitates and gives the Queen a chance to breathe, then the uprising may be in vain.

"Shut up for me!"

Jiang Lin snorted. Originally, he was annoyed because he couldn't think hard, but now there are still people chatting at him.

Up to now, Jiang Lin has made many assumptions, but the results are all useless.

The Queen and her three wives are integrated into one body, so the damage the Queen receives will definitely be passed on to the Red Eagle and the others, even if the amulet runes on the three of them are still useful and can be resisted, but if the damage exceeds the upper limit , they will be life-threatening.

But the problem now is that if the queen is not fatally wounded, she will definitely not give up the three cards that can save her life. Once there is a fatal injury to the queen, it will definitely exceed the upper limit that the amulet can withstand.

Even Red Eagle and the others might not be able to keep their souls.

Other means, if the power is not enough, there is no way to take the queen.

As for the plan to separate the Red Eagles and the others from the Queen's body, there is not a single one.

After being drunk by Jiang Lin like this, no one dared to speak out.

"Xianggong, leave us alone, the queen now intends to buy herself time and consolidate all the national fortunes, and the geomagnetism under Huadu is already rapidly circulating, the blood brake formation is being activated step by step, if you continue like this, you will all be Killed by her!"

At this time, Lan Ling's illusory face was freed, and Jiang Lin was told to hurry up. She, Hongji and Chun Shisan were joined by the Queen, so she naturally knew what the Queen was thinking.

"Sister, I don't want to die, I want my husband, and I want to give birth to a baby for him."

Chun Shisan Shao's blurry face also appeared next to the queen's cheek, and Pear Flower looked at Jiang Lin with rain.

She didn't want to die, she just had a husband, and she was still doting on her forever, she would die like this if she wanted to.

The queen clasped her hands together, and the illusory faces of Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were taken into her body. She looked at Jiang Lin with disdain, and she said, "How about you castrate yourself with the divine sword in your hand, just like before Like the high priest, maybe I can save your life and let these three lowly maids dress you well.”

"Xianggong, don't be shy, do it!"

At this moment, the queen's face turned into that of a red eagle, and she shouted at Jiang Lin, and then she said softly: "Before, I was only full of lust for power and full of ambition, but after meeting you, I realized that a woman should be What are you pursuing. During this period of time, Cheng Xianggong, you love and change, Red Eagle is already satisfied. Even if happiness stops here, I once had it. Even if I can live forever or forever, it is just an increase in enjoyment. Since you already have a happy time, why should you care about the eternity."

However, after saying this, the queen's face changed back, and all the black mist outside the hall descended.

She was not ready to wait any longer. If Jiang Lin was really persuaded by Hongji, it would be bad.

Not far away, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but if Jiang Lin didn't have the will to attack, they would be useless no matter how anxious they were.

"You have no chance."

The queen laughed hysterically, Jiang Lin had missed the best time to attack her.

"I said, don't make me think of a way."

At this moment, Jiang Lin's eyes suddenly turned cold. He had already thought of a way to save his three wives.

Rather than saying that he thought of it, it is better to say that he was reminded by the words of the red eagle.

The Queen felt a shudder in her heart when she heard the words. Seeing the serious expression on Jiang Lin's face, she felt an inexplicable chill in her heart.

Chapter two thousand three hundred and nine

Under the eyes of the Queen, Jiang Lin's body began to change.

The first thing that changed was Jiang Lin's eyes—the pupils of both eyes gradually changed color, like pieces of broken glass, with blood-colored cracks in the middle.After that, Jiang Lin's eye sockets also began to turn red, and slender red fluff appeared on his face.

At the same time as the slender fluff grew, Jiang Lin's hair also grew wildly, covering the entire back.

In the end, a pair of fangs appeared in Jiang Lin's mouth, extending all the way to his lower jaw.

" did you become a monster?"

The Queen's eyes widened, Jiang Lin turned from a person into a monster with long hair, fangs, and nails like black iron.

Before the Queen could react, Jiang Lin instantly came to her.

Jiang Lin let out a low roar, and a pair of corpse claws clamped on the Queen's shoulder, opened the corpse's mouth and bit directly on the artery of the Queen's neck.

The queen suddenly burst into a scream, her hands bombarded Jiang Lin's chest one after another, and at the same time she shook her body and struggled, but unfortunately, her neck was bitten by Jiang Lin.

It was also because the queen thought that Jiang Lin would always throw the rat, so she didn't take extra precautions, and she felt that the situation had now returned to her control, so she became complacent.

If you are complacent, then you have to be happy and sad.

The queen has already spent most of her spiritual power in order to integrate the Red Eagles and the others with herself. Maintaining this state still consumes a lot of spiritual power, but she is still proud.

When Jiang Lin was turned into a corpse, this mad woman didn't know the reason for a while, and was hit by Jiang Lin, and his throat was about to be bitten through.

"Stiff... Zombies!"

When Palu saw Jiang Lin's current appearance, he immediately shouted.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others didn't react for a while. After seeing the strong corpse aura emanating from Jiang Lin's body, they widened their eyes and looked at each other in horror.

Monster corpse!

It was only when they realized that the zombie that Palu said just now was referring to a monster corpse, which was just an uncommon title.

Has Your Majesty turned into a corpse?

What is this scenario?

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, they all stared at each other.

When Jiang Lin thought of using his corpse to solve the problem, time was already very tight, and it was too late to take care of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others, and because the lives of his three wives were at stake, he couldn't control that much.

As long as the Empress was destroyed, the Red Eagles and the others were rescued, and the Qianji Lock that unlocked the Qianji to ascend to the rooftop could be obtained, even if a corpse appeared in front of people, revealing the identity of a zombie, Jiang Lin didn't care much.

After a few breaths, Jiang Lin slapped the queen on the forehead and knocked her out.

"you you……"

The queen clutched the hole in her neck and looked at Jiang Lin with a horrified face, but before she could regain her senses and think about what was going on, her head became very drowsy, and she asked her to sit on her knees. on the ground.

In just a few short breaths, Jiang Lin had injected half of his corpse poison into the Queen's flesh and blood through corpse teeth.

If it wasn't for the mention of immortality and immortality when Hongji persuaded him to do it before, he really couldn't think of such a way.

As the lives of Hongji and the others were at stake, even if Jiang Lin could rack his brains to think of countermeasures, he would ignore some information because of his concerns.

Fortunately, after Hongji's unintentional suggestion, Jiang Lin also thought of a way to deal with it in time.

Looking at the queen who sat down on her knees, Jiang Lin sneered and said, "Aren't you very capable, you poisonous woman? Continue to give me your patience."

Saying such words made Jiang Lin himself laugh. His attitude had never been aimed at any woman before.

This also shows that the queen is indeed able to do it.

But now, Jiang Lin really wanted to see what the Queen could do.

Isn't it a killer who can't kill the queen?


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