Blessed people.

In this way, the influence of luck on him can also be minimized.

In the next few days, Jiang Lin became the emperor of Qianji Kingdom, and Hong Ji, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan also got married the day after Jiang Lin's coronation.

Under the repeated requests of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Jiang Lincai stayed for another seven days. After that, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was named the regent by Jiang Linqin, and he himself told the courtiers to retreat and break through.

On the same day, Jiang Lin took his three wives to the Duoyi River in Qianji Country. As early as a few days ago, a section of the Duoyi River under a section of the riverbed had been excavated by the violent wolf clan. castle.

This underground castle is the temporary shelter for the Red Eagles and the others. Now, Jiang Lin only needs to arrange some protective circles.

And the members of the Red Eagle's violent wolf clan were also cursed by Jiang Lin at the request of the Red Eagle, so there was no need to worry that the place where they settled would be known to outsiders.

On the second day, Hong Ji and Lan Ling followed Jiang Lin out of the underground castle and separated from Jiang Lin at the door.The three beauties all looked at Jiang Lin reluctantly, with tears in their eyes.

"Xianggong, remember that you have your wife here, and you must return early. I will regularly go to the palace to open the sky platform and wait for you to come back."

Hong Ji wiped away his tears and threw himself in Jiang Lin's arms.

This underground castle not only has many magic formations that Jiang Lin used to store in the national treasury, but also a teleportation formation. Through the teleportation formation, she can teleport herself to the sky platform of the palace.

After Jiang Lin left today, in order to avoid the situation Jiang Lin mentioned, she, Lan Ling and Chun Shisan Shao were targeted. Usually, they would all be in this underground castle.

"Bring this purse with you. It contains gold beads that can be used in Sky City. When you get there, you should use less ancient mirrors when you are there. You must know that your wealth will not be revealed."

Hong Jiusai gave Jiang Lin a red and blue purse and asked Jiang Lin to carry it, and then kept sobbing.

"Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as possible."

Seeing the three wives crying with pear blossoms and rain, Jiang Lin kissed them on the lips, then turned and walked towards the other end of the passage.

Half a day later, Jiang Lin flew all the way back to the Huadu Palace.

When he was in the ghost town, he fiddled with the underground geomagnetic source around the ghost town. Since then, the general environment of Qianji Nation has begun to change gradually.

After the Queen was killed, the rate of change was even faster.Two days ago, the environment of Qianji Nation completely changed and returned to normal, and now it will no longer cause the yin and yang in Jiang Lin's body to repel each other.

When he got to the platform where no one was around, Jiang Lin put the Thousand Machines Lock into the keyhole of the stone platform and activated the facility.

After opening the Sky Terrace, Jiang Lin put away the Thousand Machine Lock and sent it to the Red Eagle thousands of miles away through the hidden teleportation circle around him.

"Sky City, here I come."

After jumping on the sky platform, Jiang Lin looked towards the sky. After the runes on the sky platform burst into light, his body gradually faded, and finally turned into a stream of light that rose into the sky.

Chapter [-] Big Mouth Pirates Saints

What a mysterious formation power.

Jiang Lin looked at his hands and body, and couldn't help but be surprised. This Qianji Tiantai did have the function of moving and teleporting, but it was different from the general teleportation formation.

The latter generally uses space folding or bridging between two space nodes to transmit, but the effect of thousands of planes on the rooftop is not like this, but makes the teleportation move in a virtual state.

Entities can become virtual.

Moreover, the speed of Jiang Lin's own soaring upwards is also extremely fast.

It should be about ten times the speed of sound.

After about a quarter of an hour, Jiang Lin understood why he needed to use Qianji to ascend to the rooftop in order to ascend to Sky City.

Nima, in the sky above the country of thousands of machines, there is a phenomenon of space folding in the vertical direction.

From before to now, he has risen to a height of a million zhang, and it is not over yet.

Just such a distance, let him lift off through the ability of suspension, I don't know how many days and nights it will take.

After discovering this, Jiang Lin knew why when he was in the Kingdom of Thousand Machines, he didn't notice any obstructions in the sky.

Because you can't see it at all.

After another cup of tea, Jiang Lin saw some suspended objects and many corpses above.

Above the corpse, there is an extremely terrifying celestial phenomenon, turbulent stratus clouds.

Some corpses even floated into the stratus, and in a very short period of time, they were twisted into nothingness.

In addition, there are a large number of space cracks in the fast-flowing stratus clouds.

I'm so...

Could this really be heaven?

Jiang Lin even suspected that those corpses might have been capable people who were not weak in their cultivation. They wanted to ascend to the Sky City, but the result was the same as flying beyond the realm.

At this time, Jiang Lin felt a little apprehensive.

He was worried about whether the Heavenly Platform of Qianji Nation was reliable. If it was not reliable, even if he had a corpse, it would have no effect at all.

Either it was torn into powder, or it dissipated directly.

But unfortunately, no matter how worried Jiang Lin is, now he has become an arrow from the string, and there is no turning back.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the turbulent stratus, Jiang Lin's heart was in his throat.

Grass mud horse, Wangtianjian, if my Jianglin is planted here, all of them will thank you for your blessings!

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, in order to protect the little golden man pendant on his neck, Jiang Lin put the pendant in his mouth and hugged each other to protect the ancient mirror in his arms.

After that, Jiang Lin opened his eyes wide and rushed into the turbulent stratus cloud.

Fortunately, because he was completely blurred, Jiang Lin was not affected at all.

After traveling through the turbulent clouds for a while, Jiang Lin passed this extremely dangerous area, and then he saw a huge aerial world above his head.

It was as if a vast area had been grabbed from the ground, hovering at a very high altitude.

This is Sky City?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be amazed, this vast area, to him, was like a miracle.

I don't know how this sky city was formed, it's almost the same as the Yungong Heavenly Court outside the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory.

The difference is that this sky city does not have any clouds around it, and the sky above and the edge of the sky city seems to be protected by a huge bowl-shaped air cover.

Before Jiang Lin could take a closer look, his speed began to skyrocket, and finally hit the air cover of Sky City.

"Isn't it? Without deceleration?"

After Jiang Lin was thrown into Sky City by the power of Qianji Climbing to the Sky, his body was passively galloping in mid-air.

This made Jiang Lin's eyes widen. With the extreme speed on his body, any chance of hitting a big tree or mountain, or even hitting the ground straight, could make him a puddle of meat pie.

However, Jiang Lin's worries did not come true, and soon after, the speed he carried on his body dropped at an extremely fast speed.

It wasn't that he was willing to descend, but the air in this sky city seemed to be particularly thick, making his body seem to be plunged into a huge reservoir.

Such air resistance caused Jiang Lin's clothes to catch fire. In desperation, Jiang Lin could only mobilize the spiritual power in his body so that he would not be naked as soon as he arrived in this sky city.

However, at this moment, Jiang Lin found that the spiritual power in his body was extremely difficult to mobilize, as if he was sluggish.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin had abundant spiritual power, and in the end he used his spiritual power to protect his entire body. However, a lot of his clothes were burned.

After another period of time, Jiang Lin's body moved at about the same speed as the falcon's flight, but his body began to fall again.

Jiang Lin summoned the Moon Wheel Saber in his body, wanting to carry himself and find a safer place to land.

Who knows what kind of attitude the aborigines in this sky city will hold towards an outsider like him, it would be funny if he was regarded as an alien.

However, what shocked Jiang Lin was that even if he had summoned the Moon Wheel Saber and placed it under his feet, he couldn't volley, and the speed of his fall only slowed down a little.

How is this going?

Jiang Lin frowned. Just now, he wanted to mobilize the spiritual power in his body, but it became very difficult. Now that even Yukong can't do it, it must not be a problem with him.

Could it be that this entire sky city has a forbidden sky formation?

For a while, Jiang Lin didn't have time to think too much. He immediately collected his spiritual power, and after a while, he let his own corpse poison enter his flesh and blood. He wanted to try his two abilities of suspension and gliding.

Seeing that his corpse ability was still effective, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief and fell into the distance.

"Featherman, look, it's a featherman!"

"Naked Feathermen!"

During the process of Jiang Lin's gliding, on the ground below, many people just looked up and saw Jiang Lin, and then they shouted excitedly.

Damn you, second uncle, why do I look like a woman?

What a fruitful woman, is she blind?

Jiang Lin spat, and it didn't take long before he landed in the woods on a high mountain.

"Communication should not be a problem, otherwise, it is estimated that chickens and ducks will talk."

Jiang Lin took out a new piece of clothes from the ancient mirror and put it on, and then muttered to himself.

At the very least, the aboriginal people here are not talking screeching words, he can understand the shouting on the ground just now.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin planned to quickly leave the landing site, leave this area, and go to other places to ask for some detailed information about Sky City.

When he was in the Kingdom of Thousand Machines, he and Hong Ji checked some general information about Sky City. In this Sky City, gold and silver are useless. The currency in circulation is a kind of golden mineral, which is cast into a hexahedron. , called gold beads.

Taking gold out as property, it is estimated that he will be dragged to the officials.

Fortunately, he has some gold beads collected in the Qianji Kingdom's palace, which can be used as money and silk, so it shouldn't be a problem to ask for some information.

Before he took two steps, Jiang Lin realized that something was wrong. It was very difficult for him to move, and even the strength of his steps was ten times stronger than usual.

Jiang Lin also noticed this abnormality when he was changing clothes before. At that time, he thought it was because the teleportation power left in his body had not completely disappeared, so he didn't care.

With doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin exerted the strength of his body and rushed forward.

Some doubts, there is still time to find the reason.

After walking about fifty miles, Jiang Lin began to try to mobilize his spiritual power, and his expression became less attractive after that.

The environment of this sky city, or the laws here, is different from the ground of Da Luo Xianjie and the middle-earth world.

In the past, when he mobilized his spiritual power, he could complete it in an instant, but now it is ten times or even dozens of times slower.


After finally condensing the spiritual power in his body, Jiang Lin pointed it out, and then what surprised him was that his yang finger qi seemed to be withered, and the speed was also many times slower. As for the destructive power , only a fist-sized rock was broken into pieces.

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