When Jiang Lin caught Hei Yu, the two pendants were sucked together.

Jiang Lin was pushed by Hei Yu, and his neck was pulled by the red thread that tied the little golden figure. Only then did he realize that his wife, Zhan Min, who had turned into a pendant, was actually sucked by the necklace jewelry that Hei Yu was wearing.

what happened?

Jiang Lin subconsciously thought that Zhan Min would be hurt, and immediately grabbed the pendant between himself and Hei Yu.

After careful sensing, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief. Zhan Min was in good condition. Although he was still sleeping, he was not affected.

After a brief thought, Jiang Lin deduced that the reason why Zhan Min was sucked in may be because the pendant worn by Hei Yu was made of a special material, which had a beneficial effect on the golden spirit energy in Zhan Min.

"Let go, don't touch my things!"

Hei Yu immediately slapped Jiang Lin's hand, trying to separate the two pendants, but she found that she couldn't separate them.

Of course, if she used brute force, it would definitely have an effect, but in that case, the relic left to her by her father might be damaged.

At this time, Hei Yu could clearly see Jiang Lin's little golden figurine pendant, which was really lifelike and extremely cute.

"The dead duck's mouth is hard on you! He said that he didn't take anything, and I found a piece of stolen goods. Where did you get this pendant? I have never seen such a vivid ornament as a sculptor, don't say it's not from the king of the county. Collection? How many stolen goods do you have stolen from the county palace? One piece is stolen goods, and the other is stolen goods, all of them are stolen goods!"

Hei Yu finally pressed down temporarily and became angry again. She felt that when he was in the wind ladder just now, Jiang Lin was playing tricks with her and deceiving her again.

There was absolutely nothing in his mouth that was true.

"Steal... loot? I said you can do it!"

Jiang Lin was really taken aback by Hei Yu's words. This girl said that the cold marrow he took out was stolen goods, and he recognized it. After all, he had prepared the cold marrow inside as consumables.

He said that the treasure box is also stolen goods, he also let it go, as long as the girl is happy.

Anyway, taking out the shark bead has to rely on this girl. As long as the shark bead can be taken out, it doesn't matter if Hei Yu calls the three-dimensional treasure box flat.

But now, this girl is stunned, as long as she sees anything from him, she thinks it is stolen goods.

Gods are all loot.

That's my wife!

Jiang Lin felt that he was completely speechless by Hei Yu.

Chapter [*] is quite unreasonable, I will obey you ([*])

"Wow! I'm afraid even a master craftsman can't master this carving? It's so amazing, it's exactly like a real person with flesh and blood. Especially with this gentle demeanor and the happy charm of a sleeping face, someone can really carve. come out?"

At this time, when he saw the little golden man's pendant, he played the role of his palm and eye.

As a thief who specializes in stealing treasures, he began to discuss Jianglin's pendants from a professional perspective.

Exquisite, ingenious, beautiful!

"And the material is extremely special, and the artistic value is immeasurable!"

Ni Kongkong added another sentence, he now finally understands why Oka was close to Jiang Lin when he first met Jiang Lin.

Not only does Jiang Lin have a magical medicine like Frozen Jade Dew, but the pendant he carries with him is extremely valuable.

What else could be of low value?

"That's right, even in the palace, there are no such ingenious and ingenious things. I... Where did the king of the county get such a treasure of art?"

Heli's eyes also lit up. He is the prince of Tiandu City. He has seen countless rare treasures since he was a child, but he really wants to come up with such exquisite and spiritual works of art. Can't get it out.

Regardless of any carvings and carvings in the palace, there is nothing that can compare to this pendant.

What is even more rare is that this "art" is not as big as the mouth of a tea cup, and it is extremely difficult to carve on such a small material, no matter what level of craftsman it is, let alone put a pendant on it. The hair of the portrait is thinner than Maimang.

On the basis of this kind of craftsmanship, spirituality is given to this work of art, which makes people seem to feel that this woman is extremely happy.

This is even more difficult.

Ingenious, really ingenious.

Jiang Lin listened to Ni Kongkong and Heli's words, and his face turned completely black.

Shit, what art?

What is carving and carving, what artistic value.

Blind your dog eyes, this is a real person!

It's my wife!

With such a gentle manner, can my wife not be gentle?

And what about sleeping with a happy face, Zhan Min is so precious to me, and I wear it around my neck, can I be unhappy?

"Shut your dog mouth, this is my wife."

Jiang Lin snatched the little golden man pendant and Hei Yu's necklace into his hands, and he accepted it too. Zhan Min was a living person, but because of his special fate, he used to refine it, and now he is in the process of transforming it. Turned into a small gold pendant.

As a result, Ni Kongkong and the others directly regarded Zhanmin as a piece of art that was carved by someone, and it was the collection of the king of the county.

Take your seventh uncle and his third niece!

As soon as Jiang Lin said this, the three people including Hei Yu were stunned.

He glanced at Jiang Lin with a very strange look, and then Hei Yu said: "Don't think that I will believe you if you take the stolen goods as your own wife. I will not listen to a single word of your words. I have confiscated this loot. If you still want to find someone to open the treasure box with me, let me go. It’s good that I can’t fight you, but it doesn’t mean I won’t insist.”

"Why don't you let go? Since you know I'm going to open the treasure box, then I won't run away. Wouldn't it be the same for your pendant with me?"

For his own purposes, Jiang Lin could not care about the consumption of immortal treasures, nor the hardships ahead, but he was unwilling to let his wife be in the hands of others.

For other unimportant things, he can let Hei Feather, but now it is impossible.

Even if this might make the things he did to improve his relationship with Kuroba completely useless, he still has no regrets.

"Okay, everything can be left behind and continue to settle accounts. Now the most important thing is to find Xue Lie, and the tiger teeth below may have to catch up. Where is the road?"

At this time, Heli heard the movement from the floor below, and immediately told Hei Yu and Jiang Lin to stop arguing, and if there was anything, they could talk about it when it was completely safe.

Hei Yu glared at Jiang Lin and asked Jiang Lin to let go again, but Jiang Lin turned a deaf ear, and because she was concerned about her father's relics, she did not dare to forcefully separate the two pendants, and she was even more reluctant to take off the necklace.

As for Jiang Lin, he still has some headaches now. Like Hei Yu, he is worried that forcibly separating Zhan Min and Hei Yu's pendants will interrupt Zhan Min's deep sleep and hinder him.

Although he could take Hei Yu's pendant with just one push, he couldn't take it under the current situation.

As long as he uses force, well, with Hei Yu's character, it is estimated that he would rather die than find someone to open the treasure box. Anyway, the treasure box is safe now, and Xue Lie and the others cannot achieve their goal.

It would be unrealistic to use the previous methods against Red Eagle and use a spell to cast it on Hei Yu. As a result, Hei Yu did not want to kill him no matter what, and the malice towards him was only because he suspected that he was a suspect. , if he cursed Hei Yu, wouldn't he have become the kind of person he said would do anything to achieve his goals.

When he was in the Kingdom of Thousand Machines, he taught Red Eagle not to become such a person, but it must be impossible for him to live like that now.

Second, even if he wanted to use a spell, under the current circumstances, if Hei Yu realized his purpose, he would most likely kill himself in advance, preferring to break the jade rather than the tile.

He couldn't get anything either.

Therefore, all Jiang Lin can do is not to let go.

"Follow my orders and follow me."

At this time, Hei Yu didn't pay any attention to Jiang Lin anymore, completely treating Jiang Lin as a mass of air, and after explaining to Heli and Ni Kongkong, she grabbed Jiang Lin's hand holding the pendant and started galloping forward.

As for Jiang Lin, he could only let Hei Yu run, and control his pace and speed in line with Hei Yu.

Kuroba ran all the way to the end of the passage, and with her free hand, she took out the hand-grip device connected by a short chain from the wall, and then put it on the wire rope fixed above the passage.

Then Hei Yu said to Jiang Lin: "Now you have time to let go, and slide down the other steel rope with the sliding chain. Otherwise, even if my pendant is broken by you, I will still take it back, so high In this place, it can definitely fall to your death."

The steel cable fixed above the entrance is the way out that Hei Yu thought of. Because of its special duties, the Town Tiger Division needs to deal with some emergencies, so such a design is arranged on the top floor, which can directly reach the city through the high rope. key hub in the .

"what ever."

Jiang Lin shrugged and didn't take Hei Yu's words seriously at all. Although he couldn't fly in this sky city, he definitely wouldn't fall to his death, no matter how high he was.

Moreover, he still wanted to laugh a little, but what Hei Yu said was like he could only hold the pendant.

Hei Yu's face turned ruthless, and he let go of Jiang Lin's hand, holding both ends of the pulley, and slid directly along the steel cable towards the ground in the distance.

Jiang Lin jumped up diagonally before his body was taken down, and with his arms around him, he hugged the Red Eagle tightly.

"You... what are you doing! Release me!"

Hei Yu immediately shoved Jiang Lin. In fact, she was not as ruthless as she said before. She wanted Jiang Lin to fall from such a high place and fall to his death. With Jiang Lin's reaction, even if his body was taken off the ground, It must have been able to grab her ankle.

Even if there is an accident, Ni Kongkong still has a Xiujian with a rope in his hand, no matter what, Jiang Lin will not be in any danger.

She would say that, but she just wanted to scare Jiang Lin.

But she didn't expect that Jiang Lin didn't grab her ankle, but hugged her whole.

"In such a high place, if you let me go, where do I go? Can you be reasonable? Not to mention that I didn't steal anything from the Prince's Mansion at all. Even if I did, I would use my spirit Medicine has treated your wounds more than once. When the poor boy embarrassed you, didn't I stand up to protect you? I was so kind and unrewarding?"

Jiang Lin was amused by Hei Yu, just as he said, even if he passed the baby from the prince's mansion, what happened, didn't this girl still have the same treatment by him?This kind of healing, you don't care at all?

"You still have a lotus flower on my tongue, and you heal me. Who knows what bad water is in my stomach? Obviously, I want to gain my trust so that I can clear my suspicion."

Hei Yu said these words that made Jiang Lin feel extremely heartbroken, and Jiang Lin really felt that all his kindness was being fed to the dog.

Although he had his own reasons for treating Heiyu's injuries, he took out the cold marrow, which he usually reluctant to use, even if he had a lot of it.

If there is no good intentions, when he is in the cell, he only needs to point the acupoints on Hei Yu's arm and wrap a cloth around it a few times to stop the bleeding.

And now that Heiyu doesn't appreciate it, it's fine, and he still maliciously speculates on him.

Jiang Lin nodded and said again: "That's ok, let's not talk about this matter, I didn't plan to have a dispute with you along the way, there is no doubt about that, right? You treat me as an enemy? You want to take the ice and jade dew, okay, I'll give it to you, you want to take the treasure box, it's okay, I'll give it to you as well. Have I ever said half of the word 'no' in my mouth? Since you've seen me beaten Mud Kongkong, then don't think about it, have I been letting you?"

Chapter [*] is quite unreasonable, I will obey you (below)

Jiang Lin really couldn't figure it out. Hei Yu didn't look stupid at all. Not only was she not stupid, her IQ was definitely not low. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to be a member of the Suppressing Tiger Division investigating criminal cases. Tiger teeth.

Moreover, Hei Yu found clues before Yang Zhenhu and others today, and arrived at Lingyi Mountain in advance.

All these can show that this girl has a sensitive mind, but for such a girl, how to start from the wind ladder is like taking the wrong medicine.

The brain doesn't seem to work very well.

I really can't see that he has always had the mentality of giving in?

Moreover, just now Hei Yu used a short chain to slide down the steel cable diagonally and took him down, making it clear that he wanted to fall to his death, but Hei Yu didn't know that he had the ability to hang in the air and levitate.

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