After Hei Yu got up, he immediately rushed to the wall where Jiang Lin had collapsed before, pulling Jiang Lin out of the pile of earth and rocks.

Kneeling on the ground, Hei Yu held Jiang Lin in his arms and kept shaking, but now Jiang Lin has no breath.

Originally, because Jiang Lin wanted to completely remove the alien corpse poison from his body, he was repeatedly gnawed by those extraterritorial creatures, and almost only a skeleton remained. The same did not recover.

In that case, he was once again impacted by the power of the shark bead, which made him unable to support it any longer.

Jiang Lin's body did not disintegrate because a lot of medicinal power had penetrated into his body, and he had transformed into spiritual power to protect himself. Otherwise, his undeveloped body might not be able to survive.

The guard who forcibly seized the shark bead before had no scum left.

Heli also hurriedly staggered to Hei Yu's side, probed Jiang Lin's breath with his hand, and then he punched the ground.

When Jiang Lin was picked up by Hei Yu, he was no longer alive, but at least he still had his life, but now, Jiang Lin has lost his breath.

Thinking of what Jiang Lin had done, He Li's face showed respect, and then he knelt down beside Jiang Lin and said, "Brother Jiang, I, Heli, the prince of Tiandu City, pay tribute to you on behalf of thousands of people. Thank you. From now on, you are no longer a thief, but a hero who saves the people and will be forever remembered in history!"

"I don't want him to be a hero, I just want him to come alive."

Hei Yu was still weeping, tears kept dripping on Jiang Lin's face, and then she kept shaking Jiang Lin's body as if she had lost her soul, shouting: "Jiang Lin, get up, get up! You asked me to protect my life, and I did, but you left me behind."

"I'm not even... even angry now, shouldn't you... shouldn't you let me take advantage of it? At that time, after you got used to flying, you said that unless I died, you wouldn't let me take advantage of it again, now Won't you express it?"

Just when Hei Yu cried so much that the pear blossoms were raining, Jiang Linjiu's lips moved a few times and said such a sentence.

Hei Yu and He Li were stunned in place.

"Jiang Lin, you..."

After being stunned, Hei Yu hugged Jiang Lin tightly, regardless of the ashes on Jiang Lin's face, and pressed her and Jiang Lin's cheeks tightly.

He Li on the side was completely stunned. Why isn't this Jiang Lin dead yet?

alive again?

"You liar, you lied to me, let you lie to me."

When the surprise in her heart subsided a little, Hei Yu lightly beat Jiang Lin's chest, just now she really thought that Jiang Lin would never wake up again.

"Heli, Ni Kongkong has the jade box I sent on his body, and there are pills in it, you can quickly serve him and Oka."

Jiang Lin raised his head with all his might, and pointed at Ni Kongkong who had passed out not far away, and asked Heli to rush to save the dying Ni Kongkong.

Heli immediately followed Jiang Lin's words, took out the jade box from Ni Kongkong's arms, divided the medicine pill into two, and stuffed them into Nikongkong's and Oka's mouth respectively.

It didn't take long for Ni Kongkong and Oka to wake up.

"Heli, there should be a lot of people from the Yu clan outside now, and as a prince, you should still have a lot of things to do, are you still planning to stay here? I... will take up a share of Hei Yu. It's cheap."

Seeing Yang Zhenhu's scrutiny, Jiang Lin found a reason to send Heli and the others away.

Before because of the critical situation, no one had paid attention to other things. Now that the disaster has been lifted, it is easy for people to suspect that he will not die again and again.

Moreover, next, he still needs to use other immortal treasures to fully recover his body, so it is not convenient for outsiders to be present.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin threw the shark pearl in his hand towards Heli and said, "This shark pearl is a serious problem, so let's leave it to your royal family to deal with."

"You're right, Yang Zhenhu, let's go back to the palace as soon as possible and wait for the dispatch of the emperor."

After He Li took over the shark bead, he also realized that there were still many things to deal with, so he immediately asked Yang Zhenhu and others to follow him away.

This time, Tianducheng was saved by Jiang Lin, so in Heli's heart, he really regarded Jiang Lin as a hero who saved all the people from water and fire, and that's why he didn't sense something was wrong like Yang Zhenhu did. The place.

And Ni Kongkong also left with Oka and Heli. He and Heiyu no longer have any possibility. Now that the two of them want to be here for you and me, is it possible that he has to watch from the side?

After Heli and others left, Jiang Lin asked Hei Yu to give him the ancient mirror, and took out a lot of immortal herbs and celestial chili which have the effect of recovery from the ancient mirror. Jindan.

In addition, he also took materials such as blood orchid, which could improve his spirit of sequelae.

Hei Yu had been standing by, and she was beginning to wonder why Jiang Lin had so many elixir on his body.

Some can even live and die, even in the palace, there is not necessarily such a thing.

However, although he had doubts in his heart, Hei Yu still did not disturb Jiang Lin, and nothing was important to Jiang Lin's recovery now.

Chapter [*] Transformed into Jiang Hero (Part [*])

After no longer paying attention to the many doubts in her heart, a blush appeared on Hei Yu's face. Before, she thought that Jiang Lin really wanted to take advantage of her by taking away Heli and Ni Kongkong.

Thinking of this, Hei Yu became entangled. If Jiang Lin took what he said seriously after he recovered, and asked her to take advantage of her, she didn't know whether she would refuse or give up.

From Hei Yu's point of view, Jiang Lin took such a big risk this time and nearly lost his life several times because of her.

Now that Jiang Lin has finally come back to life, and has solved the disaster in Tiandu City, she can't treat other people's efforts as if she hadn't seen it.

Moreover, now that the matter is over, she and Jiang Lin will always make progress in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, Kuroba felt his heartbeat gradually speeding up.

She is Huya of the Tiger Town Division, and Jiang Lin is a thief in the eyes of outsiders. She is the one who catches the thief. If she goes with a thief in the future, it is estimated that it will become a talking point for many people after dinner.

Just as Hei Yu was thinking about it, Jiang Lin's body injuries were also recovering rapidly. After his body was completely healed, Jiang Lin mobilized the spiritual power in his body and drew seal runes inside and outside his new bones.

Although there is no trace of corpse poison on his body, it has no effect on him. As long as he accumulates yin and suffocating qi or absorbs corpse qi again, he can derive the corpse poison again and store it in the bones.

In Jiang Lin's situation now, it is equivalent to the fact that his spiritual power has been squandered, and it will not lead to a drop in the level of his cultivation. Similarly, his corpse level will not change.

After completing the seal rune, Jiang Lin used the forbidden medicinal materials in the ancient mirror to dissolve and absorb a small amount of Yin Qi contained in it.

With these yin qi, a cyclone the size of a fingernail appeared in Jiang Lin's throat. This was the corpse qi transformed from the yin qi he absorbed.

After sending the corpse gas into the bone, Jiang Lin stood up, took a piece of clothing from the ancient mirror, and put it on in front of Hei Yu.


Black feather blushed, and immediately turned his face away.

"Hei Yu, I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart, but please believe me, I will explain it clearly to you soon."

After changing clothes, Jiang Lin walked over to Hei Yu and held her hand.

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin, and there was some resentment in his eyes. Jiang Lin has always been like this, and he didn't tell her anything. Now that he has experienced life and death together several times, she still feels that Jiang Lin is like a group. mist.

Just now, she had recalled what she had said to Jiang Lin after she was drunk in the night marsh crypt. If Jiang Lin made any excessive demands now, she would most likely agree.

In that case, she and Jiang Lin would no longer just be in love with each other, but a husband and wife relationship, but Jiang Lin still made her confused.

How can there be such a thing?

However, Hei Yu finally suppressed the feeling of complaining. Jiang Lin almost left her before. Since she is unwilling to explain now, she will wait.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also said that it will not be long before she will explain it clearly.

"You... are you really okay?"

Hei Yu then looked up and down Jiang Lin, and then reached out and touched Jiang Lin's arms, chest and abdomen.

Of course, she wanted Jiang Lin to be well and not injured at all, but when such a situation was placed in front of her, it really made her feel incredible.

"never mind."

Jiang Lin smiled and joked with Hei Yu: "I have so much loot on my body, even if I go to Netherworld, I can come up again."

Hei Yu pursed his mouth and said angrily: "You are a person, just hold grudges. Don't say that there are some things, you don't want to talk about other things now, and I won't force you, but if you don't fully recover, you must be tell me."

"Don't worry, I'm in good spirits now."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly. Although he said it lightly, this experience really made him suffer.

Not to mention anything else, only to say that not a single drop of the blood and bone marrow in his body was from yesterday.

Not to mention the skin and flesh on the outside.

Whole body replacement.

However, thanks to this, he was able to completely get rid of the corpse poison of Wangtianjian, and no longer worried that he would completely turn into a monster because he could not assimilate this corpse poison.

"There should be a lot of people outside who died tragically because of flying tapirs. I should be able to save them. Let's go."

Jiang Lin came to Hei Yu, wiped her cheek like a cat, then hugged her waist and jumped out of the gap in the temple.

And Kuroba immediately spread the wings behind him and flew in mid-air.

" have a way to save them? Some of those people have died completely."

Hei Yu looked at Jiang Lin with a puzzled look. Although Jiang Lin had a lot of life-saving elixir on his body, it could only save his life, and he couldn't let a dead person return to the sun.

"should have."

Jiang Lin nodded, this time it is estimated that he needs to spend some treasures.

Although Jiang Lin has always adhered to the principle that no amount of precious treasures is too much, and rarely distributed his treasures to outsiders, but now, he has to bleed heavily.

Open the boundary wall in the sky, even if Xue Lie doesn't do it, he will still cause such a situation, which is understandable after all.

If Jiang Lin arrived at Sky City, the shark pearl had already been in Xue Lie's hands, and Xue Lie had already opened his eyes to the sky, then he probably wouldn't easily take out the fairy treasure on his body to save other people's lives.

Perhaps seeing some tragic situations, he will be unbearable, give birth to a heart of pity, and save one or two poor people, but he will not waste his treasures.

But the fact is that Jiang Lin got the shark bead first, and intentionally sent it to Xue Lie. If he didn't have such a will, then Xue Lie wouldn't even think about getting the shark bead to open the boundary wall anyway.

Now such a situation has occurred in Tianducheng. Although he is not a direct executioner, he is a knife hander.

If no one carries the knife, he will be the executioner himself.

Therefore, he cannot escape the cause and effect of causing the people of Tiandu City to suffer.

For the same reason, Jiang Lin needs to resolve this cause and effect.

As for the fact that his own fairy treasure might be exposed, Jiang Lin was no longer worried. He used his fairy treasure to save people's lives.

Even if it is not what he wants, he will still be regarded as a great benefactor by many people. In addition, the eyes of the sky are also closed by him. At least in the eyes of Heli and other outsiders, he is a great hero.

Under such circumstances, even if someone is greedy, they would not dare to commit the anger of the public, even the Emperor He would not dare to do so.

When he got to the street, Jiang Lin took out many jade boxes or clean bottles and gave them to the dead and wounded.

"I'm not dead?"

"Why am I alive again?"

It didn't take long for the person who died from being bitten by the flying tapir to get up from the ground and looked at his body with a puzzled expression.

Jiang Lin looked at these resurrected people and said, "Go and look for your relatives. If any of your relatives died because of this disaster, come to me with their bodies."

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