After that, the king's neck was stabbed clear by another bone spear, and he was thrown out and slumped to the ground.

During this period of time, there was no one alive in the entire county palace.Whether it was the king of the county and his concubines, the guests who came, or the guardians, they all died.

After destroying the county king's gate, Xue Lie, Feng Xiao and others quickly left the city.

After Xue Lie and the others left, the prince took his last breath, dipped his own blood, and drew a square pattern on the surface of the stool beside him.

This is the mark on the golden disc. Before his death, the county king was still thinking about his stolen collection.

After about a quarter of an hour, Jiang Lin couldn't hear any movement, so he let Mu Kongkong move quickly.

When they reached the ground, Ni Kongkong saw the horrific image of the Prince's Mansion, and his lips turned pale.

This is a busy place that was in good condition not long ago, but now there are corpses everywhere.

There are many guards among them, the guards of the county palace, but they are not bad at all, but even with so many guards, they are all shit.

If the existence of him and Jiang Lin were discovered before, it would probably be doomed.

"Okay, don't look at it, didn't those guys say that Lingyi Mountain has a treasure box? Since the rare treasures in the county and king's mansion can't be taken, hurry up to Lingyi Mountain, otherwise, those people will be the first to climb, this time not Are you busy?"

Jiang Lin took a photo of Ni Kongkong. Now he doesn't even know where Lingyi Mountain is. Naturally, he needs this big-mouthed thief to lead the way.

If Mu Kongkong objected, then there was nothing he could do.

However, to Jiang Lin's satisfaction, Ni Kongkong had no objection at all. Instead, he had to leave immediately and head directly to Lingyi Mountain, which is nearly two hundred kilometers away from the outskirts of the city.

Early the next morning, the captain of the guard who patrolled the city discovered the situation of the palace and rushed to the palace.

Boarding the palace built on the tall building, after entering the court, the chief guard knelt in front of the Emperor He and said, "Your Majesty, the matter is bad, the county palace has been destroyed!"

He Huang's expression was startled, followed by an angry look on his face, and shouted: "Who is so bold, how dare to murder the widowed brother!"

The chief guard replied: "According to the traces left on the scene, it should be the feathers, and it is very likely that the current leader of the feathers, Xue Lie, led the people to slaughter the whole family of the county king. Your Majesty was kind and let this thief go. One life, but this fellow thief is not dead, and his nature is vicious, and he often causes trouble near Tiandu City."

At this time, the prince of Tiandu City, that is, the parent-son of Emperor He Li, happened to have something to report, and heard about it before the court.

"Xue Lie?"

He Huang's face became icy cold, and he said, "I ordered Yang Zhenhu, the Secretary of Zhenhu, to investigate this case with all his strength, and to arrest the murderer for the widow within ten days and convict him, so as to comfort the king's spirit in heaven!"

After taking the order, the captain of the guard immediately retired, preparing to hand over the murder case to the Town Tiger Division, who was in charge of criminal cases.

After thinking for a while, the prince Heli did not enter the court, and planned to use his own strength to capture Xue Lie, the head of the feather clan, so as to impress his father and emperor, and then he was crowned the prince.

It didn't take long for the captain of the guard to hand over the investigation of the murder case at the county palace to the Town Tiger Division.

"Hey, have you heard? Last night, the palace was destroyed up and down. It's very likely that Yuren did it."

"I also just heard that the case will be solved within ten days. Now, the Huyas from the Huhu Division will be very busy."

"Oh, yes, Lord Yang specially instructed, don't let the black feather girl know about this."

In the courtyard of the Town Tiger Division, two men in regular clothes were walking towards the gate, talking while talking about the destruction of the Prince's Mansion.

Coincidentally, at this time, on the street outside the gate of Zhenhusi, a girl with long hair and a shawl dressed in a heroic manner suddenly stopped.

And this girl, who was also wearing standard clothes and was about to enter the Tiger Town to report, was the black feather that the two men said.

Lord Yang didn't let me know about this, did he think I would favor the Yu clan?

With a snort in his heart, Hei Yu did not enter the Tiger Town Division, but turned around and walked in the direction of the Prince's Mansion.

A quarter of an hour later, Hei Yu arrived at the county palace guarded by guards, and after showing her Huya waist badge, she entered the county palace.

After exploring the place where the dead were located, Kuroba naturally entered the underground treasure room of the king of the county.

With a glance, she saw the crystal ball that Jiang Lin had touched.

A few months ago, when she was on business at the county king's mansion, she had seen the county king holding this crystal ball and playing with his concubine.

And this peculiar crystal ball has a special function, which can imprint the faces of those who have touched the sphere in it.

See if there are any clues.

Recalling what happened a few months ago, Kuroba walked over to the crystal ball.

Chapter [-] is still suspected (below)


Leaning behind him, Kuroba found the face of a man inside the sphere of the crystal ball.

It was Jiang Lin's face.

"This man appeared here last night? And he touched the crystal ball?"

Hei Yu frowned slightly, then immediately took out the white paper and a special hard pen from his arms, and drew Jiang Lin's face in the crystal ball.

Because he had heard the king of the county talk about the function of the crystal ball, Kuroba was sure that his judgment should be correct.

Although this strange crystal ball can imprint the face of the person in contact, it can only last for six hours without disappearing.

And the clothes of Jianglin in the sphere are different from those of the servants and guards in the palace.

As for whether Jiang Lin would be a guest invited by the king, Hei Yu was immediately excluded. This treasure room was the most important place for the king. Except for the servants and concubines, outsiders would never be allowed to enter.

That is to say, the treasures here have not been taken out and displayed for the guests, so how could there be a man's face who is not a family member in the crystal ball.

Therefore, Hei Yu concluded that it must be someone who sneaked into the treasure room last night, and the man in the sphere is likely to be related to the murder of the county king's mansion, and may even be one of the murderers.

In any case, this man has considerable suspicion with the murder.

At this time, he had already arrived at Jianglin in Lingyi Mountain, and he still didn't know that he had been regarded as a murderer.

Also very suspicious.

After Hei Yu painted Jiang Lin's face, he covered the crystal ball with a black cloth. After a while, she lifted the black cloth again, and the image of Jiang Lin in the sphere disappeared without a trace.

The reason why Hei Yu did this was that Hei Yu wanted to capture Jiang Lin herself to prove that under right and wrong, she would never protect the Yu clan.

After investigating the scene of the treasure room again, Kuroba returned to the reception hall.

"I think I've seen this sign somewhere. By the way, it's Lingyi Mountain!"

After discovering the square mark left by the prince on the stool, Hei Yu recalled for a moment, and after a while, he remembered that he had seen such a mark on the mountain when he was passing by Lingyi Mountain.

At this moment, there was movement outside the gate of the Prince's Mansion, and Hei Yu began to draw the mark on the stool.

The two vanguards of the Tiger Suppression Division took the lead to come to the front of the county king's mansion, and learned something from the guards. After a while, Yang Zhenhu, who was in charge of the tiger teeth of the town tiger division, arrived at the gate of the county king's mansion.

"Master Yang, at Xu last night, there was a sudden movement around the Prince's Palace, which led away some of the guards..."

A vanguard reported to Yang Zhenhu the information he had compiled, including the number of victims in the county palace, the murderer's modus operandi, and whether there were any lost treasures in the mansion.

After Yang Zhenhu entered the palace, he saw that Hei Yu had appeared at the scene, but he didn't pay much attention to it, but began to investigate the surrounding situation.

"Black Feather, you can't stay here."

The vanguard who reported the information to Yang Zhenhu just now saw Hei Yu sitting in the hall and drawing clues, so he went over and patted her on the shoulder from behind.

"Why didn't you notify me when you came to the county palace to investigate the case? I'm also the Huya of the Tiger Town Division."

Kuroba didn't get up, but continued to trace the mark.

"You didn't hear what I said, did you? These are all good things you Yuren did, go out!"

Pioneer grabbed the clothes on Hei Yu's shoulders, pulled it up, and kept pushing and shoving Hei Yu's shoulders.

However, Hei Yu was not a good-natured girl either. She grabbed the Xianfeng arrester's wrist, slammed it back, and kicked the frontier arrester to the ground with one kick.

Another vanguard also came over to be embarrassed, but was also thrown over by Hei Yu. When Hei Yu was about to make up for it, Yang Zhenhu suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Black Feather!"

"grown ups?"

Seeing this, Hei Yu immediately stopped and apologized to the boss: "Master Yang, this subordinate did not intend to offend, please forgive me."

Yang Zhenhu said: "The case of the Prince's Mansion involves the remnants of the Yuren. I didn't notify you, but I wanted you to avoid suspicion."

"My lord, most of these people were stabbed to death by bone spears. It should be Xue Lie's actions. Xue Lie has been hiding around Tiandu City for many years. There must be a reason for appearing in person this time."

Heiyu reported the results of her investigation to Yang Zhenhu, and when she was about to mention the crystal ball, her words were interrupted.

"Sir, Hei Yu's own brother Feng Xiao is related to this case, please make a clear decision, and Hei Yu cannot be involved in the investigation of the case!"

Pioneer, who was beaten up by Heiyu just now, reported this situation. Originally, he had not planned to talk about it on this occasion because of his mutual affection as colleagues, but when he warned Heiyu, he was attacked by the other party. It's no wonder he was merciless.

After Yang Zhenhu heard his subordinate's report, he said, "Hei Yu, you don't need to worry about the case of the Prince's Mansion."

"grown ups!"

"Do you want me to say it again?"

Seeing that Hei Yu was still stubborn, Yang Zhenhu drank.

Hei Yu was silent for a long while, then left the county palace, got on his horse and left the city directly, and hurried to Lingyi Mountain.

"It's best not to let me catch you at Lingyi Mountain!"

Hei Yu took out Jiang Lin's portrait from his arms, ready to send his sullen anger on the suspect.

Chapter [-] Entering Lingyi Mountain

Originally, Hei Yu planned to investigate Jiang Lin's identity first, but now she has another clue in her hand, which is the information left by the victim, the king himself. Therefore, she changed her mind and decided to go to Lingyi Mountain first. Check it out there.

Anyway, there is no rush to investigate the identity of the suspect, and if Lingyi Mountain is late, more important clues may be missed.

Therefore, after weighing it, Hei Yu was going to go straight to Lingyi Mountain, and if she also met Jiang Lin in Lingyi Mountain, then it is estimated that the relationship between the suspect and the murder case has not escaped.

Another half an hour passed after Hei Yu set off, and Yang Zhenhu and the others didn't find any more clues, but the hole that Ni Kongkong made with Oka was discovered.

Therefore, Yang Zhenhu took a group of his men and went to Lingyi Mountain to check first.

In fact, the mark left by the king refers to the golden disc, but the golden disc and the shark bead are used in pairs, and the place where the shark pearl is located is Lingyi Mountain, which also has the same mark as the golden disc. This caused Hei Yu, Yang Zhenhu and others to go in the wrong direction.

However, this is also considered a crooked hit.

When Hei Yu and Yang Zhenhu went to Lingyi Mountain one after the other, Jiang Lin was already a little impatient.

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