Accelerating again in mid-air, Jiang Lin grabbed a yin and yang disc, frantically urging the spiritual power in his body to inject into the disc.

After being injected with spiritual power, the entire yin and yang disc suddenly became larger, forming an extremely huge innate taiji light map.

"Give me over!"

After exhausting all his strength, Jiang Lin pushed the edge of the Taiji light map, causing it to turn like a huge grinding disc and fly forward.

Jiang Lin also melted the golden elixir in his body, and the spiritual power transformed from the entire golden elixir poured out from the pores of his body, forming a line of spiritual power threads, entangling the hundreds of instruments around him.

At this time, the Taichi light map with a diameter of several tens of meters cut off the water flow formed by the gathering of the flying tapirs.

Jiang Lin obtained the refined corpse poison essence and the power of the immortal treasure, and new flesh and blood grew at a very fast speed in the part of the body.

After that, Jiang Lin turned into a streamer in mid-air that exuded auspicious mist, and jumped to the bottom center of the Taiji light map.

With his arms raised, Jiang Lin poured his severely overloaded spiritual power into the light map. He had already swallowed a lot of immortal treasures. In the case of chaos in his body, if he didn't release it, he didn't need to use anything. Extraterrestrial creatures, he himself will explode first.

His feet also sprayed a pillar of spiritual energy with the thickness of a bucket, and Jiang Lin frantically pushed the Taiji Light Diagram towards the void in the sky.

And the many instruments that were wrapped by his spiritual power threads also surrounded the top of the Taiji light map, releasing all the power.

Sensing that his body was cracking, Jiang Lin threw out a large number of spirit stones in the Qiankun bag.

For a time, all kinds of powerful rays of light bloomed around the Taiji Light Map. Those magic tools with the power to attack and attack lased one after another aura, while the defensive magic tools formed a wall of light or a talisman. Wen Giant Shield.

These instruments have indeed prevented the landing of a large number of flying tapirs to a certain extent.

These extraterritorial creatures do not have much intelligence, and when they have a hole, they drill down without thinking about turning a little.

The Taichi light map that Jiang Lin was holding and the surrounding magical instruments just formed a huge bowl-shaped area, and a pocket below made the countless flying tapirs in the sky all of the same kind.

Jiang Lin still wanted to try his best to rush out of the world, but unfortunately, his state was already at the limit of what he could achieve, and now he had no way to pass through the huge hole in the sky.

There are too many extraterritorial creatures pouring in.

Moreover, Jiang Lin wanted to control so many magical tools at once, and his spiritual thoughts were being squeezed and pulled to the limit, which made him feel as if someone had cut open his heavenly cover and poured molten iron juice into his head.

If he can maintain his current state, he is already at a critical point, and it is absolutely impossible to rush out of bounds.

At this time, because the flying tapirs above the Taiji light map were attacked, they made extremely harsh calls, which were heard by those who descended.

Then the flying tapir below the Jianglin began to turn back and swept towards him.


Even after Jiang Lin was completely corpse, the pain was greatly reduced, and he was devoured by these extraterritorial creatures and let out a roar.

"Why... roar~~"

After being approached by many flying tapirs, Jiang Lin also had doubts in his heart, and he found that these extraterrestrial creatures gave him the feeling that they were a bit like those light shavings in the black feather pendant.

However, before he was allowed to think more, the corpse poison in his body was forcibly pulled out due to the bite of the flying tapir, and he roared out again.

These extraterritorial creatures can indeed remove the corpse poison from his body, whether it is his own or belongs to Wangtianjian.

And the pain caused by such a forced removal can be said to be unimaginable.

If an ordinary person is infected with corpse poison, if they have not been contaminated with blood, they can still be cleaned up.

Back then, his wife, Jingjing, had been poisoned by corpse poison and swallowed a little chicken blood. Just that little blood caused Jingjing to faint from pain several times when he was helping Jingjing to remove the poison.

Although Jiang Lin didn't need to drink blood, his own corpse poison already belonged to him, and Wangtianjian's corpse poison had been lurking in his body for so long, and it was also deeply ingrained.

Such a strong pull is really much more painful than the various injuries he has suffered in the past.

After Jiang Lin roared again and again, there were more fleeing people on the ground looking towards the sky.

"Heli, is this Jiang Lin really a thief? He actually dares to sacrifice himself at this moment to save the people of my Tiandu City. What a hero!"

After killing a lot of rushing tapirs, Emperor He immediately asked He Li, who was also swinging his sword. He was shocked when he saw the situation in the sky.

He didn't know what Jiang Lin was doing before, but now it seems that Jiang Lin was desperately trying to block the void in the sky.

Heli followed his father's gaze and looked at the midair, also dumbfounded. After a while, he replied, "Reporting to the father, it should be. Perhaps it was because of the infection of Hei Yu that he was reborn and willing to do this. Waiting for sacrifice. Father, is there any way I can help him? Although my son has known him for a while, we are in trouble together, and it is because of him that my son can rush back to save him in time."

He Huang shook his head, and then said: "Even if there is no way, we have to find a way, this Jiang Lin is so righteous, he must not disappear in the mouth of the flying tapir, maybe... Maybe destroy the shark bead that opened the eye of the sky, and still be able to. Solve this crisis. Heli, you quickly lead all the guards here to help Yang Zhenhu, he has not returned, and he may be fighting Xuelie fiercely."

"My son takes orders! There are no more people in the palace, and the emperor must take care of everything!"

He Li immediately followed the order of Emperor He and led the guards in the palace to the barracks quickly.

After He Li left, Emperor He was on guard for the attack of flying tapirs, while paying attention to the situation in the high-altitude Jianglin.


At this time, in the temple, Hei Yu, who was also paying attention to Jiang Lin, had long since burst into tears. She had seen the horror on the streets of the city before, and she knew the terror of flying tapirs.

Even some sergeants with cultivation realm died tragically under the bite of the flying tapir, how could Jiang Lin still have a chance to survive now.

"Hurry up and think of a way, you guys think of some way!"

Wiping away his tears, Hei Yu looked at Yang Zhenhu and Ni Kongkong who had just climbed up. Before, they both wanted to get close to the giant golden eye and grab the shark bead embedded in the giant eye, but a spherical shape had already formed around the giant eye. The barrier made it impossible for them to get close no matter what, no matter what kind of attack they launched, they couldn't break the barrier around the giant eye.

Seeing the two of them didn't show anything, Hei Yu seemed to be crazy, holding his sword and slashing hard on the spherical barrier.

At this moment, Jiang Lin in mid-air was still bursting with corpse roars, and he didn't know how far the roars had spread.

Not only because the skin, flesh, muscles and bones on his body were eaten by the flying tapir, but also because the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian in his body had completely erupted.

A gigantic beast phantom appeared all over Jiang Lin's body, and Wang Tianjian's corpse poison was still struggling.

Jiang Lin himself was also hideous, and there was no reason in his eyes.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

At this moment, I don't know how many flying tapirs were biting on him, and some even got into his viscera, bones and even brain sac.

Eat the meat and suck the marrow.

Jiang Lin's body was corroded by weak water in the Ten Thousand Flowers Forest with only his skeleton and a few internal organs left, but the pain he suffered at that time was still within his tolerance, but now, it really gives him a sense of relief. It feels like a second.

Because there is a large amount of medicinal power remaining in the body, the flesh and blood that Jiang Lin lost can quickly grow back.

That's why his life was saved.But this also caused the flying tapir to devour him as if there was no end.

However, this brought him not only unbearable pain, but also benefits. If his flesh, bones and bones were missing and then regrowed, he would be able to share the corpse poison of Wangtianjian. This corpse poison is getting less and less.

However, even so, Jiang Lin could still feel that the corpse poison that belonged to Wangtianjian still remained in his body.

"Hehehe... I've always wanted to kill me. If I can kill you once, I can also kill you a second time! Damn it, I'll give up my life now, let's see what you can do with me!"

Jiang Lin let out a frantic laugh, condensed his own three souls and seven souls at the light source of Jindan to form a primordial spirit, and finally left the body.

This corpse, he gave up!

After the primordial spirit left the body, Jiang Lin immediately flew around the Taiji light map and protected his primordial spirit with a protective magic weapon.

At this time, his corpse gradually began to grow feathers because he lost the dominance of consciousness.

But unfortunately, as soon as these hairs grow out, they are eaten clean by the flying tapirs.

Because Jiang Lin's corpse still has a lot of medicinal power, the bones and tissues everywhere still have the ability to regenerate, but as much as they regenerate, they will be devoured as much, and they can't even catch up with the speed of the flying tapir.

I don't know how long it took, but Jiang Lin's Yuanshen's thoughts sensed that there was no trace of corpse poison left in the corpse, and he rushed back immediately.

Yuanshen returns.

Finally solved it completely, it's not easy!

After Yuanshen returned to the corpse, Jiang Lin quickly probed the damaged body and found that there was no corpse poison that did not belong to him, and he felt that the sharp sword hanging above his head had completely disappeared.

After that, Jiang Lin sent out a thought, and at the same time released all the spiritual power in the wreckage.

The next moment, there was a loud bang in the sky.

The Taiji light map and hundreds of magical instruments exploded at almost the same time.

Jiang Lin could hardly see much flesh and blood, and was blown away along with countless flying tapirs.

At this time, a loud noise in the air alerted Hei Yu who was beheading the flying tapir in the temple. Hei Yu quickly turned around and looked at the place where Jiang Lin was, and because of this, the wing holes on her back were cut off by Yang Zhenhu. The two flying tapirs collided and were stained with the blood of the flying tapirs.

Afterwards, Black Feather felt a little itchy on her back, and then her injured wings took the initiative to get out and spread out to both sides.

When she found that her wings had recovered, Hei Yu immediately fluttered her wings and flew out. She galloped fast in midair, and after a while, she hugged Jiang Lin who only had most of his skeleton remaining.

"Jiang Lin, woo~"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was no longer human, Hei Yu landed on the ground and cried hoarsely.

"There is an elixir in the ancient mirror, sprinkle it on me."

But at this moment, a thought from Jiang Lin entered her mind.

Hei Yu couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then quickly took out all kinds of bottles and jars from the ancient mirror with trembling hands, and poured it directly on Jiang Lin regardless of what was inside.

Seeing that Jiang Lin's body began to grow flesh and blood, Hei Yu's eyes widened.

After that, she took off her gown, put it on Jiang Lin's body, and flew back to the temple with Jiang Lin.

And under the influence of so many immortal treasures, Jiang Lin's dilapidated body is rapidly regrowing his internal organs and external flesh and blood.

"Black feathers, mourn."

Yang Zhenhu saw that Hei Yu brought back a bloody wet skeleton, and knew that this was Jiang Lin before, so he persuaded Hei Yu.

Even if Hei Yu left Tiandu City during this time, he also guessed that the relationship between Hei Yu and Jiang Lin was already extraordinary.

After Jiang Lin rushed out, Hei Yu felt as if he had lost his soul. Even a fool could see that Hei Yu took Jiang Lin very seriously.

The two must be in love with each other.

"Sorry, he can still live, he will definitely live!"

Hei Yu roared at Yang Zhenhu, and no longer cared about the group of flying tapirs that might come again, and hugged Jiang Lin to the corner.

"Hei Yu, Ni Kongkong, where's Xue Lie? Take the shark bead down quickly, or just destroy it, or else this disaster will not be able to survive at all. Moreover, if this continues, Jiang Lin may have to sacrifice in vain. ."

After a while, Heli rushed into the inner room of the temple with a group of guards, and looked at Ni Kongkong and Heiyu.

"If the shark beads can't be taken off, there is no way to get close. As for Jiang Lin..."

Mui Kongkong said, then pointed to Hei Yu, Heli saw the "dead man" covered by a long gown in the corner, and did not say a word for a while.

"Hurry up and find a way, otherwise, no one will survive. These flying tapirs seem to be targeting humans."

After suppressing the sadness in his heart, Heli immediately let everyone continue to try. If the Eye of the Sky does not want to close, there is no way to deal with this disaster.

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