Walking over with a sullen face, Jiang Lin squeezed the stone fragments in his hand, only to realize that these ordinary stones were actually harder than iron chips.

"Can you stop doing it?"

Jiang Lin was convinced. The environment and laws of this Sky City were truly something he had never seen before.

Including but not limited to gravity and the density and hardness of objects.

In this way, he has to adapt to such an environment, but no matter how he adapts, it cannot be done in a short time. Once there are practitioners in this sky city, if it is difficult for him, it will be a lot of trouble.

I don't know how difficult it is to find the shark beads he needs here, and then bring in extraterritorial creatures.

After being depressed for a long time, Jiang Lin continued to move forward. Now that he has arrived, he has no reason to give up halfway.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also hypnotized himself. If he were to fight or fight with others in such an environment, it would be of great benefit to his combat experience.

However, no matter how much he hypnotized himself, Jiang Lin kept scolding the Three Character Classic in his mouth.

Seven days later.

Jiang Lin finally got used to the environment here in Sky City, and now he is in the center of Sky City.

"Is this Tianducheng?"

Walking on the bustling streets, Jiang Lin looked around.

On the night he arrived at Sky City, he found a village and found a family to live there temporarily. He brought some gold beads with him, so it was not difficult to solve the problem of food and accommodation.

As for the inquiries, it went well. Jiang Lin lied to the host, saying that he had fallen from a height not long ago, hit his head, and lost his memory.

The host didn't have any doubts, and told him some information about Sky City.

No matter where you go, if you have money in your hand, you can do anything more smoothly.

This Tianducheng, the main city of the Sky City, gathers all kinds of people, and it is also the most prosperous area.

Jiang Lin wanted to find out the whereabouts of the shark beads, so he had to come here to find out clues.

Where to go to find Feather?

Jiang Lin tapped his forehead. On the way to Tiandu City, he was also inquiring about information all the way, and the objects of inquiries were mainly the elderly in some villages.

From the mouth of one of the old men, he learned that the shark pearl may be related to Yuren.

The feathered people are a kind of aborigines in this sky city, with a pair of wings on their backs, they can fly in the air.

In this sky city, no matter how strong you are, unless you become an immortal, otherwise, you will stay on the ground honestly.

Royal object flight and volley flying, that does not exist.

Even if the cultivation base reaches the Nascent Soul level or even higher, at most, he can only jump a little.

To fly, unless you have wings.

However, aboriginal people like Yuren were besieged by groups many years ago because they launched wars to kill aboriginal people of other races.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Lin came to Tiandu City. As long as you have Jinzhu here, some news is still very easy to inquire about.

Just as Jiang Lin was walking carelessly, he was suddenly bumped.

"Oh, sorry."

Just as Jiang Lin frowned, the person who bumped into him immediately apologized to him.

What the hell, the mouth of the abyss?

When Jiang Lin saw the appearance of the young man who bumped into him, he was stunned for a moment. The other party was a little handsome, but he had a mouth, which was a big thief.

After a little visual inspection, Jiang Lin felt that if the big mouth of the young man on the opposite side was fully opened, he could swallow a baby's head.

It's that big.

"It's nothing."

Jiang Lin smiled and didn't take it seriously.

"Then I have to take my pet to dinner, Oka, let's eat!"

Chong Jianglin grinned, and the big-mouthed youth staggered away from Jianglin and walked towards the dining shed [*] meters away.

At this moment, a yellow-skinned and white-haired pangolin ran by Jiang Lin's feet. The pangolin looked up at Jiang Lin and followed the big-mouthed youth.

This big-mouthed boy is quite familiar.

Jiang Lin turned his head and glanced at him, and he couldn't help laughing when he saw the big-mouthed young man walking at a pace that his six relatives did not recognize.

"Yo, isn't this Pirates of the Holy Spirit?"

The big-mouthed youth walked about ten meters, and a tall man greeted him.

"Low-key and low-key, I don't want to be so famous."

Patting the tall young man on the shoulder, the big-mouthed young man made a silent action.

Chapter [*] Treat me with my money, you are so generous

At this time, Jiang Lin had already walked a few steps. Although the street was very noisy, his hearing was not much affected here.

Therefore, the sound from behind also entered his ears.


Jiang Lin stopped, suddenly feeling that something was wrong, so he touched his waist.

Then he found that the purse that Hongjie sewed for him by himself, which was the purse he used to hold the gold beads, was gone.

Well, you big mouth thief, you stole something, and you stole it on my Jiang Lin's head.

No wonder I just said I was going to have a big meal, but it turned out to be breaking the fast with my money.

Jiang Lin turned around and couldn't help laughing. There were times when his wallet was stolen.

Moreover, in terms of his alertness, he hadn't noticed it for the first time.

Even if he thinks about it now, he doesn't know when this big-mouthed young man started it.

That is to say, this big-mouthed thief really has amazing means.

In addition, Jiang Lin also concluded that the big mouth who stole his purse must also be a practitioner.

In this sky city, Jiang Lin can no longer see the depth of other people's cultivation base at a glance, unless there are spiritual power fluctuations in others, he can see it.

Regardless of whether the other party is a cultivator or not, this big-mouthed thief stole his wallet and stole his wallet on Jiang Lin's head, so he doesn't care if the other party has any means.

Moreover, the purse he had stolen was sewed by Red Eagle for his husband before he left.

If it was lost, Jiang Lin felt that he was really sorry for the Red Eagle.

He didn't keep his wife's purse with love.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was going to look for the bad luck of that big mouth thief.

When he came to this sky city, he didn't intend to cause trouble, but now that the wallet embroidered by his wife has been stolen, he is absolutely not afraid of it.

Eh, wait.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to catch up with Big Mouth Pirate Saint, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind.

He must get his purse back, but he doesn't necessarily have to conflict with the other party.

Of course, Jiang Lin's thought was not because he was afraid, but because he thought of the other party's identity.

Pirate saint.

Since he is in this line of work, his knowledge and knowledge of some treasures must be much more than ordinary people.

In this case, it is better to let this big mouth thief play a bigger role.

Much better than teaching it a lesson in repairs.

Therefore, Jiang Lin followed the Pirates of the Big Mouth unhurriedly. What interested him was Oka, the pet of the Pirates of the Big Mouth. Although this little guy was a pangolin, the skin on his back was smooth. Yes, if you stand up on your feet, your body looks very similar to a penguin, and the hair on your belly looks very soft.

What's more interesting is that this pet called "Oka" by the Big Mouth Pirates has a head similar to that of a husky, which looks very funny.

This alone was not enough to arouse Jiang Lin's interest. What was more important was that this little guy took advantage of the big-mouthed young man's inattentiveness and ran to his side. Look at the position of his chest.

Could this little thing have the talent to find treasures?

Jiang Lin's eyes turned slightly, and the big-mouthed young man just now was praised as a thief by someone he knew. As a result, it is not impossible to keep a pet that can sense treasures or treasures by his side.

And if this Oka really has this kind of talent, it will also be of great help for him to find the shark bead.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin took a rare green jujube fruit from his arms and threw it to Oka.

Oka immediately wagged his tail, an anthropomorphic smile appeared on his face, and he jumped up and took it in his mouth.

After that, the little guy rubbed the legs of Jiang Lin's trousers twice, and then ran to talk to his master.

Not far ahead, the Big Mouth Pirate Saint had entered a dining shed opened by the dwarves and sat down, and ordered a full meal of cattle and sheep directly.

Jiang Lin also entered the dining shed and ordered two dishes at random.

"Yo, it's such a coincidence, I think we are really destined, why don't we make friends, my name is Ni Kongkong, Xiongtai Gao's surname?"

When the big-mouthed young man saw Jiang Lin in the dining shed, not only did he not feel guilty, he also greeted Jiang Lin carelessly.

"Brother's name is quite special, in Xiajiang Forest."

Jiang Lin took a sip of sake, and then looked at Ni Kongkong with great interest. He didn't know if the big mouth was too confident in his stealing skills. Have confidence in your own psychological quality, even if you get caught, you can get over it, anyway, this big mouth is not showing a little bit of cowardice.

Ni Kongkong picked up the wine bowl, gestured to Jiang Lin, and then shouted: "Quickly serve the food, I have to order more."

"Order so much, have you finished eating? Are you rich?"

At this time, the dwarf boss of the dining shed walked behind Mud Kongkong and patted the latter on the shoulder.

Ni Kongkong stood up, turned to look down at the dwarf boss of the dining shed, and said, "Do you know who I am? Dare to ask me that?"

"I don't care who you are, don't eat with me if you don't have money."

The dwarf boss didn't take Ni Kongkong seriously at all. When the emperor came here, he had to give money.

Mud Kongkong took out a golden bead from his arms and swayed it in front of the dwarf boss, making the dwarf boss's eyes look straight.

"Hey, money is my ancestor, guest, you can enjoy it slowly."

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