"I said Mud Kongkong, can you hurry up?"

Jiang Lin was very speechless. From last night to now, Ni Kongkong has been busy with his work. He has a whole set of theories, but he can't even find a way to enter Lingyi Mountain.

"Boss, I'm already very fast, okay? Who knows what this Lingyi Mountain is made of, damn, it's a hundred thousand times harder than the stone in the pit. Now Oka can no longer play a role, and neither do we. It's just a trick."

Nikongkong was also very aggrieved. The rock layer on the surface of this Lingyi Mountain was nothing special. It was not much different from an ordinary mountain, but the interior was a hundred times harder than a steel plate.

Even his pet Oka, who can dig the mountain best, doesn't have any way. If you want to enter the inside of the mountain, you can't rely on brute force.

Jiang Lin also knew that what Ni Kongkong said made sense, so he suppressed the urgency in his heart. He specialized in surgery, and he still had to rely on Ni Kongkong for the matter of entering the mountains.

This is the first time I have encountered such a hard mountain.

Looking at the mountain in front of him, Jiang Lin wanted to scold him. In the past, he used the Zhengbone Sword or the Tianyun Sword to open up caves in many high mountains and low mountains, but this time, he really encountered iron lumps. .

It's not that Jiang Lin didn't want to use brute force to open the mountain, but the Tianyun sword in his hand was almost cut by him, but it still had no effect.

As for the plan to use the whole body's spiritual power to bombard, Jiang Lin also gave up. On the one hand, the Lingyi Mountain is a whole, and the force in one place seems to be shared with the entire mountain. His methods simply cannot break a hole.On the other hand, once he does everything he can, even if he opens the hole, if he encounters Feng Xiao and others, his combat effectiveness will be greatly affected.

After another half an hour, Ni Kongkong was able to understand that the stone under the arch at the top of Lingyi Mountain was the weakest, and he used many means and cooperated with Oka to make a hole in Lingyi Mountain.

"Hey! You don't just want to jump down like this, right? The exterior of Lingyi Mountain is so solid, what if the interior is too heavy? Hang it with a rope, let's go down."

Seeing that Jiang Lin wanted to jump down, Ni Kongkong hurriedly resisted.

Don't you die?

Jiang Lin thought about it and followed Ni Kongkong's method. He also found that he was too eager to get the shark beads.

Mud Kongkong took out a flying claw and shot it out, causing the claw head to go around the top "arch" and clasping it. down.

He took a piece of glass plate from his arms and put it in front of his eyes. Ni Kongkong took out some stones from his pocket and smashed them all over the hollow mountain. After a while, there was a sound of beating a gong. Wen's huge movable copper plate also moved under the force.

After a while, the light inside the entire mountain was guided by the copper plate and then reflected and brightened several times.

"I'm a genius."

Mud Kongkong boasted a lot, but at this moment, some blue light was emitted from his gloved palm.


At this moment, Mui Kongkong made a pained sound, and because his palm could not exert force, it fell off the rope directly, and the whole person fell down.

Jiang Lin just looked around at the surrounding environment, and when he heard Ni Kongkong's cry, the big-mouthed thief had already fallen.

Fortunately, he didn't break his arm or break his leg.

The earth and rocks in the world of Sky City were originally extremely hard, and the gravitational force was extremely high. In addition, Lingyi Mountain was even more special. Even a cultivator at the Jindan level would still break his legs.

"Are you okay? Are you doing too much sneaky things and getting sores on your hands?"

After Jiang Lin landed on the ground, he looked at Ni Kongkong with some doubts. The palm of this big-mouthed pirate saint seemed to be exuding a strange energy just now.

"You have sores on your hands."

Mui Kongkong climbed up, looked around, and saw a stone gate with peculiar patterns in front of it.

Jiang Lin also found out, and walked over, ready to see what the mystery was.

But it didn't take long for the stone gate to open on its own.

Jiang Lin turned his head and saw that Ni Kongkong, who was already at an active copper plate, grinned at him and said, "I told you earlier, I'm a genius."

"Brother Jiang, let's make a fortune now!"

Seeing the opening of the Shimen, revealing the passage inside, Ni Kongkong's eyes widened.

Seeing the many lighting gems embedded in it, this guy danced.

Jiang Lin looked inside the passage, except for some gems, there didn't seem to be the strange environment he imagined, so he couldn't help but doubt it.

Is the shark really in there?

Chapter [-] empty joy

Jiang Lin really couldn't believe that he had found the shark bead so quickly and easily, and if this Lingyi Mountain was really the place where the shark bead was preserved, the outside world would still be in the past. After all, even he had no good idea. Oka, who is good at traversing mountains, can't enter from the ground or from the surface of the mountain, but the inside of the mountain also seems...too unremarkable.

Although there are many giant statues in the hollow part of the mountain, many of them have collapsed. Almost all the surrounding mountain walls have not been repaired, and there are traces of digging everywhere, leaving only a few places that echo the light-emitting copper plates below. .

For example, some organs or guarding the magic circle, that is not there.

The stone gate that was opened by Mud Kongkong with a reflective copper plate could be regarded as a barrier, but without this barrier, the front is unobstructed.

There was nothing but a slap-sized piece of gemstone that resembled a wine barrel embedded in the mountain wall, and at the end was a small waterfall.

Normally, this cannot be the case.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin, but the current situation made him a little afraid to go in easily.

According to his understanding, the shark pearl can open the boundary wall of the Da Luo Xianjie, which is a great treasure, and once the boundary wall is broken, it is likely to have a catastrophic catastrophe.

From this level, once someone knows the function of the shark bead, if there is no ambition, it must be properly preserved.

This should be beyond doubt.

But now, he can get the shark beads so smoothly?

To be cautious, Jiang Lin kicked a stone from under his feet and made it fly into the passage to see if there was a magic circle or enchantment within the passage.

However, it did not.


At this time, Oka, who had rolled out because of the mud Kongkong falling down earlier, let out a cry.

Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong followed the sound and found that Oka had dragged a skeleton from a corner not far away.

The two walked over and found that behind a huge statue, there were still a lot of skeletons. In addition, there were also some huge shelled insects similar to scarabs, but they were all dead.

"It seems that someone must have entered here a long time ago, and they didn't find a way to open the stone gate, so they were killed by the protective measures in this mountain."

Jiang Lin looked around again and came to the conclusion that the statue that collapsed inside the mountain was probably destroyed during the fierce battle that year.

"Go in quickly, and be alert with all your strength, so that nothing goes wrong."

Even after discovering these skeletons, Jiang Lin felt that these measures to protect the shark bead were a bit simple, so he let Ni Kongkong remain vigilant and entered the passage first.

And Ni Kongkong threw out a sack and used his flying claws to pick out pieces of gems that were blooming with yellow light and put them in the sack.

Jiang Lin had no interest in those gems, so he walked all the way to the front of the waterfall.

"my hand."

At this moment, Ni Kongkong, who came behind Jiang Lin, let out a groan.

One of his gloved palms appeared abnormal again, and the blue light on it became more and more intense.

At the same time, a tin box embedded in the mountain behind the waterfall also glowed blue.

Could that box be the treasure box mentioned by Feng Xiao?

Inside, are the shark beads?

But why does this box resonate with the empty palm of the mud?

Jiang Lin felt a lot of doubts for a while.

But before Jiang Lin could sort out the logic, Ni Kongkong raised his arm and fired a sleeved arrow with a cable. With the help of the sleeve arrow, Ni Kongkong flew over the waterfall, clawed on the rock with one hand, and reached out his glowing hand. Grab the treasure box.


For a while, Ni Kongkong screamed again and again, the heart-piercing pain appeared in his palm, and the light on the treasure box began to flow.

Ni Kongkong suddenly jumped out, which surprised Jiang Lin, but he didn't have time to stop it, so he paid close attention to the surrounding movement to avoid any danger.

After a while, Ni Kongkong pulled out the treasure box from the mountain wall. After the treasure box left the mountain, the light on it disappeared.

It's that simple?

Jiang Lin couldn't help but be stunned when Ni Kongkong kicked his legs and rolled back on the mountain wall.

Is this done? .

It's really that simple, the treasure box containing the shark bead was taken by the mud empty hands.

There is no other hidden space in this Lingyi Mountain. Jiang Lin has already used his spiritual sense to visit it all the way through the passage.

Moreover, when Ni Kongkong touched the iron box just now, there was a peculiar energy emanating from it. Therefore, Jiang Lin concluded that the iron box with the same outline and size as those gems was the treasure box mentioned by Feng Xiao.

And in this treasure box, there are shark beads.

"Get out first."

Jiang Lin was worried about what would happen after he got the treasure box, so he let the grinning Ni Kongkong exit quickly.

After reaching the mountain space, Jiang Lin pointed to the treasure box in Ni Kongkong's hand and said, "This thing belongs to me."

Ni Kongkong's face stiffened, but then he grinned again and said, "Yes, yours. Open it up and take a look."

Because Jiang Lin had clearly said before that there was no negotiation, Ni Kongkong also knew that since Jiang Lin had spoken, he was extremely reluctant to hand over this treasure box.

"No way? So hard?"

Mui Kongkong grabbed the upper and lower ends of the treasure box with both hands, no matter whether he twisted hard or pulled it outwards, the treasure box remained motionless.

Jiang Lin frowned. Although Ni Kongkong's cultivation base and strength were not as good as his, his strength was not too small. Even if he didn't specialize in cultivating the body, he could smash the skull of a tiger's head with a single fist.

Not even a box can't be opened.

"I'm here, look at me."

Jiang Lin snatched the treasure box from Mui Kongkong's hand, and when he didn't move, his face became a little ugly.

Not to mention that the mud empty empty can not be opened, but he also failed to make any movement in the treasure box.

"I don't believe it yet."

Jiang Lin sneered, his body already had an increase in the transformation of the corpse, and he only said that his strength was more than that of a body-refining cultivator of the same level, and now he can't open a box.

There is no magic applied to this box, it is just a hollow iron lump.

Open to me!

The corpse poison in Jiang Lin's bones entered the flesh and blood, and there was a slight growl in his throat.

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