Heli became interested after hearing what Hei Yu said, and took the treasure box from Ni Kongkong.

"Put it down! You're going to kill a lot of people with the idea that what's inside must be destroyed."

"Hmph, it killed a lot of people? You're going to the Night Marsh Crypt to find the person who opened the box, wouldn't it be Xue Lie? You birdmen were originally a group."

After Heli put the treasure box back on the wooden box, he looked at Hei Yu with a questioning look, but Hei turned a blind eye to this look and said, "What? ?"

"Afraid? I'm afraid I won't be able to lead him. If he dares to show up, I'll be the first to catch him."

"I'm afraid that you will be the first to kneel down and beg for mercy. If you can't win even a thief, you will even catch Xue Lie."


Being mocked by Hei Yu like this, Heli immediately had to pinch Hei Yu again.

However, Ni Kongkong stopped Heli and said, "We are all on the same boat now, can we show some sincerity to each other? We are all partners now, so don't quarrel as soon as you go out, okay?"

"Sincerity? Well, what's hidden in your gloved palm, why didn't you show it? And Jiang Lin, why didn't he hand over the stolen goods? We are not partners, we just reached an agreement with each other. That's it."

Hei Yu glanced at Ni Kongkong, then glanced at Jiang Lin, and then prepared to return to the boathouse. Before turning around, she warned Ni Kongkong and Jiang Lin not to play tricks with her.

"Look at that temper, how is it worthy of this beautiful face."

Ni Kongkong pouted, if Hei Yu wasn't a beautiful woman and still had such a temper, he probably wouldn't take a second look at it.

"I'm not interested in any treasure box, as long as Xue Lie shows up. Otherwise, not only will you have to return the deposit to me, but I will personally send you back to the cell."

Heli gave Mu Kongkong a warning look, and then returned to the boathouse.

When Jiang Lin and the others headed to the Night Marsh Crypt, there were already quite a few feathermen gathered in the tower where Xue Lie was.

"Release the corpse dove and notify the feathered people from all over the world. As long as we find the news of Heiyu, we will report it immediately. We must get the shark pearl back before they find the sky! This time, I will go there in person."

Xue Lie looked at the subordinates in front of him, and the expression on his face became icy cold. At such a critical juncture, his cronies actually failed again and again.

Feng Xiao failed once, Thunderstorm also failed, and he also lost a lot of people in the Tiger Suppression Division. If someone hadn't escaped and reported back, he would not have known that the treasure box was no longer in the Tiger Suppression Division.

"As ordered!"

Feng Xiao, who was kneeling on the ground, threw his hands at Xuelie, and then pulled away the floor not far away, and suddenly thousands of mosquito-shaped insects the size of dragonflies flew out.

These mosquito-shaped insects are the medium used by the Feather tribe to transmit information.

After nightfall, Hei Yu walked out of the boathouse, sat on the wooden box at the bow, looked at Jianglin who was observing the river surface not far away, and she asked, "What kind of purpose do you have, and why do you Interested in what's in the treasure box?"

"No comment."

Jiang Lin spread his hands, and now he doesn't expect his relationship with Heiyu to improve. As long as Heiyu reaches the night marsh crypt and finds someone to open the treasure box, his goal will be achieved, and then the relationship with Heiyu will be achieved. Good or bad, it doesn't matter.

Seeing Jiang Lin's attitude, Hei Yu didn't ask any more questions. If there was a weapon with devastating power hidden in the treasure box, then as long as there was any change in Jiang Lin, she would be able to use that weapon to deal with Jiang Lin. .

After that, Hei Yu pulled out her pendant. Originally, she was very happy to see her own brother this time, but unfortunately her brother has become ruthless and decisive, and she has positioned herself as a feather clan. Members, make trouble with humanity.

Thinking of her brother, Kuroba couldn't help but think of her deceased father, and the only thing her father left her was the pendant she was wearing.


Seeing the pendant in her hand, Hei Yu was stunned for a moment. The pair of wings welded to the center of her pendant disappeared.

For a while, Hei Yu was flustered, and hurriedly rummaged through his clothes, but after searching for a long time, there was no result.

At this moment, she thought that her pendant was attached to the "swag" that Jiang Lin was wearing before, and the latter two were separated again. At that time, she did not check whether her pendant appeared. damaged.

So, Hei Yu jumped out of the wooden box, walked behind Jiang Lin, and pulled out his long sword at a rapid speed. Grabbing the red rope, she pulled Jiang Lin's little gold pendant in her hand.

"What are you doing? Give it back to me!"

When Jiang Lin found that his pendant had been stolen, he immediately turned around and glared at Hei Yu.

He didn't expect that Black Feather would take the pendant he was wearing by force, because it would have no meaning at all.

Moreover, he did not take precautions just now, and now he and Heiba ​​and others are in the same boat, and there is no infighting.

In this way, it led to the black feather directly succeeding.

"The wings on my pendant are missing. It must have been sucked by the booty you were wearing."

Hei Yu explained the reason to Jiang Lin, but even so, she had no intention of returning it.


What Hei Yu said also made Jiang Lin stunned for a moment, and then he said: "You give me back my things first. If you really get sucked in, I will definitely give it back to you."

"I will take it myself, I don't need you to come."

Hei Yu was originally angry because of the damage to his father's relics, and at this moment, how could she listen to Jiang Lin's words.

"I said you return it to me, and I will naturally give you a satisfactory answer. Don't challenge my patience. Anyone's patience is limited."

Jiang Lin's face turned gloomy. He would never allow Hei Yu to touch his little golden figurine pendant, which was Zhanmin. Once the little golden figurine pendant was damaged, it meant that Zhanmin was hurt.

Seeing that Hei Yu was still unable to enter the oil and salt, Jiang Lin grabbed it in one step and grabbed Hei Yu's pendant.

"I think you should know that if I want to snatch something from you, it won't take much effort, but I don't choose to do that. I'm not interested in your pendant, give me back what I have, and I will Return what you have in your hand."

Jiang Lin took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

The reason why he didn't have a conflict with Hei Yu was because he considered that the wing ornaments on Hei Yu's pendant might have been sucked by Zhan Min. So patient.

However, Hei Yu still didn't listen to Jiang Lin's words, and she was still very angry. Originally, the damage to her father's belongings was Jiang Lin's problem, but in order to get back the stolen goods, Jiang Lin even robbed her of her pendant. .

He was still reasoning with her, as if he had been letting her go.

So, Hei Yu directly raised his sword and stabbed Jiang Lin.

Chapter two thousand three hundred and forty-five black feathers grow out of white feathers

"I can't stand you anymore."

Jiang Lin raised his foot and kicked Hei Yu's long sword away. Then he quickly bullied him, grabbed Hei Yu's wrist, and prepared to snatch the little golden pendant he was holding in his palm.

However, Hei Yu's reaction was not slow, she threw her long sword directly and fought with Jiang Lin at close range, but she was not Jiang Lin's opponent anyway.

Seeing that his hands were locked by Jiang Lin, and the five fingers of his palm had to be pulled open by Jiang Lin, Hei Yu bumped his forehead and slammed into Jiang Lin's nose.

"I say!"

Jiang Lin's nose suddenly became sore after being hit like this. Although his physical defense is quite tyrannical, not every part is invulnerable, especially his face, whose defense is not very high. The most vulnerable are his eyes, followed by his nose. .

After being hit by Heiyu Maoli like this, it would be good if he didn't have a nosebleed immediately.

It was also because the bridge of the nose was hit by a huge force that the speed of Jiang Lin's hand slowed down, and Hei Yu took advantage of this moment and swung one hand outward, and the object in his hand flew out and fell into the river.


Jiang Lin was so furious that he slapped Hei Yu on the face, and then threw the item that belonged to Hei Yu on the ship's board, and immediately flew overboard.

And Hei Yu's pendant also collapsed from the corner because it hit the ship's board.

The metal gas above has been sucked away a lot, and the hardness has weakened a lot.

Seeing that her father's belongings were destroyed, Hei Yu was also extremely angry. She grabbed it one step at a time, grabbed Jiang Lin who flew out, and clenched his ankle tightly.

With all his strength, Jiang Lin was hit by Hei Yu on the ship's board.

"Are you forcing me to kill you?"

There was a lot of chill in Jiang Lin's expression, almost showing murderous intent.

As soon as he kicked out, Hei Yu was kicked by him until he vomited blood and almost fainted. However, at this time, Hei Yu was completely powerless because he was kicked in the middle, and his palms loosened, revealing the inside. Little golden man pendant.


Jiang Lin froze for a moment before he realized that what Hei Yu threw out was not golden, but because he was concerned about it, he didn't realize it.

It turned out that Kuroba did not throw his Zhanmin into the river.

Looking at Hei Yu, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, Jiang Lin felt that he was really hitting hard, while Hei Yu threw the little golden man pendant to him with tears in his eyes.

Jiang Lin took the pendant of the little golden man, and was about to go to help Heiyu up. The pendant that was damaged on the ship's board exploded with a powerful force, which shook him back and forth, and fell out. Outside the boat, it was he who grabbed the side of the boat and didn't fall into the water.

This inexplicable force also set off a huge wave on the water around the hull.

After that, the pendant was suspended, and a piece of light was emitted from the break. After Hei Yu stood up, he stared at his pendant in a daze, and whispered in disbelief, "Xingliu pollen?"

At this moment, the pieces of light shavings gathered into two colorful smoke, which bypassed the front of Hei Yu and got into the wing holes behind it.

After making a pained sound, Kuroba fell on the ship's board, and the damaged necklace fell beside her.

"Black Feather!"

Jiang Lin turned back from the side of the boat and rushed to Hei Yu's side immediately. He saw the scene just now. He pushed Hei Yu, and he picked up the pendant on the side, wanting to see what he had just drilled into Hei Yu. What is the origin of the shavings on the back of the feather?

But at this moment, Hei Yu's delicate body slowly floated up and quickly rose towards the air.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately put the damaged pendant in his arms, jumped up, and grabbed Hei Yu's ankle.

"Fall for me!"

By mobilizing the spiritual power in his body, Jiang Lin wanted to drag Hei Yu back. However, instead of falling, Hei Yu's body rose faster.

"Mud is empty!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Lin immediately shouted at the boathouse below, and it didn't take long for Ni Kongkong and Heli to run out.

"And let no one sleep!"

Heli rubbed his sleepy eyes and glanced around, but didn't see any shadows, while Ni Kongkong was already looking up in the air at this time, completely stunned.

How did you two get up there?

"Don't be stunned, Flying Claw!"

Jiang Lin drank again. In this short two-breath time, he and Hei Yu were more than ten feet away from the water surface. Even if he used the ability of limbs to stretch, it was too late.

Ni Kongkong quickly threw out his flying claws, but he could no longer reach Jiang Lin and the others.

At this time, the sound of bone cracking appeared on the back of Hei Yu, and then a pair of pure white wings slowly drilled out from the pair of wing holes on his back, growing rapidly, and together they were all It's a foot wide.

What's happening here?

Jiang Lin didn't know about Yuren because of the news about Shark Pearl. Now that Hei Yu had inexplicably given birth to a pair of pure white wings, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

"it hurts."

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