Only then did Hei Yu fully understand why Jiang Lin couldn't get up after stepping on Heli and Ni Kongkong on the ground.

The power of that kick can probably crack the boulder.

Ni Kongkong was also stunned. Only then did he know that Jiang Lin had beaten him before, but he still kept his hands.

"It's really hard, I almost kept getting it."

Jiang Lin frowned. Just now, he still let his own corpse poison enter his flesh and blood, and he was able to break the handcuffs on his wrist.

If it were a little harder, if he wasn't completely corpse, and he didn't take advantage of the increase in the battle lines, he might have been pulling it all the time.

Black Feather:"……"

Mud Kongkong: "..."

Then Jiang Lin nodded to Hei Yu, who handed over his handcuffed arm.

Touched by Jiang Lin's palm, Hei Yu's heart suddenly felt a little strange.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath, his arms instantly exerted strength, and the iron cuffs on Hei Yu's wrist were also broken by him.

The three of them waited quietly in the cell. After more than an hour, the cell door was suddenly pushed open, and Heli threw out three prisoner costumes from the outside, saying, "Hurry up and change, and act immediately."

Jiang Lin and the others put on the prisoner's clothes, and put on a jumpsuit to cover most of their faces. Afterwards, they followed Heli out of the cell and headed out of the Hushen Division.

Seeing footsteps not far away, Hei Yu said to Heli, "You walk behind us. Hu Ya of the Hushen Division escorts the prisoners, so they must watch from behind to prevent the prisoners from escaping."

Heli followed his words and went behind Hei Yu and the others. After waiting for a group of people to pass by, he said, "Hey, from now on, we are partners. Hey, Ni Kongkong, where are we going to find Xue Lie?"

Ni Kongkong responded, "Go to the pier first, and get a boat. Even if the Town Tiger Division finds out that we're gone, it's not easy to search."

"I'm just so short of an opportunity, and now that such an opportunity has finally come, I'm really excited."

When He Li thought that he could get Xue Lie's meritorious deeds, an excited expression appeared on his face, and he kept babbling.

"It looks like everything is going well, doesn't it?"

"Can you shut your mouth?"

Hei Yu glanced back impatiently, originally she thought the mud Kong Kong with a big mouth was annoying enough, but now there is another big tongue.

Really suit.

Heli looked unhappy and said stubbornly: "I like to talk when I'm excited, what's the matter?"

"Can you not be so excited, you will do bad things like this."

Ni Kongkong also turned his face to warn Heli. As a result, Heli's eyes suddenly widened, and he went to the right shoulder of Mukongkong, who turned his head away, and said, "Wow! Why is your mouth so big? What did I do before? didn't notice."

Then this funny patted Jiang Lin again and said, "Did you see it? His mouth is very big, really, look, it's very big. Wow~wow~"

I'm so...

Jiang Lin can't help but want to hit people now. People have big mouths. Do you have to say what your second uncle said at this moment?

"Turn left ahead."

Hei Yu resisted the urge to complain wildly, and led the way in front of him. At the same time, at the entrance of the Suppressing Tiger Sitian Prison, Lei Feng, who had made some disguise on his face, put his hands in shackles. Hu Ya led the way, ready to go to the evidence room.

They disguised themselves as feathermen who gathered in the outer city to make trouble, and they could be brought in by the fine work buried in the Tiger Suppression Division.

Chapter [*] Leaving the Heavenly Prison (Part [*])

Leibao and others were taken into the Heavenly Prison, and it didn't take long for them to appear in the same corridor as Jiang Lin.

"Why are there so many people, don't be afraid, I'm here, I'm nervous, it's getting closer, it doesn't matter."

"To shut up!"

Heli's mouth was like a cannonball in the back, and he kept chattering and crooked. Jiang Lin, Hei Yu, and Ni Kongkong all told him to keep his mouth shut.

"Brother Jiang, do you think that one of the prisoners on the opposite side seems a little familiar."

At this time, Ni Kongkong raised his face slightly, and saw that among the people in front of him, there was a guy with obvious facial features, which made him a little familiar, so he asked Jianglin softly.

Jiang Lin moved his lips slightly and said, "It's that thunderstorm. It looks like it must have sneaked in to find the treasure box. Keep calm. If someone talks too much, be careful that I don't recognize people with my fists."

After being warned by Jiang Lin, Heli stopped beeping.

Just when Jiang Lin and the others missed Leibao and others, when they reached the end of the corridor, Hei Yu, who was walking at the front, suddenly found that Yang Zhenhu had returned with a lot of tiger teeth and appeared in the prison hall in front.

In a hurry, Hei Yu stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "Don't move!"

"what happened?"

Heli was startled, and he was about to draw his sword immediately, and Ni Kongkong didn't know what was going on in front of him.

As for Jiang Lin, his face was a little unnatural.

Perhaps it was because Hei Yu discovered an emergency and didn't have time to think about it, so he subconsciously stretched out his hand to block the person next to him, which made the position of Hei Yu's hand blocking a bit tricky.

This girl, are you from the Wudang faction?

Jiang Lin wanted to ask a question, but Hei Yu's palm accidentally covered his crotch.

"Go from there."

Hei Yu reminded everyone softly, walked into the hall, leaned against the wall and walked to the stairs not far away.

Jiang Lin and the others naturally followed behind Hei Yu. With a glance out of the corner of his eye, Jiang Lin knew why Hei Yu was so cautious. It turned out that Yang Zhenhu had returned.

When he reached the entrance of the stairs, Hei Yu turned in, Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong immediately followed, but Heli was still staring at him outside, so Hei Yu dragged him into the stairs.

"Who is this, why are there so many people?"

Because only Yang Zhenhu's profile could be seen from the stairs, He Li, as a prince, didn't even recognize him.

Hei Yu didn't answer, just glared at Heli, and then glanced outside.

Frowning, Hei Yu climbed a few more steps, checked the situation above, and said: "There are too many people outside, and Lord Yang has returned, he can't get out from the main gate, so he can only take risks and leave from above. ."

Jiang Lin and the others were led by Hei Yu, followed the stairs to the upper floor, and the exit was also a hall, and there were many tiger teeth walking around.

Hei Yu covered his figure with the help of the stairs, pointed to the elevator in front, and said, "Since Mr. Yang is back, he will definitely interrogate the suspects in the Prince's Mansion, and he will soon find out that we are gone, and he will immediately order someone to guard it. After exiting and questioning in detail, we can only use the wind ladder over there to go up vertically and find a way out from the top."

"There is no other way?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. In such a situation, if he was alone, there would be no problem, but with a few people, it would be inconvenient.

Of course, he can also choose to use the teleportation or invisibility ability of his corpse to solve those tiger teeth in one fell swoop, but in this way, his origin will inevitably be suspected, and even expose that he is not a person from Sky City at all. a fact.

In that case, Kuroba could directly guess that he had a plan to get the shark bead.

Kuroba shook his head, indicating that there is only one way at the moment.

"I have a plan."

At this moment, Ni Kongkong opened his mouth, and then he grinned again and said, "Perfect plan."

"Brother Jiang, come with me and lead these people to the evidence room."

Saying that, Ni Kongkong ran out, and Jiang Lin immediately understood, and followed behind Ni Kongkong.

Mud Kongkong This is to attract the attention of the thunderstorms who are looking for the treasure box in the evidence room.

"Someone escaped, some escaped!"

Rushing to the front of the group of tiger teeth, Ni Kongkong shouted loudly, just in the second floor hall where there was a pioneer who had been embarrassing Heiyu before.

When Pioneer Chau heard Ni Kongkong's shout, he shouted, "Who escaped from prison?"

"Your grandfather steals gods and steals saints."

Ni Kongkong took off his hat, showing a mean smile on his face, then pulled the prison uniform off and put it on Pioneer's head, and punched him.

Jiang Lin also showed his face and turned over two tiger teeth.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin followed Ni Kongkong to the direction of the evidence room. As he ran, Ni Kongkong screamed, "Come on, come on, come and catch me."

Immediately, most of the people in the hall on the second floor went to hunt down the two of them, and the rest immediately went to knock on the police gong, but Hei Yu and Heli also acted at this time, and they were knocked down at an extremely fast speed. some remaining tiger teeth.

Ni Kongkong was more familiar with the environment of the Zhenhu Division. After running to another stairway in front, he went down to the first floor, sounded the police gong, and screamed strangely, while Yang Zhenhu and his team were alarmed and moved towards the source of the sound. Run away.

At this time, the thunderstorm that was looking for the treasure box while getting angry in the evidence room felt bad. Now there is a big movement outside, even if they find the treasure box, it is not easy to go out, and, especially now, they all put the whole The evidence room was rummaged, and there was no box.

Chapter two thousand three hundred and forty

"Hurry up and find it for me! If you can't find the box, no one wants to leave here alive!"

With a roar, Leibao slammed Xiao Zuo against the wall and shouted, "You're numb, are you sure the box is in this evidence room?"

"Master, the news is absolutely true!"

"Look again!"

Thunderstorm threw away the fine work, but at this time he saw the closed door of the evidence room slowly opening.

Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong, who were in charge of attracting attention, had already arrived at the evidence room. After the two opened the door, Pioneer and others who were following them were immediately stunned.

"What kind of bird man, dare to break into the Suppressing Tiger Division!"

After a loud shout, Xianfengzhao and others ignored Jianglin and Ni Kongkong, and directly focused on Thunderstorm and them.

Jiang Lin and the others also rushed into the evidence room, waiting for more Huya and Yang Zhenhu to arrive. For a time, in the huge evidence room, Leibao and his fellow Yuren and Xianfengchao waited for a lot of Huyas. A fierce battle broke out.

And Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong, who had attracted so many Huya, were naturally regarded as thorns in the eyes by Thunderstorm, and Thunderstorm slaughtered the two of them.

A thunderstorm alone would naturally not be Jiang Lin's opponent. However, Jiang Lin was only temporarily delaying time, and he didn't use much force. After a leap, the treasure box in his sleeve fell out of his sleeve pocket. .

Jiang Lin didn't expect the treasure box to fall. Before, because he disliked the smell of feet on it, he didn't put it in the ancient mirror, but hid it in the wide sleeve.

The treasure box rolled out, not far from Ni Kongkong. Seeing this, Ni Kongkong immediately rushed over, grabbed it and put it in his arms, and at the same time climbed onto the file cabinet that was more than ten feet tall.

"Give me the box back!"

After the thunderstorm slashed an incoming tiger tooth, he gnashed his teeth and watched the mud empty.

He was really pissed, no wonder they rummaged through the boxes here and searched for so long and couldn't find the treasure box, but it was taken away in advance by others.

"Come and catch me. It's very hard to find here, oh, it's too hard."

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