Heli looked at Jiang Lin, his body trembled involuntarily, this ruthless man just now really wanted to beat him to death.

Moreover, he was so beaten that he couldn't even resist.

This shows that Jiang Lin's cultivation is far higher than his.

If it hadn't been persuaded by the big mouth beside him just now, it is estimated that he is still being beaten.

After thinking for a while, Heli wanted to reveal his identity as a prince and settle accounts with Jiang Lin, but when he saw Jiang Lin's gaze, he immediately dismissed such thoughts.

He has an intuition, if he has the idea of ​​finding a place, it may be worse.

Heli squatted by the wall, took a small medicine bottle from his arms and poured it into his mouth. In a short while, the injuries caused by the beatings in his body were also recovering quickly, and the bruises on his face gradually disappeared.

After regaining his strength, Heli deliberately leaned against the wall, quickly bullied Hei Yu, and once again grabbed Hei Yu's neck with his forearm, and asked, "Where is your master Xue Lie?"

"I don't know Xue Lie! Get out!"

Hei Yu broke apart Heli's arm and kicked him out again.

"Do you want to make trouble again?"

Jiang Lin's face turned cold, because he found that the wound on Hei Yu's arm was dripping blood again. In this case, the blood in the blood would still affect him.

Besides, this time, regardless of whether he was taking the lead or not, he had some unnecessary misunderstandings with Hei Yu. At this time, he also wanted to help Hei Yu so that the relationship between them would not be so rigid.

Chapter [*] Now I'm protecting her, don't you agree?

"You try to move her again?"

Seeing the unwilling expression on Heli's face, Jiang Lin stepped forward and stood in front of Hei Yu.

Hei Yu's arm was simply bandaged by him before, which had already stopped the bleeding, but now because Hei Yu beat Mud Kong Kong before, the force on his arm caused the injury to worsen.

If Black Feather fought against this poor young man again, he would probably bleed all over the place.

"Your Excellency, I have stopped provoking you now, and try to avoid disturbing you, but I will definitely get the whereabouts of Xue Lie."

Heli was still reluctant to give up. In fact, he was also very puzzled. Jiang Lin had yelled at Hei Yu just now. The relationship between the two of them was probably not very good. Now why did Jiang Lin take the initiative to protect Hei Yu.

Jiang Lin didn't immediately respond to Heli, but looked at Hei Yu's arm and said, "Take care of the wound on the arm first, it's been bleeding all the time."

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin and pressed the sword wound on his arm with the other palm. Perhaps it was because Jiang Lin had been concerned about her injury again and again since he left Lingyi Mountain. What happened made her unhappy, but she still remembered Jiang Lin's favor.

Then Hei Yu looked at Heli and said, "I'll say it again, I don't know Xue Lie, and I don't have his whereabouts."

"Nonsense! You are Yuren, the one who committed the crime is your own brother, you must be Xue Lie's comrade, how could you not know?"

"Is Yuren the accomplice of Xue Lie?"

Hei Yu glared at He Li, and now anyone who comes here will think that she is Xue Lie's henchman. This is not to suspect that she is partial to the Yu clan, but to directly give her the identity of Xue Lie's minion, which fills her heart. is anger.

"With me, you are!"

Heli still did not give in at all, insisting on embarrassing Hei Yu, and he would not give up unless Xue Lie's whereabouts were found out.

"I don't care if Kuroba is Xue Lie's henchman or not, of course I don't think she is."

Jiang Lin took another step forward, stared at He Li, and said, "I don't care whose order you came here, now I'm protecting her, don't you agree?"


Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin's back, his nose felt a little sore.

On weekdays, no one of her colleagues who worked with her now believes that she is innocent. Even Yang Zhenhu, who raised her, has put her in a cell as well.

But now, Jiang Lin actually said that he believed her and stood in front of her to protect her.

As for this Jiang Lin, she was suspected of being related to the murder at the Prince's Mansion, and she still had to find Jiang Lin to settle the account.

The reason why Jiang Lin was imprisoned in a cell like her was because of her.

Hei Yu thought of this, and then thought of this journey, only Jiang Lin cared about the sword wound on her arm, and took the initiative to help her bandage the wound, a lot of complicated emotions appeared in her heart, and it was stuck in her heart. , there was also some warmth in his eyes, and his eyes were slightly red.

At this time, Hei Yu even preferred to forget about Jiang Lin's sophistry. She didn't want to keep in mind the things that had taken advantage of her repeatedly before.

Just when Heli was unwilling to back down, and Jiang Lin's palm made a sound of gathering force, Ni Kongkong suddenly saw a jade pendant hanging on Heli's waist, which was a jade pendant symbolizing the royal family.

Then he immediately said, "I know where Xue Lie is."

In fact, Ni Kongkong didn't know where Xue Lie was. He did this because he didn't want to let Heli and Jiang Lin have another conflict.

Now Ni Kongkong seems to feel the killing intent on Jiang Lin's body, which means that if the conflict continues to develop, Jiang Lin is likely to kill.

In that case, the trouble will definitely be big.

Jiang Lin was imprisoned in the cell, probably because of some consideration, or because the treasure box was still in the Tiger Town Division, but this did not mean that Jiang Lin could be kept in the jail cell of the Town Tiger Division.

Moreover, even if these Huyas from the Tiger Town Division really are enemies with Jiang Lin, they may not be able to win Jiang Lin.

After so many years of fighting in the mud, he is still quite confident in his eyesight. He feels that his understanding of Jiang Lin is still very shallow.

In other words, Jiang Lin is far from being as simple as he seems on the surface.

But Jiang Lin wasn't afraid of the Tiger Suppression Division, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid of Nikongkong.

If Jiang Lin killed this young man here, then he would be out of luck.


Heli immediately rushed towards Ni Kongkong when he heard the words, pinched his neck with both hands, and said, "Do you know where Xue Lie is? Take me to find him!"

Hei Yu also came to Mui Kongkong's side at this time, and said coldly, "Where is Xuelie's whereabouts?"

Until now, Hei Yu has not forgotten her original intention, that is to find out the truth of the bloody case, capture Xue Lie and her comrades, and prove that she has nothing to do with them. Now that Mu Kong Kong has Xue Lie's clues, she naturally Will not let go.

Ni Kongkong opened Heli's hands and said, "I am Ni Kongkong, Pirate Saint, do you know that there is no one I can't find."

Chapter [*] has the same purpose

I seem to have heard the name of this thief.

Heli recalled for a moment, then took out a pineapple-sized purse from his waist and stuffed it into Ni Kongkong, saying, "This is the deposit, to buy your news."

"There are so many, I would have known that I would do your Huya business, and I could come up with so many gold beads."

Ni Kongkong weighed the weight of the purse, and when he saw that the money was opened, he hurriedly put it into his arms.

"There is no one I don't know in the Town Tiger Division. Who are you?"

At this time, Hei Yu looked at Heli. She is the Huya of the Huzheng Division, but she doesn't know the strange young man in front of her at all. Moreover, although the Huzheng Division's salary is good, she will definitely not be able to give out so much. Come gold.

Heli smiled coldly and said, "Who am I to do with you?"

"The things in the palace, your status is not ordinary, you have something to do with the dignitaries, and you are not an ordinary prince and aristocrat."

When Heli didn't pay much attention, Ni Kongkong took out an extremely finely carved jade pendant from his waist.

At the same time, Ni Kongkong also showed Jiang Lin the jade pendant with a red string in his hand.

Only then did Jiang Lin know why Ni Kongkong made this move. Although he didn't know who Ni Kongkong had contacted before, he probably didn't know Xuelie, the current leader of the feather clan. Kong Kong's mouthful personality, after encountering Feng Xiao and them, he will definitely bring up something.

Therefore, Ni Kongkong should not know Xuelie's whereabouts.

And the reason why Ni Kongkong said this is probably to show him the jade pendant that the young man who was quite rude and troubled with Hei Yu.

This young man needs to be beaten, and if he beats him, he beats him violently, but if he is not good at killing, if he kills it, he will be in big trouble.

This is the message that Ni Kongkong wants to convey.

Knowing this, Jiang Lin took a high look at Ni Kongkong. This big-mouthed thief could actually see that he had shown murderous intent just now.

In fact, he didn't intend to do this to the ungrateful young man. The reason why he showed killing intent was purely to scare the other party.

He has always adhered to the principle of not conflicting with the Tiger Town Secretary, so it is impossible for him to kill people in this cell and cause unnecessary trouble to himself.

But Ni Kongkong thought that he might really do something, so he thought of such a way to resolve the conflict.


At this time, Ni Kongkong made a sound of pain, he was punched in the stomach by Heli, and the jade pendant was also snatched back.

Hei Yu looked at He Li again, the Zhenhu Division was the direct force of Emperor He, and even a general or Saisuke would not dare to send people in.

Thinking of this, Hei Yu guessed that the young man in front of him was probably the prince in the palace.

However, even with such speculation, Hei Yu didn't take it seriously. Whether the other party is the prince or not has nothing to do with her.

"Friend, I want to know if I have any more after finding Xue Lie..."

Ni Kongkong smiled, patted Heli on the shoulder, and gave him a look. Heli immediately understood what Nikongkong wanted to express, and said, "Okay, as long as you can help me find Xue Lie, the price is whatever you want. you drive."

"No problem, I'll take the order."

Ni Kongkong snapped his fingers immediately. He returned home empty-handed when he went to the Prince’s Mansion. Although he found a lot of gems in Lingyi Mountain, because of the sudden incident, the gems he collected were almost enough to pay off the debt of the previous owner. Now those gems have been confiscated by Huya of the Tiger Suppression Company, and all the rest of the mountain has been dug up and confiscated. In this way, he is busy again.

Therefore, he wanted to take the opportunity to make a big fortune.

"You think of a way to get us out first. Since an agreement has been reached, and the goal is Xue Lie, it is better to cooperate temporarily. I will expose all the unpleasant things that happened before. That is my brother, the god of thieves Jiang Lin. Although some methods are not as good as my thief, he can fight."

Having said that, Ni Kongkong pointed to Jianglin, then walked to Jianglin's side, and whispered to Jianglin: "Brother Jiang, your goal seems to be the treasure box, that box is locked in the evidence room now. , I have a way to get it out. We have been happy to cooperate this way, and now I have run in vain a few times, and I also want to make a stop loss, how about it? Do me a favor."

"Since you said so, what else can I say?"

Jiang Lin nodded, now the key to opening the treasure box is Hei Yu, and Hei Yu must follow Mu Kongkong to find Xue Lie. In this case, he must also be with Heiyu, just like Mu Kongkong all the way. .

In addition, Jiang Lin felt that although Ni Kongkong didn't know Xuelie's whereabouts, he might not be able to find him with the ability of this big-mouthed thief.

In this way, Jiang Lin also had an idea. He wanted to find out why Xue Lie got this treasure box. The treasure box was sealed with shark beads. What did Xue Lie want with this thing?

Moreover, when he was in Lingyi Mountain, Feng Xiao once said that this treasure box was the end of Tiandu City, which made Jiang Lin even more concerned.

Is there such a possibility that Xue Lie also wants to use the shark bead to open the boundary wall?

If this is the case, then his and Xue Lie's goals can be said to be the same.

It was precisely because of such doubts in his heart that Jiang Lin agreed to Ni Kongkong after a brief thought.

Heli glanced at Jiang Lin and agreed with Ni Kongkong's words. This god of thieves has the ability to beat people.

"I can get you out now, the key is with me."

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