Therefore, in the future, he must also eradicate Xue Lie, and now he wants to know himself and his enemy.

Destroying Xue Lie was actually what Hei Yu had to do, so he would do such a thing.

After Hei Yu knew all the truth completely, what he did would make Hei Yu think about it, and he would no longer blame him in his heart.

"Who the hell are you?"

After Xue Lie gave Jiang Lin a slap in the face, his face turned cold. This young man he didn't understand could actually have such a strong strength.

When did such a fierce offspring appear in Tiandu City?

"The one who killed you."

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, and the Tianyun Sword waving in his hand shot out arcs of spiritual energy, and the bone wings behind Xuelie grew out and turned into bone spears. After shaking the arc, they shot towards Jiang Lin. call.

In the end, Xue Lie found that he couldn't take down Jiang Lin for a long time, so he spread out his wings and took advantage of the bone wings to suppress Jiang Lin.

Of course, Jiang Lin just wanted to test Xue Lie's strength, but he didn't use all his strength.

However, at this moment, Hei Yu was besieged by Feng Xiao and He Ying not far away, and was slashed to the jade neck by a sword. Jiang Lin immediately rushed to rescue him. Although he fed Hei Yu elixir, it could only save his life. If Kuroba's beautiful head was cut off, she would die too.

Because of this, Jiang Lin's shoulder blades were pierced by Xue Lie's two wing bones.


Hei Yu saw Jiang Lin who kicked Feng Xiao and He Ying away, and then saw Jiang Lin swing his sword away from the wings on his shoulder blades, his face immediately became like a blank sheet of paper.

The pill that Jiang Lin brought into her mouth just now made her feel comfortable all over her body, and even the sword wounds caused by the wind whistling on her body could be healed immediately, so she knew that Jiang Lin was using more than Binghan Yulu. The good elixir was given to her.

But now, Jiang Lin had two terrifying blood holes on his shoulders because he didn't take the medicine.

At this moment, the old ape-man who had escaped jumped down from the opening in the open air and hugged Xue Lie behind him.

"Hei Yu, hurry up!"

The old ape-man kicked the book under his feet, causing it to hit the switch on the wall. After that, a hole suddenly appeared on the ground not far from Jiang Lin and Hei Yu, and the boulder vertically above the hole also fell.

"Come on!"

Mui Kongkong reacted the fastest, jumped down, the sleeve arrow in his hand flew out, wrapped directly around Heiyu's waist, and took Heiyu with him, and before Heiyu was pulled away, he also reached out and pulled Jiang Lin's palm.

The three entered the cave in an instant, and the boulder fell after they entered, sealing the cave.


Xue Lie broke away the old ape-man's arms and kicked it out.

Ignoring the old ape-man who escaped from the open passage, Xuelie went straight to the boulder, and said to Feng Xiao and He Ying, "Hurry up and chase!"

At this time, in the cave, Hei Yu wrapped Jiang Lin's body with both arms, spread out his wings, and led Jiang Lin down slowly, while Ni Kongkong was relying on his Xiujian flying claws to slow down the speed of the fall.

How could this be the case?

Jiang Lin frowned, the old ape-man suddenly opened a way for Hei Yu, which he did not expect, so how did Xue Lie get the shark pearl?

Could it be that he is still going to grab the golden disc?

For a time, Jiang Lin also felt that he was one head and two big.

But now he definitely can't pull Hei Yu, and he can't grab the shark pearl, he can only take a step by step.

When the three reached the bottom of the cave, they ran along the dark passage connecting the cave. After a while, they reached a hundred feet away and appeared at the bottom of a deserted dry well.

It's just that there are many wooden stakes on the wall of this dry well, which should be specially arranged by the old ape to prevent people from discovering that the dry well is connected to the dark passage.

"The distance to the secret passage was not far before, so let's hurry up."

Ni Kongkong looked at Jiang Lin and Heiyu, and then used Xiujian's flying claws again to let himself rise towards the well.

"I'll take you with me."

Hei Yu did not shy away from suspicion at all, wrapping his arms around Jiang Lin and flying him upwards.

But just as they were about to reach the wellhead more than ten feet high, Feng Xiao and He Ying had already caught up.

Hearing the movement in the dry well, Feng Xiao immediately kicked out a wooden stake and hit the rocks above the wellhead. Immediately, many stones fell, and many wooden stakes in the dry well fell.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately exerted force on his hand and sent Hei Yu along the empty part of the well wall, preventing her from being hit by stakes and stones.

Hei Yu also immediately retracted a pair of pure white wings to avoid being hit, and she flew out of the well in an instant.

However, Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong were smashed by many heavy objects and were directly pushed back into the bottom of the well.

Mu Kongkong avoided most of the heavy objects because of his timely response, but he was also knocked unconscious.

Jiang Lin was crushed by tens of thousands of pounds of wooden stakes and stones, and he couldn't even get up for a while.


Hei Yu's body was still in the air, so he shouted towards the bottom of the well, and at this time Feng Xiao flew up and kicked her out.

After getting up from the ground, Hei Yu rushed towards the well as if he was crazy, and Feng Xiao and He Ying's combined attack was swept away by her.

Chapter [-] Shark Pearl was captured

"Hand over the treasure box!"

Feng Xiao and He Ying were rushed back by Hei Yu and attacked He Ying again. Hei Yu was worried about Jiang Lin's life and death, so he grabbed the long sword stabbed by Feng Xiao with one hand, and was attacked by He Ying's pair. The dagger plunged into the abdomen.

"Get out of here!"

With a loud shout, Hei Yu jumped up, and his feet firmly kicked Feng Xiao and He Ying's chest, kicking the two of them against the surrounding mountain wall, blood spurting from their mouths.

Because of the medicinal power of the elixir in his body, even a fatal injury would not immediately put his life in danger. Hei Yu had no choice but to choose at this fiery juncture.

"Jiang Lin, are you still alive? Jiang Lin!"

After that, Kuroba rushed to the mouth of the well and shouted down with a weeping voice.

The depth of this dry well is more than ten feet, and if it falls, it may damage all five, not to mention that there are so many kilograms of stones and a large number of wooden stakes.

Now Black Feather is completely like Liushen Wuzhu, completely forgetting that there are two powerful enemies who are still capable of action.

"I'm fine, I can still breathe."

Jiang Lin pushed away a wooden stake on his body and responded to Hei Yu, Hei Yu heard Jiang Lin's voice, and his dangling heart suddenly fell, and shouted again: "Then Mukongkong, how is he? ?"

After trying his best to look not far away, Jiang Lin said, "There is no danger to his life, he fainted. I will try to get out as soon as possible, you protect yourself."

As he said that, Jiang Lin turned into a corpse and struggled with all his strength, but there were so many stakes and boulders falling from the dry well that he couldn't even lift his arms.

"You actually care about a human being, you really are the scum of the feather clan!"

After Feng Xiao got up, he looked at Hei Yu fiercely, and after Hei Yu was relieved, he also stared at his brother with a cold face.

If Jiang Lin died just now, she would never forgive the person who killed Jiang Lin, not even her own brother.

"I just care what happened to him? I like him! I'm afraid you forgot that the mother who gave birth to you is also a human being."

"Okay, well, if there is a father, there must be a daughter. As long as you hand over the treasure box, I promise to let you die together."

Feng Xiao's face was grim, condensed all the spiritual power and rushed towards Hei Yu, and the crane shadow on the side also cooperated with it.

Just now, they never thought that Hei Yu would be severely injured at the cost of self-destruction, and now they will not give that opportunity again.

Seeing the two attacking, Hei Yu immediately spread out his wings and swept past them in mid-air. If she and the two fought here, the movement might cause the wooden stakes in the dry well to fall, so that It will increase the gravity that Jiang Lin bears again.

"How can you fly? When will you fly!"

Feng Xiao saw the pure white wings unfolded by Hei Yu, and he immediately looked like a wild beast. Then he took out a pair of crossbows from his waist pocket, aimed at Hei Yu's back and pulled the machine extension.

The crossbow arrow was like lightning, and it quickly pierced through the back of Hei Yu's heart.

He shot through Hei Yu's back with a powerful crossbow arrow, and Feng Xiao immediately caught up with Hei Yu who fell to the ground, knelt on his knees, and smashed his fists at Hei Yu's wings. .

Before long, blood oozes from the root of one of Black Feather's wings, and the wing retracts due to the injury.

"It must be that old guy, why is he so biased and gave you the opportunity to fly instead of me!"

Feng Xiao grabbed Hei Yu's collar and threw it out. He Ying, who came over, also waved his arms, and two daggers slid across Hei Yu's throat.

Hei Yu, covered in blood, struggled to get up and said to Feng Xiao, "You don' don't understand your father at all, you don't deserve to be his son, you will only be thinking about destroying other tribes, nothing at all. Learn from the fiasco of the year."

Hearing this, Feng Xiao looked like a madman, looked up to the sky with a long smile, and shouted: "I don't understand him, he is a waste of the Yu clan, a scum! The reason why Yuren can fly is because he is above other primates! As a feathered nobleman, he is willing to degenerate, and he is simply a waste of iron! It is because of his blood that I can't raise my head among the feathered!"

"You're not allowed to say that about your father!"

Hei Yu exhausted all his strength and dashed towards Feng Xiao, knocking Feng Xiao backward and falling into a deep pool not far away.

And Hei Yu himself staggered and plunged into the pool with the help of the remaining momentum.

Because the injuries on her body were too severe, she needed a period of time to recover, and with the medicinal power in her body, even if she choked under water, she would not drown, but Feng Xiao was different. As long as she was dragged, it was absolutely impossible. Nothing at all.

This was the only way Kuroba could think of to change the situation of the battle.

After reaching the water, Hei Yu dragged Feng Xiao to prevent her from floating up, but unfortunately, she was already injured. Although her life was not in danger, her whole body was unable to use her strength because her heart was penetrated. mentioned again.After Feng Xiao grabbed a handful of algae and twisted it together, he pinned it around her neck.

After that, Feng Xiao stabbed Heiyu in the heart with a long sword several times, and then took her away with the treasure box and pocket, and jumped out of the water.

And Kuroba passed out in a pool of water after suffering fatal injuries one after another.

"The treasure box is in hand, hurry up and send it to the master."

After Feng Xiao jumped out of the water, he did not go to Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong at the bottom of the dry well, and returned to the organ room with He Ying.

Now it is the top priority to hand the Shark Pearl to Xue Lie to do more important things.


Not long after Feng Xiao and the others left, deafening corpse roars erupted in the dry well. Even if Jiang Lin was completely corpse, he was still unable to get up due to the heavy weight on his body.

Chapter [-] I have invisible wings (on)

In the end, Jiang Lin had no choice but to recover the corpse poison, mobilize the spiritual power in his body to transport it to his palm, and use his fingers to draw a fine fire talisman on the surrounding wooden stakes.

A flame burst into flames at the bottom of the well, and after the flames burned for a while, Jiang Lin had a little space for him to move.

After that, he used his hands and feet to make a gap in the stacked wooden stakes.

After getting rid of the heavy pressure, Jiang Lin jumped up the wall of the well without checking Mu Kongkong's situation.

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