At this time, Heli shouted, and agreed to rush back to Tiandu City as soon as possible, and agreed to smash Xue Lie's conspiracy, why are you tired of it now?

He took two tortoise shells as a kite in the sky, and now he has a mouthful of dog food in the wind.

"You...what are you doing!"

Hei Yu heard He Li's shouting, so he raised his hand and slapped Jiang Lin on the shoulder. There were still outsiders present, so he didn't hesitate, hate it!

Jiang Lin let out a groan, and the wound on both shoulders oozes blood again.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I forgot about your injury."

Seeing Jiang Lin's bleeding wound, Hei Yu was so frightened that he immediately tore off the corner of his sleeve to stop the bleeding for Jiang Lin.

"Why don't you apply medicine?"

After that, Hei Yu immediately took off the jade gourd hanging from his waist, and wanted to apply the cold marrow inside to Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin waved his hand and said, "My body is ill and can't be repaired. The treasures of heaven and earth cannot be touched for the time being."

Seeing the doubts on Hei Yu's face, Jiang Lin said again: "Don't worry, I have rough skin and thick flesh, these injuries have little effect on me."

Then Jiang Lin looked in the direction of Tianducheng.

It won't be long before his condition disappears completely.

Once the corpse poison in his body was completely removed, he would no longer have to keep the treasure mountain empty and use it.

Eat Xianbao as a snack every day.

After more than half an hour, Jiang Lin changed his gliding trajectory by blasting the wind and landed on a flat-topped cliff. After a brief pause, he took Hei Yu and Heli in the sky again to continue. Gliding towards Tianducheng.

Although this speed is still not comparable to the speed of Yuto's flight, it is much faster than riding a boat.

Hei Yu felt more and more that Jiang Lin's method was incredible, and she seemed to sense a very unfamiliar aura from Jiang Lin.

But because she was concerned about the situation of Tianducheng, she didn't think much about it.

During the process of gliding, Jiang Lin also began to plan for what might happen next. He needed to use the extraterritorial creature flying tapir to clean up the corpse poison in his body, so his body might become a container.

This is not a problem for him, but in his two heart chambers, there are two ghost wives, Qiurong and Xiao Xie.

Before facing the flying tapir, Jiang Lin must let Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie find a place to live again, and they can no longer be carried by him. The same is true of Zhan Min, who has turned into a small golden pendant.

Otherwise, they may be affected and encounter danger.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin felt a bit of a headache. If he released his two ghost wives in front of Hei Yu, Hei Yu might be in trouble.

"Jiang Lin, Hei Yu, someone seems to be chasing him from behind. It looks like a feathered man, and he is a feathered man who can fly."

At this moment, Heli, who was behind him, shouted at Jiang Lin and the others.

Jiang Lin and Hei Yu turned their heads to look behind, and someone was really chasing after them.

However, after Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed, he realized that it was not a human being, but a flying bi-pterodactyl, and a person was sitting on the back of a bi-pterodactyl.

Ni Kongkong is a big mouth thief.

"Hey! I'm back! Did you miss me?"

Ni Kongkong waved his arms and shouted at Jiang Lin and the others.

The pet Oka behind him also climbed onto his shoulders and waved his claws at Jiang Lin and them.

It didn't take long for Ni Kongkong to take the two-winged dragon under him and lead the other three flying dragons to catch up with Jiang Lin and Heiyu.

With a big mouth, Ni Kongkong gave a shy smile and said, "As soon as you left, I was thinking how long it would take you to go back by boat, so I came up with such a perfect plan. Do something. , you still need a plan, right, Brother Jiang?"

"Hei Yu, are you right? What you said before makes sense. Once Xue Lie's conspiracy succeeds, no one will be better off. Even if it's for myself, I have to fight for it."

Afterwards, Ni Kongkong smiled at Hei Yu again. Although he and Hei Yu couldn't develop a relationship between men and women, it was still possible to be an ordinary friend.

Seeing that Hei Yu, who was intertwined with Jiang Lin's ten fingers, didn't speak, Ni Kongkong turned his eyes back to Jiang Lin, gave a thumbs up, and said, "Brother Jiang, you really are not an ordinary person, you can actually be in mid-air. Flying. However, your flying speed is not too fast, come here quickly, the speed of this two-winged dragon is not weaker than Yuren at all."

"I just said we are partners, that's interesting!"

With a happy expression on his face, Heli swung his arms, and with the help of the tortoise shell on his arms, he moved to the side of the two-winged dragon and climbed onto the back of the flying dragon.

"Black feather, go up."

Jiang Lin threw Black Feather onto the back of a Dipterosaurus as soon as he threw his arms. He also slapped the wind in front of the row before turning over and landing on the last Dipterosaur.

"I said Ni Kongkong, these two pterosaurs are wild and extremely difficult to tame. How did you do it?"

After undoing the ropes on his waist and arms, Heli asked Mu Kongkong. It was not that he had never thought of borrowing these bipterans before, but it was simply not feasible.

Even if they could ride on the backs of these flying dragons, it wouldn't make them fly to a fixed destination.

Ni Kongkong snapped his fingers and said, "I'm a Pirate Saint, and there's nothing that I can't handle."

"Don't be poor. It's the most important thing to get to Tiandu City as soon as possible, and we also need to discuss how to stop Xue Lie."

Hei Yu interrupted the conversation between Heli and Ni Kongkong and started talking about business.

Heli thought for a while, then said, "I do have a plan, Xue Lie's goal must be the ruined temple I mentioned, but below the ruined temple is where the barracks is located, so if Xue Lie wants to open it Eyes of the sky, we must send people to raid the barracks to attract attention to protect our intentions from being discovered. Therefore, as long as we go to the barracks and mobilize people to go directly to the temple, we can stop Xue Lie. Only with the special communication from the barracks Only in this way can the whole city be alerted at the fastest speed.”

After that, Hei Yu and He Li discussed the specific action plan together and agreed on what each of them needed to do, but Jiang Lin did not focus on the content of their conversation at this time, but put the ancient mirror in his arms. I took it out and used my own blood to trace lines on it.

He was going to put Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie into the ancient mirror, but before that, he still needed to do some protection work.

At the beginning, his two ghost wives used his corpse to avoid the catastrophe formed after the breakthrough. After leaving his body, they were targeted by the punishment and could only hide in his heart.

Later, the pair of female ghost sisters was intruded into the ghost body by the corpse poison of Wangtianjian because of the corpse poison in his body, and they never woke up.

Even if Jiang Lin has an immortal treasure, there is nothing he can do.

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie couldn't leave his body, and he couldn't take Immortal Treasures, so the two female ghost sisters couldn't get the medicinal power, and they were still sleeping.

Now that Jiang Lin wants to release them, he doesn't know if the catastrophe will come again, so he can only do enough prevention work.

After the ancient mirror was filled with runes drawn by blood essence, Jiang Lin kissed the mirror and sent Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie in his heart.

Fortunately, it may be because the two sisters have been avoiding the catastrophe for a long time, or because the laws in Sky City are different, and there is no catastrophe.

Jiang Lin carefully paid attention to the movement of the sky, saw that there was nothing unusual, and heaved a sigh of relief.

When he takes care of his body, he should be able to start resuscitating the pair of female ghost sisters.

"Jiang Lin, what do you think?"

At this time, Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin, and she wanted to hear what Jiang Lin had to say.

Although Jiang Lin didn't listen to Hei Yu and the others, he still said: "I think this matter must be made known to Emperor He in the shortest possible time. Whether it is the distribution of troops in Tiandu City or other aspects, no one is better than Emperor He. The most clear. Since Xue Lie wants to open the eyes of the sky, then Emperor He must be the most able to stop it. I think that apart from the barracks, there may be chaos in the palace, so that Emperor He can't get away."

"Okay, Mud Kongkong, is there any way to make these two-winged dragons fly faster? We must arrive as soon as possible after nightfall. If Xue Lie and the others want to carry out large-scale operations, they must use the cover of night."

Hei Yu looked at Mui Kongkong, but Mui Kongkong shook his head. He had already racked his brains to tame these bipterans, and if he wanted to speed them up, there was really no way.

Chapter [-] The boundary wall is wide open (Part [-])


Heli couldn't help but feel anxious when Jiang Lin said that there might be a problem with the palace, but now they can only go to Sky City at this speed.

When Jiang Lin and the others rushed to Tiandu City, Xue Lie, who got the shark pearl, used his wings to fly back to the tower in the mountains.

And his subordinates also used swarms of mosquito-shaped insects to build an aerial platform, followed closely behind.

After a little deployment, Xue Lie and the others immediately began to prepare for the action.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin and his party flew to Tiandu City. After entering the main urban area of ​​Tiandu City, they saw from a distance that there was chaos near the palace and the barracks.

"Jiang Lin, you're right, now the palace is in chaos, I have to rush to the barracks immediately, take my jade pendant to the barracks, and you must stop Xue Lie!"

After Heli threw the jade pendant on his waist to Hei Yu, he controlled the bi-pteran under him to fly to the palace built at a high place, while Jiang Lin, Hei Yu and Ni Kongkong flew directly to the ruined temple. Barracks there.

"Hurry down, now the guards in the barracks don't even know that Xue Lie's goal is the broken temple above."

After Hei Yu said that, he jumped and jumped to the defensive wall several tens of meters high. Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong also jumped off the back of the two-winged dragon, and together with Hei Yu, they fought against many feathered sergeants.

"Hei Yu, how dare you come back!"

At this time, Yang Zhenhu led a group of Huya to the city defense wall, ready to mobilize his troops. After seeing Hei Yu, Jiang Lin and others, he showed his saber.

"Master Yang, this is the jade pendant of Heli, the prince of Tianducheng. You should mobilize your staff to go to the broken temple at a high place as soon as possible, where Xue Lie will open the eyes of the sky."

Hei Yu showed Heli's jade pendant and briefly explained the whole story to Yang Zhenhu.

"Pioneer arrest, you lead people to unite with the guards to clear the rebellion, and then go to the palace to hoe the remnants of the Yu clan, and all the famous Huya will follow me to arrest Xue Lie!"

Yang Zhenhu looked at the jade pendant in Hei Yu's hand, and after a brief thought, he made an arrangement.

"Jiang Lin, Ni Kongkong, you go to the temple with Lord Yang, I am here."

Hei Yu looked at the direction of the temple, and asked Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong to go with Yang Zhenhu. Now that Yang Zhenhu was with the order, it was impossible for her to take the guards to the temple.

But the group of people led by Yang Zhenhu might not be able to stop Xue Lie and the others, so she let Jiang Lin and Ni Kongkong go too.

As for herself, she needs to stay here to settle her grievances with her brother. She has already seen her brother Feng Xiao in the distance.

Ni Kongkong immediately followed Yang Zhenhu and his party to a higher place, while Jiang Lin came to Heiyu's side, took out a wine bag from the ancient mirror, and said, "It's all life-saving elixir, don't let it go. reluctant to use it.”

Another Qiankun bag was protruded from the ancient mirror, Jiang Lin bit on the tip of his tongue, and spat out a mouthful of hard work and sprayed it on the mirror.

After that, he took off Hei Yu's collar, put the ancient mirror in, and took off his little gold pendant and hung it on Hei Yu's jade neck.

"These two things are my most important treasures, just as important as you. Protect them and your life."

After kissing Hei Yu Ying's lips, Jiang Lin rushed out without looking back.

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin's back, and immediately felt a panic to the extreme.

"no, do not want!"

Feeling an inexplicable sadness, Hei Yu chased after him. Just now, her intuition told her that the parting from Jiang Lin this time might be a goodbye.

However, before Hei Yu could catch up, several powerful crossbow arrows shot towards her, making her have to resist. After that, a lot of Hu Ya from the Tiger Suppression Division beside her screamed and fell down.

"The scum of the feather clan, your life is really big."

After Feng Xiao rushed over, he looked at Heiyu fiercely. He had tied Heiyu to death in the deep pool at the time, but he didn't drown this sister.

Hei Yu still wanted to chase Jiang Lin, but was stopped by Feng Xiao. In desperation, she could only fight to the end with Feng Xiao.

During the fierce battle between Hei Yu and Feng Xiao, Xue Lie had already brought a group of elite men to the ruined temple that Heli said. In fact, it is not so much a ruined temple as it is a building with special regulations. Full of dust, but not broken.

Xue Lie placed the golden disc in the square depression on the stone gate of the temple, and the stone gate rose up.

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