It's better for Kuroba to forget about it for a while.

"That's good."

Kuroba nodded, and then she realized that her clothes had changed back, and in her memory, she was wearing a long red dress.

When she glanced at the red dress beside her, Hei Yu's expression suddenly froze, then she immediately got up and jumped in front of Jiang Lin, raised her hand to grab his neck, and said, "It's give My clothes?"


If I don't say it, you really forgot everything after drinking?

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu with a strange expression, and said, "Do you think it's possible? I told you not to fight wine, but if you didn't listen, you forgot what you drank."

At this time, Jiang Lin understood why Hei Yu had to drink so much. This girl liked him, and she was already willing to give herself to him from the bottom of her heart.

But now, when he was awake, Heiba ​​wanted to settle the account with him because he found out that his clothes had been changed.

People always do one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes, but Kuroba is better, one thing when sober, and another when drunk.

"Then...then let's go find Uncle Ape."

Without doubting Jiang Lin's words, Hei Yu opened the door and went to the underground prison, and Jiang Lin followed.

Not long after, they saw Ni Kongkong, Heli, and the old ape-man who had been dragged out and leaned against the wall in the underground prison.

However, the old ape-man was still in a drowsiness, and Ni Kongkong asked Jiang Lin to find a way. Whether he and Heli were shaking or splashing water, they couldn't do anything with the old ape-man.

Hard to wake up.

This old ape-man, even if he stayed in the black iron cocoon, could take out the fine wine stored on his body, eat it in prison, and drink it in the dark.

"It's up to me."

Jiang Lin took a medicine jar from his arms and poured the blood orchid soup directly over it.

After a few breaths, the effect of the medicine took effect, and the old ape-man opened his eyes.

"Who, what are you doing? Disturbing people's dreams."

After the old ape-man woke up, he complained, and Hei Yu's face was delighted, he squatted down quickly, and said, "Uncle Ape, it's me, I'm Hei Yu."

Chapter [*] is one more golden disc (below)

"Who is your uncle? Huh? Are you Kuroba?"

The old ape-man's eyes were still a little flowery, and he thought that someone was recognizing relatives, but after a little closer, he saw that the person who spoke was actually Hei Yu.

"Hei Yu, why are you here?"

"Uncle Ape, I came to you because I want you to help open this iron box. This box may involve some conspiracy of Yuren."

Kuroba took out the treasure box from his pocket.

The old ape-man took the treasure box and looked at it, his face changed slightly, and said, "This is the craft of our ape-man ancestor, and it is an organ technique specially used for sealing. Come with me."

After getting up, the old ape-man took Hei Yu and the others out of the underground prison and went to his own place of residence, a cave house built within the mountain.

"You all be careful, follow me, there are many organs here."

The old ape-man took Hei Yu and others into a culvert and walked on the bridge built on the water. He turned around and warned Hei Yu and the others.

Not long after, Jiang Lin and Hei Yu followed the old ape to the end of the culvert and entered an underground organ room.

Jiang Lin glanced around the room and found that this place is not a place to live at all, at most it is a cave full of institutions, with almost no furniture, but there are a large number of strange books, stacked together in front of the mountain wall. .

The old ape-man asked Hei Yu and the others to wait for a while, and rummaged through the stack of books.

"That's it."

After a cup of tea, the old ape-man picked up a huge ancient book, which was covered with dust.

As soon as the floating ash on the book was blown, the old ape-man walked to Jiang Lin and the others, and threw the ancient book on the ground.

"This is the inheritance left by our ape-man ancestors back then, and there are records about this iron box."

After explaining it to Jiang Lin and the others, the old ape-man opened the ancient book, and finally found the pattern of the treasure box on the old paper.

"It's actually a shark bead, what's sealed in this box is a shark bead."

Looking at the weird text next to the pattern, the old ape-man looked at Hei Yu.

At this time, Jiang Lin also breathed a sigh of relief. From the current point of view, the treasure in the treasure box should be the shark bead he was looking for, which no longer needs to be confirmed.

Moreover, the old ape-man whom Hei Yu brought him to find was indeed able to open the treasure box.

This thing seems to be made by the ancestors of the old ape man a long time ago. Under normal circumstances, there is no corresponding method, and it is almost impossible to open it, but fortunately, the old ape man has the inheritance left by his ancestors.

Hei Yu looked at some weird words on the ancient book and asked, "Uncle Ape, what is a shark pearl? What exactly does Xue Lie want for this thing?"

"I don't know much about it, I'll take a look."

The old ape-man turned a few pages back and checked other content before saying: "It turns out that the shark pearl originally belonged to the merman tribe. Besides the shark pearl, there is also a golden disc. If the two are gathered together, the eye of the sky can be opened. Before the war broke out between humans and the feather clan, the emperor of the feather clan slaughtered the merman, almost wiped out the merman tribe, obtained the merman bead and the golden disc, built a temple, and used the two to open the eye of the sky , summoned thousands of dark and terrifying creatures outside the domain to come, causing a catastrophe, and the sky city was also littered with corpses at that time. Fortunately, a human warrior sneaked into the temple and recaptured the shark embedded in the golden disc regardless of his life. The bead closed the eye of the sky, and countless flying tapirs were also sent back to the outside world by the repulsive force of this world. After that, the human race united with the rest of the tribes and took the opportunity to counterattack, causing the feathers to be defeated. And the shark bead, which has the eye to open the sky, Sealed, nowhere to go."

Gold disc?

Both together?

Jiang Lin was dumbfounded after listening to the old ape-man's story.

Could it be that if there are only shark beads, it is impossible to open the eyes of the sky?

Although Jiang Lin didn't know what the Eye of the Sky was, most of his guesses were a description of the gap in the boundary wall.

If there is no matching golden disc, the shark bead alone may not be able to function, let alone open the boundary wall.

The golden disc... Could it be that thing?

At this time, some memories flashed in Jiang Lin's mind. After he and Ni Kongkong entered the treasure room of the Prince's Mansion, he was looking for shark beads in the treasure room and saw a collection that looked like an egg tart. .

Later, the servants of the Prince's Mansion entered the treasure room and brought this collection and other treasures to the exhibition.

Shortly after that, there was a bloody case in the Prince's Mansion. Jiang Lin stayed in the ventilation passage and heard some voices.

Xue Lie seemed to have taken something away from the palace.

Thinking about it now, Jiang Lin felt that the dish that was similar to the egg tart might be the golden disc that the old ape-man called it.

Moreover, when Xue Lie's three subordinates were in the treasure room, they also made it clear that they would hurry up and find the golden disc.

Jiang Lin regretted that he didn't pay more attention at that time. At that time, when he heard the whereabouts of the shark beads, all he thought about was getting the shark beads, ignoring Feng Xiao and the others who were also looking for the golden disc.

There must be some connection between these two objects.

The reason why Jiang Lin had such an inference was that at that time, Xue Lie's three subordinates did not find the golden disc among the remaining collections in the treasure room, and the items he saw were related to the golden disc. That's the thing that looks like an egg tart.

Although there may not be other disk-shaped objects in the collection of the king, but based on some sounds he heard at that time, it is very likely that the "egg tart" is a golden disk.

Bad luck!

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin felt extremely depressed. After many twists and turns, he went through many twists and turns before he found the treasure box that stored the shark beads. Now the treasure box can also be opened, but the situation is still worse. A golden disc.

Could it be that he still has to find the traces of Xue Lie and others, make Xue Lie do it, and grab the golden disc?

Can you stop so much!

Just when Jiang Lin was depressed, the old ape-man pointed to the square pattern on the ancient book and said: "The pattern on this treasure box represents it, the square box represents the eye of the sky, and the circle inside is the Shark Pearl."

"I think I've seen this pattern somewhere."

He Li, who was on the side, leaned forward. He felt that he seemed to have some impressions of this strange combination pattern.

Hei Yu glanced at Heli and said, "It's on the tin box, what kind of brain do you have."


Heli was about to have a seizure, but when he saw Jiang Lin standing beside Hei Yu, he endured it.

He was naturally not afraid of Hei Yu, it was a big deal, but Jiang Lin couldn't beat him no matter what.

Hei Yu was still snuggling in Jiang Lin's arms before, as if he was already a couple with Jiang Lin. If he did something, Jiang Lin would definitely not watch it.

"Uncle Ape, is there any way you can open the box? Since the shark inside can open the eye of the sky, it is now the target of the current leader of the Yuren, Xuelie. It is estimated that Xuelie wants to imitate the ancestors of the Yuzu and summon him again. Flying tapir, in order to turn the feather clan over, it must be destroyed."

At this time, Hei Yu asked the old ape-man to open the treasure box as soon as possible and destroy the shark bead inside.

"There is a way. You wait here for a while, and I will find a way to open the iron box."

The old ape-man nodded, and then went to the tool cabinet beside the wall to take out one strange object after another.

It is not easy to open.

Jiang Lin watched the old ape-man use a ruler to measure and calculate all over the treasure box, and then fixed many tools around the treasure box. He was also glad that he met Hei Yu.

Otherwise, even if he has the original design of the treasure box, there is no way to open it.

A little bit of time passed, and a few hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the surface of the treasure box was only hollowed out with some regular gaps.

Hei Yu was also looking at the old ape who was concentrating, but her gaze still fell on Jiang Lin intentionally or unintentionally.

If after the treasure box was opened, Jiang Lin really had some plans, then it might be time for her to go against Jiang Lin.

However, Hei Yu felt a little weird, Jiang Lin seemed quite calm and not too concerned, which was quite different from what she expected.

Hei Yu didn't know that Jiang Lin was no longer so eager to get the shark beads, because even if he got the shark beads, he still needed a golden disc.

If he already had the golden disc in his hand, then Jiang Lin might not be as calm as he is now.

After staring at Jiang Lin for a while, Hei Yu suddenly remembered something, something that happened after he was drunk.

She seemed to hug Jiang Lin, and even gave her red lips.

"Jiang Lin, come here."

Recalling some things, Hei Yu's cheeks flushed, and then he went to the bridge outside the cave and called Jiang Lin.

"what's up?"

Jiang Lin frowned. He thought that Hei Yu wanted to ask him what his purpose was.

In the end, Hei Yu drew a long sword and put it on his neck, annoyed: "I... After I was drunk, what did you do to me... to me?"

Glancing at Hei Yu, Jiang Lin shrugged and said, "I'm just supporting you, what else can I do?"

"You lie! don't tell the truth again, believe it or not, I will work hard with you."

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