And now, Black Feather let him go again, still wanting him to fall.

Aren't you afraid that he will choose the former between life and purpose?

In that case, he wouldn't be able to control much, and Hei Yu himself would be in danger of being killed by him.

These are all things that should come to mind naturally, but the current Kuroba seems to have degraded even the ability to think about pros and cons.

Jiang Lin didn't know that Hei Yu had given him a sense of trust in his heart, and because there was also a cold essence called Hanbing Yulu in Sky City, Hei Yu misunderstood that he had been speaking and deceiving.

And if Hei Yu was only deceived, it wouldn't be like this, but some of the things he did before, such as protecting Hei Yu, made this girl feel a rare touch in her heart.

Therefore, Black Feather is not so much the same as taking the wrong medicine now, it is better to say that he is holding his breath.

Being deceived by someone who moved his heart was not an ordinary uncomfortable feeling. Hei Yu didn't immediately ask Jiang Lin to settle the account, and he was already relatively calm.

It's just that Hei Yu's act of anger was not even discovered by herself, and it is even more impossible for Jiang Lin to know.

"You let me? This counts as you let me? Isn't that what you should have given me? If you hadn't stole the Frozen Jade Dew from the Prince's Mansion, why didn't you say anything when I wanted to confiscate it? I'll tell you, You didn't say anything because you were guilty, because it was stolen goods, and you didn't dare to ask me for it back."

Hei Yu directly adhered to her previous attitude. No matter how nice Jiang Lin said, she didn't believe even a word of it.

Anyway, in Hei Yu's heart, she had already preconceived that Jiang Lin had lied to her, and she still stubbornly thought that Jiang Lin did not have a word of truth in her mouth, and now she would not give any more trust.

Of course, this is only Heiyu's unilateral judgment, but since she has already recognized such a fact, the goodwill shown by Jiang Lin before has been misinterpreted by her as Jiang Lin's guilty conscience or to deceive trust, so that Justify yourself.

"I said, can you make some sense? You are the Huya of the Tiger Suppression Division, even if you think I am suspicious, what about the evidence? I appeared in the treasure room of the county king's mansion, and I will explain this to you on the way. Now, I don't deny it. But you keep saying that the stolen goods are stolen, can you show the evidence? If there is no evidence, do you know what it means to be suspected of being guilty? Did you check that the ice and jade dew in the county king's mansion was missing, or did you Have you checked where the pendant I'm wearing is stored?"

Jiang Lin's eyebrows turned upside down, not because he was angry, but because he was somewhat speechless by Hei Yu's logic.

Kuroba took all his favors for granted.

I think if he is not guilty, why should he show kindness.

Is there such a logic?

If you think about it with such a logical thinking, wouldn't there be no good people in the world?

As long as a good person does a good deed, it must be because he has done something wrong and feels guilty. Otherwise, why should he do good deeds?

"What is the reason for a liar like you who is full of lies? Let me tell you, even if the whole town of Tiger Town treats me as a traitor, I still regard myself as a tiger tooth, no matter how strong you are, I will not make any compromises with you, and I will definitely oppose you to the death. Also, you thief, don't take advantage of me!"

Hei Yu's face was cold, she was really not afraid of Jiang Lin's anger now, but Jiang Lin always wanted to reason, which made her even more conflicted.

You lied to her and reasoned with her, and wanted her to be deceived again?

"I've never seen such an unreasonable woman like you. I'll take it! It's unreasonable, I'll take you!"

Blue veins appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead. He really had never seen a girl as unreasonable as Hei Yu. Even if it was the Red Eagle who wanted to kill him to get the golden elixir, he could still listen to his words.

Not as outrageous as the current Black Feather.

It's really unreasonable to the extreme.

Jiang Lin felt that he was very good at talking. Until now, he has not gotten angry, and has been arguing with Hei Yu, but Hei Yu has no idea.

Reason or something, where to go where to go.

As for explaining that the cold marrow was his own business, Jiang Lin also directly passed it. With Hei Yu's unreasonable attitude, he said it for nothing.

Moreover, now that there are two steel cables with Ni Kongkong and Heli sliding down together not far away, his explanation may be bad.

The cold marrow is of great value everywhere. If he exposes that he has other cold marrow, and there are still a lot of things, wouldn't it be unnecessary trouble for himself?

Looking at Hei Yu's icy face, Jiang Lin stretched out his left hand to the place where Hei Yu was holding it.

"let go!"

With a pat on the back of Hei Yu's hand, Jiang Lin squeezed Hei Yu's palm aside.

"Do not touch me."

Hei Yu snorted lightly, and then let go of one hand, and Jiang Lin and Jiang Lin held one side of the short chain and slid along the steel cable towards the city.

I am really envious.

On the other rope, Ni Kongkong looked at Hei Yu holding a short chain together, in pairs, and he felt envious.

He didn't even know where Jiang Lin got his good luck. He always wanted to get close to Hei Yu and give himself some opportunities, but he didn't, and because of this, he gave Jiang Lin all the benefits in vain.

Moreover, Jiang Lin is a person sitting in prison, and Yan Fu comes from the sky.

Now, it's even more outrageous. Heiyu has determined that Jiang Lin stole something from the county palace, and the image in Heiyu's heart must be greatly reduced.

But the two of them stuck together because of the pendants they were wearing.

Ni Kongkong was really unbalanced in his heart. If it wasn't for the inappropriate timing, he would have wanted to fight Jiang Lin.

Being so close to a beautiful woman, I hugged her just now, and now my face is still full of anger.

I don't know what to do.

Ni Kongkong felt that if he replaced Jiang Lin with Jiang Lin, he would be happy now.

It's really a drought, a drought, and a flood.

When Jiang Lin and the others slid down the steel cable quickly, Yang Zhenhu and the others had already chased out the Tiger Town Division. Looking at Hei Yu and the others in the sky, Yang Zhenhu angrily inserted the saber in his hand. in the ground.

Kuroba and the others were able to use the short chain to slide down the rope, but they needed to get an edict before they could use it.Now it's not an emergency, but if it's just to hunt down Kuroba, it will be held accountable.

And once held accountable, Hei Yu will inevitably be implicated, and even he, the commander of the Tiger Suppression Division, cannot be saved.

"Leave them alone, and focus on investigating Xue Lie and his henchmen! Check out the treasures of the county prince's mansion to see if Xue Lie has other goals!"

Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, Yang Zhenhu can only issue such an order. Hei Yu's problem is that there is no time to assign people to take care of it. He must first arrest the murderer of the county king's mansion.

After the group of Huya returned to Zhenhu Division, Oka got his head out from the ground not far away and chased in the direction where Jiang Lin and the others were sliding.

Chapter [*] Contradiction intensifies

what happened?

Jiang Lin, who used the short chain to slide down with Kuroba, felt something was wrong at this moment.

The corpse poison in his body is now uneasy again.

Not only that, the corpse poison in his body also seemed to be threatened.

Jiang Lin subconsciously looked at Hei Yu's arm that had been injured by a sword before, but Hei Yu's wound had already healed.

Then he looked at Hei Yu's wrist again, and the scratch on Hei Yu's wrist was also scarred by the application of a little cold marrow before, and there was no blood emanating.

Therefore, Jiang Lin turned his attention to the necklace that fit together between himself and Hei Yu.

Something strange appeared in his body, as if it was because of Hei Yu's pendant.

This pendant with a slightly odd shape seems to contain some special energy inside.

In order to confirm his guess, Jiang Lin raised his idle hand and grabbed the two necklaces together in the palm of his hand.

Then Jiang Lin felt that the two corpse poisons in his body were like a formidable enemy, and even his palms trembled slightly.

Therefore, Jiang Lin concluded that the problem was in Hei Yu's pendant.

He has never seen such a situation before, probably because the black feather pendant has isolated the internal energy, and after the little golden man transformed by Zhanmin was pasted on it, the pendant's unique geng-gold or xin-jin aura was released. After absorbing part of it, the energy inside it dissipated.

Perhaps it was because the little golden man that Zhan Min had turned into felt Jiang Lin's strangeness, and it didn't take long for him to separate from Hei Yu's pendant.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately tucked the little golden figurine pendant under his collar, but he didn't notice a pair of extremely thin wings on the back of the little golden figurine pendant.

This wing was originally welded to the black feather pendant, and it was about the size of the belly of a finger.

And Hei Yu found that the two pendants had been separated, and also hid his own pendant in the neckline.

She also didn't notice anything missing from her father's relics.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Jiang Lin and the others landed on the ground in the city, and then rushed to the pier together.

Heli was very generous, and he had a lot of money, so he bought a passenger ship directly, and He Li directed the way to the location of the Night Marsh Crypt.

Even if it was safe, Hei Yu didn't ask Jiang Lin for "booty" anymore. Now that she has calmed down a bit, she doesn't plan to fight Jiang Lin on this issue for the time being.

The four of them rested in the passenger ship's guest room for the night.

Early in the morning, Jiang Lin walked out of the boathouse and came to the bow of the boat. This trip was related to whether he could get the shark pearls. Therefore, Jiang Lin was more concerned, and wanted to see if there would be a Tiger Suppression Company or a The power of Xue Lie appeared.

After a while, Oka also ran out and turned under Jiang Lin's feet.

"You little guy."

Jiang Lin smiled, then took an exotic fruit from his arms and threw it away.

Ni Kongkong's pet played a big role in the past, and he might need to borrow it from Nikongkong later.

Okad Jianglin gave the food, and immediately jumped up, and then ran to the side to enjoy it beautifully.

At this time, Ni Kongkong and the prince Heli and Hei Yu also came out.

"Hey, partner, I've been busy all night, and I don't know what your name is."

Ni Kongkong saw Heli and became familiar with this guy. Although Jiang Lin had valuable things on his body, he didn't dare to make up his mind, but this stunned young man was a good target.

If the relationship is established, after the event is completed, there may be a lot of rewards.


After reporting his name, Heli looked at Ni Kongkong again and said, "Where are we going? When can you take me to find Xueli?"

Mui Kongkong looked at Heiyu and said, "Take out the treasure box first, find Xuelie, you still need it."

Hei Yu didn't say much, just took the treasure box out of the pocket at his waist and put it on the wooden box on the bow.

Picking up the treasure box, Mui Kongkong said to Heli: "The place we are going is the Night Marsh Crypt, it is not that easy to find Xuelie. My plan is to lead Xuelie out, which is what he wants. Treasure box, and Kuroba said that someone in the Night Marsh Crypt can open the treasure box, we will destroy the contents first, and then use an empty box to fish out Xue Lie. Wow! Perfect plan."

Heli looked suspiciously at the treasure box in Ni Kongkong's hand, and said, "What's in this box? Can it really lead Xuelie over?"

Hei Yu responded, "It's the weapon that Xue Lie wanted, and Xue Lie's henchmen didn't hesitate to sneak into the Tiger Suppression Division just to find this thing, so Xue Lie must have paid special attention to it."

After saying that, Hei Yu narrowed her eyes. She had told Yang Zhenhu about this, but unfortunately, neither Yang Zhenhu nor other Huya paid enough attention to it, but simply put the treasure box in the evidence room. .

If Ni Kongkong hadn't picked up the treasure box beforehand, I'm afraid the treasure box would have been taken by Xue Lie's men at this moment.

Although others don't believe it or take it seriously, she takes it very seriously.

"Since it's a weapon, let's use the stuff inside to deal with Xue Lie."

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