With a black line on Jiang Lin's face, he said, "I said you girl, your heart is really vicious, has your conscience been eaten by a dog? I suffered a lot of injuries because of what you did, so it's fine if you don't take care of me. , and tying me with vines and saying that this is walking the dog?"

Hei Yu turned a deaf ear to Jiang Lin's words, but a red glow appeared on her cheeks at this time.

Because she has discovered that the cold and cold self in the past will show a knowing smile to a man.

Forget it, I don't care about you.

Jiang Lin could have pulled the vines and caught up to hold Hei Yu's willow waist, but after thinking about it, he still didn't do much.

Now at least Heiba ​​is not hostile to him, and he is willing to find someone who will open the treasure box, and he does not want to break this situation.

An hour later, Jiang Lin was led by the flying black feathers and returned to the big river leading to the night marsh crypt together, and landed on the passenger boat where Ni Kongkong and Heli were.

"Brother Jiang, where did you guys go? Eh? Why did you change your clothes? What happened to the two of you?"

When Jiang Lin and Hei Yu landed on the boat, Mu Kong Kong said an embarrassing sentence.

Jiang Lin actually changed his clothes, why did he change his clothes?

"Are you courting death? What's your business?"

Hei Yu's face turned red, and she glared at Ni Kongkong fiercely. After that, she pulled the vine in her hand and said to Jiang Lin, "Don't let me see your injury, let me handle it with you."

"Okay, I've been sleepy for a long time. If you have anything to spend money on, come find me."

Heli was already so sleepy that he didn't care what happened between Jiang Lin and Hei Yu. When the two returned, he immediately got into the cabin and went to sleep in his room.

As for Ni Kongkong, he directly grabbed Jiang Lin's arm and dragged Jiang Lin into the cabin, wanting to ask where Jiang Lin and Hei Yu had gone, and most importantly, what they had done.

Jiang Lin was so annoyed by this big mouth that he finally said that he had done everything that should be done, everything he could think of that could not have been thought of, which made Mu Kongkong feel cool and clear.

When the mud empty and the concubine returned to his guest room, Jiang Lin also went back to his room to rest. Although he did not fight much this night, he was also very tired and needed to recover as soon as possible to avoid any unexpected situation ahead.

As for Kuroba, it may be because she can spread her wings and fly, or because the girl is pregnant, so she is not sleepy, and she also needs to inform the boatman of the direction of the next passenger ship, so that she can pass through the turbulent fog area ahead and reach the destination smoothly. Therefore, she went to the boatman to let the person in charge of the boat adjust the course.

At noon two days later, Kuroba spread his wings, flew away from the passenger ship, and went to explore the road ahead.

During this period of time, they had long been far away from Tiandu City and arrived in the mountains that were inaccessible to people.

"Where's the birdman? Didn't you say you're about to reach your destination?"

Heli came out of the boathouse, looked around, and sat on the wooden box to feed Oka, saying, "She has just learned to fly, so it will take a while."

Said, Ni Kongkong looked at Jianglin not far away with some resentment. After two days of observation, he realized that there was nothing between Heiyu and Jianglin at all, and they were not sticking together like lovers. So, he knew that he was deceived by Jiang Lin, and he was sad for a long time because of it.

Jiang Lin showed an unkind smile. This mud Kongkong was beaten several times by Heiyu in order to find out if he and Heiyu had slept together.

Not long after, Kuroba flew back and landed on the passenger ship.

"Here it is. The passenger ship enters the mountain waterway ahead, which is the Night Marsh Crypt. I warn you, this place is far away from Tiandu City, and because the location is extremely difficult to find, it is notoriously impossible to find. There are all kinds of casinos and underground auction houses. Here, don't cause trouble, and don't expose my identity as Zhenhu Sihuya, otherwise, you will only be asking for trouble."

Hei Yu pointed to the waterway under the high mountain ahead, and said some words of warning. In the night marsh crypt, the identity of the official family has no effect. If it is exposed, it will be targeted by the outlaws there.

Jiang Lin concentrated his eyes and looked into the distance, but he was quite looking forward to it. Someone here can open the treasure box that even he can't do anything about, and the shark beads in the box will also appear in the world.

After about a stick of incense, the passenger ship entered the waterway below the mountain and moored on an island in the water at the bottom of the mountain.

"Is it here?"

Jiang Lin did not expect that at the bottom of this high mountain, there is an island with a large area, and it is still brightly lit everywhere. Before landing on the island, the faint noise of the island came over.

"Yes, follow me."

Hei Yu nodded and led Jiang Lin and the others into the interior of the island. Along the way, there were really all kinds of people, no matter male or female, they didn't seem to be of any kind.

It's not selling all kinds of weird stuff, or it's attracting customers.

After half an hour, a group of four people and a pet Oka arrived at a huge indoor square where everyone was caring.

"This is the Night Marsh Crypt, what a place of lawlessness, it's a paradise on earth."

Ni Kongkong looked at the carnival crowd around him, and his eyes lit up immediately. The main reason was not because there were all kinds of people here, but because the women here were dressed so eye-catching.

"Look at people, they are all women. Only men like them when they dress as sexy and beautiful as they do."

Then Ni Kongkong looked at Heiyu again. A girl who was originally so beautiful had to dress like a man. Her heroic spirit was very heroic, but she didn't have much femininity.

Hei Yu stopped, and she still listened to Mu Kongkong's words.

Do men like this?

Hei Fei couldn't help but imagined, she imagined that she was wearing similar clothes to the women around her, and then she felt a sense of curiosity in her heart.

I don't know how Jiang Lin would react if he saw her like that.

Chapter [*] Lead the snake out of the hole

But then Hei Yu suppressed this thought, staring at the mud Kongkong, and said, "This place is suitable for people like you, and a pair of eyeballs will fall out."

Comparing the reactions of Ni Kongkong and Jiang Lin when they came here, Hei Yu gave Ni Kongkong another bad review in his heart.

They are both men, why did Jiang Lin not turn his eyes away?Just you and that Heli, both hated that their eyes didn't grow on those women.

I have to say that Jiang Lin's current attitude is indeed different from that of ordinary men. At the very least, it is very different from Ni Kongkong and Heli.

No matter how sexy or revealing the women here are, he won't take a second look.

He has so many beautiful wives, does he need to go to such a place to feast his eyes?

Moreover, he really has no interest in the women who are revelling here, and he doesn't want to give them away or even pay them back.

Then Hei Yu said: "This time we are looking for an atavistic ape-man. He must be here. Ape-men are born to gamble and love wine. Even if they are drunk and die here, they will not leave.

After that, Hei Yu went to a fork in front of him, while Ni Kongkong and Heli arrived in the square full of joy, and they had long ignored what Hei Yu said.

Bet a few bets first.

"Black Feather."

At this time, Jiang Lin caught up with Hei Yu, and upon hearing Jiang Lin's call, Hei Yu's heart jumped, she turned to look at Jiang Lin, and said, "What's the matter? Didn't you say you came to look for him separately? Can you? The person who opened the treasure box must be here."

"I think you still lack consideration. If Xue Lie cares so much about the whereabouts of the treasure box, he will definitely mobilize everyone to look for it. And this night marsh cave is a mixed bag, so there is no you Yuren? Even if not, there must be Wei Xue. Lie's work, you must know that Xue Lie's subordinate Thunderstorm, but he can sneak into the Zhenhu Division, how can it be so easy without meticulous coordination?"

After a pause, Jiang Lin said again: "Perhaps you only paid attention to the matter of Xue Lie's bloodbath at the Prince's Palace, but since the Prince's Palace has invited many guests, it is impossible for the defense work to fail to be in place, but it was still easily taken by Xue Lie's men. Entering the treasure room. There may not be Xue Lie's eyeliner in this night marsh cave."

"Then what do you mean?"

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Hei Yu realized that she had overlooked many details. Now that she was thinking about Jiang Lin's words, it was not unreasonable.

In case they find the key person who can open the treasure box on the front foot, and the power of Xuelie on the back foot will come, doesn't this mean that everything they do is a wedding dress for Xuelie and others?

"Could it be that we need to find out Xue Lie's eyeliner first? But how do we find it?"

Hei Yu felt embarrassed immediately. There were all kinds of people in the night marsh cave, and their foundation was not clean. Under such an environment, how should they pull out Xue Lie's eyeliner?

Even if you can find it, how long will it take?

Jiang Lin said, "We don't need to look for it, as long as we make some noise. If we are caught by Xue Lie's eyeliner, he will definitely take action. This is called drawing snakes out of their holes."

Hearing this, Hei Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, and he glanced at Jiang Lin one more time. Jiang Lin was always able to help her when she had no choice.

Whether it was bandaging her wound at first, or helping her control her wings when she gave birth to them later, Jiang Lin's help was always there.

"How to do it, you say."

"Look at that stunned Qingheli, who is holding a jug and gambling with people, isn't he bad? If you beat him in the past, this guy will definitely not give up, and he will yell. After you beat him, I will go over and tell him the reason, and he can only bear it."

Jiang Lin pointed to He Li who kept shouting "Kai Da" at the gaming table in the distance, and raised his eyebrows at Hei Yu.

"Just listen to you."

Hei Yu nodded slightly, with a little joy in her heart. She really did not deal with Heli. After she grew a pair of wings, Heli even screamed "Birdman", which made her very disgusted. Well, it's really out of breath to be able to beat this stupefied young man now.

The reason why she didn't do it was that in addition to her concern for the overall situation, she also guessed Heli's identity, and the other party was probably a prince.

The emperor of Tiandu City is Emperor He. This Heli came from the palace, and it is very likely that he is the parent and son of Emperor He, so it is not convenient for her to do it.

If there is a reasonable reason, then she can really let out a bad breath.

Being able to vent his anger was one aspect, but it was Jiang Lin who made Heiyu feel more happy.

Although Jiang Lin didn't say much to her during this time, his attention was always on her, and she could even sense that she wanted to beat someone.

So, Hei Yu and Jiang Lin went to find Heli, who was drinking and having fun.

At this time, Heli walked to the wall of the indoor square and looked at the huge cages placed against the wall. In these cages are special cargo bipterans, which can carry people to fly. In Sky City, this kind of cage with flying ability Wild beasts are strictly forbidden to be hunted, let alone sold privately.

"It's really rare to see such a big two-winged dragon."

Just as Heli was about to look closely, the collar on the back of his neck was grabbed.

"What are you doing!"

Heli was pulled back and forth again and again, and almost lost his footing, so he roared at Hei Yu.

"Have you had enough fun, we're here to find someone!"

Hei Yu didn't give Heli a good face, anyway, she was going to beat this stunned young man violently in a while, so there was no need to give any good face.

Heli snorted coldly and said, "Is it your turn to teach me a bird like you?"

Looking at the jug in Heli's hand, Hei Yu said again: "Are you still drinking? Do you really know what we are here for?"

"Yeah, I just drink, I'm happy, can you control it? Why can't I drink when I'm happy?"

As he said that, Heli also took two sips of spirits, and said happily that it was really fragrant.

After sneering, Hei Yu said: "No wonder your father said you were not up to your expectations."

Chapter [*] These days, what kind of person can be the boss? (superior)

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Heli's face changed immediately after being poked by Hei Yu's words. He threw the jug in his hand to the ground and immediately rushed towards Hei Yu.

But the next moment, he was kicked to the ground by Hei Yu.

Originally, Heli and Heiyu were similar in strength, but now Heli drank alcohol and felt a little dizzy, and Heli absorbed Xingliu pollen and took a lot of cold marrow a few days ago, and his strength improved a lot. Under the circumstances, he can only be kicked.

"Someone was fighting, and there was a play."

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