However, Jiang Lin determined from Hei Yu's eyes that the girl was not lying.

What's so special, it's fortunate that I entered the prison car to eat in prison.

Jiang Lin's mood instantly brightened.

This is really dark and bright.

In Lingyi Mountain before, he tried everything he could, but there was no way to get the treasure box, and he was worried that he didn't know what to do.

There was a wind whistling behind, followed by Yang Zhenhu and others.

Not to mention the shark beads in the treasure box, the treasure box he got was also handed over to Yang Zhenhu by Hei Yu.

This is nothing, what's even more funny is that because of the black feather, he became a suspect because of the murder of the county king's mansion.

In the end, he ended up getting into the prison van and going to jail.

This undoubtedly brought many obstacles and troubles for him to obtain the shark beads.

However, now Hei Yu told him that he knew that someone could open the treasure box directly.

Once the treasure box is opened, the shark beads inside will naturally succeed.

Regardless of the process, in short, the current result is really satisfying to him.

At this moment, Jiang Lin is also very thankful that he is not holding an air and is unwilling to go to prison.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to know that Black Feather could find the key person to open the treasure box.

Maybe it's because people are in good spirits when they hear good news, and when they are in a good mood, everything looks beautiful. The more Jiang Lin sees Hei Yu, the more beautiful he feels.

Seeing Jiang Lin looking at him with a smile on his face, Hei Yu frowned Liu Ye's eyebrows.

What to look at?

Chapter [-] No Peace (Part [-])

Seeing Heiyu's puzzled eyes, Jiang Lin coughed twice and said, "Actually, this time it was indeed my fault. Jiang is here to apologize to you, Miss Heiyu. We have already been subjected to those of you. Colleagues have tested it, which also proves that the two of us have nothing to do with the murder case of the Prince’s Palace. Although we appeared in the treasure room of the Prince’s Palace at that time, another force appeared in the Prince’s Palace at that time, and there was a murder case. The two of us just left without taking anything. As for you looking for me and staring at me, I didn't expect it, and I also felt that I had nothing to do with the murder case, and it didn't help you solve the case. Justify yourself. Otherwise, who wants to get in trouble?"

Now, Jiang Lin didn't care about Heiba ​​making him a suspect at all.

As long as he can open the treasure box, he can laugh at Liangzi who black feather makes him fall.

Not only did he just laugh it off, he could just apologize to Kuroba.

Moreover, at this moment, he still wanted to improve his relationship with Hei Yu, otherwise why would he follow Hei Yu to find someone who knew how to open the treasure box.

As for the bottom line that he handed over, Jiang Lin also thinks that there is no problem. No matter what he said before, Hei Yu, as a party, is still like a mirror in his heart, and it is absolutely impossible to question the facts he has seen with his own eyes.

In other words, Kuroba was still convinced that he had appeared in the treasure room of the county prince's mansion at the time of the crime.

Since everyone understands each other, there is no need to hide it.

Ni Kongkong didn't say anything after hearing what Jiang Lin said. He thought about the same thing as Jiang Lin.

Before, he gave Jiang Linan the name of a god of thieves, so last night their "sacred partners" would appear together, and it didn't take much reasoning to guess.


After hearing Jiang Lin's apology, Hei Yu snorted lightly and ignored it.

She still didn't believe that Jiang Lin would have nothing to do with the murder case, and she even suspected that Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong were all with her brother Feng Xiao.

Before Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong fought in Lingyi Mountain, maybe it was just because of some dispute.

However, although Hei Yu didn't believe Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin apologized to her no matter what, and the degree of her disgust towards Jiang Lin also decreased.

Jiang Lin didn't care about Hei Yu's attitude, so he closed his eyes. He found that the corpse poison in his body was affected more seriously than he thought. out.

At this juncture, Jiang Lin couldn't allow his body to have another chancellor from the Six Nations.

After entering the city, Hei Yu found the pangolin pet that was with Jiang Lin and the others before, and wanted to talk to Jiang Lin, but found that Jiang Lin was already resting, so she kicked the foot of Ni Kongkong who was sitting opposite. , said: "Your pet is calling you."

Mui Kongkong shuddered suddenly, and Hei Yu was willing to talk to him. At this time, Oka climbed to the roof around the city streets, ran on it, and called out to Mui Kongkong a few times.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat, you can find food for yourself. You are blind, and you are bothering me now."

Ni Kongkong stuck his arm out from the railing of the prison cart, threw a gold bead, and let Oka find food by himself, don't prevent him from picking up girls here.

Now Jiang Lin seems to have fallen asleep, this is his great opportunity.

But when he sat down and looked at Hei Yu again, they had closed their eyes and rested.

After walking in the city for half an hour, Jiang Lin and the others were brought back to the Town Hu Division by a group of tiger teeth. After Yang Zhenhu instructed his subordinates to imprison Hei Yu and the others, he brought some of his deputies to personally investigate the whereabouts of Xue Lie and his henchmen.

Is this the prison cell of Tianducheng?

So shabby?

Why are men and women locked together?

so unimportant?

After Jiang Lin was chained and handcuffed, he was speechless. The three of them were detained in a cell, and the space in the cell could not even fit a slightly larger single bed.

Just so small.

Moreover, the special black feather was also locked in one place with him and Ni Kongkong.

On the back wall of the cell, there is an iron ring with a fixed chain, about the thickness of an adult's forearm, a "Y"-shaped chain cuffs Hei Yu at one end, and the two forked ends are handcuffed to him and Mu Kongkong respectively, while the iron in the middle is handcuffed. The chain just went through the hoop.

In fact, Jiang Lin and the three of them should have been detained separately. At the very least, they could be in one cell per person, but Yang Zhenhu left the Zhenhu Division, and some Huya had great opinions on Heiyu, so he took special care of her. .

Now, in their eyes, Hei Yu was no longer a colleague, but a member of the alien race who collaborated with the enemy. They even believed that Hei Yu was helping Xue Lie.

Jiang Lin looked around for a while, then sat down to investigate the corpse poison of Wangtianjian in his body.

Not long after Jiang Lin and the others were detained, a young man in the uniform of the Zhenhu Division took down the cell key that Hu Ya had placed on the wall, and carefully went to Jiang Lin's place of detention.

This young man is the prince Heli. He used his identity to inquire about what happened in Lingyi Mountain. Knowing that Hei Yu was Xuelie's minion, he prepared to ask Hei Yu about Xuelie's whereabouts.

In the cell, Ni Kongkong saw Jiang Lin fell asleep again, so he moved the iron ring to lock the chain, got close to Heiyu, and said, "Look, we finally locked up together, so don't waste this space, right? "

Hei Yu stared at Mud Kongkong and scolded: "Stay away from me!"

After that, she pulled the chain with all her might, leaned towards the cell door, and sat on the stone steps behind the door.

Being pulled by Hei Yu like this, Ni Kongkong was pulled by the chain and retreated to the back wall, and Jiang Lin was also affected. His body was directly pulled up by the chain on his wrist, and he stood up passively.

There was nothing wrong with this stop, but the chains connected to the handcuffs on Jiang Lin's wrists were pierced through the iron rings on the thick wall, which caused him to collide with the iron cover on the back wall without being prepared. circle.

Really hit.

How strong is the impact?Anyway, the iron ring was hit with a loud bang.

"Excuse me, how can I stay away from you?"

Ni Kongkong didn't pay attention to Jiang Lin at all, and didn't pay any attention to the loud noise behind him, just thinking about picking up girls, he wanted to pull the chain and pull Heiyu back.

"Are you two sick?"

But at this time, Jiang Lin, who opened his eyes, let out a roar. The iron ring in this cell was specially made. The thief was so hard that it hurt his skull.

After roaring, Jiang Lin shook his arm vigorously. Previously, his body was abnormal because of inhaling the bloody smell of Hei Yu's wound. Now he needs to ensure that his body does not fall off the chain at a critical time. He is exploring the reason. , As a result, he sits cross-legged and solves the problems in his body, which is not peaceful.

Moreover, at this time, Jiang Lin's Tianling Gai was hit like a hammer. He didn't do anything. The top of his head was smashed by a giant hammer for no reason. It wasn't a normal pain. How could he lose his temper?

The temper came together, Jiang Lin's power was not just for fun.

Don't look at him just casually flicking his arm.

Because Ni Kongkong's handcuffs belonged to the same end of the bifurcation as Jiang Lin, it was not affected, but Heiyu was dragged by Jiang Lin, and his body flew out towards the back wall uncontrollably.

So, when Heiyu and Ni Kongkong didn't respond, the next moment, Heiyu slammed into Jiang Lin's arms, and two sandalwood lips were also printed on Jiang Lin's mouth.


It seems... a little too hard.

He was kissed by Hei Yu, making Jiang Lin stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect such a situation. Although he was angry just now, he just wanted to pull the chain back a little so that he could continue to sit down.

However, because of his anger, he naturally didn't pay attention to the weight of his hands.

It directly led to the present scene.

Jiang Lin blinked his eyes and looked at Hei Yu's pupils who were less than an inch away in front of him.

Hei Yu's pair of heterochromatic pupils began to dilate, her body took a step back, and she still hadn't realized what happened just now.

As for the mud Kongkong on the side, it is also the appearance of a dead fish.

He still likes Heiyu quite a bit. This girl is very beautiful, but now Heiyu is kissing Jiang Lin in front of him.

Mud Kongkong's heart seemed to have thousands of grass and mud horses galloping and roaring past. All he wanted to do before was to pull the chains and let Heiyu get closer to him.

In the end, Jiang Lin did this for him, and all the benefits fell on Jiang Lin.

Chapter [-] No Peace (Part [-])

Seeing Hei Yu's reaction, Ni Kongkong's heart became cold again. Could this be Hei Yu's first kiss?

Was it picked up by Jiang Lin just like that?

Is there any reason!

At this time, Ni Kongkong even had an urge to fight Jiang Lin one-on-one to fight for the beauty without shame.

Even if he knew that his strength was suppressed by Jiang Lin, he still had the same impulse.

However, this kind of thought of mud Kongkong appeared for a moment, and then disappeared.

It's not that he is afraid of Jiang Lin, but that this kind of thing happened, he did it completely.

After all, he felt that he really couldn't come up with any tenable reasons to fight Jiang Lin.Jiang Lin was sitting on the ground sleeping just now. It was he who had moved his mind to develop a relationship with Kuroba, which made Kuroba annoyed and tugged at the chains.

Jiang Lin had slept soundly, but was dragged to his feet by Hei Yu under innocent circumstances.

Moreover, when Ni Kongkong thinks about it now, he feels that the loud crash just now should be Jiang Lin's head hitting the iron ring.

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