After a long while, Jiang Lin's forehead burst into blue veins.

He can't open the treasure box, really can't open it.

Even if he used the Tianyun Sword to mobilize the strength and spiritual power of his whole body, he could only be shocked by the energy inside the treasure box.

On the treasure box, there is not even a trace.

"I'm still here!"

Ni Kongkong snatched the treasure box again, put it on a stone platform, picked up a piece of extremely hard ore from the ground, and smashed it towards the treasure box.

After smashing it for a long time, Mud Kongkong stepped on it again, bit it with his teeth, and finally took some lock-picking tools to drill and pry.

Still useless.

Damn, have a fun time?

At this time, Jiang Lin's face became a little ugly.

He was still glad that he got the shark pearl so easily, but now?

I got it, I got it, even the shark beads and the treasure box.

Then he couldn't open the treasure box no matter what.

What's up with this? !

If you don't take out the shark bead, it is absolutely impossible to use it. This treasure box has the function of isolating the power of the shark bead.


Jiang Lin was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but with just such a tin box, there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Jiang Lin finally understood why the place where the shark pearls were kept had no noodles, and there was no need for noodles at all.

Doesn't someone want shark beads?

Just give it.

Let people find it with a little effort, and then just stare at it.

What if you found it?

Have the ability to take out the shark beads.

Chapter [-] became a prisoner in a blink of an eye ([-])

"I can't believe I can't open you!"

Mui Kongkong was anxious, on one side, like a stunned robot, holding an iron tool and smashing it on the treasure box.

This treasure box is so difficult to open, there must be some good things in it, even if Jiang Lin asks for it, he may not get any dividends.

Anyway, since he and Jiang Lin acted together until now, his performance has always satisfied Jiang Lin.

In this way, it may not be necessary to discuss with Jiang Lin.

In addition, another reason why Ni Kongkong was so bewildered was that he wanted to figure out why his hand was related to the contents of the treasure box.

One of his palms emits blue light, and he has been regarded as a monster by his peers since he was a child. Even as a child, he was bullied for having a hand that glowed. A group of peers tied him and cut it open with sharp knives. his palm.

This kind of thing also led to frequent nightmares even when he grew up.

Therefore, Ni Kongkong also wanted to find out the reason for this.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin persuaded Ni Kongkong to stop wasting his efforts, and went to the passage with him to see if any objects that could open the treasure box had been dropped.

Just when Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong were thinking about opening the iron box, Feng Xiao, who had a mission to come to Lingyi Mountain to find the treasure box and the shark beads, had brought many people to Lingyi Mountain.

When Feng Xiao was about to lead people to the mountain, he suddenly found that there was a flying claw with a rope on the arch-shaped stone circle on the top of the mountain. He immediately climbed the mountain and went down to the inside of the mountain along the rope.

Coincidentally, Feng Xiao's younger sister, Hei Yu, also rushed to the rear just in time to see Feng Xiao and others entering Lingyi Mountain, and immediately began to climb the mountain.

After the wind howled down to the mountain space, I saw that the copper plate reflecting the light in the mountain space had been passive.


Suddenly there was a bad premonition in his heart, Feng Xiao immediately asked his subordinates to start a search, and he also began to look for treasure boxes around.

Inside the passage, when Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong were fumbling inch by inch on the stone wall, several soldiers with crossbows and armor appeared at the entrance of the passage.

When they saw Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong, who were the first to get there, the soldiers immediately fired crossbow arrows at them.

Only at this time did the two realize that they had lost a lot of time in this Lingyi Mountain. At the same time, they both turned over and dodged the extremely powerful crossbow arrows with one side dodge.

At this moment, Feng Xiao also came to the entrance of the passage, and when he saw the treasure box in Mu Kongkong's hand, he roared: "Put the box down!"

Ni Kongkong immediately put the treasure box under his feet and raised his hands in a surrender gesture. Jiang Lin originally wanted to fight directly, but after seeing the wink from Nikongkong, he also raised his hands like the former.

He kicked the treasure box with one foot, and Ni Kongkong smiled and said, "Calm down, calm down."

"Apart from the two of you, who else knows about this box?"

Feng Xiao immediately stepped forward and picked up the treasure box. After observing it, he looked at Ni Kongkong and Jiang Lin.

"I don't know, we accidentally fell in, can you help us out?"

Ni Kongkong was talking nonsense with his eyes open, and his face was begging, making Jiang Lin feel a little ashamed. He still didn't know what kind of bad water this big-mouthed thief was holding in his stomach.

"Don't tell the truth, court death!"

After Feng Xiao's voice fell behind, the soldiers in front of him gradually approached Jiang Lin and the others.

"No no no, I'm telling the truth, Oka!"

Ni Kongkong said that he would confess, but he also shouted to the outside.

Then, Oka galloped to his feet.

Feng Xiao looked at Oka, then frowned and said, "What is this? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Not only have you seen it, you have also been smelled by him, go to hell!"

Before he finished speaking, Ni Kongkong kicked out with a kick, and used his pet Oka as a football.

Oka also curled up at this moment, and bounced directly on the heads of several soldiers, knocking them away.

At the same time, the little guy also farted at Feng Xiao.

At this moment, Ni Kongkong took a bow and crossbow from the soldier, and moved the machine toward Feng Xiao.

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up. Ni Kongkong's hand was indeed the most effortless way.

The power of the bows and crossbows of these soldiers is extremely strong. If they do not dodge, even if it is his fleshly body, a half-inch deep hole will be pierced by the arrows fired.

Now Feng Xiao's vision is blocked by a piece of yellow smoke, and it is estimated that he will be injured.

However, what Jiang Lin didn't expect was that Feng Xiao moved his ears slightly, and grabbed one hand towards the front door, directly holding the crossbow arrow in his hand.

As soon as he broke the crossbow arrow, Feng Xiao threw the two broken arrows out with one arm.

Half of the broken crossbow arrows flew towards the mud, and the other half shot towards Jiang Lin.

Just when Jiang Lin wanted to act, a figure suddenly flew out, the person's arm wrapped around his shoulder and took him aside.

This figure is Hei Yu who has just arrived and entered the interior of Lingyi Mountain.

Hei Yu wrapped one arm around Jiang Lin and turned around a short distance before she lost her momentum. During this process, she kept staring at Jiang Lin's face carefully.


It's this man!

"Thank you."

Jiang Lin smiled at the strange girl. No matter what, the girl should have wanted to save him just now.

"I'll settle the account with you later!"

With strength on his arm, Hei Yu pushed Jiang Lin out and looked at Feng Xiao with an angry face.

"Brother Jiang, when did you have such a punctual girl?"

At this time, Ni Kongkong, who had avoided Broken Arrow, stared at Jiang Lin with wide eyes, envy and hatred in his eyes.

Wow!Why am I not so blessed?

If such a beautiful chick hugged me just now, it would be so beautiful.

Because Hei Yu said just now that he was going to settle accounts with Jiang Lin, Ni Kongkong thought that Jiang Lin and this beautiful and heroic girl were old friends.

Jiang Lin is a question mark, he doesn't know this girl at all, why do people say they want to settle accounts with him?

What kind of account is it?

When he was in the palace, Jiang Lin didn't realize that his face was branded into the crystal ball in the treasure room. Naturally, he couldn't think of anyone other than Ni Kongkong who would know him in the capital city.

Moreover, he didn't know that Hei Yu was not only going to settle accounts with him this time, but also to make him a prisoner and send him to Tiandu City to eat in prison.

Chapter [-] became a prisoner in a blink of an eye ([-])

When Jiang Lin was puzzled, Hei Yu looked at Feng Xiao and said, "Brother, long time no see."

"I'm not your brother! You are Huya Heiyu, the eagle dog of the human race, I am not!"

Feng Xiao snorted, in his eyes, he had long thought that he had no relatives.

"Brother? No way?"

Ni Kongkong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jiang Lin with a bewildered expression, Feng Xiao, who is going to embarrass us, is that your uncle?

Or is there another situation?Are these siblings a gang?

However, Jiang Lin ignored Ni Kongkong's suspicious gaze. After thinking about it for a while, he knew who this girl named Heiyu was.

Last night in the treasure room of the Prince's Mansion, Thunderstorm and He Ying, who appeared together with Feng Xiao, once teased that Feng Xiao had a younger sister who was a lackey for the people.

Now it seems that this girl Kuroba should be Feng Xiao's younger sister.

But aren't these two siblings human?

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