Under such circumstances, he could imagine the anger in Jiang Lin's heart.

Moreover, Jiang Lin did swear just now, and it is estimated that his head was hit with stars.

In this case, Jiang Lin naturally wanted to pull the chain back.

The black feather was pulled away by the force of the chain.

There was a mouth-to-mouth conversation with Jiang Lin.

Can this blame Jiang Lin for stealing girls from him?

How to blame?

"you you!"

At this time, Hei Yu had come to her senses. She touched her crimson lips and stared at Jiang Lin in a daze. Then she raised her palm to slap Jiang Lin's face.

However, Jiang Lin didn't want to take this slap, even if he accidentally took advantage of Hei Yu and made this girl's first kiss go away, it wouldn't work either.

The probing hand grabbed Hei Yu's wrist, Jiang Lin said, "One thing is one thing, if I do something unkind, it doesn't matter if I apologize, this time I can't be slapped in vain by you. If it wasn't for you to pull the chain, I would still sit on the ground well, and I wouldn't hit the iron ring on the top of my head, it hurts a lot, you know?"

Unable to hold back his arm, Hei Yu broke away from Jiang Lin's palm and turned to glare at Mu Kongkong.

Although she is usually fierce, she is not an unreasonable person. This time, Jiang Lin really suffered for no reason.

If it was her, she would also pull the chain back.

And the culprit that caused her to kiss Jiang Lin's lips was this annoying big mouth.

Seeing Hei Yu's resentful gaze, Ni Kongkong immediately raised his hands and smiled apologetically, "I didn't know it would turn out like this."

But Hei Yu didn't smile with him, raised one leg, stepped directly on his face, and pressed his head against the wall of the cell.

But even though she stepped on Mud Kongkong's face with the sole of her shoe, Hei Yu still felt that she was wronged. She had never been touched by any other man since she was a child, and today Jiang Lin kissed her on the lips.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt wronged, and Hei Yu turned to look at Jiang Lin.Although she could understand Jiang Lin's behavior in principle, as a young girl, she was still unwilling to forgive Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin spread his hands, expressing that he was indeed innocent.

"Mu Kongkong, I warn you, don't bother me again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

After that, Jiang Lin warned Mu Kongkong, then sat down again, and continued to close his eyes.

He was indeed warning Mu Kongkong. Now the three people are crowded into a cell, which is already crowded enough. This big mouth is still here, and its skin is itchy?

Ni Kongkong was warned by Jiang Lin, but he was beaten violently by Hei Yu, which was quite miserable.

It wasn't that Ni Kongkong couldn't beat Heiyu. First, he felt that he was right. Second, Jiang Lin warned him just now that his handcuffs were on the same end as Jiang Lin's rope. When Hei Yu beat him, Jiang Lin had to beat him too fat, which made his range of movement extremely small, but Hei Yu was able to retreat or dodge, even though the space in the cell was relatively small.

As a result, Ni Kongkong's nose was blue and his face was swollen not long after.

At this time, there was a sudden movement of unlocking the cell door. After the door was opened, the prince Heli, dressed as a tiger tooth, jumped into the cell.

"Black Feather."

Heli didn't know who Hei Yu was, nor his gender, so he called out to Mu Kongkong.

Hei Yu glanced at Heli and said, "Who are you? What are you looking for from me?"

"Are you Black Feather? Female?"

Heli was stunned for a moment, then raised his elbow and pressed his forearm against Hei Yu's neck, pushing her to the back wall.

Then, Jiang Lin, who was almost settled, was unlucky again.

There was another loud noise in the cell, and Jiang Lin was hit by the side of his head.

"Boom" sound.

Because Heli suddenly shot and pushed Heiyu back, Heiyu could only stagger backwards when his body was out of balance, and squeezed onto Jiang Lin's body.

Not only was she squeezed, but her buttocks were pressed against Jiang Lin's profile face.

"I am too!"

Jiang Lin put one hand on Hei Yu's tender buttocks, pushed it away, and then stood up, his eyes were about to burst into flames.


At this time, Hei Yu, who had kicked Heli away, covered his patpat with one hand and slapped Jiang Lin's face with the other hand.

It was okay for Jiang Lin to kiss her before, but now let him touch her ass.

However, Jiang Lin grabbed her wrist once again, and Jiang Lin yelled at her, "Can you please leave me alone! I can't be at peace when I stay in the corner!"

This time, Jiang Lin was really yelling. Just now, he was trying to make his corpse poison fuse with the suppressive radiation power in his body. It was the radiation power stripped from Lingyu's body that kept suppressing his body. The corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian.

But at the critical juncture, because he was hit, he lost his mind and failed directly.

He had been concentrating on how to fuse before, but was interrupted by Kuroba, and this time it was Kuroba.

After yelling at Hei Yu, Jiang Lin threw him aside and looked at Heli who was in the cell.

"It's you who made me restless, didn't you?"

Jiang Lin knew that although Hei Yu interfered with him again this time, he also knew that Hei Yu didn't want to get along with him because of this young man who had just arrived.

"What about me?"

Heli gave Jiang Lin a disdainful look, and wanted to ask Hei Yu again, but as soon as he turned his face, Jiang Lin slapped him in the face, and slapped him like a star.

"Let me rest in peace, don't you! Just you?"

Jiang Lin raised his foot and pressed it on Heli's shoulder, and Heli's legs suddenly softened due to the heavy force on his leg, and he knelt down on his knees.

"I've been wanting to get mad for a long time."

Jiang Lin gritted his teeth, and stepped on Heli's shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground.

Then, Heli let out a few loud shouts, and then the rest was screaming.

It was hard to get up after being beaten by Jiang Lin.

Chapter [-] I actually have a good temper

"Brother Jiang, don't fight, you will kill again."

Ni Kongkong saw He Li, who was twitching like he was insane at Jiang Lin's feet, and hurriedly spoke out to persuade him.

"I remembered, and you, you also made me restless."

Without saying a word, Jiang Lin threw Mud Kongkong to the ground with a whip leg and kicked him directly.


Mui Kongkong was kicked wildly by Jiang Lin on the ground, and there seemed to be big question marks all over his body.

No, I am wronged!

Is this still an old account?


Ni Kongkong wanted to cry without tears. He really listened to Jiang Lin's warning, otherwise he wouldn't have been beaten by Heiyu before.

And this time, he was really innocent, he didn't do anything, but Jiang Lin came to settle the old account.

Jiang Lin took one foot at a time, and Heli and Ni Kongkong were wailing in the cell.

When Hei Yu by the back wall saw this scene, she stared at Jiang Lin in a daze. Only now did she realize that she had completely ignored Jiang Lin's strength.

When Heli made his move to her just now, although it was beyond her expectations, she was still aware of the fluctuations in the other party's spiritual power.

The strength of this young man should be on par with her, but now Jiang Lin is kicking and punching, and he can't even get up.

Moreover, Heli's spiritual power has already flowed, but he still can't climb up.

In addition, Jiang Lin is still fighting two against one another, and Ni Kongkong can't get up after being kicked by Jiang Lin.

Although Ni Kongkong was shouting injustice, it wasn't that he didn't resist, but no matter how he resisted, this big mouth was the same as Heli, and it was difficult to remember.

Only then did Hei Yu remember that when Yang Zhenhu was in Lingyi Mountain, Yang Zhenhu personally took the lead in order to stop Jiang Lin.

This also means that her boss, Yang Zhenhu, knows that Jiang Lin is the only person who can be suppressed by himself.

After a short while, Jiang Lin vented his anger, took a few steps back, leaned back against the back wall, and folded his arms.

After that, he glanced at Hei Yu again, which made Hei Yu suddenly become vigilant.

Could it be that Jiang Lin didn't feel relieved after hitting two people, so he still wanted to hit her?

Perhaps it was because of seeing Jiang Lin beating others violently, Hei Yu calmed down now, and felt that Jiang Lin was really unlucky.

Since entering the cell, Jiang Lin has been honest, but it didn't take long for her to hit her head on the iron ring because she was harassed by Mud Kongkong. At that time, there was a loud noise.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to sit cross-legged again, closing his eyes and resting, but because of this young man who had just appeared, she bumped Jiang Lin, causing his head to be slammed against the wall again. a moment.

Also very loud.

Hei Yu didn't know what was wrong, but he felt a little sympathetic to Jiang Lin.

It's so hard to find peace in this cell.

Chong Heiyu smiled, and Jiang Lin said: "I was a little angry just now, I yelled at you, I shouldn't think about it, I can't blame you for the two things. Actually, I have a good temper and usually don't get angry. ."

Hei Yu was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Jiang Lin to be unlucky for no reason, and even said apologetic words to her, but what really made her stunned was the second half of Jiang Lin's words.

Jiang Lin actually boasted that he had a good temper.

How can someone with a good temper beat people like this?

At this time, let alone Hei Yu, Mu Kongkong and Heli, who just got up and sat down, wanted to spit out the fragrance.

A person like you has a good temper?

Especially Ni Kongkong, he wanted to greet Jianglin ancestors in his heart.

Shit has a good temper. If you have a good temper, you will settle the old account with me?

However, even if they didn't believe what Jiang Lin said, or had opinions, Heli and Ni Kongkong didn't dare to say a word.

Was directly scared.

Damn, why didn't you tell this prince that there was such a terrifying savage in this cell!

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