Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon knew Jiang Lin's character very well, and he was very fond of women, so he thought of such a reason.

Sure enough, Hong Jiu's eyes lit up after hearing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's words. She really wanted tens of thousands of people to know that she was married to Jiang Lin. In that case, in terms of the scale of the happy event of entering the Jiang family, I'm afraid She should be the most beautiful.

Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao also pursed their lips slightly, being an imperial concubine and wanting to be an imperial concubine, anyone would envy them.

"Your Majesty, take a step to speak first."

Because the matter to be discussed next is related to Jiang Lin's whereabouts behind him and Jiang Lin's going to Sky City, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon wanted to avoid the eyes and ears of outsiders a little.

Jiang Lin followed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon to the outside of the hall, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon continued: "Brother Jiang, please think about it, you are going to Sky City, some necessary information must be checked, and this still needs to be done at Check the archives in the palace. Anyway, they are all in Huadu, and they are all in the palace. You just sit on the dragon chair and it’s fine. We will handle some affairs. If you want to leave, Brother Jiang, you will declare to the public that you will Retreat to practice, and directly seal me as a regent to temporarily manage state affairs, and it will not cause chaos in the country. When the state affairs are stabilized later, I will also look for someone who can sit on the throne. You can just give me a concession, and it won’t take much effort. Well, in case you need to be an emperor to open the Thousand Machines to the Sky Terrace, won't you waste your time by making a fool of yourself?"

Hearing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon's words, Jiang Lin also weighed it, and finally nodded in agreement.

The main reason is that he just saw the happy expressions on the faces of Hongji and Lanling. His three wives are looking forward to becoming queens and concubines.

At the beginning, Jiang Lin was going to take a fake job and become a marquis. When he married Hongji, even the emperor had to come over to congratulate him and make the marriage beautiful.

Now that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is mentioned, it's not bad. Whose wedding is more beautiful than the emperor?

The secondary reason is that what Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said is not unreasonable. It would be funny if he got the Thousand Machine Lock but couldn't open the rooftop.

"Everyone, Your Majesty is still our Majesty."

After following Jiang Lin into the side hall, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon told several old leaders of the good news.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, all the generals obey! Although the Queen is dead now, there are still a lot of remnants. Moreover, the killing formation in Huadu is also a huge hidden danger. In command of the light cavalry that arrives, Palu will lead the Dundi clan to cooperate. As for me, I will occupy the palace and wait for you to lead the troops to attack."

Jiang Lin gave an order to let Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and the others act immediately.Although these people were injured a little bit, but because they had the healing materials he just took out, there was nothing serious.

"Red Eagle, where's the Qianji lock? I want to go to Dengtiantai to inspect it first."

After Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and others left, Jiang Lin asked Hongjiu to take out the token to open the Qianji Tiantai. He had been delayed in this Qianji country for a while, and now he needed to pave the way as soon as possible.

After checking the sky platform, he will immediately start searching for information about Sky City.

Whether the next journey will be smooth or not is still unknown.

"Xianggong, Qianji is locked in my body and connected to my heart."

At this time, Lan Ling talked about how she got the Thousand Machines Lock from the Queen.

Since Jiang Lin asked this question, it means that Hongji probably hadn't mentioned it to Jiang Lin when he was sending the letter.

In fact, Hong Ji did not elaborate in the letter, for fear that Jiang Lin would be worried about Lan Ling.

After listening to Lan Ling's remarks, Jiang Lin's eyebrows became inverted.

He really didn't know that Qianji was locked in Lan Ling's body, and it was also connected to Lan Ling's heart, let alone how Lan Ling got it.

The queen turned out to be the one who asked her to swallow the sea urchin that contained the Thousand Machine Locks.

Chapter [-] Go to Sky City (Part [-])

"Nonsense! I told you a long time ago that you should protect yourselves and don't suffer any harm. You...even if you haven't found the whereabouts of the Thousand Machines Lock, it's fine. At most, I will spend more time. Who told you... Ugh!"

Jiang Lin wanted to blame Hongji and Lanling for not caring about their own lives, but he couldn't say anything to rebuke. Lanling had suffered like that, and Hongjie must have been very distressed. Originally, these two sisters were all for the sake of their lives. Do him a favor, now if he speaks again, it will hurt the hearts of Red Eagle and Lan Ling.

After that, Jiang Lin took Lan Ling into his arms, and kissed her on the forehead with pity.

"Xianggong, don't blame sister Lanling, it's all my idea. If you want to blame, just blame me."

Hongjiu also knew that Jiang Lin was really angry just now. If Jiang Lin knew that Lan Ling had to pay such a price to get the Thousand Machines Lock, he would probably not agree anyway.

"What else can I blame? You two."

Jiang Lin glanced at Hongjiu angrily and pulled her into his arms.

This matter will definitely not be instructed by Red Eagle, at least it is absolutely impossible for Red Eagle to make Lan Ling suffer like this.

And Hongji took the responsibility on himself, and he didn't want to see Lan Ling being blamed and felt wronged.

Therefore, even if Jiang Lin was angry again, he was suppressed by him.

This time, both Red Eagle and Lan Ling almost had a real problem. How could he blame his wife, he should instead have a few wives blame him.

The red eagle nestled his face on Jiang Lin's shoulder, and he didn't feel wronged at all because of Jiang Lin's anger. Jiang Lin would get angry because he cared about them.

"Red Eagle, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said before that he wanted you to be a queen. You seem to be quite willing. After a while, I will let you be a red queen. Lan Ling and Chun'er are Lan Fei and Chun Er."

Jiang Lin talked about his plans to Hongji and Lanling in his arms. It won't be long before he and his three wives will be temporarily separated. During this time, he also wants to make Hongji and them as happy as possible.

As for letting Hongji be the queen, Jiang Lin felt that this was quite reasonable. The current Hongji does look like a big sister, and Hongji had known him first. Also make trouble.


Red Eagle's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she really wanted to try what it was like to be a queen.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "I owe you too much. As long as you like it, I will fulfill your wishes."

"Then Xianggong, do you really want to be the emperor of the Thousand Machines Country?"

At this time, Young Master Chun Thirteen ran over, squeezed between Hong Ji and Lan Ling, and leaned against Jiang Lin's chest.

Raising his face to look at Jiang Lin, Young Master Chun Shisan said again: "But Xianggong, you just turned into a demon corpse, can a demon corpse also be an emperor?"

Jiang Lin smiled and said: "I don't know in the future, but so far, even if I don't want to do it, the emperor has to be pushed up. The old leaders knew that I was a monster corpse, and they were willing to call me a corpse. I'm for Your Majesty, I'm just thinking about the situation. If I didn't reveal my identity, they might still have the heart to support me, but now, most of them have other considerations in their hearts."

In the current situation, Jiang Lin's heart is like a mirror. Those old leaders are still willing to let him continue to lead the rebel army because he has the ability.

As Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon said, only he can calm the situation.

Moreover, at present, Huadu has not completely fallen. The large formation formed by the entire Huadu has been destroyed in many key points before, and it can still be activated, which is enough to explain its extraordinaryness.

If the latter killing formation really exerts its due power, then there may be calamities.

This needs someone to solve.

Jiang Lin had already gone through all these reasons in his mind.

Is it true that those people's "Your Majesty" came from the sincerity?

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon may be sincere, but not everyone else.

Once the situation stabilizes, someone will definitely make a fuss about him as a demon corpse.

How could normal people let a zombie be their emperor.

At that time, even if he wanted to be the emperor, the dragon chair would not be able to sit still.

Jiang Lin explained these reasons to Hongji and the others, and then he said: "Actually, this is nothing to me, I don't want to be an emperor at all, I beg me to do it, I don't bother to spend that energy. But , Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon made some analysis with me, and it was quite reasonable, so I changed my mind. In fact, the more important thing is that I want you to have fun and let the people of the Thousand Machines know about your three sisters. married me."

Hongji, Lanling, and Young Master Chun Shisan glanced at each other, with a strong sense of happiness on their faces, and then they sent Jiang Lin three kisses together.

"Don't be happy so early, when I go to Sky City, you can't stay in Huadu, which means you can only be the queen and concubine for a few days."

Jiang Lin actually didn't want to pour cold water on the Red Eagle and the others, but it was the truth. He had to let the Red Eagle play the role of Zhi Duo Xing and give some advice, so he just told the bad news.


Jiang Lin's three wives asked in unison that they could finally feel what it was like to be a queen and a concubine, but Jiang Lin told them that they could only feel it for a few days.

"It's the same reason I said before. My emperor is not stable. In this case, there will inevitably be a replacement of imperial power. Who will enjoy the fruits? Don’t think of Xiao Jiujiu? Even, some people will rebel because they want to fight for power. Then, the foundation of the great formation underground in Huadu will inevitably be thought of. Even if Huadu is renovated and rebuilt, it will still be missed. The queen will lead the formation. The picture was handed over to Lan Ling, but there are many imperial guards who know that there is no airtight wall in the world, once someone knows that I am no longer in the Thousand Machines Country, will you not be targeted?"

Jiang Lin patiently explained the reason to Hong Ji and the others. If he left Qianji Kingdom and his three wives were in the palace in Huadu, he would not be at all relieved.

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Hong Ji and Lan Ling understood why Jiang Lin said that before.

Or because of fear for their safety.

"I'll take a look at the Qianji lock in Lanling's body and try to take it out. Hongji, think about where to go first, use the Queen's storage, I should be able to ensure your safety. And Chuner, you and Hong Eagle first went to find the library in the palace to find information about Sky City."

Jiang Lin asked Hongjiu to think about a more comfortable place in Qianjiguo first, and went with Chun Shisan Shao to inquire about the literature about Sky City, while he himself needed to solve the problem of Lanling.

"I'm sorry for you, Lan Ling."

After Hongji and Chun Shisan left, Jiang Lin put his palm on Lanling's heart and found that one of Lanling's hearts had been pierced by sea urchins, which made him feel like a knife was cutting his heart. .

The sea urchin object attached to Lanling's heart, even the gallbladder with thorns, was the size of a baby's fist. At first, Lanling swallowed such a thing and swallowed it.

"It's okay, Xianggong. At that time, I had a fairy treasure and a lot of medicinal materials in my abdomen. I didn't feel any pain. It was almost like drinking hot soup."

Lan Ling pursed her lips and smiled slightly, even though her heart would occasionally experience severe pain after the incident, she was happy to think of being able to relieve her husband's burden.

Jiang Lin sighed and let Lan Ling swallow the life-saving fairy treasure. Using the flying star method, he reached into Lan Ling's body and picked out the sea urchin.

After that, Jiang Lin asked Lan Ling to recover a little, and then showed him the way to the place where the Qianji Deng Rooftop was located in the palace.

"It's very mysterious to go to the sky. Even I can't figure out its operation principle. I hope that nothing will happen when it is sent."

Jiang Lin walked around the sky platform and found that the sky platform has a very long history, and some of the runes in it even he couldn't understand.

Now he can only hope that when he uses this place to go to Sky City, there will be no accidents.

Now, the system on his body is dormant and cannot provide him with any assistance. Once there is a crisis, it will be extremely bad.

After staying around the Dengtiantai for half an hour, Jiang Lin also tried using the Thousand Machines Lock to see if he could activate the Dengtiantai.

Before, when he collected the queen's soul into the ghost bag, he used the ability to search for souls and read memories, and learned from the queen how to make Qianji ascend to the rooftop.

But unfortunately, Jiang Lin's attempt didn't have any effect. The corpse emperor's luck on his body had no effect on climbing to the sky. That is to say, even if he didn't want to be the emperor of the Thousand Machines Kingdom, he had no choice.

After confirming this, Jiang Lin took Lan Ling to find Hong Ji and Chun Shisan.

He felt that things outside the city should no longer require him to be distracted. If there was any situation, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon should have come to inform him long ago, so he planned to seize the time to check some documents with Hongji and the others.

As dusk approached, the entire Huadu burst into a mountain-like shout. The uprising army finally arrived and rushed into the city, and Huadu was completely attacked at this time.

Some guards and elite female soldiers who were stubbornly resisting also disarmed and surrendered.

However, Jiang Lin doesn't care about these things anymore. The queen's soul is hung on the city gate to be refined with fire, and Huadu is also captured. For some things that need to be arranged, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and some old leaders can do it. To solve it, when necessary, he will just show up.

Three days later, starting from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Jiang Lin was framed by a group of old minions, and decided to announce to the entire Qianji Nation one day, proclaim Jiang Lin as emperor, and let Jiang Lin ascend the throne and coronation.

Jiang Lin naturally agreed. After thinking about it, he took his three wives to the center of Qianji Country and flew high into the sky.

In the high-altitude clouds, Jiang Lin refined a lot of material treasures and immortal treasures, and kept many treasures within the cloud.

In the end, Jiang Lin gave out another thought-motion incarnation, and cooperated with many gods to keep the puppet in the thick cloud.

Jiang Lin did this partly because he felt that since he wanted to be the emperor of a country, even for a few days, he still needed to do something.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin knew that he was a different type of zombie and would become a Taoist corpse in the future. If he directly accepted the worship of Wanmin and added luck, he would really be unable to bear it.

Therefore, by making this preparation, he can transfer the qi luck applied to him through the incarnation of mind movement, and the radiated qi luck will be transferred to the high-altitude clouds, and the medicinal power in the cloud will be transferred. Dispersed with the spiritual energy, and finally landed.

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