Leaving aside other things, you are a thief, a hairy thief, and Hei Yu is the tiger tooth of the Town Tiger Division, specializing in catching thieves, will he chase you?

"Who is chasing you! Who is your crush! No, who are you! Even if I am blind, I will never fall in love with you! I...you, dog! You are the dog!"

After listening to Jiang Lin's sophistry and talking nonsense with her eyes open, Hei Yu was already furious, and being beaten by Jiang Lin in this way made her forehead hurt even more.

Moreover, Hei Yu thought that everyone laughed because they believed Jiang Lin's words and laughed at her, so her words were almost incoherent.

When she was in the passage before, she was still scolding Jiang Lin for being dumb. She didn't know to explain to her accomplices. Now, she really hoped that Jiang Lin was dumb.

Otherwise, she would not have said such words that made her angry.

Jiang Lin was clearly saying that she framed others because of her personal feelings, and she was revengeful because Jiang Lin didn't pay attention to her.

Nonsense, it's all nonsense!

Although Hei Yu was trying his best to defend herself, the people around her didn't listen to what she said, instead they were thinking about what Jiang Lin had just said.

They laughed and laughed, but they still listened to what Jiang Lin said just now.

No problem.

The analysis is reasonable and well-founded, and it is also said that real gold is not afraid of fire.

Afterwards, Xianfeng took out a pouch from his sleeve, untied the rope, and poured the white smoke inside towards Jianglin and Nikongkong.

Nothing happens.

"Master Yang, there is no blood on their bodies, so they should not be suspected. Hei Yu is trying to mislead us in the direction of the investigation, trying to protect his brother, please decide!"

After Pioneer arrested again, his colleagues behind him also asked Yang Zhenhu to punish Hei Yu.

Hei Yu still defended: "I didn't wrong him! I really didn't!"

"Come here, take Heiyu down, and don't let it go until the case is settled!"

Yang Zhenhu immediately asked his subordinates to surround Hei Yu, and at the same time he looked at Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong, and said, "And the two of them, also close the prison car for me!"

Others may not believe what Hei Yu said, but he did. After all, Hei Yu was raised by him, and whether he had a heart for the Yu clan, he knew in his heart that the reason why he did not give Hei Yu a good face was because This girl is disobedient, she is a stubborn girl.

Therefore, Yang Zhenhu didn't think that Jiang Lin had nothing to do with the murder case of the county prince's mansion. Hei Yu's previous words could be used as testimony here, but the evidence was gone.

Even if there is no evidence, he can still arrest Jiang Lin with Ni Kongkong.

"Master Yang, we are innocent. We have never been to the Prince's Mansion, why are you arresting us?"

Ni Kongkong originally thought that the trouble he and Jiang Lin had to face had been resolved. After all, there was nothing wrong with what Jiang Lin said before.

But now, Yang Zhenhu still wants to capture him and Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin also did not expect such a situation. He had already washed away his suspicions just now.

And, most importantly, there is no substantive evidence in the hands of these Huya, so why should they be arrested?

"If Hei Yu's testimony is true or false, the Town Tiger Division will naturally judge. But didn't you just say that Hei Yu wanted to chase you? Then I can reasonably suspect the two of you..."

Saying that, Yang Zhenhu also made gestures, and the thumbs of both hands bowed to each other, and then he continued: "Since the two of you have such a relationship, it is possible that you are accomplices, and that big-mouthed thief is It's the same with your eight worshippers. Do you guys cooperate obediently, or let us teach you how to cooperate?"


Jiang Lin was stunned for this reason given by Yang Zhenhu.

The reason why he said that before was that he just wanted to fight back and find a relatively reasonable reason for Heiba ​​to "frame" him with his portrait, but now such a reason has made him cocoon himself.

Grab a grass!

Still have to go to jail?

Jiang Lin turned into a black question mark face. He was in the Qianji Kingdom below, and he was sitting on a dragon chair. When he got to Sky City, he changed his body and went to prison.

Now Jiang Lin finds it a bit difficult to do. Now, of course he can choose to ignore Yang Zhenhu's orders and escape. As for Ni Kongkong, he can also rescue him after the incident, but once this happens, the self-innocent words he said before , is equivalent to a waste of money.

That's not enough to make a fuss.

Don't look at him and Ni Kongkong doing nothing, not touching a drop of human blood, but the prince is the only younger brother of Emperor He. Once he escapes, he will be suspected of killing the family. Even if the truth is revealed later, he must also be implicated.

At that time, it will not be as simple as punishing him for trespassing into the palace.

After weighing it up in his heart, Jiang Lin still decided to wait and see what happened. It was more acceptable to stay in prison than to be able to take out the shark bead smoothly.

After Jiang Lin found out that he had been the emperor of Qianji Kingdom for a few days, he really put himself up.

Not long after he started practicing Taoism, when he arrived in Renjia Town, the ninth uncle was still locked in the yamen by Ren Tingting's cousin, the captain, Awei, and had been imprisoned behind bars.

The ninth uncle has become his master, and he considers the prison meal as they are in the same line.

At this time, Hei Yu was surrounded by a group of tiger teeth and escorted to Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong.

Hei Yu didn't say a word, just looked at Jiang Lin quietly, and said after a while, "I found you so handsome, I really want to chase you."


Jiang Lin touched his nose and looked upward, pretending not to hear what Hei Yu said.

Kind of... embarrassing.

After that, he, Heiyu and Ni Kongkong left the mountain space one after another with Yang Zhenhu and others, and were taken into the prison cart.

After entering the prison van, Hei Yu still looked at Jiang Lin.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's sophistry and her lying with her eyes open, no one would believe the testimony she provided.

Then she wouldn't be put in this prison car.

"Cough, that... I found that you are pretty too."

In the end, Jiang Lin felt a little uncomfortable at the sight of Hei Yu, so he opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

However, Kuroba didn't take his compliments seriously, and pounced on him and grabbed him by the neck.

"It's alright, alright, don't think of yourself as a tiger tooth now. They are all sitting in the same prison car. You are a prisoner, and I am a prisoner. We are both fallen from the end of the world, so why bother each other."

After being pinched on the neck for a while, Jiang Lin grabbed Hei Yu's hands.

Why bother?

Why do prisoners make it difficult for prisoners.

Chapter two thousand three hundred and thirty-one

"I said, don't blame me. You entered this prison car because you didn't know your own situation. Your brother committed a bloody crime, but you went to the scene to destroy the evidence, and in front of so many people who had opinions on you. Say it in front of people. Even if your boss has the heart to favor you, he has to do it, and the words I said have nothing to do with it. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lin smelled a different bloody smell, which made him raise his hand to cover his breath.

The blood energy that entered his body actually made the corpse poison that had been honest in his body for a long time show signs of turmoil.

Glancing at it, Jiang Lin realized that it was Hei Yu who had caused the wound on his arm to bleed because of the force he had just exerted.

Hei Yu is a member of the Feather clan, why does the blood of this clan have such an influence on me?

Frowning, Jiang Lin didn't think much about it, and said, "Take care of the wound on your arm. Excessive blood loss is dangerous."

Hei Yu glanced at Jiang Lin, then took out the silk scarf from his sleeve, ready to use his other hand and mouth to make a simple bandage.

"Let me do it."

Jiang Lin didn't want to inhale more strange blood, so he grabbed the silk scarf and wrapped it up for Hei Yu.

Black Feather looked straight ahead without saying a word of thanks.

"Beauty, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Ni Kongkong, and I'm called Pirate Saint."

Mud Kong Kong, who was also sitting in the prison cart, moved his position, just blocking Hei Yu's sight, and approached Hei Yu.

Now that he knew that Hei Yu and Jiang Lin were not the kind of relationship he originally imagined, he naturally wanted to fight for it.

Seeing that Hei Yu didn't want to take care of him, Ni Kongkong tried to talk awkwardly with others: "You are Huya of the Tiger Suppression Division, but your brother is a wanted criminal. It's interesting."

His eyes stopped on Mu Kongkong's face, and Hei Yu said: "You are lucky that I went in time, otherwise, the two of you will die."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, there are many people who want to kill me these days, so I won't be killed by a flightless birdman."

Ni Kongkong grinned with a wide mouth and let out a weird smile, and then posed a handsome pose for Kuroba with his hands.


After pouting, Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin, who was on the side, and asked, "Why are you interested in that box?"

Don't be like that, sweetie.

I'm talking to you, but Jiang Lin didn't say a word. What are you doing to chat with me?

Before Jiang Lin could speak, Ni Kongkong hurriedly said, "One of us is a Pirate God and the other is a Pirate Saint. That's our goods. Why did your brother grab that box?"

However, Hei Yu still faced Jiang Lin and said, "I warn you, the contents in the box are very dangerous, you must destroy it."

"Do you know how hard the box is? We tried a lot of things and couldn't get it to open."

"Are you annoying? Did I talk to you?"

Repeatedly being accosted by Mud Kong Kong, Hei Yu glared at the big mouth and said, "It's a big mouth and a lot of talk, don't you know how to block it with something?"

In fact, Heiyu didn't feel particularly bad about Jiang Lin or Ni Kongkong at first. After all, she didn't know either of them at first. Although Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong both talked nonsense later, they made her annoyed. But the sad thing is that Ni Kongkong was the first to talk nonsense, and asked Jiang Lin if she was someone else's girl.

This made Ni Kongkong's first impression of Hei Yu relatively poor. Even though Jiang Lin said similar words later, in comparison, she was more annoying to this big-mouthed thief.

Moreover, she even thought that Jiang Lin would say that she wanted to pursue the opposite sex because Ni Kongkong had said in advance that she was Jiang Lin's girl.

This made her very impatient with Mu Kongkong now.

An embarrassed expression appeared on Ni Kongkong's face, and he didn't know how to answer.

Although I have a big mouth, I am also handsome.

Among the handsome men, no one has a bigger mouth than me, and among the men with a big mouth, I am the most handsome.

Seeing that Ni Kongkong was no longer speaking, Hei Yu said to Jiang Lin, "I know who can open that box."

Jiang Lin, who had been silent for a long time, wanted to laugh, but when he saw a beautiful woman, he was not too embarrassed, but after hearing Hei Yu's words, his heart jumped and he looked at Black Feather.

Does Kuroba know who can open the treasure box? ?

"Do you have a way to open the treasure box?"

Jiang Lin hurriedly asked Hei Yu if he really had a way to open the treasure box, but Hei Yu just looked at him and did not respond.

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