He Li had no objection to what Ni Kongkong said about the cooperation, and now he just wanted to find Xuelie as soon as possible and capture him for merit.

"Going out during the day is purely courting death. Even if you leave Zhenhu Division, you will still be hunted down. I will act again at night. Now I have a plan..."

Ni Kongkong grabbed Heli, and then talked about what he thought was the perfect plan.

Jiang Lin did not express any opinion on this. This is the first time he has come to the prison of the Huzheng Division, and he is not familiar with it. Ni Kongkong probably came in once or twice before because of a crime, and Nikongkong tried to find a way. No big problem.

After a while, Heli left the cell, preparing to come back at night to take Jiang Lin and the others out.

Jiang Lin also sat cross-legged on the back wall again, but this time he didn't deal with the radiation power in his body, lest there would be another moth, and his efforts would be wasted again.

What he was thinking about now was what to do if he had guessed correctly about Xue Lie's purpose.

Of course, he didn't take this possibility as a [*]% possibility, but if you make more assumptions, you can always be prepared.

At the same time, in the mountains a hundred miles away from Tiandu City, in a hidden city tower, Xuelie placed the golden disc he had obtained on the stone platform, while Feng Xiao, Thunderstorm and Crane Shadow were not far away. Xiao didn't get the treasure box because of his unfavorable work, so he knelt on the ground and begged Xue Lie for his sins.

"The shark pearl is the only way to open the eye of the sky. Only when the eye of the sky is opened can the boundary wall be opened and the extraterrestrial creatures flying tapirs come in. This is also the key to our feathered people to regain their dignity. Feng Xiao, but you have made him. lost."

Xue Lie turned to look at Feng Xiao with a lot of anger in his eyes.

Chapter [*] Leaving the Heavenly Prison ([*])

After being blamed by Xue Lie, Feng Xiao immediately lowered his head and said, "This subordinate deserves death."

Xue Lie waved his hand and said, "I can't blame you for this. According to what you said, the tiger teeth of Zhenhu Division got the mark left by the king before his death. This is not just your negligence. Being surrounded by so many tiger teeth , and with Yang Zhenhu personally leading it, it's good that you can come back. However, your sister Hei Yu, she seems to be interested in shark beads too."

"I don't have a sister, she's just a running dog of the human race. She has nothing to do with me, and she doesn't mean anything to me."

Feng Xiao gritted his teeth with hatred towards his sister, if it wasn't for Hei Yu's sudden appearance this time, and he kept hindering him, he might not be able to succeed.

At this time, Leibao reported to Xue Liehui: "Master, my subordinates have already sent someone to investigate, that Ni Kongkong is a snitch, and his accomplice is named Jiang Lin, and there is no information about him in Tiandu City. The shark beads that are needed are now locked in the evidence room of the Zhenhu Division."

After the thunderstorm reported the situation, He Ying said: "Master, let the subordinates help the master to get the shark beads back."

Feng Xiao also immediately said: "Master, please trust your subordinates again, this time your subordinates are willing to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds."

Xue Lie pondered for a while, then said: "Thunderstorm, this time you go over, don't let me hear any news of failure."

"As ordered! Master, the Suppressing Tiger Division is well-guarded, can you allow your subordinates to act after dark?"

"Everything is up to you, I just want the results I'm satisfied with."

Xue Lie waved his arm and let the three subordinates retreat. He also had to make detailed plans for the future when the flying tapir appeared, so that the Yu clan would return to its old glory.

In Zhenhusi's prison, Hei Yu slightly treated the wound and then sat down against the back wall and fell asleep. Mu Kongkong leaned his face against the wall and listened to the movement outside. After taking out an iron wire, it took him less than half an hour to open the special iron cuffs in his hand.

The prison here in the Zhenhu Division is the Tiandu City's prison. Whether it is the protection or the equipment, it is extraordinary, but the handcuffs are still untied by Mu Kongkong.

Then Ni Kongkong took a special conch from his arms and blew it. Although the conch emitted sound waves that were difficult to detect by human ears, it still alarmed Jiang Lin.

Seeing Jiang Lin wake up, Ni Kongkong twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Brother Jiang, I have something to discuss. I'm contacting Oka to get you a treasure box."

Before, Ni Kongkong was really scared by Jiang Lin's beating, but now that Jiang Lin could hear the sound waves from the conch, he was afraid that Jiang Lin would give him another meal, so he explained it immediately.

Jiang Lin nodded. He didn't look for Ni Kongkong's bad luck. He glanced at Hei Yu who was not far from him. Jiang Lin leaned over and planned to treat Hei Yu's wound.

Before, he had been holding his breath to prevent himself from inhaling the blood emanating from Hei Yu's wound, but now there is still some time before nightfall. Here in Sky City, if he does not let the corpse poison enter the flesh and blood, he will have a limited time to hold his breath.

It's better to take out some wound medicine and treat the wound to Hei Yu, so that it can heal, and he doesn't need to hold his breath.

"what are you doing!"

As soon as Jiang Lin touched the silk scarf on Hei Yu's arm, Hei Yu woke up and grabbed Jiang Lin's neck with both hands.

Helplessly smiled, Jiang Lin said: "Don't get excited, your wound has not stopped bleeding, I just want to deal with it for you."

"By the way, I have medicine here."

When Ni Kongkong heard that Jiang Lin was going to treat Heiyu's wound, he took off his boots and took out a medicine bag from it.

With a big mouth, he said empty-handedly, "I have the necessary medicine here, beauty, and I will give it to you for free."


Hei Yu frowned suddenly, raised her hand to cover her mouth and nose, asking her to apply this kind of wound medicine, she might as well stop bleeding.

"You use this thing to put medicine on other people's arms, so you are not afraid of athlete's foot on their arms?"

Jiang Lin was speechless. The smell of his feet was invincible. Even if he held his breath, he could still feel the smell. Like Hei Yu, he covered his mouth and nose with his hands.

"Does it stink?"

Ni Kongkong grabbed his boots, lowered his head and sniffed fiercely into the shoe slot, and then the expression on his face was wonderful: "Oh, it smells like hot and sour shredded potatoes."


Seeing Ni Kongkong's extremely speechless and nauseating behavior, Kuroba felt like vomiting.

Ni Kongkong was in her heart, and she was directly on the blacklist.

You are so talented!

Not to mention Hei Yu, even someone like Jiang Lin who is not weak enough to bear, felt that his eyes were offended.

Hot eyes, really hot eyes.

It also tastes sour and spicy potato shreds.

Shit Lai Ray!

"Don't worry, I don't want you to let me touch his wound medicine, just bear with me."

Jiang Lin took a small bottle of cold marrow from the ancient mirror in his arms, and then untied the silk scarf on Hei Yu's wound and poured the cold marrow onto it.

Hei Yu didn't resist either. She thought the wound would be corroded by the medicinal liquid and the pain was unbearable, but after she let out a muffled groan, she looked at her arm in amazement.

The wound that was still bleeding before was beginning to heal at a very fast speed.

Looking at Jiang Lin's careful treatment of his injuries, Hei Yu felt that his heartbeat seemed to be faster than usual.

"You have a wound on your back too?"

At this time, Jiang Lin glanced at the clothes on Hei Yu's back to see a three-finger-long gap, and reached out to touch it.

Hei Yu hurriedly said: "Don't touch it! That's the wing hole."

"Wing Kong? You are a feathered noble? Then why don't you fly?"

Before Jiang Lin could ask, Ni Kongkong, who had already put on his boots, spoke up. He already knew that Hei Yu was a feathered man, but he didn't know that this girl was not an ordinary feathered man.

The feathered man who still has wing holes on his back can still grow wings and fly as long as the environment is suitable.

Hei Yu ignored Mu Kongkong and said, "It's none of your business."

With an angry expression on his face, Ni Kongkong said, "We're all partners behind us, so there's no need to be like this."

Jiang Lin didn't ask what the wing hole was. If it wasn't a wound, he didn't need to pay attention, as long as there was no bloody smell there.

Chapter [*] Leaving the Heavenly Prison ([*])

After treating Hei Yu's sword injury, Jiang Lin asked, "Do you know who can open that box?"

Hei Yu immediately became vigilant, looked at Jiang Lin, and said, "You seem to be particularly interested in that box, why is that?"

"Oh, Jiang Lin's relatives and I were all killed by Xue Lie. If you want to destroy the treasure box, count us a share."

Seeing that Jiang Lin didn't answer immediately, Ni Kongkong helped find a reason to explain it to Hei Yu.

"You'd better not play tricks with me."

Of course, Hei Yu didn't believe Mu Kongkong's words. The main reason was that Jiang Lin didn't immediately give her a reasonable explanation.

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu and said, "Anyway, the treasure box needs to be opened first, right?"

"Night Swamp Crypt, you will naturally know when you go there. But before that, you need to go to the evidence room to retrieve the box."

Hei Yu said a place that even Ni Kongkong had never heard of, but she was wary of Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong, especially Jiang Lin.

"It's already in action, and it's estimated to be coming soon."

Jiang Lin pointed at Ni Kongkong, and Ni Kongkong said with a stinky expression: "Don't forget that I am a thief."

At this moment, there was a slight movement on the wall of the cell, and the mud Kongkong knocked on the wall. After a while, he pulled out a square stone slab on the wall, and a stone slab had already appeared behind it. The head-sized hole, Oka crawled in it, and pushed the treasure box and the sack containing the gems with his mouth.

"It's too slow to do such a thing, hurry up and get out."

Ni Kongkong patted Oka's head, then put the things that the little guy sent into his pocket, and put the square slate back into the distance.

When he took the treasure box, the light of Lan Yingying appeared in his palm again.

"What's in his glove?"

Hei Yu's eyes were sharp, and upon discovering this, he questioned Jiang Lin beside him.

Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "I don't know about that either."

Seeing Hei Yu looking suspiciously, Ni Kongkong immediately threw the treasure box to Jiang Lin.

Then he said: "Now I will help you untie the handcuffs. When they are completely unfastened, it is estimated that it will be dark. After that guy comes back, we will act immediately."

Hei Yu was immediately reluctant to hear Mu Kong Kong say that he wanted to come to help untie the handcuffs.

This guy's hands are definitely full of smelly feet!

"This is of no use to you."

Jiang Lin and Hei Yu had the same idea. When he took the treasure box just now, he smelled a stench on it. That's why he put the treasure box aside to dry. Then he will also end up with stinky feet.

As he said that, Jiang Lin put his four fingers into the handcuffs, and when he pulled hard, the iron cuffs on his wrists were broken by him.

Before, he had left his wrists handcuffed to prevent anyone from coming to inspect. Now that he was ready for action, there was no need for him to put it on.

"You...you monster, aren't you?"

Seeing Jiang Lin, Hei Yu broke the handcuffs with one hand, and her beautiful eyes widened. As the Huya of the Tiger Suppression Division, she naturally knew what material such handcuffs were made of. It can't be destroyed by an axe.

But Jiang Lin pulled it with one hand and it broke.

This is too scary.

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