His pet has been with him since he was a child, and he is regarded as his best friend. Although he usually talks to Oka, he still cares about this pet more often.

  Now that Oka was killed, and he himself was pierced in his heart, he couldn't live for a while.

  Even if he still wanted to touch the shark bead, he didn't have any ability.

  "Give me death!"

  After Xue Lie hit the long sword in Hei Yu's hand, the bone spear behind him pierced towards Hei Yu's forehead, throat and heart.

  "Why don't you have a long memory? Don't you know how you suffered last time? You dare to touch my woman?"

  However, at this moment, a sharp blade pierced through the back of Xue Lie's neck.Jiang Lin had regained his ability to move, and he recalled Tian Yunjian, who had fallen in the distance, and directly gave Xuelie a slap in the face.

  A deadly sword.

  Before Xue Lie wanted to kill Hei Yu, he teleported to him in front of him, and then his heart was ripped out.

  In the end, this guy still didn't have a long memory at all, and he still wanted Black Feather's life.

  Therefore, this time Xue Lie was even worse, the back of his neck was completely pierced by Tian Yun Jian.

  Xue Lie clutched her neck, her eyes were wide open, she turned around and looked at Jiang Lin.

  "How... how is it possible?"

  Seeing that it was Jiang Lin who did it, an unbelievable expression appeared on Xue Lie's face.

  He never imagined that this young man, who had no skin or flesh, would regain his appearance in such a short period of time.

  When Jiang Lin was blown up before, he could see clearly that Jiang Lin didn't even have a complete set of skeletons.

  But now this young man was able to stand up again, and gave him a fatal blow.

  How can such a thing happen?

  "Jiang...Jiang Lin?"

  Not only Xuelie, Yang Zhenhu, Heli and Hei Yu were also shocked.

  Jiang Lin can still move?

  Then they looked carefully at Jiang Lin.

  At this time, Jiang Lin was wearing a long gown with black feathers. Although the facial features were restored to their original shape, the entire arm holding the sword was still a boneless arm, and a right leg did not even have a foot bone.

  How can this still move?

  How can it be recovered?

  It's already dead.

  "There is nothing impossible, dare to hurt my black feather, you are dead!"

  Jiang Lin didn't talk nonsense to Xue Lie. With his two bones and fingers, he called back the Tian Yun Sword and held the sharp sword in his hand. Jiang Lin immediately hit Xue Lie with a slash, directly slashing Xue Lie's body. The head was chopped off.

  After that, Jiang Lin jumped on one foot in front of the spherical barrier in front of Jin Guang Ju under the extremely astonished gazes of Hei Yu and the others. The newly formed golden core in his body was once again transformed by him, and thorns appeared in front of his chest. .

Using the enhanced version of Li Yang Xuanguang, Jiang Lin quickly broke the spherical barrier, and then he put his bone claws toward the shark bead.

  Although the opening of the boundary wall was not done by him this time, it also has something to do with him. Now that he has obtained enough benefits, he can't do things like wipe his mouth and leave.

  The eye of the sky outside, he would close it no matter what.

  Even if it is not for the so-called morality, for Kuroba, he must do it.

  When Hei Yu flew out to hold him before, he was desperate. Even if he might encounter a group of flying tapirs in mid-air, Hei Yu had no scruples at all.

  Moreover, when Hei Yu saw his tragic state, he cried like a widow who lost her husband. This already shows that Hei Yu has a deep affection for him, even if he and Hei Yu have not known each other for a long time.

  Therefore, Jiang Lin was willing to take another risk for Hei Yu's future wife.

  After sticking out the newly formed bone claws, cracks began to appear in Jiang Lin's fleshless palm under the power of the shark bead.

  It is also because Jiang Lin's bones have been infiltrated with corpse poison all the year round, and they have become extremely hard. Even the newly grown bones are also extremely tough.

  Otherwise, it is estimated that he will also be directly turned into fly ash like the previous two guards.

  "Give me... come down!"

  After grabbing the shark bead, Jiang Lin used all his strength to dig it out from the center of the giant golden eye.

  And because the shark bead left its original position, it once again burst out with the power to destroy the dead.

  Jiang Lin was naturally the first to bear the brunt of it. He was bombarded head-on by this terrifying force, and his body was ejected like a cannonball, directly knocking down the other wall of the temple.

  As for Hei Yu and the others, they were all collided by this invisible force and fell to the ground.

  At the same time, the sky outside appeared strange again, and the void in the high sky began to gradually close after repeated expansion and contraction.

Chapter [*] Transformed into Jiang Yingxiong (middle)

Because the giant eye of golden light lacked the shark bead, it once again spurted a terrifying beam, but this time the beam was no longer blue, but the same color as the giant eye.

As soon as the hole in the high sky outside was bombarded by this beam, the speed of closing suddenly accelerated, and those flying tapirs that had drilled into the hole and had scattered, at this moment, seemed to be dragged and unable to move any further.

Then these flying tapirs were pulled by a force and forced to converge towards the huge void.

Before Jiang Lin intercepted a lot of flying tapirs in the sky with the aurora map, and made them crowded together. After Jiang Lin detonated many magical tools, even if he killed many flying tapirs, these extraterritorial creatures disappeared because of His blocking, all rushed down and scattered.

The scale is even more terrifying than the plague of locusts.

Even the Emperor He in the imperial palace felt a sense of despair when he saw such a situation, let alone other people.

But now, these incalculable numbers of flying tapirs have all retreated back the same way.

After a long while, Hei Yu, who had fainted in the temple, woke up. After her, Yang Zhenhu, Heli, and the guards who were not killed also gradually woke up and got up from the ground.

"Jiang Lin, wake up."

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