As for why Xue Lie and the others appeared in Tiandu City, and they were still in a place not far from the Prince's Palace, it was a coincidence that their goal tonight was also the rare treasures in the Prince's Palace, or it was just one of the many treasures. one of the.

"Wind Xiao, Thunderstorm, Crane Shadow, have you checked it out?"

After Xue Lie fell to the ground, his arms shook, and the bone wings on his back magically shrank into his back, and then he looked at the three kneeling men.

"Master, this subordinate has found out that the golden disc is in the palace of the county king, and the subordinate has already dispatched some clansmen to cooperate with them, intending to divert the guards of the palace."

The appearance is almost the same as that of a human being, but Feng Xiao, who has a little blue-black horny side of his forehead, immediately reported the situation to Xuelie.

Xue Lie nodded, "Very good, the three of you immediately sneak into the treasure room in the palace and look for the golden disc we need. As for me, I will bleed the entire palace into a river and let humans remember it once again. Raise the fear of being dominated by our feathered!"


Feng Xiao, Thunderstorm, and He Ying immediately kowtowed to their leaders and ran away from the roof to the location of the Prince's Mansion under the cover of the night.

Unlike Xue Lie, the three of them did not have wings on their backs.

On the other side, Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong had already used the hole made by Oka to go to the underground of the Prince's Mansion. At the time, Ni Kongkong took advantage of the guard changing node outside and pushed open the ceramic floor tiles at the exit of the hole. , appeared in the backyard of the palace.

Jiang Lin also jumped out of the cave.

"Follow me."

After putting the ceramic floor in place, Ni Kongkong immediately took Jiang Lin to action, went not far ahead, and picked up a floor similar to a ventilation window on the ground.

"Brother Jiang, the treasure room where the prince collects treasures is underground. This is a ventilated place. I think if it were you, you would definitely think that it would be more convenient for Oka to dig through this place directly, so there is no need to take risks. you say……"

"Come in you!"

Ni Kongkong wanted to show Jiang Lin his IQ, but before he could finish speaking, he was kicked in by Jiang Lin.

So where did you let the pet dig, and it has a half-cent relationship with me?

Is it going to go well?

After Ni Kongkong was kicked by Jiang Lin, he stopped talking. Jiang Lin didn't seem to care about how he thought about it carefully.

After a while, Jiang Lin and the others walked through the ventilation passage a few times before entering the underground treasure room.

Now there are people outside who are constantly sending the treasures here to the yard for guests to watch. Naturally, there are no guards in this treasure room.

Ni Kongkong's eyes flashed with golden light, and he began to glance around, while Jiang Lin also accelerated his pace, wanting to see if there were any treasures such as beads in the collection of this county king.

Chapter [-] This trip is worthwhile!

The funny thing is that Ni Kongkong didn't immediately put away the treasures, but evaluated the treasures displayed in the wall cabinet in his own words, judging the value, and seeing how much he needed to pay off the owner's debt.

Jiang Lin ignored Mui Kongkong, and quickly walked around the room, and finally stopped in front of a crystal ball in a wall cabinet.

He searched again and found no rare treasures related to beads, but this crystal ball was still somewhat related to beads.

Shark beads, shark beads, shouldn't be that big?

Then the shark ball went.

Jiang Lin picked up the crystal ball and observed it. He felt that it was not the target he was looking for, so he put it back. He did not sense any strange energy from the crystal ball.

Logically speaking, the shark pearl is a treasure that can open the boundary wall, and it will definitely not be an ordinary thing.

Is it possible that I still need to confirm it in a collection of objects in the exhibition outside?

For a time, Jiang Lin was a little hesitant. From Ni Kongkong, he learned that this county king likes to collect all kinds of strange items. In addition to the savings of the palace, the entire sky city should belong to the treasure in the hands of the king.

And if the shark beads are circulating outside, it is likely to be here with the king.

Jiang Lin felt that if he didn't make some confirmation, he would never give up.

What if what he was looking for was really in the hands of this county king?

"The king is here!"

At this moment, Jiang Lin heard shouts from directly above the treasure room.

And listen to it.

Jiang Lin frowned, intending to listen to some voices above the treasure room.

Maybe no one will mention the shark beads, of course, this has to be in the hands of the prince.

It was also because Jiang Lin raised his face and focused all his attention on his hearing that he didn't notice that a virtual image of his face appeared inside the crystal ball he put back in place.

This crystal ball is indeed not a shark bead, but it is a rare thing that can print a human face into it and save it.

It is precisely because of this function that the crystal ball was included in the treasure room by the king.

"Hahaha... make... everyone wait for a long time."

At this time, in the reception hall above the treasure room, the prince walked into the hall with a concubine in his arms, laughing and laughing, and then the prince continued: "This prince traveled around today and collected a few treasures. This time , but the real treasure, the legendary fetish that calls the wind and calls the rain."

With that said, the prince opened a curtain on the counter and showed the seahorse stored in the glass water cabinet.

Jiang Lin kept listening to the voice above, but he didn't hear any information he wanted, not even the word "bead".

Jiang Lin planned to continue listening, but at this moment, footsteps were heard on the steps.

As soon as he heard the change, Jiang Lin immediately jumped up and hid on the beam of the treasure room.

Mud Kongkong's response was not slow, and he also jumped to another beam to hide.

After a while, many servants came down from the steps on both sides of the treasure room. They carried some of the treasures in the room on a chopping board and sent them to the hall. One of them was the golden disc that Xue Lie and the others were looking for.

When the last servant was about to leave, the empty pet Oka let out a small fart.

I say!

Mud Kongkong quickly grabbed Oka from his waist and made him lie down on the beam.

"Who? Who's up there!"

The servants below immediately saw the position of the beam, but Ni Kongkong and Jiang Lin were both hidden very well and were not discovered.

But the next moment, the housekeeper let out a scream.

Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong moved their bodies slightly, looked down, and then the two of them saw a purple-white woman piercing Jiading's head with two daggers.

Crane Shadow?

Isn't this a crime?

Ni Kongkong was stunned for a moment. He had seen the portrait of this woman on the bulletin board in Tianducheng, and knew that this woman was a wanted criminal.

For a while, Ni Kongkong didn't know what was going on. Did he meet his peers?

The screams from Jiading attracted more people from outside to rush in, but they fell into a pool of blood almost instantly.

Two strange-looking men appeared in the treasure room. One held a long sword and the other held an axe. Killing people was like cutting vegetables.

"He Ying, Thunderstorm, the master didn't let you play, hurry up and find the golden disc! Otherwise, the master's important affairs will be delayed, who of you can take it?"

Feng Xiao snorted when he saw that the two members of the same clan were only interested in killing people.

"Feng Xiao, what are you being arrogant about? The master didn't let us listen to you. The master is going to bloodbathe this county king's mansion. If we kill a little more, it will also give the master less trouble. What's wrong?

Thunderstorm is very dissatisfied with Feng Xiao, and he doesn't take the latter seriously at all.

Is there such a coincidence?

Jiang Lin frowned when he heard the conversation below. He just came here to check if there was any shark bead he needed to find, but he didn't read the old yellow calendar when he went out.

What's so special now, someone bloodbath the county palace.

Not to mention the immediate troubles, if there is a bloody murder case here, if he and Ni Kongkong appear in the county palace, if they are identified and investigated, it will definitely cause a show of embarrassment.

Ni Kongkong also has a wonderful expression. The second uncle, he came to the county palace to take orders, but now there is a murder case, and in this case, he can't take the treasure of the palace.

Otherwise, if someone finds that the palace has lost property, then the suspicion of murder must be placed on his head.

Although Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong were not expecting this sudden appearance, neither of them acted.

If he showed up now, he would be asking for trouble.

"Of course, Hall Master Feng Xiao is arrogant."

At this time, He Ying, the only woman below, started teasing, turning beside Feng Xiao, He Ying continued: "People, now you are a celebrity next to the master, go to Lingyi Mountain to get the treasure box in a few days, so For the important matter, the master only sent Hall Master Feng Xiao alone, so you can see how much the Master values ​​Hall Master Feng Xiao."

Feng Xiao snorted and said: "That's because I have never failed, so the master will entrust me with such an important task. There are shark beads in the treasure box, which are related to our clan, and there can be no failure. possibility!"

Shark bead! ! !

After Jiang Lin heard Feng Xiao's words, he almost couldn't control his emotions.

It turned out to be a shark pearl, in what Lingyi Mountain!

In fact, it's no wonder that Jiang Lin's heart was too excited. He came to this huge sky city, and it was a completely unfamiliar environment that made him uncomfortable. He wanted to find a bead in this sky city. The difficulty can be imagined.

He has been in Sky City for nearly ten days, and he still doesn't have any clues or relevant information. If he really wants to find this shark bead in the future, I don't know how long it will take to have a look.

But now, someone below mentioned the shark bead, and also said the whereabouts of the shark bead.

How could this not make Jiang Lin excited.

Hurry, too soon!

Jiang Lin never imagined that he would find out the location of the Shark Pearl in such a short period of time.

Moreover, there is no need for him to investigate or entrust someone to inquire about the whereabouts.

Just sell your ears.

It's that simple.

If Jiang Lin hadn't been sober, he would have wondered if he was dreaming in the daytime.

It's not worth it, it's worth it!

Jiang Lin's mood suddenly brightened. He came to the treasure room of the county king just to try and see if he could try his luck and find the shark pearl.

But after searching around here, he couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. Just now, he wanted to check in the yard to see if there were any shark beads among the treasures on display.

That's why he froze his ears to listen to the movements and various sounds above.

But not long after listening to it, a family member came down, so he had to interrupt the process.

At that time, Jiang Lin was in a bad mood.

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