Hei Yu didn't believe Jiang Lin's words at all. Some of her memories just now became more and more clear.

Jiang Lin saw that Hei Yu's attitude was extremely serious, and there was nothing he could do. It was estimated that Hei Yu had come to him for confirmation because he recalled some things.

Even if he wanted to hide it, Kuroba might remember it.

And looking at Hei Yu's posture, he wouldn't give up if he didn't ask the ugly Yinmao.

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin said: "I said, I really feel that I am wronged, I was confessed by a drunk girl, and I was kissed by others, but I am not a person who takes advantage of others' danger, I don't take it seriously. As a result, this girl changed her appearance when she sobered up. In turn, she thought that I was someone who deliberately took advantage. It's so wrong. I also advised that girl not to drink."

After all, Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu quietly, this girl is indeed a bit outrageous, she dared to let go of herself after being drunk, and revealed all her heart.When you wake up, your personality will change, and you have to find him to settle accounts.

It wasn't his idea that Hei Yu wanted to get himself drunk, and he kept trying to persuade him, but Hei Yu didn't listen.

Now that he came out like this, it really made him feel that he was wrong.

"I... How could I confess to you, who do you think you are? I tell you, I don't like you at all."

Although Hei Yu tried her best to control her emotions and did not show too many expressions on her face, she was still panting because she had made a judgment in her heart. Jiang Lin should have not lied, after all, her memory is not will be tampered with.

The few non-continuous images in her mind showed that she was voluntary, and she could even feel her own mood at the time.

But even so, she still stubbornly refused to admit what she did when she was drunk.

Jiang Lin wanted to hold back his smile, but he still showed a smile.

A girl like Kuroba is really interesting.

Not long ago, I confessed to him after drinking that I was willing to hand over myself to him, but now it seems that Sichuan Opera has changed its face, saying that I don't like him at all.

Just stubborn.

Can you really make yourself happy by being stubborn?

"Do not laugh!"

Glancing at Jiang Lin fiercely, Hei Yu walked into the office room.

She didn't ask Jiang Lin to settle any account. Before Jiang Lin didn't mention such a thing after she woke up, he already took care of her feelings and didn't let her fall into extreme embarrassment and embarrassment.

Moreover, Jiang Lin has never done anything on her own initiative. She wants to settle accounts, what accounts?


After Jiang Lin and Hei Yu returned to the organ room, the treasure box in the old ape-man's hand made the sound of the machine expansion being activated.

The two parts of the treasure box were broken by the old ape-man, revealing the blue orb inside.

"Is this the shark pearl?"

Jiang Lin walked over and checked it out. In fact, what surprised him even more was the treasure box that sealed the shark bead. Even though this treasure box was opened and disconnected from the middle, it was still covered on both sides of the shark bead. An invisible force pulls.

And the treasure box, whether inside or outside, does not have any fluctuations in spiritual power.

Ni Kongkong looked at the shark beads, and his palms began to experience severe pain, and the blue light was still blooming.

"Uncle Ape, I want to know what the shark bead has to do with me. Isn't it a merman thing? Why does my hand react when I approach the treasure box or the shark bead."

Ni Kongkong showed his gloved palm, wanting to ask the old ape-man if he knew of the connection between himself and the shark bead.

But at this moment, there was movement in the culvert outside the office, mixed with the sound of armor colliding.

"Someone is here! And it shouldn't be from Jiang Chengzi. The chainmail on their bodies won't make such a noise. Maybe the comer is not good."

The old ape-man immediately alerted Hei Yu, and Hei Yu also pulled out the dagger from his waist and stabbed the shark bead in the middle of the treasure box.

However, her dagger could not touch the shark bead at all, and was blocked by a colored and invisible force. After a while, the dagger broke into several pieces.

Seeing this, Hei Yu immediately picked up the treasure box and put it into his pocket.As soon as she put the treasure box away, Feng Xiao rushed in with a team of Feather sergeants.

The [*]st chapter is the same for everyone ([*])

"There are so many people, run away."

When the old ape-man saw so many bad feathered people coming, he rushed to the stairs not far away, and climbed up from the open-air passage.

"How did they know we were here?"

Ni Kongkong frowned as he looked at the numerous feathered sergeants.

He Li, who was beside him, sneered and said, "Oh, it's finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Hei Yu heard the words, and immediately stepped forward to pull out Heli's neckline and scolded: "Is it the letter you reported to them? You poor guy, let your father, the white-haired man, send the black-haired man. !"

When Hei Yu scolded Heli, Jiang Lin also took out the Tian Yun Sword. His face was also not good-looking, and he did not expect that these feathermen would chase here.

Although Jiang Lin had prevented Heli from reporting a letter, even if Heli was sending a letter, he would not have informed Xue Lie and the others, and there was no way to contact Xue Lie at all, but how did Xue Lie and the others find it.

After suppressing the doubts in his heart, Jiang Lin felt that the current situation was quite tricky. Xue Lie and his henchmen had lost many times. Since they came this time, they must have come prepared. Even the leader, Xue Lie, might have Be there in person.

And since a leader like Xuelie can control wind whistles, thunderstorms and others, he will definitely not be weaker than Yang Zhenhu in terms of strength. In addition, Xuelie can fly in the air, and this tough battle is not easy to fight.

Jiang Lin wasn't too worried about himself, he was worried about Hei Yu.

Even if he loses to Xue Lie, he will not be in any danger, but Hei Yu is different. Once he is entangled in the clone, then Hei Yu will be in danger.

Heli flicked his arm away from Hei Yu's hand and said, "Are you afraid? Then you go first, leave it to me, and I will take that thief Xue Lie personally."


At this moment, a laughter came from outside the cave, and then Xue Lie, who vibrated a pair of bone wings, flew into the organ room.

"Bone wings? Xue Lie?"

When Hei Yu saw the wings behind Xue Lie, he recognized the latter's identity.

"Xue Lie, I am Heli, the prince of Tiandu City, today I will completely eradicate you, the rebel!"

Seeing Xue Lie appear, He Li took a step forward, drew out his long sword, and pointed at Xue Lie.

Xue Lie stared at He Li, and didn't even respond at all. Instead, his eyes fell on Hei Yu, and after a while, he looked at Jiang Lin with some surprise.

"How dare you to make trouble on my site! The first-rank guard of Tianducheng, Jiang Chengzi, swears to protect His Royal Highness!"

At this time, Doubi Jiang Chengzi also rushed over with his own group of men, and guarded Heli in front of him.

Seeing the increase in his own power, Heli also looked at Xue Lie proudly.

"You are the one who uses some institutional means to control the night marsh crypt? It happens that this is a gold-selling cave, and I was ready to take it early in the morning."

Xue Lie smiled coldly, and Feng Xiao, who was beside him, took out a cannon similar to a bazooka and blasted it directly at a burly man.

And the body of the strong man appeared with golden light of body protection, but unfortunately the golden light was shattered by the rotating drill blasted by the gun cannon in the blink of an eye, and the strong man also lay down straight after screaming.

"Master, this time we can not only get the shark beads, but also occupy the night marsh crypt."

Feng Xiao laughed, this time, they won't have any possibility of failure.

The corner of Xue Lie's mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Hand over the treasure box, I can still leave you with a whole corpse."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Seeing the strong man, Heli gasped for breath, jumped up, raised his sword and stabbed towards Xuelie.

But Xue Lie reached out and grabbed, holding Heli's blade in his hand, and then kicked out, bleeding Heli's nose and mouth, and flew out.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. Only at this moment did he realize that Xue Lie also had some special armor and gloves on his body and palms.

"Hei Yu, you should try to withdraw first. It seems that Xue Lie's subordinates also have craftsmen like your Uncle Ape, who can easily make Jiang Chengzi and his methods laugh. , hand over the shark beads, it is important to save your life."

Jiang Lin whispered to Hei Yu, then took a jade box from the ancient mirror and put the pills in his mouth.

Suddenly pulling Hei Yu into his arms, Jiang Lin sealed Hei Yu's lips and put the pill in his mouth into Hei Yu's Sakura mouth.

After that, he picked up the sword and rushed out. At this time, Heli had already fallen to the ground, unable to stand up, and Feng Xiao's long sword was about to slash down on him.

After swinging his sword to dispel Feng Xiao, Jiang Lin rushed towards Xuelie, preparing to fight Xuelie fiercely.

He did this because he just wanted to leave Hei Yu, making Hei Yu feel the pressure.

Xue Lie brought so many people here, if he did his best, he would still give Hei Yu and the others a chance to escape, but now, he has no such thoughts.

Just now, Jiang Lin suddenly thought that he didn't need to take the golden disc from Xue Lie at all.

Xue Lie's purpose is to open the eye of the sky and lead the flying tapirs from outside the domain to enter, and his purpose is to open the boundary wall and use the flying tapirs to eliminate the corpse poison in his body.

If this is the case, who will open it?

Whoever does such a thing is the same.

In this way, why not let Xue Lie get the shark beads and help him do what he needs to do.

It would save him a lot of trouble.

Moreover, by handing over the work of opening the boundary wall to Xue Lie, he can also avoid conflicts with Hei Yu.

This was the way Jiang Lin thought of after judging the situation.

Since Xue Lie wanted to open the Eyes of the Sky, he would give it a push.

The [*]nd chapter is the same for everyone (below)

Jiang Lin just wanted to be lazy right now and let Xue Lie and others help him get everything done, and he would just reap the results.

But this would require Xue Lie to take away the treasure box and the shark bead from Hei Yu. Of course he couldn't persuade Hei Yu, and it was even more impossible for Hei Yu to agree.

But if it was forced by the situation, then Kuroba would probably have nothing to do.

As for Jiang Lin, he didn't want Hei Yu to see that he was releasing water. In that case, with Hei Yu's mind, he might not be able to think of his true intentions.

Therefore, Jiang Lin simply pulled himself away, left Hei Yu's side, directly confronted Xuelie, and had a fight with Xuelie.

Even without Xue Lie, it would be even more difficult for the three of Hei Yu to escape from Ascension in this situation.

With a thunderstorm, a crane shadow, and so many sergeants with feathers, Black Feather couldn't break through no matter what.

However, although he had such a plan in his heart, Jiang Lin was still worried about Hei Yu's safety, so he just put a life-saving elixir into Hei Yu's mouth.

After Jiang Lin and Xue Lie faced each other, a fierce battle broke out in the office room. In addition to getting away from Hei Yu, Jiang Lin wanted to take this opportunity to touch the foundation of this feather clan leader.

Even if he wanted to use Xue Lie's hand to achieve his goal, but he didn't do it himself, the result that would be caused was also deliberately promoted by him.

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