Hei Yu, who was in a coma, felt the pain in her back and opened her eyes. She looked down and was equally stunned.

what happened?

The pair of white feathers behind the black feathers also fanned uncontrollably at this time. With a single fan, she and Jiang Lin rose five or six feet.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Because her body was in mid-air, Kuroba couldn't control her balance at all, so she kept shouting.

Jiang Lin used his hands and jumped up a distance, grabbing Hei Yu's waist, and he said, "Try to control the wings behind you, otherwise we don't know how high we will rise."


Hei Yu turned her head and glanced back, and she was stunned by her pair of pure white wings.

The [-]th chapter is a disaster, you can't escape (on)

Hei Yu's beautiful eyes were like glazed beads, she never thought that she would be able to give birth to wings.

The Feather Clan was defeated a long time ago, and the wings on the back of the Featherman also fell off because there was no catalyst. Now, except for the bloodline of the Featherman royal family, which can have wings, other Feathermen have been unable to give birth to wings. Naturally Can't fly.

But now she has a pair of wings behind her.

After being surprised, Hei Yu felt extremely excited. It was because of her excitement that her body leaned forward a little, and her uncontrollable wings flapped faster on her back.

Then, Hei Yu took Jiang Lin to the slanted position and flew away, not just flying, but leaping.

Almost too fast.

"Ah! Oops!"

Hei Yu kept exclaiming in surprise, because she couldn't control the wings behind her, and she couldn't keep her balance at all.

Her body was like a spinning top, spinning randomly in mid-air, and at the same time, it was circling back and forth like a huge falcon.

"I let you control your wings, are you deaf?"

Jiang Lin was speechless, anyway, no matter how correct his words were, this Hei Yu would not listen.

If Black Feather continues like this, they will soon deviate from the position of the river, and they want to join up with Ni Kongkong and Heli later. I don't know when it will be.

"I can't control it."

Hei Yu shouted, she never thought that she could give birth to a pair of pure white wings, how could she have thought about how to fly, and now the wings behind her do not listen to her commands at all.

"What should I do?"

The more Hei Yu wanted to control her wings, the more she couldn't control it. Not only that, but her arms fluttered faster.

Now she and Jiang Lin were hundreds of feet in the air, and they were several miles away from the passenger ship.

Moreover, what is even more troublesome is that there is a high mountain in front of them. If they continue like this, they will all hit it.

With the current speed of Hei Yu, coupled with the extraordinary hardness of the mountain, it is estimated that breaking the head and bleeding will be light.

"You calm down first."

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu's pair of pure white wings, and then let go of his arms that wrapped Hei Yu's waist while Hei Yu was spinning.

When the corpse poison entered the flesh and blood, Jiang Lin immediately used the ability of suspension, and he flew in the air because of inertia.

When Hei Yu turned his back to him, Jiang Lin's arms stretched out and grabbed Hei Yu's wings.

After that, he retracted his arms and approached Kuroba.

With his legs tucked into Hei Yu's waist, Jiang Lin gave himself a focus.

"You...what are you doing?"

Hei Yu found out that he was riding behind Jiang Lin, and immediately reprimanded him. Before Jiang Lin hugged her waist, it was okay. After all, what happened was beyond her and Jiang Lin's expectations. If Jiang Lin let go, then will fall to death.

Therefore, Hei Yu didn't bother before, and she didn't have time to bother.

But now, Jiang Lin was even more outrageous, riding her behind him and riding her like a horse.

"Calm down, try to make this pair of wings your limbs, and exert force on them all at the same time!"

Jiang Lin ignored Hei Yu's reprimand, and just controlled Hei Yu's wildly flapping wings with both hands, causing the pair of uncontrolled pure white wings to vibrate regularly.

"That's it right now, try to control them."

"it is good."

Realizing that Jiang Lin was actually helping him, Hei Yu suppressed the anger in his heart, made his mind gather, and felt the pair of wings behind him.

Gradually, Hei Yu felt the feedback from the base of the wings, and said happily: "Okay, that's it, you can let me get used to it."

"What's the matter, look ahead!"

When Hei Yu's face was happy, Jiang Lin's face turned dark, and they were already less than a hundred meters away from the mountain in front of them.

Although Kuroba is no longer spinning like a spinning top, if he doesn't quickly take control of his newly born wings, he will be waiting for an aviation accident.

Come directly to the humanoid plane and hit the mountain.

"I'm going to... I'm going to bump into it!"

Looking forward with both eyes, Hei Yu's sandalwood mouth opened wide, and if he hit it straight, his head would slam into his stomach.

"Don't panic!"

Jiang Lin's face was even more ugly. Hei Yu's panic, everything he had done before was in vain.

It returned to its original state, either scurrying or spinning.

Even Jiang Lin wondered if Hei Yu was seeking death, and the speed of his flight had suddenly increased a lot.

Don't you feel uncomfortable if you don't hit the mountain?

"Give me a lift!"

In the end, Jiang Lin had no choice but to use Hei Yu's wings to prevent it from moving.

In any case, Jiang Lin has the ability to glide. When he was in Middle-earth, he used the flying kite to cooperate with his ability many times to fly at an altitude of [-] meters.

In this regard, Jiang Lin still has some experience.

Now, he treats Kuroba as a human-shaped kite.

Fortunately, Jiang Lin knew how to feel the air flow, so he and Hei Yu successfully adjusted their trajectory before hitting the mountain. In the end, the two of them even stuck to the mountain wall and kept climbing upwards.

"Jiang Lin, you...you let go, I'll try again."

After crossing the mountain, Hei Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and then let Jiang Lin let go of her wings and let her adapt.

Jiang Lin did as he was told, and then Hei Yu's pair of pure white wings exerted force evenly under Hei Yu's attempt, flapping back and forth rhythmically.

"I know how to control them, I can fly!"

After Kuroba had completely kept his balance, his wings shook with all his might and flew towards a higher place.

It flew faster and faster until it flew into the clouds.

I don't know how many thousands of miles it has flown.

Chapter two thousand three hundred and forty seventh

"I said you can do it. When are you going to fly? Why don't you go down quickly?"

Seeing that Hei Yu was getting more and more excited, Jiang Lin wanted to fly out of the atmosphere to the moon, so he shouted.


Kuroba also found that she was only interested in enjoying the feeling of roaming the sky, and almost forgot that she had something to do. After that, she controlled her body and wings and swooped down.

It didn't take long for a Wanren mountain cliff to appear in front of you.

"Jiang Lin, I found something."

At this time, Hei Yu's face was not very good-looking, and he turned his head and spoke to Jiang Lin who was behind him.

"what's up?"

"I found that... I don't slow down, and I don't seem to be... turning."

Hei Yu said something that made Jiang Lin dumbfounded.

You can't slow down or turn, so what are you doing so fast and so high?

To go side by side with the sun?

There is no sun now, do you want to be Chang'e and fly to the moon?

Jiang Lin's fists were clenched tightly by Hei Yu's words. Just now, he and Hei Yu almost collided with the mountain.

It was not easy to rely on his experience in gliding to avoid an air crash.

As a result, the speed of Hei Yu was faster now, and there was a cliff in front of him. At this moment, Hei Yu told him that he would not slow down or turn.

Still have to go straight to the cliff and hit it.


Co-authoring is a disaster, can't you escape?

I just escaped the first day of the new year, and I went straight to the fifteenth.

"You didn't tell me sooner!"

Looking at the cliff ahead, Jiang Lin's face was completely black.

The speed of Hei Yu's flight is so fast that it has caught up with the speed of Boeing [-]. If it hadn't hit the mountain in this sky city, Jiang Lin felt that he might still be able to hold it.

But the earth, stone and metal of this sky city are not ordinary hard, if it hits, he will be completely corpse.

"Fan your two arms in the direction of the dive, hurry up!"

No matter how dark his face was, Jiang Lin had to think of a way. Now, let him mobilize the spiritual power in his body to gather in one place and make a reverse advance. It might be too late, so Heiyu could only reduce the speed of his dive as much as possible. , buy him some time.

Hei Yu hurriedly followed Jiang Lin's request, and after a while, she adjusted her body, no longer rushing straight down with her head.

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