"Black Feather!"

After looking around for a while, Jiang Lin searched for the blood containing medicinal power on the ground, and finally plunged into the deep pool and hugged Hei Yu, who was unconscious in the deep pool.

He placed Heiyu flat on the ground, and quickly squeezed his chest with both hands to drain the water that had choked into Heiyu's lungs.

Looking at the wounds on Hei Yu's body, Jiang Lin took the cold marrow again and fed it to Hei Yu.

Jiang Lin was also fortunate that he was worried about Hei Yu's life and gave her a life-saving elixir in advance, otherwise, Hei Yu would have died this time.

"Wake up, Black Feather."

With Jiang Lin's shout, Hei Yu opened his eyes not long after.

"Jiang Lin?"

After Hei Yu saw Jiang Lin in front of her, she hugged him. She never thought that after suffering so many fatal injuries and fainting in the water, she would be able to wake up again.

After experiencing a death and almost parting with Jiang Lin, Hei Yu no longer hides his true feelings in his heart.

"Where's the treasure box? Where's the shark pearl?"

After a while, Hei Yu touched her waist, and when she found that her waist bag was missing, she glanced around.

Jiang Lin straightened the ends of Hei Yu's hair and said, "The shark pearl... It should have been stolen by your brother."

"No, I have to hurry up and chase the shark beads back."

After pushing Jiang Lin away, Hei Yu stood up on tiptoe and wanted to release her wings. However, half of her wings were severely damaged, and only one white feather was spread out, which made her unable to fly at all and fell on the ground. on the ground.

"You're injured, don't be brave."

Jiang Lin immediately went over to help Heiyu up, took out the jade gourd, and prepared to put medicine on Heiyu's back.

"It's useless. If Yuren's wings are damaged, they can only be treated with special media. Otherwise, the Yuzu also had a lot of spiritual treasure savings back then, so they wouldn't end up in the current situation. Only Xue Lie can do it alone. fly."

Hei Yu pressed Jiang Lin's hand. Although the medicinal liquid Jiang Lin took out could heal her wounds, it had no effect on her recovery from the injuries on her wings.

Don't waste such a good elixir.

"Don't worry about me, I must go back to Tiandu City to report immediately."

"Be honest with me! Your injuries haven't healed yet, how are you going to go back? I left you with a life-saving elixir and rescued you again, just to see you destroy yourself?"

Seeing Hei Yu endure the severe pain and want the injured wings to come out again, Jiang Lin couldn't bear it, so he drank.

I don't know if he will feel bad?

Hei Yu was also stunned by Jiang Lin's call, and then she gave birth in peace.

"Take these cold marrow, and then clean the wound. If you want to go back to Tiandu City, I will find a way."

Jiang Lin couldn't bear to scold him any longer, and his tone softened. Even if Hei Yu didn't ask for it, he still needed to rush back to Tiandu City as soon as possible.

It is estimated that Xue Lie and others have already left the Night Marsh Crypt. If he misses the opportunity, this time, he will make a big oolong.

Hei Yu nodded slightly, pursed his lips, and took the jade gourd.

"You... What can you do? I can't fly now. If I take a boat by water, I'll be too late."

Although Hei Yu was willing to believe Jiang Lin, she really couldn't figure out what method Jiang Lin could come up with under such circumstances.

Xue Lie could fly in the sky, even if he had a good horse, BMW, he couldn't keep up with the speed of Yuren's flight.

If it's late, it's all over.

"You can't fly, but I can."

Jiang Lin smiled. Although he could no longer control the magic weapon and had no wings, it did not mean that he could not fly at all.

When he was not very skilled in Middle-earth, he was able to cross thousands of miles in the sky, and he can still do it now.

"Can you fly???"

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin with a strange look. If Jiang Lin could think of other ways, she could listen, but Jiang Lin said that he could fly, how would he fly?

Without wings, how to fly?

"I have invisible wings, can't you see?"

Jiang Lin turned around and let Hei Yu look at his back, then turned his face back and said to Hei Yu, "Trust me okay? You will naturally know what's going on later, now I We have to go and save Mui Kongkong's big mouth first."

Leaving a sentence that made Hei Yu full of doubts, Jiang Lin returned to the dry well and jumped down, saving the battered Mi Kongkong.

"Where's Heli? That idiot!"

After Ni Kongkong was photographed and woken up by Jiang Lin, he was full of anger when he thought that he had almost died this time.

If it wasn't for Heli to be smart this time, they wouldn't be like this.

As long as the luck is a little bit worse, he, Jiang Lin and Hei Yu must fully explain it here.

Especially Hei Yu, whose heart and throat were severely injured by sharp blades, it was a miracle that he survived.

When the three of them rushed back to the organ room, they saw Heli pulling Jiang Chengzi, who had died, out of the pile of gravel.

"Jiang Chengzi, as a prince, I order you to be a first-rank guard!"

Heli knelt down and shouted, looking at the corpses all over the place, he burst into tears.

This time, the reason why he survived alone is because Xue Lie didn't bother to kill him at all, and also because after he was hit by Xue Lie and broke the stone pillar, Jiang Chengzi rushed towards him regardless of his life and helped him block Collapsed rock pile.

Chapter [*] I have invisible wings (below)

Jiang Lin and the others looked at the dead bodies everywhere in the office, and walked over. Ni Kongkong squatted and leaned into Jiang Chengzi's breath, pressed Heli's head, and shouted, "Look at him, look at him carefully. All dead, all dead, are you satisfied!"

Heli cried while saying: "I finally understand, I'm a complete fool. I'm not the number one powerhouse in Tiandu City at all, just because I'm the prince, others let me, but I don't. I know the sky is high and the earth is thick. No wonder the royal father doesn't look down on me, I'm sorry."

Looking up and seeing the fatal wound on Hei Yu's body and the blood on Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong's body, Heli realized what kind of stupid thing he had done this time.

"It's okay to apologize or something. The only thing to do now is to rush back to Tiandu City, notify He Huang as soon as possible, and step up the defense."

Hei Yu thought for a moment, and then said to Heli: "Although you stupid prince is stupid, your identity is still useful, and you can mobilize the city's defense. Xue Lie has already obtained the shark pearl, and the blood of the county king's mansion must be collected for the county king's hand. The golden disc of , now that the two things are together, their next step is to open the eyes of the sky."

Heli nodded again and again, wiped his tears, and said, "Yes, I will leave immediately, there may be a chance, I have actually seen the pattern on the treasure box, it is in a ruined temple in Tiandu City, that should be the old man. Xue Lie and the others must have gone to the temple built by the emperor of the Yu clan that the ape said. I must report to the emperor immediately and go back!"

But Mui Kongkong, who was on the side, sneered and said, "How to go back? Xue Lie is flying with his wings, and he expects us to chase after us by boat? Now, among us, is there any one who can fly? What if we go back, is it too late? I'm different from you. I'm just a thief, not a big hero. One of you is the prince who wants to capture Xue Lie, the other is the guardian of justice, and you want to stop the Yuzu's plan. , and me, I almost lost my life on this trip."

Ni Kongkong looked at Jiang Lin and the others and laughed at himself, and then continued: "Do you know why I am here? I am greedy for pay, and I have a beautiful companion. Besides, I want to know about me. Why do I have a hand that shines and is regarded as a monster by others. But now, what if there is a reward? The sky is going to change, is money still useful? And the beauty has already gone to kiss Jiang Lin. As for Why do I have such hands, I still don't know. If I didn't come here, I would have died a long time ago. I really hope that we can be partners and become friends, but since the treasure box was opened to the present, Has anyone of you asked me where I was hurt, can I still make my way?"

At this time, Ni Kongkong's emotions broke out completely, mainly because he came to this night marsh crypt, and he didn't gain anything, and he almost died because of it.

When he was on the front line of life and death, Jiang Lin, whom he called a sworn brother, only cared about Hei Yu. After Hei Yu was safe, the first name he called was Jiang Lin.

He can still stand, purely because of his own good fortune.

"We care about you very much. We've been friends for a long time. It was indeed a stupid thing that I did this time, but we are also friends in adversity. Tell me where you are hurt and let's find a way together."

Heli felt guilty, so even if Ni Kongkong lost control of his emotions, he didn't care.

After all, Mui Kongkong was almost killed by him.

"We're not friends, we've only reached a tentative consensus now."

Mui Kongkong pointed at Heiyu as he spoke. Such words were said from Heiyu's mouth before.

Looking at Jiang Lin, Ni Kongkong said again: "Jiang Lin, the name of your Thief God and the relationship between the eight worshipers are all from me. We used to have a cooperative relationship. The treasure box has been opened, and you already have it. Goal, we can stop here. You guys are your heroes, and I'm still my thief."

"Acquaintance is also a fate, and I will give you a gift."

Jiang Lin nodded, took out a jade box from his arms and threw it away. This time, he was able to find the shark bead successfully. There was indeed a reason for Ni Kongkong. Since Ni Kongkong is now unwilling to cause trouble, he continues to swim on the edge of life and death. Go, he has no position to judge.

"You are a coward, greedy for life and fear of death, and do not disintegrate Xue Lie's conspiracy, how long can you stand by and watch? Forget it, I don't think you don't understand that our efforts this time are not just about being a hero and overturning the nest. It is impossible for you, a thief, to understand the truth that there is no end to the egg."

Hei Yu glanced at Ni Kongkong, then took Jiang Lin's hand and walked out.

And Ni Kongkong also walked to the open-air passage in the organ room, and with a flick of his flying claws, he jumped up.

"Wait a minute, I need to find something useful here."

After thinking about it, Jiang Lin threw off Hei Yu's hand and started to feel around. Seeing this, Heli asked Hei Yu, "What is Jiang Lin doing? We are running out of time right now."

"I don't know either. He said he can fly too, and he has some invisible wings on his body."

Hei Yu shook her head, she still doesn't know what medicine Jiang Lin's gourd sells, but since Jiang Lin told her there is a way, he will definitely find a way.

invisible Wings?

Heli was also full of question marks after hearing what Hei Yu said.

When he didn't move, Jiang Lin took out two pieces of turtle shells from the old ape-man's storage room that he didn't know what they were used for.

"Jiang Lin, you... are you going to carry a turtle shell? Don't you say your invisible wings are just two scumbags?"

Seeing the tortoise shell in Jiang Lin's hand, Heli's head crooked.

What is this for?

Carry the turtle shell on your back and learn to be a shrunken turtle?

"It's not for me, it's for you. A prince like you, shouldn't you have seen a turtle that can fly? I'll show you today. Hurry up and go to the high mountains outside."

Jiang Lin threw the two tortoise shells to Heli, and took Hei Yu's hand out of the organ room.

It didn't take long for the three to arrive at the dock in the Nightmarsh Crypt.

"Hold the two turtle shells one by one on your back."

Jiang Lin looked at the water in front of him and said something that made Hei Yu and Heli stunned.

"You made me a prince to carry the king's eight shells?"

"If you want to carry it, just carry it, don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Lin did not allow Heli to express any opinion, so he fastened the two tortoise shells to Heli's front and back with ropes.

After that, he grabbed Heli's wrist, rotated himself quickly, and threw Heli as a shot put.

Heli stretched out his limbs, and the tortoise shell fixed under him floated on the water and flew towards the hole in front.

"Flying turtle? Jiang Lin, what are you doing?"

Hei Yu held back his smile and looked at Jiang Lin with a serious face.

"This can only be considered to be able to float, not to be able to fly."

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