At this moment, Yang Zhenhu, a group of Huya, and Jiang Lin chased after him.

"Xue Lie, you really are here, what conspiracy do you have?"

Yang Zhenhu pointed at Xue Lie with the saber, but Xue Lie didn't even look at him, he said to the men behind him, "I don't want to see them, don't let this group of rubbish delay my important affairs."

Saying that, Xue Lie went straight into the temple.

And Yang Zhenhu, Jiang Lin, and Huya who came with them, once again launched a fierce battle with Yuren.

I have to say that Xue Lie was really well prepared this time. All of these Yuren were only one line behind Feng Xiao and He Ying.

"Don't fight, go and stop Xue Lie, or we will all die!"

After kicking a feathered man, Ni Kongkong knocked Yang Zhenhu into the ancient temple.

"Why should I listen to you, a thief?"

Yang Zhenhu almost didn't hold down his saber. When was he a thief who wanted to cooperate with two thieves who escaped from prison, and now this big-mouthed thief has to make him do things.

But he still resisted the urge, at least, now they have a common enemy Xue Lie.

Jiang Lin also rushed in immediately, and waved the Tian Yun sword from behind to stop Xue Lie's subordinates. He probed into Xue Lie's strength, and with the abilities of Yang Zhenhu and Ni Kongkong, it was estimated that he would not be able to fight against the leader of the Yu clan. .

Now that he took the work that he had broken up on himself, how Xue Lie could open the eyes of the sky should not be affected.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also separated his spiritual sense and went to investigate Xue Lie's movements.

Yang Zhenhu felt something, turned his head and glanced at Jiang Lin, but didn't care much.

At this time, Xue Lie, who had entered the inner chamber of the temple, had already placed the egg-tart-shaped golden disc in a special stone sculpture, and the golden disc immediately merged with the stone sculpture, and a golden curtain wall appeared above the stone sculpture. , forming a giant eye shape.

Just when Xue Lie was about to open the treasure box and send the shark bead into the center of the giant eyes of golden light, Ni Kongkong and Yang Zhenhu arrived.

"Let go of your claws!"

Ni Kongkong threw the "ball" hanging from his waist, just hit Xue Lie's hands, and Oka grabbed the treasure box and ran quickly into the distance.

"court death!"

Xue Lie roared angrily and immediately chased after Oka, but Yang Zhenhu stopped him at this moment.

Yang Zhenhu swung his saber again and again, and the sharp saber light formed by his spiritual power cut out huge cracks three feet wide in the surrounding stone walls in the blink of an eye.

However, such an attack was ineffective against Xue Lie. At this juncture, Xue Lie was desperate.

With a virtual grasp of his palm, a lightsaber transformed from spiritual power appeared in his hand.

At this time, Jiang Lin had already fought and retreated, and also entered the inner room. Seeing Xue Lie's method, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Maybe it's because of the different growth environment, whether it's Yang Zhenhu or Xue Lie, the speed of mobilizing spiritual power is much faster than him.

Of course, in the past, Jiang Lin would have ignored such a speed, but in this Sky City, he had to pay attention.

Xue Lie came up and immediately launched a big move. Eight bone spears drilled out from behind together, and the sharp spear tips kept blazing light beams of spiritual energy. Even though Yang Zhenhu reacted quickly and kept blocking with his saber, this A treasure knife was also bombarded with dents.

After Xue Lie swung his sword sharply, Yang Zhenhu was pierced by a bone spear in his shoulder and thrown out, vomiting blood on the ground.

At this moment, Ni Kongkong took advantage of the opportunity of Xuelie's attack, and punched Xuelie's back with a punch, but his strength was still too far from Xuelie's, and he didn't even hurt Xuelie at all.

Xuelie turned around and punched, and through Mud Kongkong's body, he blasted a large hole in the wall several meters behind him.

Seeing this, Oka, who was holding the treasure box, ran to the place where Mud Kongkong fell, and put his head on Mudkongkong's arm.

Jiang Lin also rushed out at this time. Although he didn't immediately feel embarrassed with Xue Lie, the necessary work still needed to be done.

Moreover, the men that Xue Lie brought had already come to the gate of the temple to block the others, so he couldn't just watch without doing anything.

However, Jiang Lin hadn't waited for Xue Lie's body to get close, and the latter moved his arm towards Oka's position and sucked the treasure box into his hand.

"You kid, always makes me feel extremely jealous."

Xue Lie smiled coldly, opened the treasure box directly, and the shark bead in it released a destructive force that directly fell on Jiang Lin's body.

For a time, the flesh and blood on Jiang Lin's palm and forearm were stripped away in the blink of an eye, leaving only a pair of bone claws, and half of his face lost the flesh, revealing the white bones with blood inside.


Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew out. He knelt on one knee on the ground, and a pair of bone claws also pressed against the ground.

After the heavy damage to Jiang Lin, Xue Lie walked to the giant eye of golden light again, pulling both ends of the treasure box with both arms, and the shark bead in it also flew out and stopped at the center of the giant eye of golden light.

In an instant, the giant eyes exuded the power of destroying the sky and the earth, and even the entire temple became shaken under this terrifying power.

Immediately, a blue beam of light with a diameter of several feet rushed out at the speed of lightning, directly blasting the back wall of the temple into powder.

And this blue beam of light reached the clouds after a few breaths, and the entire sky began to turn into a vortex, finally revealing a huge void.

The boundary wall is wide open.

Is it finally open?

Jiang Lin endured the severe pain of the injury and looked into the distance. Ever since he was caught by the corpse poison released by Wang Tianjian before he died, and this corpse poison invaded his body, there has been no effective way to deal with it. I don't know how much effort I have made to clean up the corpse poison in my body.

Now that so much time has passed and so much energy has been spent, what he has to do has finally been accomplished with the help of Xue Lie's hands.

The boundary wall is wide open, and it is estimated that there will be an invasion of extraterritorial creatures flying tapirs.

And after a huge void appeared in the sky, a stream of clouds descended from the void.

After Jiang Lin gathered his eyesight, he suddenly felt a little numb in his scalp. It was not a cloud at all, but a group of creatures similar to water shrimp gathered together.

These half-foot-long shrimp-shaped creatures are densely packed, with dragonfly-like wings on their backs, and the number cannot be calculated in units of billions.

"Flying tapir, finally came down again."

Seeing this scene, Xue Lie laughed out loud.

At this time, not only Jiang Lin in the temple, they saw the change in the sky, but also Hei Yu who was rushing towards the temple, and in the palace, He Huang and He Li, who had already pacified the assassins, also saw it. Witnessed this scene.


After Hei Yu, who still had tears on his face, killed Yu Ren all the way, he rushed into the inner room of the temple, and then she saw Jiang Lin, who had been disfigured.

"You traitor of the feather clan, dare to appear in front of me now?"

Xue Lie turned to look at Hei Yu, then flew over and stabbed his sword towards Hei Yu's heart.

"get out!"

When Jiang Lin saw that Xuelie was going to hurt Hei Yu, his figure immediately disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of Hei Yu, grabbing the long sword made by Xuelie with his bone claws.

After that, his pupils immediately shot out two jet-black corpse auras, which rushed into Xue Lie's eyes.

After one claw digs into Xue Lie's heart, the seal rune on Jiang Lin's bones became active, and a large amount of corpse poison was sent into Xue Lie's body.

After Xue Lie also screamed, the bone spear behind him pierced through Jiang Lin's body and threw him away.

However, Xue Lie also slowed down significantly because he was poisoned by Jiang Lin's slow corpse.

After that, Xue Lie used his spiritual sense as his eyes and flew out from the gap in the temple.


Hei Yu immediately rushed towards Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin slapped her from the air, blocking her footsteps.

"I have one more thing to do now, and it's something I can do for you."

After leaving this sentence, Jiang Lin gathered his legs and flew out towards the outside of the temple.

After taking back the corpse poison in his body, after a while, Jiang Lin's feet shot out two spiritual beams, and he was like a cannonball, rushing towards the huge hole in the sky.

When Hei Yu rushed to the edge of the gap in the temple, Jiang Lin had already accelerated several times and was about to reach the giant hole in the sky.

"Jiang Lin, what are you doing? Come back soon!"

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin's fearless expression, and could hardly hear his own heartbeat.

Originally, she thought that Jiang Lin was going to hunt down Xue Lie, but the current situation is obviously not the case.

Jiang Lin's goal seemed to be a huge void in the sky.

But there are thousands of flying tapirs drilling into it, what is Jiang Lin trying to do?

At this moment, in mid-air, Jiang Lin took out all the magic tools he was carrying from the Qiankun bag and made them fly to the hollow together.

For a time, all kinds of auras flashed in the night sky.

"Then...that's Jiang Lin, what is he going to do?"

The prince Heli in the palace also saw the high altitude outside, and also did not know why Jiang Lin rushed there.

There are hundreds of millions of flying tapirs in front of them, all terrifying creatures that can eat flesh and blood.

What is Jiang Lin doing?

Chapter two thousand three hundred and sixty-eight

"Heli, who is he?"

He Huang, who was about to give his decree, also saw Jiang Lin rushing towards the giant hole in the sky, so he asked He Li.

Heli responded, "Father, he is a friend I met during this trip. He is a thief, but he fell in love with Huya Heiyu from the Huya Town."

Emperor He nodded, and without asking any further questions, he shouted to the guards on the side: "Pass on the will of the widow, and order all the generals protecting the city to lead the entire city's army to protect and evacuate the people in the city!"

At this juncture, Emperor He didn't have time to care about the rest of Jiang Lin's information, because a large number of flying tapirs had already landed on the ground, and all troops must be used immediately to deal with the current situation and reduce the casualties of the people in the city to lowest.

The current Tiandu City is almost like the end of the world. When the flying tapirs from outside the realm see living people, they swarm up, devour their flesh and blood frantically, and some even devour tall buildings. .

Many streets in the main urban area of ​​Sky City were completely chaotic, and all the people fled like headless flies.

Jiang Lin, who was in the air, also saw such a scene. Now he has released the suppression of the corpse poison in his body, and all his own corpse poison has entered his flesh and blood.

Now, Jiang Lin is no longer worried that his body will be re-emerged as the Prime Minister of the Six Nations. Anyway, after a while, there may not be even a piece of skin left on his body.

No matter how messy it is, it won't last long.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also mobilized all the spiritual power in his body, and cooperated with the light source in the golden core to refine his own corpse poison.

In addition, Jiang Lin also took out a storage bracelet from the Qiankun bag, and sent the immortal sage grass and a lot of elixir and other immortal treasures into his mouth.

He is also not worried that Wangtianjian's corpse poison will absorb the medicinal power of the fairy treasure and grow, no matter how strong it is, it will only be cleaned up.

Today, he and the Wangtian corpse poison, which has been trying to haunt his body, can only survive one.

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