Chapter [*] Transformed into Jiang Hero (Part [*])

  "Hei Yu, Ni Kongkong's hand may be related to the human warrior who captured the shark pearl. He may be the descendant of the warrior back then. You all try to help him try."

  At this time, there was a slight and vague sound from Jiang Lin's throat. Now he can't move for the time being, and the huge hole in the sky outside can't be opened all the time, so he can only let Hei Yu and the others try themselves. way.

  Ni Kongkong, the big-mouthed thief's palm, will emit a special light as soon as it gets close to the shark pearl. It should be inseparable from the shark pearl. After contacting the information obtained from the old ape man, Jiang Lin guessed. Ni Kongkong is mostly related to the human warrior who captured the shark pearl mentioned by the old ape-man.

  It is very likely that Ni Kongkong is the descendant of that warrior.

  If the warriors of the year only restored the boundary wall after capturing the shark bead, then what they faced might be the current situation.

  "Okay, I'll let them try. Stop talking and take care of your injuries."

  Hei Yu wiped his tears, and then told Heli and Ni Kongkong what Jiang Lin had just told him.

  Mui Kongkong also listened to the opinions relayed by Hei Yu, took off the gloves on his glowing palms, and pressed them against the spherical barrier.

  Sure enough, this time it worked.

  The barrier around the giant golden eyes was pressed into a crack by the palm of the mud empty glowing light.

  "Quick! Take the shark beads!"

  Seeing this, Yang Zhenhu immediately let the two guards rush into the barrier.

  However, after the two guards stretched out their palms, they screamed, and after that, a repulsive force burst out from the shark beads, which directly turned the two into a piece of flying ashes.

  "You stupid humans, no one can resist the power of shark beads!"

  At this moment, Xue Lie's figure appeared outside the gap of the temple, and with a flick of the bone wings behind her, Xue Lie flew into the temple.

  This fellow was badly injured by Jiang Lin before, his eyes were completely damaged, and his body was also infected with corpse poison and dull corpse aura, but now he has recovered.

  Today's Xue Lie only has blood and tears in his eyes, but he is not blind.

  The reason why Xue Lie wants to open the eyes of the sky is not only to summon the extraterritorial creatures flying tapirs to cause catastrophe to mankind, but also to completely restore the glory of the feather clan.

  Those flying tapirs can not only cause a catastrophe, but also make the Xingliu pollen reappear, so that the feather people can once again give birth to wings and fly in the sky.

  Just like Black Feather.

  And his eyes were restored because when he was dodging in the dark, he took the opportunity to catch a flying tapir and swallowed it alive.

  The flying tapir can regenerate the wings of ordinary feathered people, and it can also make the royal family of feathered people grow back damaged parts.

  "Hmph, over your own strength, do you think you can stop the flying tapir?"

  After that, Xue Lie looked at Jiang Lin. He had already seen what Jiang Lin had done in mid-air.

  After the injury almost recovered, he immediately flew back to the temple to ensure that the eye of the sky would not be closed immediately.

  "Xue Lie, could it be that your rule is to completely exterminate other tribes?"

  Hei Yu pointed at Xue Lie with his long sword, his eyes were full of killing intent. If Xue Lie hadn't opened the eyes of the sky, Jiang Lin would not have blocked the hole in the sky and ended up in the current situation.

  Whether Jiang Lin can survive or not is still unknown.

  "Hmph, you are as weak as your father, and the death of human beings is not worth mentioning at all."

  With a cold smile, Xue Lie once again transformed into a long sword with his spiritual power, and when his wings fluttered, he held the long sword and flew towards Hei Yu.

  And Hei Yu also launched a pair of white feathers, together with Yang Zhenhu, He Li and others, and started a fierce battle with Xue Lie.

  Mui Kongkong took advantage of this time to squeeze hard into the crack of the spherical barrier, and probed towards the shark bead with his glowing palm.


  In the fierce battle, Xue Lie glanced at him and saw that Ni Kongkong was not destroyed by the power of Sharma. He was also shocked. He shot out his bone spears, injuring Yang Zhenhu, Heli and others, and kicked Heiyu with another kick.

  After that, he flew out towards the mud and air, pierced the latter's heart with a sword, and shouted, "Who are you? Why doesn't the power of the shark bead work on you?"

  Mui Kongkong spit out a mouthful of blood and said with a smile, "I am the ancestor of the shark pearl!"


  Xue Lie swept away Mud Kong Kong with one kick, and then raised his sword and stabbed him in the throat.

  However, at this time, Oka, who had been hiding in the corner, formed a ball and smashed the mud to the side, but he was pierced by Xue Lie's long sword.

  "No one can stop me, no one! You losers, no one can stop me!"

  After looking up at the sky and laughing, Xue Lie attacked Hei Yu and the others violently again. If he keeps these people, it is very likely that he will really delay his important affairs.

  However, Xue Lie ignored Jiang Lin, whom he was most afraid of, because Jiang Lin had already changed beyond recognition, and there was not much flesh on his body, so Xue Lie didn't take him seriously.

  However, at this time, Jiang Lin's internal organs and some skin on his body had already grown out. It was only because he was covered with a long gown with black feathers that no one else noticed it, nor did Xue Lie.

  Xue Lie thought that the current Jiang Lin would not survive at all.

  At this time, Jiang Lin had already used some spiritual energy condensed in his body to quickly refine the medicinal power of his body. Now, he no longer has Wangtianjian's corpse poison in his body. Immortal Treasure is only beneficial to him and has no side effects.

  The corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body has almost been emptied, and he can't use his own abilities. Therefore, he can only hope that his body can regain its mobility as soon as possible, so that the mutilated limbs can grow.

  Half a stick of incense had passed, Yang Zhenhu and Heli were already bruised and bruised, and their situation was in danger. This was the result of those imperial guards and Xue Lie fighting desperately to relieve their pressure.

  As for Hei Yu, because of the ancient mirror left by Jiang Lin, he took immortal grass. Although he was injured many times, fortunately, he did not suffer serious injuries.

  As for Ni Kongkong, now he has no interest in taking off the shark beads, and has been holding his dead pet Oka in a daze.

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