After the dwarf boss took the golden bead, he turned around cheerfully, and put the golden bead in the side pocket of his clothes, but at this time Ni Kongkong leaned down a little, and he could barely see the afterimage with one hand, and put the dwarf boss again. The gold beads in the pocket were taken back.

Jiang Lin naturally saw this scene, but then he moved his eyes elsewhere.

After Ni Kongkong stole back the golden beads, he glanced at Jiang Lin from the corner of his eyes. Seeing that Jiang Lin was drinking, he stopped paying attention and started eating and drinking with his pet Oka.

Not long after, Oka grabbed a roast leg of lamb and ran to Jiang Lin's table with a smile on his face, and brought the roast leg of lamb to Jiang Lin's mouth.

This stinky fart Oka, who usually protects his food, is more powerful than a dog, why has he changed his sex today?

To serve such delicious food to others?


Ni Kongkong quickly reacted. His pet is usually so kind. Although it is a bit stupid, it is definitely not enough to seek the favor of a stranger without any reason.

Could it be that this man named Jiang Lin has other belongings?

Thinking of this, Ni Kongkong grinned and said, "Brother Jiang, why don't we sit together. I ordered a lot of delicious food here. Let's eat together."

Jiang Lin smiled and nodded when he heard the words, took the roast leg of lamb from Okadi, and at the same time walked over to the mud empty dining table and sat down.

"Brother Jiang, whatever you like to eat, just order it, I'll treat you, and what you ordered just now will be counted in my account."

Ni Kongkong showed a very generous attitude and became familiar with Jiang Lin once again.

Not long ago, he became familiar with Jiang Lin and took the purse from Jiang Lin's waist. This time, although he was smiling, the bad water in his stomach didn't know what he was thinking.

Jiang Lin was not polite, and directly asked the dwarf in the dining shed to add a pair of chopsticks to eat and drink with Ni Kongkong and the little guy Oka.

"Brother, you are so generous."

After taking a sip of the sweet wine, Jiang Lin smiled and looked at Ni Kongkong.

"That's how I am, it's easy to become friends with others."

Ni Kongkong grinned and smiled brightly. He really thought that Jiang Lin thought he was generous, but it didn't take long for him to be so "generous" that he would steal the meal from the person opposite him.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "That's not what I meant, what I want to say is, brother, it's really generous for you to treat me with my money and treat me to a big meal."

Chapter [-]: Take mine and give it back, eat mine and spit it out

"Cough cough!"

When Ni Kongkong heard Jiang Lin's words, the drink he poured into his mouth almost choked him.

"Brother Jiang, I...cough...I didn't understand what you said."

This time, I couldn't help but feel empty.

First, he thought that Jiang Lin didn't notice that the wallet was missing at all, and second, he was already thinking about how to cheat and steal, so as to earn other property that Jiang Lin might have.

Jiang Lin had never shown anything before, and he had delicious food with him, but now such a sentence came out of nowhere, which caught him off guard.

Never thought this would happen.

"I said, this has been delicious and delicious for a while, and I didn't say what to do, brother, don't pretend you don't know anything here."

The corner of Jiang Lin's mouth was still smiling.

Otherwise, what he has to do is similar to what a lyric says: take what I have and give it back, eat what I have and spit it out for me.

You have just eaten something delicious, but if you are beaten to the point of vomiting, it will not feel good at all.

Whether Ni Kongkong will be beaten up and spit out a street by him depends on his own consciousness.

"No, Brother Jiang, we just had enough to eat, right? You made such a joke that I almost didn't react."

Ni Kongkong was still grinning with a big mouth, and slapped Jiang Lin sloppily.

How could he have handed over what he had obtained from a thief so easily and returned it.

"Actually, I really don't want to do this. I'm usually a good talker, and I'm willing to reason. But brother, you make it a little difficult for me. My principle is to take mine. , if you want to return it, if you eat my food, you will spit it out for me. Originally, it wasn't a big deal. After eating and drinking, it was over. But now... tsk tsk tsk."

Jiang Lin shook his head, and then said to Ni Kongkong: "You should settle your own affairs first, and then talk about the affairs between us."

This time, Ni Kongkong really didn't understand what Jiang Lin was saying.

However, Jiang Lin gave him a wink and asked him to look behind him.

After that, Jiang Lin folded his arms, ready to watch the fun.

Behind Ni Kongkong, some ferocious men were walking over, and they were still staring at Ni Kongkong, so Jiang Lin knew that Ni Kongkong was going to be in trouble.

Maybe without his efforts, others will let this big mouth thief beat out what he just ate.

"Mud is empty!"

At this moment, the burly man pressed his palm from behind Mu Kongkong and pressed it on his shoulder, almost crushing the stool under his buttocks.

"Why are you looking for your ancestors!"

Mui Kongkong turned his head to look behind him, but the burly man's ghost-headed knife was placed on his neck.

The burly man shouted viciously to Ni Kongkong: "You dare to deceive anyone's money, you are so bold! Pay back!"

"Have you identified the wrong person?"

Ni Kongkong was still holding a huge mouth of the abyss, holding the blade of the ghost head knife and moving it outward.

"Don't pay back? Keep your hands!"

Seeing Ni Kongkong's hippie smile, the burly man immediately clamped on the latter's arm, pressing his palm on the dining table, ready to chop it off with a knife.

At this moment, Mu Kongkong's face and demeanor suddenly changed, he pulled out the dagger from his waist, slashed on the forearm of the burly man, and then used the clamped arm to break free, and pressed the burly man's head with his backhand. On the table.

The table was smashed by the forehead of the burly man.


After that, Ni Kongkong found that there were many people around him, so he drank at his pet, and at the same time shot a sleeve arrow with a steel wire from his sleeve, making it stick on the dining table.

And the pangolin Oka also cooperated very well, pounced on the place where the sleeve arrow was pinned, and curled up around the sleeve arrow.

Can this little guy be used as a weapon?

Jiang Lin stepped aside and watched, and found that Ni Kongkong used the steel sleeve arrow to turn Oka into a ball of meteor hammers, which was also quite interesting.

Seeing Ni Kongkong fighting with the men with weapons around him, Jiang Lin also confirmed his conjecture. Ni Kongkong is indeed a cultivator, and his cultivation level should be almost at the early stage of Jindan.

And the man who came around to get Mu Kongkong also had spiritual power fluctuations, but his cultivation was not as good as Mukongkong.

This was also the first battle between cultivators that Jiang Lin saw after he came to Sky City.

Perhaps it was because they were not enemies of life and death, and their spiritual power was condensed in their fists and feet, causing no damage to the surroundings.

Ni Kongkong knocked over a group of men, and one of them turned over to the outside of the dining shed, but the big men also chased out, surrounded Ni Kongkong again, and opened four large nets to trap Ni Kongkong.

However, Ni Kongkong still grinned widely, threw a smoke bomb in front of him, and activated the spring machine under his feet, allowing himself to rise into the air.

However, Jiang Lin couldn't let this big mouth leave.

"You still want to run, you took my things and haven't returned them to me."

Jiang Lin's voice suddenly appeared in Ni Kongkong's mind, and then two pains came from his back. After that, he felt that his hands and feet were out of control, and he couldn't even control his balance.

This is what Jiang Lin caused him.

When Ni Kongkong flew into the air, two sluggish corpse auras shot out from Jiang Lin's pupils, and they penetrated into Ni Kongkong's body without being seen by others.

Next, it is estimated that Ni Kongkong will be beaten and not even his mother recognizes it.

An unkind smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face, could he let this big mouth thief go away like this?

Sure enough, after Mud Kongkong jumped into the air, he acted like a turtle, extremely slow, and fell from the sky not long after.

Then, he was greeted with punches and kicks.

More than [-] big men beat the goods together.

Mud Kongkong was flying around the street like a football volleyball, either being hit or kicked.

And Mui Kongkong vomited all the food he had eaten before, almost half the street.

Ni Kongkong was about to scold his mother in his heart. He didn't know what was going on with him. His actions seemed to have slowed down many times. fell on him.

After beating Ni Kongkong for a quarter of an hour, those big men tied the big-mouthed thief with special chains.

When there was no movement, the pedestrians watching the lively on the street were drunk away, and a beautiful woman dressed luxuriously and sexy was supported by an old man and walked out.

The beautiful woman wore a long dress woven from gold silk and stepped on high heels made of gold beads, which made many people look straight.


"The famous Pirate Saint Ni Kongkong, this is what you gave me."

The beautiful woman took out a golden eagle claw and threw it beside Mui Kongkong, who was lying on the ground, and then ordered the big men around him, "Cut it!"

"Etc., etc!"

Ni Kongkong suddenly called out, and after finding that his state had returned to normal, he quickly begged the beautiful woman for mercy: "Even if I kill me, it won't do you any good. Why don't I give you a big one for free, no? Collect the money. I have already sold the real thing you asked me to find, and I know you are at a loss."

The beautiful woman squinted at Ni Kongkong and said, "I'll give you a chance, but you'd better not play any tricks. The king of the county has always liked rare and precious treasures, and there is usually a special person to take care of them, so it's difficult to start. In the future, the county king will gather relatives and friends to display treasures, everything is worth a fortune, and at that time, it is your only chance, and you are responsible for paying back my double loss."

When Ni Kongkong heard the beautiful woman's words, he felt bitter in his heart. This kind of thing can't be done in private, and it needs to be said in public.

This clearly is to let the king of the county strengthen his protection.

However, no matter how bitter his heart was, Ni Kongkong had no choice but to agree, otherwise, he would really be cut this time.

After Ni Kongkong agreed, the beautiful woman took away all her men.

Jiang Lin walked slowly to Ni Kongkong at this moment, the big mouth was letting his pet Oka untie the chains on him.

After flicking his fingernails, Jiang Lin said lightly to Ni Kongkong: "Brother, you took my money to eat, so if you eat it, it is also mine. Now you have almost spit it out, then take it. Woolen cloth?"

Seeing the shoe sole print on Ni Kongkong's face, Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing. If it weren't for the slow dose of corpse poison that he had shot from his eyes before, this big-mouthed thief probably wouldn't even be able to negotiate with others. , that would really be cut off.

In addition, he also served this mud Kongkong, and even dared to hack the things entrusted by the owner, and it was still stealing holy, and stealing scum was almost the same.

Chapter [-] I knew this earlier, why bother

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