Although she had never seen such an elixir before, it did not mean that she did not understand the value of this medicinal liquid at all.

In another way to understand it, as Huya of the Tiger Suppression Division, she didn't even know that there was such a thing in the palace, which was enough to show its preciousness and rarity.

"Why do you either don't believe or listen to what I say, or you just don't understand? Is it really that difficult for the two of us to communicate? Let me ask you, how many ice and jade dew do you think there are in the Prince's Mansion? storage?"

Jiang Lin patiently raised his question again, Hei Yu frowned, and after a while, he said, "It shouldn't be half a catty, at most, no more than a catty."

"Well, open your charming eyes and take a good look."

Jiang Lin took out the ancient mirror in his arms, pointed a little on the mirror surface, and took out a wine jar from it.

After opening the altar, Jiang Lin waved at Hei Yu and said, "Come here and check, this is what you call Frost Jade Dew, and this wine jar weighs ten pounds."

After that, Jiang Lin tapped the mirror again, and a bowl of rice flew out and landed on the ground.

"In here, it's also the Frost Yulu you said, two thousand catties as a base, come and take a look."

Jiang Lin stood up and gave a gentleman's salute to be inspected by Jun, and asked Hei Yu to come and see it himself.

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin with an unbelievable look, and then walked to the side of the wine jar, and the cold mist in the jar also rushed to her face at this time.

Since Hei Yu came to check, Jiang Lin also pushed open the top cover of the rice vat.

Seeing the cold marrow inside the rice jar, the black feather stone turned into place.

These are the Frost Jade Dew that she used directly, like a fake replacement, without the slightest bit of adulteration.

"These are all stolen goods, which I stole from the county palace, do you want to confiscate them?"

Jiang Lin said calmly, and then quietly waited for Hei Yu to respond.

After a long while, when he saw that Hei Yu was still like a sculpture, Jiang Lin asked, "Can I put them away?"

Hei Yu didn't speak either, but his head was like a robot, and he nodded mechanically, and Jiang Lin put these cold essence into the Mirror Void Realm space in the ancient mirror.

Not swag, really not swag.

At this time, there was only such a voice echoing in Kuroba's mind.

After a while, Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin with a very complicated look. She said it herself that the reserve of frozen jade dew in the Prince's Palace could not exceed one kilogram. As a result, Jiang Lin first took out a ten kilogram wine jar. He took out a rice jar that could store thousands of kilograms of medicinal liquid.

This proves that the Frozen Jade Dew that Jiang Lin took out was definitely not stolen from the Prince's Palace.

It also means that Jiang Lin has not deceived her since the beginning of the fight.

Thinking of this, Hei Yu didn't know what kind of feeling he felt in his heart.

Jiang Lin has been concerned about the sword wound on her arm since she got into the prison van. Seeing that it was inconvenient for her to bandage, she even helped her out.

When she was in the cell, Jiang Lin came forward to protect her when she was embarrassed by Heli. He also said that he wanted to believe that she was not Xue Lie's henchman. Later, he even took out such an elixir to handle it for her. wound on arm.

At the wind ladder, Jiang Lin saw that her wrist was scratched, and immediately wanted to apply Frost Jade Dew to her.

But she turned Jiang Lin's face and didn't recognize anyone.

Hei Yu thought of his attitude towards Jiang Lin at that time, and the remorse in his heart was about to give up his guts.

She took Jiang Lin's good intentions as a pure donkey's liver and lungs.

But even with her attitude like that, Jiang Lin didn't make excuses, he let her go and kept letting her go.

Even though she was being unreasonable behind her, Jiang Lin still didn't get angry at all, and explained to her in a good voice.

If it was just these, Hei Yu might not feel so uncomfortable in his heart.

However, when she was at the bow of the passenger ship, she unreasonably robbed Jiang Lin of something that Jiang Lin cherished. At that time, Jiang Lin still held back and did not want to use force against her, but took her pendant in exchange and also Assured, but she just wouldn't listen.

Thinking back for a while, Hei Yu understood that she really annoyed Jiang Lin at that time. If Jiang Lin hadn't been angry from the bottom of his heart, how could he have kicked her to the point of vomiting blood.

It must have been unbearable for her.

But even if Jiang Lin got angry at her and hurt her unbearably, not long ago, at the moment when his life was at stake, Jiang Lin still took good care of her and took all the pain by himself.

Just now, Jiang Lin repaired her most important pendant, and apologized to her.

It's all my fault, why are you apologizing to me?

At this moment, Hei Yu didn't even know what kind of face he should face Jiang Lin.


Never should.

Never should.

Never should.

"I... I'm sorry, Jiang Lin, I..."

This time, Hei Yu was too embarrassed to say the words of apology, just because she believed that Jiang Lin was a thief and was full of stolen goods, I don't know how many times.

Frost and Jade Dew is one time, the treasure box is one time, and the little golden man pendant is another time.

If Jiang Lin hadn't deceived her from the beginning, the kindness shown to her would be true kindness.

But she would be unreasonable.

Hurt people time and time again.

And the person who was hurt by her was the only one who was willing to trust her and protect her when she needed love.

Chapter [-] Night Swamp Crypt ([-])

"Forget it, it's all over, drink the cold marrow in this jade gourd."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and threw the jade gourd in his hand.

Right now, Kuroba's attitude is not important to him, as long as Kuroba finds someone who can open the treasure box in the Night Marsh Crypt as soon as possible in the next time and opens the treasure box.

After that, Jiang Lin stepped aside, kicked the bloodstained branches together, set it on fire, and sat on the stone pile beside the fire.

Now that Hei Yu has been able to control the newly born Bai Yu behind him, he can fly in the sky, so there should be no more air crashes that happened a few times before.

After Kuroba was conditioned, they would be able to set off and return to the passenger ship.

Seeing the blood-stained branches, Hei Yu couldn't bear it any longer, her nose became more and more sour, then she turned around, opened the cork of the jade gourd, and took a few sips of cold marrow.

While drinking, wiping away tears.

At the same time, she was blaming herself for being heartless.

In any case, even if Jiang Lin really had stolen goods on his body, he really deceived her, and he used his back and body to protect her well before.

But she didn't even say thank you, and she didn't give much concern.

When she and Jiang Lin collided together, the speed was so fast, how could Jiang Lin have nothing at all.

But she just didn't think about it.

Those broken branches or sticks should have been inserted into the body from Jiang Lin's back, and some even had the thickness of an adult's arm. Just thinking about it, Hei Yu felt that the pain Jiang Lin was suffering was indescribable.

After wiping away his tears, Hei Yu went to the woods not far away, dragged some vines back, and used them as things to burn. I don't know how high this cliff is, and the temperature is surprisingly low at night.

Jiang Lin was already injured, so he could no longer let the cold air enter his body.

Feeling that her eyes were no longer red, Hei Yu walked to Jiang Lin and sat down and threw some vines into the fire.

After roasting by the fire for a while, she returned the jade gourd to Jiang Lin.

Seeing Jiang Lin put the jade gourd into the ancient mirror in his arms, Hei Yu took a few more glances. Although she knew that there were some special objects with space inside and could hold a lot of items, those were basically not pockets. The bag is like a bottle and urn, like a bronze mirror with a simple shape in Jiang Lin's hand, which is indeed very rare, and the space inside the bronze mirror should be very large.

"What? Want to see how much booty I have here?"

Seeing that Hei Yu was curious about Gu Jing, Jiang Lin made a joke.

"It's my fault, don't make fun of this issue anymore."

Hei Yu pursed her cherry lips, and her attitude towards Jiang Lin softened a lot. After that, she took out the pendant and put it on her neck.

"When I was on the boat before, I made trouble out of nowhere. In fact, this pendant is the only thing my father left me, that's why I care so much. As you know, I'm a feathered man, but in my blood , and half of them are human. My father is a feathered nobleman, and my mother is a human woman. A long time ago, the feathered tribe tried to completely rule this world, and the human race united with other tribes and defeated the feathered tribe. For many years, the remaining feathered people I always wanted to start another war, but my father was an exception, he always wanted the two races to live in harmony, and he fell in love with my mother, so he was regarded as a traitor by his race."

Hei Yu told Jiang Lin about his life experience, and Jiang Lin knew why Hei Yu was still able to work in an important organization like the Huhu Division when the two clans hated each other.

"Since you were raised by your mother's little boy Yang Zhenhu, this time you escaped from the prison, and it is estimated that you will blow his lungs out of anger."

"I can't help it, because my bloodline is special, no one wants to believe me. He may not doubt me, but he can't be selfish. No one pays attention to Xue Lie's conspiracy, only me to stop it. My mother is human, father I hope the two clans can coexist peacefully, and I was raised by human beings. Under the current circumstances, I will not favor the Yu clan, even if it is facing my own brother, I will not."

Hei Yu showed a helpless smile. Jiang Lin said that she naturally knew that Yang Zhenhu was probably too angry to eat.

Looking at Jiang Lin, Hei Yu's face changed back to a serious look, and said: "I remind you, no matter what is hidden in the box, it must be destroyed, my father was to protect my mother and others. Humans die, and I will do the same. If the weapon in the box is really the weapon that Xue Lie wants to get, I will never let outsiders get it, no one can.”

Jiang Lin smiled and could only nod his head.

"By the way, your back injury shouldn't be light, I'll show you."

After talking to Jiang Lin, Hei Yu felt that the distance between himself and Jiang Lin was getting closer, so he wanted to check the injury on Jiang Lin's back and apply medicine for Jiang Lin.

But Jiang Lin did not agree. After she insisted several times, Jiang Lin still refused.

"A big man, I don't care about anything, I just don't want to, just like I want to see you shirtless."

Hei Yu pouted and murmured, but since Jiang Lin disagreed, she did not.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and then said: "I didn't suffer any serious injuries, but you, you should digest the medicinal power. When you recover, we have to join up with Ni Kongkong and the others as soon as possible, and get to the night marsh crypt as soon as possible. "

Hei Yu didn't seem to hear, grabbed a vine, she squinted a pair of charming eyes, and said to Jiang Lin: "The effect of Han Bing Yulu is very good, I have no serious problem now, but, I Is it possible to fly back, how about you? You... still want to hold me? Or, do you still want to ride me as a horse? I tell you, unless you die, I will not let you take any advantage already."

Saying that, Hei Yu put a set of vines that he had circled around Jiang Lin's body. After that, her wings quickly spread out, a pair of pure white wings fluttered vigorously, and she flew off the ground.

And because Jiang Lin was trapped by the vine, she pulled the other end of the vine and rose uncontrollably into the air.

"It's kind of like walking a puppy."

Hei Yu turned to look at Jiang Lin, whose face was dark, and smiled.

Originally, after she cleared up the misunderstanding with Jiang Lin, she didn't mind being taken advantage of by Jiang Lin. She could fly back, but Jiang Lin couldn't.

But considering that she didn't know Jiang Lin's purpose, it would not be so easy for Jiang Lin to hold her like he did before.

Chapter [-] Night Swamp Crypt (Part [-])

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