"Fight, then fight!"

"Fight, beat to death!"

The people in the square were immediately attracted by Heli's shouts, and they gathered around, and all of them were watching the fun.

At this time, Heli was already blushing with anger, but as long as he rushed up, he could only be beaten up.

Jiang Lin kept watching from the side. He didn't immediately step forward to persuade him. Instead, he used the corner of his eye to cooperate with his spiritual sense to observe the reactions of the audience around him.

However, Ni Kongkong squeezed out of the crowd and went up to hold Heli up.

"Tell me again! My father looks down on me, and you look down on me, right? You all look down on me! What am I doing with you all the way? Where's Xue Lie! Didn't you mean to bring me here to find clues? Where's the clue, where's Xue Lie!"

After being held by Mu Kongkong from behind, Heli roared loudly, and at this moment, a short, sloppy young man in the crowd sneered, and then withdrew from the crowd.

There really is.

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed. If he hadn't acted on the principle of being careful not to make a big mistake, I'm afraid that the shark pearl he was about to get this time would really not be able to hold it.

Now that the snake has been drawn out, Jiang Lin is not going to make any further noise. He also went over to hold the struggling Heli, and then said a few words in his ear.

After hearing Jiang Lin's explanation, He Li was stunned for a moment, and Jiang Lin said softly, "Now that Xue Lie's eyeliner has been uncovered, if you continue to make trouble, the situation will be out of our hands. Do you think If you want to capture Xue Lie with your own hands, there is no problem, but Xue Lie will definitely not come alone, do you have the confidence to deal with a group of feathered people?"

After thinking about it for a moment, Heli could only helplessly nodded. Although Jiang Lin and Hei Yu did not inform him of the reason in advance, it was precisely because of this that Xuelie's men were pulled out.

After a while, the sloppy young man walked out of the indoor square to an open space, took out a money bag from his waist, and prepared to release the corpse dove used to deliver the news.

"Want to send a letter?"

At this moment, Hei Yu suddenly appeared, grabbed the mouth of the purse with one hand, and then kicked the sloppy youth away with one kick, bleeding from his nose and mouth, and soon lost his breath.

"Is this the eyeliner you mentioned just now?"

Heli walked over and stepped on the sloppy youth's chest. Hei Yu also walked over. Seeing a little tattoo on the sloppy youth's arm, she pushed up the cuff of the sloppy youth with a sword.

"This is a sign of divine condemnation. He is really a meticulous work for Xue Lie. Moreover, he is not a feather, but a human. Jiang Lin, you guessed it right, otherwise, it will be a big trouble."

Hei Yu saw the spear-like tattoo on the forearm of the sloppy youth, and looked at Jiang Lin. This time Jiang Lin's judgment was indeed correct.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "It's nothing surprising, no matter when, there will always be scum who betray their compatriots or their clan only for profit, no matter where they are."

"There should be a corpse dove specially used by Yuren to transmit letters, and it must be destroyed."

With that said, Kuroba threw the purse into the brazier on the wall not far away.

Heli frowned. He came here to induce Xuelie to appear. He was a little dizzy from drinking before and didn't react much.

If this sloppy young man released the living creature who was reporting the letter, wouldn't Xue Lie be naturally attracted?

Even if Xue Lie would bring people over, there were Jiang Lin and Hei Yu, and it didn't prevent him from fighting Xue Lie one-on-one.

"Okay, now the problem has been solved, I have deliberately observed before, other people are not abnormal, and this eyeliner did not meet others, it should be only himself, we can go to find the atavistic ape-man. "

Now that the hidden danger has been lifted, Jiang Lin is not going to waste any more time. The best thing to do is to find the ape that Hei Yu is looking for as soon as possible.

"Okay, Jiang Lin, you... just follow me."

Hei Yu nodded, looked at Jiang Lin again, and then she said: "Uh... the people who come and go here are not serious, especially women, having a man by my side can also save other boredom. The man came over to strike up a conversation."

"Then let me accompany you."

At this moment, Ni Kongkong grinned and suggested himself, but Hei Yu didn't even hear it, turned around and left, and Jiang Lin also patted Ni Kongkong's shoulder and gave him a "don't envy" look.

After pouting, Ni Kongkong went in another direction, as for Heli, he turned over the sloppy young man who was beaten to death.

What surprised him was that there was more than one purse on his body.

"Go to your master, I'm waiting for him."

Seeing that there was no one around, Heli opened the mouth of the purse and let out the mosquito-shaped insects in it. After that, he found a fork and walked in, intending to find the atavistic ape-man.

Hei Yu once said that the inside of the treasure box was the weapon that Xue Lie wanted, so Heli planned to guard against it. If Xue Lie came and brought too many people, the weapons in the box would still be useful.

When Jianglin and the others scattered to look for the atavist ape-man, in the indoor square, a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a head covered with embroidery was surrounded by a group of burly and tall men with axes and tomahawks.

When everyone saw the middle-aged man coming, they immediately gave way. The one who appeared was Jiang Chengzi, the boss of the entire night marsh crypt. If he provokes him, no one wants to continue messing around here.

"Just now... who was making trouble on my site?"

Jiang Chengzi shook the cloak behind him and glanced at the crowd in the indoor square.


The two rows of strong men behind Jiang Chengzi also shouted angrily like the door god.

Seeing that no one answered, Jiang Chengzi took out a little piglet with a pattern on its back from the pocket inside the cloak, and said, "Brother, isn't this majestic? Come on, let's go for a drink."

The people in the square were no longer surprised by this, because this Jiang Chengzi had flower embroidery on the top of his head, which was exactly the same as the black pattern on the back of the piglet in his arms, so this piglet was taken by Jiang Chengzi. His long lost brother.

"What's the origin of the atavistic ape-man you're looking for?"

On the other side, Jiang Lin walked side by side with Hei Yu, and asked about Hei Yu. He was curious about what kind of ape-man could open the treasure box that he couldn't even move.

Hei Yu responded: "Atavist ape-man is an extremely rare race. In addition to their natural indulgence in gambling and drinking, they also have amazing craftsmanship talents. The unique pattern on the surface of the iron box is the handwriting of atavian ape-man. Therefore, , When I saw the iron box, I already knew who could open it. If I don't find a suitable method, it is almost impossible to open the iron box with brute force."

Chapter [*] These days, what kind of person can be the boss? (middle)

"My father had an ape friend at the beginning. I called him Uncle Ape when I was young. After my father died, I separated from Uncle Ape. I came here to visit him a few years ago. I also asked him to make the pendant. Although the iron box is very old, the craftsmanship of the ape-man is in the same line, and he will definitely be able to open it."

"I see."

After listening to Hei Yu's explanation, Jiang Lin realized that Hei Yu had such a close relationship with the atavistic ape-man, so that the uncle ape in Hei Yu's mouth should indeed be able to open the treasure box.

"You haven't told me what you're going to do yet?"

Hei Yu looked straight into Jiang Lin's eyes and asked seriously.

She did know that Jiang Lin must have other purposes, and it was related to the things in the treasure box.

But because Jiang Lin had protected her in spite of the pain, she didn't want to think of Jiang Lin as a villain.

Not only that, but Hei Yu also found that she always wanted to get closer to Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin didn't have any thoughts about the treasure box, she was not sure whether she would take the initiative to approach Jiang Lin.

But between her and Jiang Lin, there was always one thing that separated the final distance.

That was Jiang Lin's purpose.

"I can't tell. All I can say is that I don't consider myself a heinous person."

Jiang Lin smiled helplessly. Of course, he couldn't say that he wanted to open the boundary wall of Daluo Immortal Realm to solve his own problems.

Otherwise, Kuroba would not agree no matter what.

In fact, in the past few days, Jiang Lin had also thought that what he was going to do this time might bring disaster to Sky City.

This also means that he may do something that harms others and benefits himself. Such a thing is also contrary to his consistent principles.

Jiang Lin never claimed to be a saint or a great philanthropist, but he also believed that he was definitely not a great villain.

But now, he is really faced with the choice between his life and his principles, which really makes him very embarrassed.

However, Jiang Lin was unwilling to stop there, otherwise, once the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian in his body could not be suppressed, there would be no more of him.

Therefore, Jiang Lin also made a plan. If the boundary wall is really opened by him, no matter what method he uses, he will go out of the boundary, and he will do his best to prevent the extraterritorial creatures from entering the sky city.

For the many magical tools he got from the Heavenly Meteor Dynasty, even if it was directly self-destructed, he would not blink any more.

If he is really incapable, causing disaster to Sky City, he still has a mountain of immortal treasures.

Just use it.

as compensation.

The massive immortal treasures and material treasures in Jiang Lin's hands were enough to save all the victims who suffered from the opening of the boundary wall.

As for those extraterrestrial creatures, he will also use all means to unite the power of Tiandu City to destroy them all.

This is the maximum he can do.

It is really unavoidable to harm others and benefit oneself, so it can only be compensated.

There are losses for losses, there are those who lose their lives, and he returns the lives of those people, in addition to this, there are additional compensations.

Fortunately, he, Jiang Lin, is also a person who can afford to pay.

Of course, it is impossible for him to tell others including Hei Yu about these things, otherwise, who would believe it?

Seeing that Jiang Lin was still reluctant to confess, Hei Yu didn't ask any more questions. She still had the same principle in her heart. If Jiang Lin had any malicious intentions, then she would not care about what Jiang Lin had rescued before.

After that, Hei Yu and Jiang Lin started to look around with the indoor square as the center.

"Hei Yu, the atavistic ape-man you mentioned has been found."

After half an hour, Ni Kongkong brought Oka over to find him. He and his pet searched all the way, and found an ape in the underground prison in the indoor square.

"In jail? Hurry up and lead the way."

Kuroba immediately let Mikong Kong lead the way, and the three immediately headed to the underground prison in the Night Marsh Crypt.


On the way, Jiang Lin saw He Li at the end of a hutong. At this time, He Li was about to buy carrier pigeons from a street stall.

Does this kid want to report?

Seeing Heli's actions, Jiang Lin kept his mind, and then he shouted at Heli.

"I'm coming."

Heli immediately put away the purse and ignored the letter, and hurriedly joined Jiang Lin and the others.

After a while, the four of them entered the dark underground together. This so-called prison is incomparable to the Tianjing prison in Husi, the town of Tiandu.

There are no prison cells here, only black iron cocoons in the shape of a net like baskets, and each and everyone is imprisoned in it.

"Uncle Ape, Uncle Ape!"

Before walking too far, Hei Yu saw the old ape-man sitting in the black cocoon, and squatted down, reached out and patted his shoulder.


As a result, the sleeping old ape-man burped, causing Jiang Lin and the others to retreat.

Smells worse than Oka's farts.

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