With a slight smile, Jiang Lin grabbed Hei Yu's waist and grabbed it in one step.

"This... Jiang Lin, you... how did you do it?"

Hei Yu was already dumbfounded at this time, Jiang Lin was able to walk as fast as flying on the water, as if walking on the ground, and the speed was almost like a gallop.

"Didn't I tell you? I have invisible wings. When you fly, can't you also tread water?"

"You're still bluffing me, hurry up!"

Hei Yu didn't believe that Jiang Lin had any invisible wings, but if he didn't have wings, how did Jiang Lin do this?

In fact, Jiang Lin still used the method of Liangyi Palm. Back then in Middle-earth, after Jiu Shu broke through to become a Celestial Master, he once revealed such a method in front of him.

It's just that in this sky city, no matter how well Jiang Lin used his two palms, he couldn't sprint on the water, but he had a terrifying power.

Although Jiang Lin seemed to lift weight lightly, every time he stepped on the water, the strength of his feet was enough to make a footprint two fingers deep on a piece of steel.

With a slight smile, Jiang Lin ignored Hei Yu's question and accelerated again.

Outside the entrance to the bottom of the mountain, Jiang Lin stepped on the water and stood on the water.

"Jiang Lin, vomit~ How can you float on the water?"

Seeing this scene with Heli, who was swaying with the help of the tortoise shell under his body while spinning, a pair of mung bean-sized eyes suddenly widened.

"I said I have invisible wings, why don't you believe either of you? Hurry up, go to the top of the mountain. It shouldn't be difficult for you to learn how to crawl in the water, hurry up."

After Jiang Lin explained Heli, his feet suddenly exerted force, and he jumped up from the water with Hei Yu.

The Night Marsh Crypt was originally an island in the water inside a majestic mountain. Now they came out of the bottom of the mountain, and then they went to the top of the mountain.

With one hand around Hei Yu's slender waist, Jiang Lin quickly leaped up the mountain wall with one hand claws.Heli also reached into the water to stop his body from spinning, and swam to the foot of the mountain not far away.

Seeing Jiang Lin's focused and confident look, Hei Yu felt that her cheeks were getting hot, and then she gently pressed her cheek against Jiang Lin's chest.

Now she has no defense against Jiang Lin, because Jiang Lin didn't do anything even after the treasure box was opened, and chose the latter between Sharma and her life.

At that time, Jiang Lin told her that once she was in danger, she would rather give up the treasure box to protect her own safety, and Jiang Lin also stopped Xue Lie for her, and later, at the critical moment, protected her comprehensively.

Therefore, Hei Yu felt that he had misunderstood Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin probably had some grievances that could not be said, but no matter what kind of grievances, Jiang Lin did nothing to disappoint her.

Looking at it, Heiyu couldn't help but think a little farther, and his heart was beating fast. After Jiang Lin felt Heiyu's strangeness, he looked down at Heiyu in his arms.

Black Feather hurriedly avoided his gaze, now is not the time to talk about love.

After half a stick of incense, Jiang Lin reached the top of the mountain several thousand feet high.

On the other hand, He Li was urged by Jiang Lin repeatedly, and then he climbed up out of breath.

"Untie your two tortoise shells and tie them to your arms with the shells facing up. Then tie the rope to your body, listen to my command for a while, throw the rope end to me, and jump with your feet off the ground. That's it."

After instructing Heli, Jiang Lin said to Hei Yu again: "Hei Yu, stand on the edge of the cliff."

After explaining the two, Jiang Lin walked a hundred feet away.

Neither Heli nor Heiyu knew what Jiang Lin was going to do, but they still followed Jiang Lin's orders.


When he reached the distance of a hundred meters, a slight corpse roar came from Jiang Lin's throat, and then his figure seemed to flash, speeding towards Hei Yu's position.

A huge pit was stepped on the ground where he was just under his feet.

"Quick, let's hurry up, are you deaf!"

Jiang Lin roared, and then He Li, who was stunned, snorted and followed Jiang Lin's previous instructions, threw the end of the rope out, and jumped up himself.

And Jiang Lin flew out from the top of the mountain like a humanoid plane.

"Jiang Lin, you... what are you doing? If we... can't fly, we will fall to our death!"

Hei Yu, who was held in Jiang Lin's arms, shouted loudly after he regained his senses.

This majestic mountain is thousands of feet high. If you can't fly and fall, you can really be smashed into meat sauce.

"Oh? Really? Didn't you realize I was flying right now?"

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and made Hei Yu look down.

Hei Yu looked down and was stunned, then she turned her head to look back.

The horizon where she and Jiang Lin were located was still at the same height as the top of the mountain.

"Jiang Lin, what are you doing? None of the princes in Tianducheng fell to their death!"

At this time, He Li, who was flying as a human-shaped kite, screamed loudly. Like Hei Yu, he didn't realize what happened.

Mainly because Jiang Lin's previous sprint speed was so fast that he didn't have time to think.

After he came back to his senses, he was taken down by Jiang Lin, and now he was no longer on the ground, but in the sky.

Jiang Lin didn't even look back, and said, "If you don't want to fall and die, you'd better control the turtle shells on your arms, or if you fall, then I'll let go of the rope."

"I... I'm actually flying? Do you see that I'm flying?"

After hearing Jiang Lin's words, Heli found that he did not feel the feeling of falling quickly, and then he, like Hei Yu, found himself flying high in the sky.

So, this guy called tortoise while standing in front of the flying tortoise.

Very happy.

Jiang Lin also tied the end of the rope around his waist at this time. Even if he used the ability to glide now, it was impossible for him to slide all the way to Tiandu City, and he would have to repeat the previous work many times during the period.

After his own height has dropped to a certain level, he has to look for a high mountain as a starting point and a new platform.

"You can really fly? Invisible wings?"

Right at this moment, Hei Yu stretched out an arm to touch Jiang Lin's back after stunned.

Wings, where are the wings?

"Even if I took advantage of you before, I haven't touched my back like you did."

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu with a teasing smile on his face.

"Who wants to touch you, didn't you say you have wings? I can't see it again, of course I have to confirm with my hands."

Hei Yu stabbed Jiang Lin, and now, at this moment, what are you talking about?

"You are still stubborn. I don't know who said that I don't like me at all, and I don't know who. When I encountered danger, I was as anxious as I lost my soul."

Jiang Lin thought of Hei Yu's reaction at the dry well before, and felt a little funny, this girl Hei Yu has a really hard mouth.

Harder than a dead duck.

Now, Jiang Lin can be considered to have contributed to the situation that Xue Lie obtained the shark pearl, so next, he needs to carry out the next step.

Before that, he felt that he and Hei Yu still needed to establish some relationship.

He couldn't let this girl from Hei Yu continue to be stubborn, at the very least, let Hei Yu admit that he loves him.

Not just like that.

Furthermore, Kuroha needed to admit it when he was awake.

Otherwise, if Heiba ​​chooses to blame him later, he will be able to find many reasons in his heart to make a clean break with him.

Between him and Kuroba, the necessary progress is still needed.

Chapter [*] The boundary wall is wide open ([*])

Jiang Lin looked at Hei Yu with a smile at the corner of his mouth. After knowing Hei Yu's intentions for the first time, he really didn't want to make any progress with Hei Yu, nor did he intend to increase their feelings for each other.

Because at that time, he didn't know that Heli had exposed his whereabouts to Xuelie and others, and he didn't even know that Xuelie had a golden disc in his hand.

This plan to accomplish its purpose under the guise of other people's hands has yet to be seen at all.

Therefore, at that time, Jiang Lin thought that he was going to take the treasure box and the shark bead from Hei Yu with his own hands.

In that case, if there is something between him and Hei Yu, once he takes action, how much Hei Yu likes him and how much he loves him will reverse the polarities and turn such feelings into hatred.

Love as much as you hate.

Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't take Hei Yu's drinking confession seriously, and even that night he could carry the drunk Hei Yu into his bed, and he didn't do that either.

But now the situation is different.

Although there is a stupid element in what Heli did, it also changed the development of the original thing to a great extent.

Because of Xue Lie's appearance, Jiang Lin thought of a way to send out the shark beads instead of robbing the golden disc.

In this way, he has done almost nothing, and he has not been hated by Hei Yu, and he has not been regarded as a sworn enemy by Hei Yu.

If he hadn't personally explained the twists and turns, Kuroba might never have known the whole story.

In that case, he only needs to explain to Kuroba after the matter is over.

Therefore, Jiang Lin will flirt with Hei Yu at this moment. At least until Hei Yu fully understands the truth, he will not have any hatred towards him. There is no such thing as hate as much as he loves. Consolidate the emotional foundation between Kuroba, and when Kuroba learns everything, he will not break this emotion.

After all, no matter what he said, he didn't take the initiative to do anything that Hei Fei couldn't accept.

The current situation is that he has the ability to stop it, but he does not go all out. Compared with taking the shark pearl from Heiyu and opening the boundary, it is already very good.

At that time, if Hei Yu thought from his standpoint, he would probably forgive him, because he chose to borrow Xue Lie's hand, and he really did not want to turn against Hei Yu.

"If you talk nonsense again, I can't spare you."

Hei Yu's cheeks and ears turned red, and he ignored Jiang Lin.

"It's up to you, obviously you told me something like that after getting drunk, but now you just don't admit it."

Jiang Lin smiled helplessly, and then whispered to Hei Yu: "Xiao Yu, I'm in love with you, you can give me a response, do you have me in your heart?"

After being asked by Jiang Lin, Hei Yu lowered her pretty red face, then nodded lightly, and held Jiang Lin's hand without a trace, clasping her five fingers in Jiang Lin's palm.

Since Jiang Lin wanted her response, she stopped hanging Jiang Lin all the time.

Hei Yu also knew that Jiang Lin had already taken good care of her. She had already recalled part of what happened after she was drunk in the night marsh crypt.

Originally, Jiang Lin could use that incident to force her to admit her true feelings, but Jiang Lin did not. Instead, she confessed her feelings first and asked her to give an answer. Then how could she pretend to be do not know anything.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and sipped Hei Yu's forehead.

"Hey, what are you doing? Can you treat me as a person? I'm being flown like a kite in the back, and you two are still in front of me. Can you take care of my feelings?"

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