But when the angle of the body's inclination changed, Kuroba forgot to change the vibration direction of the pair of wings.

Then, if the bow is not lowered, the rush is still the same.

And faster, fiercer, and more outrageous.

"Help... help."

Looking at the top of the cliff that was getting closer and closer, Hei Yu felt that he might really have to die this time.

I just want to borrow your hand and open the treasure box.

That's all, but what do I, Jiang Lin, owe you, Hei Yu?

Are you going to trick me like this?

At this moment, Jiang Lin was expressionless, and he didn't know what kind of expression he needed to make.

The spiritual power in his body hadn't been completely condensed together, so Hei Yu gave him such an out.

With a gloomy face, Jiang Lin immediately grabbed Hei Yu's shoulders from behind, turned over, and then turned [-] degrees before landing in front of Hei Yu, holding her face to face.

Hei Yu subconsciously wanted to push Jiang Lin away, but she also knew that the situation was special, so she could only endure it.

"Put your wings up and hold me tight!"

As Jiang Lin said that, he reached out and buried Hei Yu's face in his arms, then pushed a spiritual beam of light to the side with one palm.

Change track.

Now, even if Jiang Lin wanted to push in the opposite direction, there was not enough distance or time, so he could only change the direction that he and Hei Yu rushed forward.

Fortunately, there is a forest on the cliff not far away. With the help of the flexibility of the branches and trunks, it should be able to unload most of the speed and strength, and minimize the danger.

Before Hei Yu could react, she and Jiang Lin slanted into the woods. Suddenly, the whole wood did not know how many trees were broken and knocked down.

Hei Yu wanted to look up to see Jiang Lin's situation, but Jiang Lin pressed her head on her chest, out of self-preservation instinct, she didn't do anything more.

At this time, battle lines appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and the defense on his back was also strengthened by him.

After a long while, Jiang Lin's back landed on the ground, leaving a long trail of drag on the ground.

However, Hei Yu, who was being held by him, was not hurt at all. At most, the clothes on his body were scratched in several places.

Only at this moment did Jiang Lin let the corpse poison in his flesh and blood fade away. If it weren't for the fact that there was a forest on the cliff, this time, it would be really difficult.

The black feather is related to whether the shark pearl can be successfully taken out, so Jiang Lin must not let her appear in danger.

Moreover, before he kicked Heiyu's shanzhong acupoint severely, hurting Heiyu, but in fact, Heiyu didn't throw his Zhanmin into the river at that time, so his heart was originally Just feel a little ashamed of Hei Yu, let alone hurt Hei Yu.

"You... are you all right?"

Hei Yu quickly got up and looked at Jiang Lin who was lying on the ground with a very concerned expression in his eyes.

Although she had been reluctant to listen to Jiang Lin's words before, and she was unwilling to give Jiang Lin any more trust, saying that Jiang Lin's healing of the sword wound was a guilty conscience, but this time, Jiang Lin was giving her life to protect her.

No matter how guilty he is or he wants to gain trust, he will definitely not disregard his life.

"Fortunately, the skin is rough and the flesh is thick, there is no big problem."

Jiang Lin responded weakly, this time even if he was corpse and strengthened the defense of his back, it was still a back injury.

Fortunately, he didn't hit the tree trunk directly many times, and he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

Chapter [-] misunderstanding resolved

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu, and didn't know what to say. After he was completely corpse, it was a peak hair skeleton, and it was still in the form of a war pattern. As a result, Hei Yu used all his strength to rectify his body. are almost gone.

If it wasn't for the dense forest on the top of the cliff, then he would probably be the first crippled corpse emperor in history.

After taking a breath, Jiang Lin said, "Don't worry about me for now. If you're not injured, practice flying on the top of the cliff. Otherwise, it will be a big problem to meet Mui Kongkong and the others. Besides, on my body My clothes are almost in rags, and I need to change."

Jiang Lin asked Hei Yu to get used to flying. He and Hei Yu had flown such a long distance together. If Hei Yu could not control the newly born wings, things would be more troublesome.

In addition to this, Jiang Lin also needed to use the moonlight to heal his injuries. At that time, the corpse aura from his body would radiate out, which should not be seen by Hei Yu.

"Are you really all right?"

Hei Yu once again looked at Jiang Lin with a look at the monster, and the forest behind did not know how many trees were destroyed, but Jiang Lin was only weak, and his face did not change much.

Could this body be made of iron?

Even if it is made of steel, it is estimated that it will be deformed by collision, right?

But Jiang Lin did not have any broken bones or tendons.

"Do you believe as long as I say? Well, you watch here, don't blink, I'll take off naked and change my clothes."

Jiang Lin glanced at Hei Yu angrily. He felt that the girl just took the wrong medicine and hurt her brain.

Any words of others should be regarded as monks reciting sutras.

If you don't listen, you just don't listen.

"Who wants to see you!"

Hei Yu heard this, the concern in her eyes disappeared a lot, and after glaring at Jiang Lin, she slowly flapped the wings on her back and left the ground.

However, she couldn't help but look back at Jiang Lin several times, worried that something really happened to Jiang Lin.

After Hei Yu flew to the side, Jiang Lin sat up, put his hands behind his back, and pulled out the broken branches and sawdust that had stuck in his body.

Before long, there was a bloody broken branch beside him.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin took out a new suit of clothes from the ancient mirror and put on it, and sat on the ground to recover.

Now the bright moon is in the sky, and he shines some moonlight, which has a great effect on the recovery of the injured body.

An hour later, Jiang Lin regained his strength and opened his eyes. Looking at Hei Yu who had already left the cliff and hovered freely in mid-air, he felt puzzled.

The reason why Hei Yu has grown a pair of pure white wings is because there are some light shavings hidden in the necklace he wears.

It seems to be some kind of star Liu pollen.

This special pollen can make Hei Yu grow wings, and it is not too difficult to understand, but why does it affect the corpse poison in his body?

Not only this, but the blood of this girl Hei Yu also has a similar effect, which makes Jiang Lin unable to figure out who is Zi Chou Yin Mao.

Jiang Lin took out the pendant that Hei Yu had damaged, and sniffed it close to his nose. As he had guessed before, this so-called Xingliu pollen would indeed have an effect on his corpse poison. So does corpse poison.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin couldn't find a reasonable explanation, so he put such doubts in his heart.

These problems have no effect on him. The most important thing right now is to find a character who can open the treasure box with Heiba ​​as soon as possible, and get the shark beads.

Looking at the broken pendant in his hand, Jiang Lin took out some meteorite material from the ancient mirror, melted it with the fine fire charm, and glued the broken corner of the pendant back.

At the same time, he also took out the small gold pendant he was wearing, took off the wing piece attached to Zhan Min's back, and welded it back with a small amount of molten iron juice.

"It turns out that flying is what it feels like."

At this time, Hei Yu flew back to where Jiang Lin was, and after landing, the pair of pure white wings on her back retracted into the wing holes.

Hei Yu already has the bloodline of Yuren, and it is also the bloodline of her father. She is born with a talent for flying in the sky. As long as she gets used to it for a while, flying is as simple as walking for her.

Jiang Lin held Xiang Ping in his hand, looked at Hei Yu and said, "You can fly, but I am unlucky. You hit the mountain once and didn't hit the mountain, and you are still unwilling to hit it a second time."

Hei Yu pursed her lips, and a smile appeared on her face, which made Jiang Lin, who was used to seeing beautiful women, startled.

It can be said that at other times, Kuroba was far less beautiful than it is now.

"I'm sorry, when I was on the passenger ship, I didn't know that you helped me, and I played a heavy hand on you."

Hei Yu apologized to Jiang Lin, and now she finally understands why her father only left her such a pendant as a relic. In this pendant, there is the hope of flying that countless feather people yearn for.

Now that she was able to give birth to two wings, it was directly caused by Jiang Lin, but when she was on the passenger ship, she was so angry that she wanted to kill Jiang Lin on the spot.

Moreover, because of being able to fly freely, Hei Yu's mood has improved a lot. In the process of practicing flying, she also thought that the little gold pendant that Jiang Lin was wearing was definitely not stolen goods, let alone the collection of the county king.

The expressions and looks that Jiang Lin cared about at that time were not at all about a valuable handicraft, but he valued it very much, perhaps more than his life.

This also led Hei Yu to conclude that the little gold pendant should be something Jiang Lin cherished in the first place, just like the relic left by her father to her.

But at that time, she insisted on saying that the things Jiang Lin regarded as treasures were stolen goods, and they had to take them away. It was normal for Jiang Lin to get angry.

After thinking about this, Kuroba felt that this "sorry" was very necessary.

"You don't even know this secret in the pendant, so you don't need to say sorry to me. Instead, I should apologize to you. If there is no light shavings that make you grow wings, then I will destroy it. your beloved."

Jiang Lin threw the pendant in his hand and apologized to Hei Yu. Anyway, Hei Yu didn't throw his Zhanmin out at that time, but because he didn't see it clearly, he almost kicked. He kicked the black feather into a coma.

"You... how did you do this?"

After Hei Yu took the pendant, her face was full of surprises. This pendant was her father's relic. Although she could only get the Xingliu pollen by destroying it, her father left her the only souvenir. After all, things were destroyed, and she still felt a little pity in her heart.

But now, Jiang Lin even gave her a complete pendant, and the missing wing decoration was welded back to its original place, which made her curious as well as surprised.

"Is this important?"

Jiang Lin smiled, and then took a palm-sized jade gourd from his arms, and said to Hei Yu, "I kicked you before, but I used a lot of strength, and it is estimated that it caused some internal injuries to you. , but there may be no symptoms yet, you can take the cold marrow in here to heal internal injuries."

"How much did you stole from the Prince's Mansion? How come there are still more?"

Hei Yu saw the cold marrow inside the jade gourd in Jiang Lin's hand, and part of the smile on her face disappeared. Although she did not think that the little gold pendant that Jiang Lin was wearing was stolen goods, the ice and jade dew was indeed true. It is the only elixir of the royal family of Tianducheng.

This is swag.

"I said you didn't? Do you still think I stole something from the Prince's Palace?"

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu with some helplessness, how could this girl not be enlightened.

"How about this."

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin didn't go to explain it to Hei Yu, and just told the facts.

Anyway, what he said, Hei Yu either didn't believe it or didn't listen, so what else could he do?

Let Black Feather see believing.

At this moment, Ni Kongkong and Heli are not there, so he doesn't need to worry.

Jiang Lin continued: "This thing... Frost and Jade Dew, right? How much do you think the Prince's Palace has, that is to say, how much storage do you think can be stored in the Prince's Palace as a Prince. Give it to me? A measure, a quantity, a catty, ten catties, or a hundred catties? Or a thousand catties?"

"Do you think this thing is a rotten street? This kind of baby can heal wounds after using it. Even if it is a trauma that can be seen deep in the bone, a little smear can make the wound heal instantly. Even in the palace, it doesn't necessarily have ten pounds."

Hei Yu suspected that he had heard it wrong, Jiang Lin actually used the unit of kilogram to measure such a rare treasure of heaven and earth.

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