There was an extremely rude smile on Ni Kongkong's face, and the thunderstorm was so angry that he swayed the axe in his hand. He slashed through it, but Ni Kongkong jumped up ahead of time to hide.

Just as the thunderstorm was pulling the chain connecting the axe blade, a saber flew over and cut his forearm.

"Take it all!"

At this time, Yang Zhenhu had already led his people to the evidence room.

After rushing into the evidence room, Yang Zhenhu found Jiang Lin, and immediately called back the saber and slashed towards Jiang Lin.

Jiang Linmao used all his strength, clasped his hands together, and directly came to take the white blade with his bare hands, then folded his waist back, and threw Yang Zhenhu together with the knife at Leibao.

He kicked the long sword scattered around his feet, and the blade slammed into Yang Zhenhu's blade, knocking the Huya Commander into front of Lei Bao.

"It's numb!"

Leibao's attention was still on Mi Kongkong's body, but he had been injured by Yang Zhenhu just now, and now Yang Zhenhu appeared in front of him again, which made him think that the old guy was obstructing him, so he slashed down with an axe.

Good boy, I really didn't underestimate you!

Yang Zhenhu was shocked in his heart. In the entire Tiandu City, I am afraid that no one dared to pick up his saber-cutting saber with his bare hands, but that young man Jiang Lin not only picked up his sword with his bare hands, but also threw him out with the sword.

However, even if Yang Zhenhu was shocked, he had to parry the thunderstorm's attack.

And Jiang Lin took advantage of this opportunity, kicked over a few tiger teeth, and jumped out of the evidence room directly, followed by Ni Kongkong.

Leibao saw that he ran out with a treasure box of mud empty, and chased out at the cost of Yang Zhenhu's knife.

"Fuck your second uncle, who asked you to chase?"

Jiang Lin, who was running, quickly retreated, and a flying leg kicked Leibao in the face, which made Leibao have to fight against Yang Zhenhu.

And Yang Zhenhu gave up Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong first after a short decision. This thunderstorm is a character directly related to Xuelie and must be won.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin and the others immediately turned back the same way. When the two were about to go to the second floor wind ladder to meet with Hei Yu and Heli, they didn't know that Heli and Hei Yu were pinching again.

After Heli and Heli had knocked down the remaining tiger teeth in the hall on the second floor, Heli was puzzled. When he was embarrassing Heiyu in the cell during the day, this featherman's arm was injured by a sword, and he was still in the dark. The blood was oozing non-stop, but just now Hei Yu used both hands together, and he didn't seem to be injured at all, even more fierce than him.

And after Hei Yu's wrist was scratched because she didn't want to hurt people, she tore off the silk scarf on her arm, wiped off some of the remaining cold marrow from the wound, and smeared it on her wrist, which caused her to be attacked again by Hei Yu. Force got into trouble.

"And they said that you and Xue Lie are not in the same group! Where did the medicine on your wound come from? This is the Frost Jade Dew that only members of the royal family have, and it is clearly that you stole it from the Prince's Mansion!"

Coincidentally, Heli recognized Hansui, so he once again determined that Hei Yu and Xue Lie were accomplices, and took away the treasures of his uncle's mansion when they bloodshed the county palace.

The reason why He Li was able to recognize the cold marrow was because he was no stranger to this kind of elixir. During the day, after he was beaten by Jiang Lin, he once took out a small medicine bottle and put it inside. The pill pills poured into the mouth, and inside those pill pills, there was a small amount of cold marrow.

It's just that here, the cold marrow is called the cold ice jade dew.

"I'm lazy, I'll say it again, I've never seen Xue Lie at all!"

Hei Yu was labelled a thief for no reason, and she was even more furious. It was only because the situation was tense that she had to endure the urge and did not have the same knowledge as Heli.

You Jianglin!

However, although Hei Yu didn't want to have the same knowledge as Heli, he wanted to settle accounts with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin has been repeatedly stressing that he has never touched anything in the prince's mansion, but in the end he still stole the frozen jade dew from the prince's place, and even dared to use the stolen goods in front of her.

Picking up a long sword from the ground, Hei Yu immediately activated the mechanism after he boarded the wind ladder, and let the wind ladder operate only when Jiang Lin and the others came back.

At this time, Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong quickly appeared in the hall on the second floor and jumped on the wind ladder.

Hei Yu immediately pulled down the mechanism switch and let the wind ladder rise slowly.

"Are you hurt again?"

Seeing that Hei Yu's wrist was bleeding, Jiang Lin immediately took out the jade bottle containing the cold marrow from his arms and prepared to apply it to Hei Yu.

However, Hei Yu pulled the long sword out of the scabbard, pushed Jiang Lin to the railing of the wind ladder, and said, "You still dare to take out the stolen goods?"

He grabbed the jade bottle from Jiang Lin's hand, and Hei Yu glared at Jiang Lin.

In fact, even Hei Yu herself didn't know why she was so angry. Since Jiang Lin has the name of a thief, it should be extremely normal to follow the baby, but she was very angry.

In fact, Hei Yu didn't even know that she had unconsciously given Jiang Lin a certain amount of trust in her heart. Now that Heli believed that she had stolen the treasure from the palace, she felt that she had been deceived.

It was also because of this that Hei Yu ignored that she was not Jiang Lin's opponent at all. Even if she wanted to settle accounts with Jiang Lin, she could only suffer in vain.

"What booty? What are you talking about?"

The question mark on Jiang Lin's head, I don't know what Hei Yu is making a fuss about.

He was fine before he left, but when he came back, Hei Yu turned around and didn't recognize anyone for no reason.

The speed of turning his face is faster than turning a book.

The key is that he still doesn't know why Kuroba has changed his attitude.

"Is Han Bing Yulu his?"

Heli saw Jiang Lin take out the jade bottle, saw Hei Yu asking Jiang Lin for accountability, and smelled the cold marrow in the bottle, and immediately understood why the sword wound on Hei Yu's arm healed so quickly. .

"You were involved in killing me...killing the county king?"

Heli also pulled out the steel sword he was carrying and put it on Jiang Lin's neck.

I'm so...

Jiang Lin's whole body became a big question mark, and it was not a problem for Hei Yu to turn his back on him, this girl was cold and moody and could still understand a little.

But Heli also turned his face and didn't recognize the person, which made him really can't figure out what was going on.

This joker has been babbling on the road before, saying that they will be partners in the future, and the previous unpleasantness will be directly exposed.

At this moment, Heli also seems to be taking the wrong medicine. Is this Nima's turning face still contagious?

The [*]st chapter God is all stolen goods

"Who was involved in the killing of the county king? Did you two take the wrong medicine?"

Jiang Lin raised his hand to ward off the two long swords around his neck, and looked at Hei Yu and Heli inexplicably. The two had met in the cell before and were about to fight, but now they were on the same line.

What's more, what Jiang Lin can't understand is that Hei Yu and the others have to deal with this confusing behavior at this moment. Now almost all Huya have been dispatched, and these two people are not only inconsistent with the outside world, but they also have to come together for a nest. in reverse.

What's even more confusing is that even if Hei Yu and Heli team up to deal with him, there is no effect at all.

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin coldly, and asked, "Didn't you get the ice-cold jade dew in this jade bottle from the Prince's Palace? This medicinal liquid is only available to members of the royal family, where did you get it from? Isn't it stolen? You keep saying that you will play tricks with me if you don't take anything from the Prince's Mansion, what is this not stolen goods?"

"It was because of this."

After listening to Hei Yu's words, Jiang Lin understood why the girl and the poor Heli had turned against him.

It was probably Heli who found out that Hei Yu had applied the cold essence and questioned Hei Yu, and then Hei Yu knew what kind of ice and jade dew this thing was, and only royal family members could hold it.

This led Hei Yu to think that the cold marrow was stolen by him from the prince's palace.

As for Heli, it was naturally inferred that he had been to the palace of the county king and may have participated in the murder, so his attitude changed greatly.

"This thing was originally mine. I didn't even know that Tianducheng existed here, and I didn't even know that it was called Hanbing Yulu. It's the same sentence, whether I believe it or not, I didn't bring anything from the palace. You can ask Ni Kongkong about this. Neither of us want to get into trouble, and if there is a bloody case, we go along with it. Isn’t that asking for trouble?”

"Jiang Lin didn't lie. Although I don't know how he got these medicines, we didn't take any needles at that time."

Ni Kongkong hurriedly rounded up the field, and then said: "Now let's think of a way to deal with the current situation. When we get to the top, is there really a way?"

Hei Yu didn't look at Ni Kongkong, her phoenix eyes stared straight at Jiang Lin, and then she said, "I won't believe you two anymore."

Although Hei Yu's words pointed to Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong, the meaning in his words was aimed at Jiang Lin.

Liar, you liar.

"I confiscated this Frost Jade Dew."

Saying that, Hei Yu stuffed the jade bottle into his arms.

"what ever."

Jiang Lin didn't bother with Heiyu. Anyway, the cold marrow inside was meant to be used by Heiyu, so that the wound would heal and no longer bleed.

Moreover, the sound of running footsteps was already not far away, and he didn't have the time to gossip with Hei Yu and Heli.

"And that box? That's loot, too."

"Give it to her."

Jiang Lin raised his face at Ni Kongkong, and motioned to take out the treasure box for Heiyu to keep. Only Heiyu knew who could open the treasure box, and it would be handed over to her sooner or later.

"Don't treat the wound on your wrist, it's bleeding."

Glancing at Hei Yu, Jiang Lin then said again: "The speed of this wind ladder is too slow, it's too late, all of them are going to the top of the wind ladder, and people are already coming."

Because the wind ladder is based on pulleys, as long as one of the ropes is broken, with the help of the falling speed of the wind ladder, they can be brought up quickly through the ropes of the pulley.

Therefore, Jiang Lin urged Hei Yu and the others to leave the stairs, preparing to use the ropes to speed up their ascent.

Afterwards, Hei Yu and Heli both decided to temporarily suppress the matter and deal with it after this matter.

After the four climbed up the wind ladder, the thunderstorm chased after him. This guy used a flat axe to smash the corridor in front of the evidence room, which stopped Yang Zhenhu's footsteps. to be chased.

Seeing Jiang Lin and the others boarded the wind ladder, the thunderstorm rushed under the wind ladder and threw the axe blade, pierced the lower part of the wind ladder, and dragged the entire wind ladder downward.

"It should be fine to smash you into bolognese."

Jiang Lin cut off a rope with a knife, and the entire wind ladder immediately fell down.

"Oh! It's numb!"

Feng Xiao was stunned for a moment, then was hit on the forehead by the wind ladder, and was pressed into the vertical passage of the underground cell.

Not surprisingly, it must have been crushed to death.

Jiang Lin and the others also jumped straight up because they grabbed the broken rope of the wind ladder, and were finally thrown into the passage of the highest level of the sky prison.

Jiang Lin's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He kicked the wall of the passage with his feet and jumped over. He first stood firm on his feet, and then he was ready to pick up the flying black feathers.

However, because he was focusing on Hei Yu, Jiang Lin didn't notice that the small golden pendant he was wearing was thrown out of his collar because of his previous turning over.

Jiang Lin quickly caught Hei Yu and wrapped it in his arms. As for Ni Kongkong and Heli, Tetsu went directly to the two big men hugging them together.

Hei Yu felt that her ears were hot, and immediately pushed Jiang Lin away, but she couldn't push Jiang Lin away.

It wasn't because Jiang Lin didn't let go, but because the two pendants were sucked together.

Not only was Jiang Lin wearing a pendant on his neck, but Hei Yu's collar also had a round iron pendant tied with a black rope.

The pendant worn by Hei Yu is composed of a cross skeleton and a circle in the shape of an outer pattern. There is also a pair of wings carved in the center. It is a relic left by Hei Yu's father, and has been worn by Hei Yu. Just now, because of the shaking force of the rope, it was exposed beyond the neckline.

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