Ni Kongkong looked at Jiang Lin with a look of fear and vigilance on his face. Before he was beaten, he didn't have time to think, but now he remembered that Jiang Lin's voice had appeared in his mind before he fell to the ground.

After that, his own hands and feet could not be effectively controlled by himself.

Damn, kicked the iron plate this time!

Ni Kongkong felt bitter again in his heart, feeling that he might be unfavorable for fleeting years today, if he hadn't greed for a little bit of Jiang Lin's gold beads, he wouldn't have been found by Jiang Lin.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's presence, even if he was approached by the owner today, he wouldn't necessarily end up like this.

His face was beaten like a pig's head.

"Brother Jiang, I have something... I can discuss something."

Mui Kongkong's face twitched. Although he can control his body now, he is bound by specially made chains. If Jiang Lin beats him again at this time, it will really hit him to the point of internal bleeding. .

It was nothing to be beaten, Ni Kongkong still felt that Jiang Lin might have to do something else to make him pay the price.

Don't say that this time his previous owner didn't cut him, but Jiang Lin wanted to cut him.

As for him, he could only be passively chopped.

Long live!

Therefore, Ni Kongkong begged Jiang Lin for mercy, and immediately called out to the pet Oka, who was hiding in the surrounding corners, and asked the little guy to use his claws to take out the purse he stole from his arms and return it to Jiang Lin.

After Jiang Lin took back his purse, he quietly looked at Ni Kongkong again.

When Jiang Lin didn't leave, Ni Kongkong's heart was half cold.

I'm back, what are you going to do?

Don't cut me!

Ni Kongkong was really worried that Jiang Lin would kill him. After all, Jiang Lin had given him the opportunity to hand over his wallet honestly.

Anyway, what Jiang Lin said at the time was that if you know a little bit, if you hand it over, nothing will happen, so it's better to discuss.

But as for him, he just didn't listen, and he was sloppy with Jiang Lin.

"Brother Jiang, I've paid it back to you. Look, it's better for us to be friends than we should be. We used to eat and drink."

"and then?"

Jiang Lin smiled and continued: "I took mine and returned it. At the beginning, it would have been no problem, but now, is this what you paid back? This is what I asked of you."

"It's easy to talk, Brother Jiang, as long as we can discuss it, we can talk."

Ni Kongkong's face was as ugly as a big mouth swallowing a few dead mice, Jiang Lin really didn't want to let it go.

"It's still the same sentence, you took my money, you eat and drink, and it's all my invitation. Now, it's your time to invite me. In the next few days, I have to be entertained by you, brother. However, I am not so well entertained."

Jiang Lin stopped talking and waited for Mu Kongkong to break free from the chains on his body.

What the beautiful woman said before made him very concerned.

This day, a prince in the capital city likes to collect all kinds of rare treasures. Is it possible that there are shark beads among them?

Therefore, Jiang Lin planned to check it out. As for how to check it, it was naturally led by this big mouth thief holy mud Kongkong.

This Ni Kongkong stole the purse from his wife's parting gift. It was not that easy at first, but now that he can play a bigger role, how could he easily expose this matter.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin also felt that it was fortunate that Ni Kongkong didn't have long eyes, so he stole his wallet and stole it from him. Otherwise, he would never have known that the prince was a person who likes to collect treasures.

When Ni Kongkong regained his freedom, all the bosses who had destroyed the surrounding shops gathered around and asked Ni Kongkong to compensate for the loss.

"Boss, do you see if the meal fee you charged before is still there?"

After the dwarf boss of the dining shed made a claim to Ni Kongkong, Jiang Lin gave Ni Kongkong another knife.

After Jiang Lin mentioned this, the dwarf boss suddenly became angry, and asked Ni Kongkong to pay ten times the cost of the meal.

Mui Kongkong could only pinched his nose to recognize it, he was bleeding profusely, and took out ten times the cost of the meal.

Otherwise, if he is targeted by Hu Ya of Zhenhu Division, he will be jailed.

If I knew this earlier, why did it happen in the first place!

Ni Kongkong glanced at Jiang Lin and wondered if he had encountered a debilitating spirit.

He just stole the purse with some gold beads and was beaten badly. The claims from the bosses around him and the blackmail from the dwarf bosses made all the income from his busy work go to waste. .

What he ordered in the dining shed before was a rarity.

What made him even more mentally broke was that, damn, Jiang Lin still ate a lot, and up to now, Jiang Lin has not spent a penny.

It is not enough to eat a big meal for free, and he also said that the previous big meal was invited by others, and then used this to blackmail him.

"That, brother Jiang, I still have to do something serious, otherwise I will be chased by the boss. If you don't dislike it, I will take you back to where I temporarily lived. Now that I have nothing on my body, even if I have the intention to entertain you. , that can't be entertained either."

Although his complexion was similar to that of bitter gourd, Ni Kongkong still grinned as usual, showing an insincere smile, and suggested to Jiang Lin to return to his residence first.

Jiang Lin nodded without saying much, and followed behind Mu Kongkong.

I stole the holy dignifiedly, how could I be so ruthless today?

After leaving the city, when he arrived at the outskirts of the city, Ni Kongkong walked in front. The more he thought about it along the way, the more uncomfortable he felt.

In the past, he cheated others and took advantage of others, and he has never suffered a loss.

As a result, today, I ate a blood loss.

"Oka, Oka."

Ni Kongkong made up his mind after a struggle in his heart. He couldn't bring Jiang Lin back. Now if he can get rid of Jiang Lin, he might not be able to make up for this big loss later.

In Mui Kongkong's heart, he still felt that he was too careless this time, which caused him to capsize.

If he guarded Jiang Lin early in the morning and didn't eat with Jiang Lin, there would be no such thing.

Not only that, Ni Kongkong hit Jiang Lin again.

Be a thief, be it thieves of saints, thieves of gods, or thieves, all have one thing in common, that is, it is easy to be a thief.

Ni Kongkong made a conjecture when he was reflecting just now. If this Jiang Lin is not an ordinary person but a cultivator, then the thing that can attract Oka on his body is probably not a treasure but a treasure.

This kind of thing, if it is of good quality, is generally priceless.

The value is the lowest in the city.

Get rid of this Jiang Lin first, and then find a way to kill him!

This is what Ni Kongkong is thinking now. Although there may be some risks involved, if you give it a try, maybe your kennel can become a golden den.

When Oka heard Mu Kongkong's call, a hesitant expression appeared on his face, but in the end it chose to obey his master's words and jumped onto Mukongkong's arm.

"Fall for me!"

Ni Kongkong suddenly turned around, used the Oka on his arm as a hand cannon, and aimed it at Jiang Lin.

Then Oka let out a puff of yellow smoke, it was more stinky fart than yellow smoke.

After giving Jiang Lin this hand, Ni Kongkong flew forward.

After a full gallop, he turned to look.

At this time, Jiang Lin was still in his original position and withdrew from Huang Yan's range.

In fact, Jiang Lin was not affected at all. Although he had not known Ni Kongkong for a long time, he still knew the temperament and mind of such people.

Therefore, when Ni Kongkong agreed to his request at the beginning, he expected that Ni Kongkong might not see the coffin and not cry.

Therefore, Oka's stinky fart did not affect him at all. When Mud Kongkong was moving, he had already accumulated the spiritual power in his body under the surface of his body.

With both hands on the corners of his mouth, Ni Kongkong gave Jiang Lin a smile, and then he continued to run forward with a big laugh, driving for more than ten miles before stopping.


When Ni Kongkong was bending over to gasp for breath, Jiang Lin suddenly appeared beside this big-mouthed thief and asked.

"I'm so tired, I'm almost tired~ I'm dying."

Mud Kongkong nodded, then he turned his face to the side.

After being sluggish for a while, Ni Kongkong's mouth laughed like a crescent moon, and said: "Haha, Brother Jiang, I saw that you didn't say a word, so I made a joke for you, isn't it funny? It's funny, isn't it? Hahaha."

However, seeing Jiang Lin's expressionless face, Ni Kongkong's smile gradually disappeared.

Big woe!

Long live again!

After that, the big-mouthed thief broke out with a terrifying cry, and Oka on one side covered his eyes with his claws.

dare not look.

"If I knew this earlier, why bother in the first place."

Jiang Lin clapped his hands and let Mu Kongkong continue to lead the way.

However, now Mud Kongkong can't use his feet to lead the way, but his limbs.

This guy's belly was facing the sky, his arms were folded [-] degrees by Jiang Lin, he was propped on the ground, and his legs were also twisted [-] degrees by Jiang Lin.

Just like doing yoga.

Yes, if I knew this earlier, why bother in the first place?

Ni Kongkong wanted to cry without tears, but now he was rectified by Jiang Lin and couldn't even walk like a normal person.

Chapter [-] is now out of the question

"Not leaving yet? Do you still want to be repaired?"

Jiang Lin clenched his fists and made a gurgling sound when he saw that the mud was empty and motionless.

"Don't, Brother Jiang, don't be rough, I'll go."

Ni Kongkong endured the severe pain in the joints on his limbs, and was twisted by Jiang Lin to deform his arms and legs, then bent down. His limbs drove his body forward like springs.

Mui Kongkong didn't want to do this either, but in his current state, he couldn't even learn how to walk with a four-legged beast.

Why is it happening like that?

That is why ah?

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