But at this moment, it is really another village.

The shark pearl is in Lingyi Mountain!

Jiang Lin was in a very good mood, as was Ni Kongkong. He couldn't do anything more here, otherwise, he would definitely be related to the murder case here or the impending massacre, causing him a lot of suspicion.

Seeing so many treasures, I can't start to collect them.

But at this time, the following murderers said that Lingyi Mountain has a treasure box.

When Ni Kongkong heard the treasure box, he was so excited that he didn't listen to the words behind, and naturally he didn't hear that the treasure in the treasure box was the content of shark beads.

However, even if he didn't know what was inside the treasure box, it didn't prevent him from being very happy.

Because the three murderers below made it clear that they were not interested in the many treasures in the treasure room, and the treasure box that interested them must be more precious than the treasures here.

Well worth the trip!

Ni Kongkong also felt that his trip was worthwhile.

Although he can't touch the treasure in this county palace, he can be completely rude to the treasures in other places.

Take Lingyi Mountain, for example.

This is to lose a sesame, can pick up a big watermelon!

Chapter [-] is still suspected (on)

Just when Ni Kongkong was secretly delighted, Oka, who was lying in front of him, had a bitter pet face, and a pair of front paws hugged his stomach.

"You don't want to fart, do you?"

Ni Kongkong asked very softly, and when he saw Oka nodded, his face became difficult to look at.

The three people with strange faces below are fierce and ruthless, and their strength may not even be weaker than Jiang Lin, who is pressing him. Moreover, the entire county and king's mansion may not be safe now. If they are not found, they can still go back the same way. Left unharmed.

But once Oka collapses another stinky fart, it will expose them.

A big trouble is inevitable.

Although this treasure room has fluorite lighting, after all, it is night, and the light is not bright, and therefore, they are not noticed.

But as long as Oka "poofs" again and a stinky fart pops out, then don't think about it, let's face the trouble.

Fortunately, Oka caught his tail and seemed to be able to hold on for a while.

Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to the situation of Ni Kongkong and Oka, his attention was on the three people below.

Now, although he has received the news of the shark pearl, with the power of Ni Kongkong, the big-mouthed thief, most of them can get it.

But he was not the only one who targeted the shark bead. Even if he got the shark bead in his hands, he would face the situation of being searched and hunted down later.

Therefore, Jiang Lin was ready to hear what kind of person the master among the three people below was.

Are these people not human?

Looking at Feng Xiao and them from the corner of his eyes, Jiang Lin felt a little strange. Although these people's facial features were very similar to humans, their complexion was either purple or pale, as if they had been coated with a layer of white flour. Feng Xiao's complexion is slightly normal.

In addition to the strange skin color, the color of the pupils of the three people are different.

Moreover, the faces of the two men and women below have stratum corneum like scaly skin.

Especially in a thunderstorm with an axe in hand, the tissue around and under the nose and temples is like crocodile skin, plus this guy has a hairstyle similar to the Mongolian braid in Middle-earth, and looks like a barbarian.

"He Ying, you'd better stay away from him. Don't forget, he has a sister who is a dog for the people. Maybe you will be betrayed by him."

At this time, Leibao saw He Ying revolving around Feng Xiao, and the expression on his face was a little tasteful, so he went to expose Feng Xiao's old bottom.

"That's right."

He Ying smiled and deliberately stayed away from Feng Xiao.

Hearing that someone mentioned his sister, Feng Xiao was so angry that his forehead became blue veins, and then he kicked the long sword in the hand of the servant on the ground, causing him to stab at the thunderstorm.

However, Thunderstorm's response was not slow. He picked up his axe and smashed his long sword into the air. Angrily, he walked over to Feng Xiao and said, "You're numb, let the horse come over."


But at this moment, a special sound came from the beam where Ni Kongkong was.

The long sword that was hit by the thunderstorm just now happened to be inserted into the side of the beam, and the distance between the landing point and the lying Oka was only an inch away. Oka was so startled that he could no longer hold back.

These two pieces of shit!

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment after hearing the voice not far away, and then looked at Ni Kongkong, but Ni Kongkong covered his nose with a bitter face, pointed at Oka to Jianglin, and said that this was not the case. about him.

"what sound?"

Feng Xiao and the others below also heard the sound on the beam at the same time, and it didn't take long for them to smell a strange smell.

"What kind of smell is this? It stinks!"

"Who's up there? Come out!"

Feng Xiao and Thunderstorm looked at the beam together, and the mud was empty and wise, and he pushed his pet Oka down.


Oka let out a cry, and his body immediately curled up into a ball, bouncing on the ground like a ball, and rolled into the distance.

And Ni Kongkong also moved quickly when Oka attracted Feng Xiao and their attention, and moved from the beam to the ventilation channel that came in before to hide.

Jiang Lin's actions were also extremely fast, and he didn't make any sound, hiding in one place with Ni Kongkong.

"It turned out to be a beast, really bad luck."

Feng Xiao saw that it was a yellow-skinned beast that made a sound, and after walking a few steps, he didn't see anything from the beam, so he didn't care.

Then they walked around the treasure room, looking for the golden disc.

Because the three people's goals were very clear, they didn't notice the crystal ball, and naturally they didn't notice Jiang Lin's face in the crystal ball.

After failing to find the golden disc, Feng Xiao said: "It may have been sent to the exhibition by the servants, and now the master should be here, so go out and meet the master immediately."

Although Leibao and He Ying were dissatisfied with Feng Xiao, they now had important things from their masters, so they stopped arguing with Feng Xiao and left the underground treasure room with Feng Xiao.

"I said, Brother Jiang, now there is a bloody case in this county palace, and there may be a murder case. The things here, whether you want to give up or not, can't be moved anyway. Although the things I have done are not visible, but absolutely I don’t want to have anything to do with the murder case. As for the matter of returning empty-handed and being found by the creditors, I will think of other ways.”

Seeing that Feng Xiao and others had already left, Ni Kongkong in the ventilation passage told Jiang Lin that he did not plan to touch the treasures of the Prince's Palace.

He didn't know what Jiang Lin wanted, and thought that Jiang Lin was also interested in the rare treasures here, so what he just said was a warning.

"In that case, I don't like to cause trouble either."

Jiang Lin nodded. Now that he knew the whereabouts of the shark pearl, he no longer needed to go to the reception hall above the ground to confirm it. No matter what kind of rare treasures were in the palace, he was not interested.

Whether it is empty or not, it has little to do with him.

It's better not to take the treasure here, lest this thing hurt him.

After that, according to Ni Kongkong's suggestion, Jiang Lin hid in the passage first, and then left after everything calmed down.

Otherwise, if you go out now, you may run into trouble.

Chapter [-] is still suspected (in)


At this time, Ni Kongkong waved at his pet Oka. After Oka climbed along the wall to the ventilation passage, he was caught by Ni Kongkong and received a lot of slaps on the head.

In the end, Ni Kongkong shot Oka into Jiang Lin's arms before he stopped. If it wasn't for his cleverness before, he would probably be hunted down now.

"Okay, it's up to this little guy to be able to enter this county palace."

Jiang Lin looked at Oka, who was aggrieved, and then reached out and touched the little thing's head.

This time he was able to get the news of the shark bead, Oka can be regarded as a major contributor.

After that, Jiang Lin amplified his hearing, and wanted to hear what was going on in the palace of the palace.

At this time, in the reception hall, the prince asked his concubine to check what happened to the screams in the treasure room before, and then went to see why the guards outside were investigating the movements around the palace and still haven't come back .

However, even if there were some problems, the county king still didn't take it seriously. He had entertained many guests today, all of whom were high-profile people. He really didn't believe that anyone would dare to make trouble at this juncture.

"Hahaha, everyone, this next baby is going to make you stand out."

The king of the county held the golden disc presented by the servants in his hand, showed it to the guests, and then introduced: "In the legend, this treasure once witnessed the defeat of the Yuren."

"The Featherman has never failed! You forget, the Featherman once ruled mankind."

Just as many guests squeezed past and wanted to see the treasure in the hands of the prince, a voice came from the second door of the courtyard.

Xue Lie appeared at the door, and the two guards beside the door wanted to capture Xue Lie, but they were directly thrown away.

After that, Xue Lie's body moved quickly, and without a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the prince.

At the same time, the bodies of many servants and guards fell from the sky, and Feng Xiao, Thunderstorm, and Crane Shadow also jumped from the roof into the yard.

For a time, the guests in the reception hall were frightened into chaos.

"Hey hey hey..."

The king of the county was a little stunned, then covered his mouth and smiled, and said, "Which friend is this? If you are late, you will be late. There is no need to deliberately dress up like this. Are you going to pour me wine and punish yourself with three cups?"

Even though a lot of corpses fell from the yard, the prince did not believe that those were dead corpses. He thought it was some friend who was joking with him.

However, the next moment, after Xue Lie showed a mocking smile on his face, bone wings appeared behind him, and he also floated up.

At this time, the county king was dumbfounded. In front of him, it was actually a feathered man, and he was still a feathered man who could fly.

Xue Lie turned around, and the bone wings knocked the prince out, and then the bone wings on his back were under his control, and only the bones were left, like spears, stabbing towards him. The people in the temple who were ready to flee.

Feng Xiao and the others also went on a killing spree with the people they brought.

As for the prince, his legs were so frightened that he was crawling on the ground.

When all the guests in the hall were stabbed to death by his own bone spear, Xue Lie looked at the prince who was crawling on the ground.

With a slight movement of his back, the two bone spears on Xue Lie's body pierced the king's shoulder blades and lifted him up.

Taking the golden disc from the king's hand, Xue Lie said, "This thing doesn't belong to you."

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