The spider legs of the big spider were like spears, stabbing Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin didn't need to try again, he pulled out the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword behind him and slashed it.

"Feifei, Daoist Sparrow, what should I do?"

Jiang Lin chopped off the remaining seven legs of the spider spirit three or two times, so that it couldn't escape, and then threw out the Yang Yan whip, piercing the bat spirit's bat wings that wanted to escape.

The Great Demon King wanted to take Feifei as a hostage, and a beam of light spewed out of his mouth, which was blocked by Jiang Lin's Yang Pai Palm.

Jiang Lin then rewarded him with a few more positive gestures.

"Little brother~"

The fox spirit was stared at by Jiang Lin, and seeing that there was no hope of escaping, she winked at Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin's slap made her dizzy.

"Master, which woman is not better looking than you."

Fox) (Jing seems to have been stabbed in the heart, she transformed into shape, and her beauty is just like that. It's okay to charm others, but it's a lot worse to confuse Jiang Lin.

Throwing out a few Yang-inducing Talismans, fox) (Jing rolled his eyes when Jiang Lin was directly blown up.

If it wasn't for these big monsters living near the Dragon Cave, Jiang Lin would be too lazy to keep them.

"Impossible, Tianshi can't be so strong."

The Great Demon King felt that he was dreaming, and even a Celestial Master couldn't subdue his subordinates so easily.

"I'm not reconciled, if my cultivation base is in its heyday..."

The strength of the Great Demon King is indeed very strong, and the female sword fairies who could fly in the sky were almost planted in its hands.

If it is really at its peak, Jiang Lin will not be so easy to deal with it.

However, this demon king has been weakened for seven hundred years, and the former king has now become a strong-mouthed king.

"All of your second uncles, you are the one who can be the most crooked."

Yang Zhijian slashed, and there were two more wounds on the big devil's chest.

The Great Demon King let out a howl, and a strange electric light shot out from his eyes, trying to capture Jiang Lin's soul.

Jiang Lin's temperament changed abruptly, and his bright eyes suddenly turned dark gold, and as soon as the electric light touched his eyes, it immediately bounced back.


Bloodstains appeared in the corners of the big devil's eyes. He took out the amber mirror in his arms and aimed it at Jiang Lin.

"Ha ha."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly. When the Emei Three Treasures were refined, he was by the side of Master Changmei. The Great Demon King only had a precious mirror in his hand, so he dared to take it out to deal with him.

Jiang Lin threw the Sun God Bead upwards, and the beam reflected by the treasure mirror shone on the Bead, and the beam was immediately turned around.

Jiang Lin held the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword, and touched the head of the sword to the beam. The direction of the beam was turned again, and the sword tip blasted out, piercing the Great Demon King's chest.

Jiang Lin then shook out two Yang Yan whips and tied the Great Demon King tightly.

If this demon king transforms into its body, it will take some effort to solve it.

"Zombie boy, if you have revenge, take revenge if you have grievances."

Jiang Lin found that the grievances reappeared in the little zombie, so he let it vent on the big devil.

The Three Treasures of Emei contains the power of rebirth, acting on the body of the little zombie, it can make him reborn after a thousand years, but unfortunately it was interrupted halfway.

All Jiang Lin had to do was to go to Kunlun Mountain, strip off the body of the little zombie, use its remaining power to form a formation, and at the same time give it a chance to regenerate. The less resentment it has, the better.

After solving the demon king and the three big demons, Jiang Lin began to arrange the formation to take the keel under the dragon cave.

"Brother Dao, you are really too strong."

Daoist Sparrow still couldn't believe that Jiang Lin had dealt with these monsters so easily.

"The strength of this demon king has been weakened a lot."

Jiang Lin was not too arrogant, and he had to use the power of Daoist Sparrow to explain a little.

While arranging the formation, Feifei yelled at Jiang Lin to teach her Taoism and accept her as a disciple.

"You and your grandfather should study hard."

Jiang Lin politely declined Feifei's request. For him, the title of Master had other meanings.

Half a day later, Jiang Lin took the keel and asked Taoist Sparrow and Feifei to help transport some monsters and little zombies to Kunlun Mountain.

Jiang Lin did not let Daoist Sparrow work in vain. On the way, he also gave Daoist Sparrow some cultivation guidance, which made Daoist Sparrow feel like a dick.

Two months later, Jiang Lin and others arrived at Kunlun Mountain. He asked Daoist Sparrow and Feifei to go up the mountain in two days to pick up the little zombie.

In the ice palace at the foot of the mountain, Jiang Lin borrowed the technique of the Wutai Mountain Master Zunsheng, and used the three treasures of Emei and the keel to set up a powerful spirit gathering formation.

The Three Treasures of Emei can attract the energy of the sun and the moon, which can restore Li Yingqi. In addition to the spirit gathering formation, Jiang Lin also arranged a defensive formation around the ice palace.

The Thunder and Lightning Rune was upgraded to level ten by him. Like the Flame Rune, it was used as the main material for the defense formation.

"Yingqi, I have left a lot of medicinal liquid. After I leave, you have to protect yourself. When I come back, I will find the Immortal Burial Coffin for you."

"Master, I am waiting for you."

Jiang Lin mobilized the formation to extract the vitality and demon power of the big devil and the three big demons, and the zombie boy's body was also stripped.

With the blessing of dragon energy and Li Yingqi's injection of mana into the formation, the beams of the three treasures of Emei converged again and bombarded the void beside Jiang Lin.

Back then, when Master Changmei opened the cracks in time and space, he mainly relied on his own strength, but this time, Jiang Lin and Li Yingqi did not have that level of strength, and could only squeeze the ternary power contained in the Three Treasures.

When Jiang Lin stepped into the void crack again, fine cracks appeared in the Snow Mountain Sun God Pearl.

Jiang Lin was in the void, and countless lights and shadows flashed around him.

"Three hundred and three!"

Jiang Lin saw what happened in Tengteng Town. A pitch-black hole erupted on the ground with a huge suction force. Three hundred and three's body rolled and was about to be sucked in.

With a flick of his wrist, the Yang Yan Whip plunged into the light and shadow, wrapped around San Hundred Thirteen's waist and pulled it out.

When Jiang Lin regained consciousness, he lay down on a rock, three hundred and three lying in his arms.

"Alas! It's a pity. Daoist Li Yang was killed in Tengteng Town three months ago. He is really jealous of Yingcai."

There were two people talking in the distance.

Chapter [*] The Three Saints of Kunlun

Jiang Lin lay on the ground, thinking about the words he just heard.

three months ago?Tengteng Town was killed?

Could it be that he spent a thousand years in another time line, and only three months have passed in the Republic of China?

Jiang Lin just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the information he heard next made his heart tighten again.

"Who said it wasn't. This time, three powerful demon kings appeared in Kunlun. They called themselves the three saints of Kunlun. I think that apart from the Master Kuhua of Xiaoleiyin Temple, maybe only the Daoist Li Yang can deal with them."

"I heard that the three demon kings seem to be guarding something. Now no one is allowed to go up the mountain. If you go in, you will die."

A demon king appeared in Kunlun Mountains?What are you guarding?

The first thing Jiang Lin thought of was that the demon king guards the treasures of heaven and earth. What can Kunlun be called treasures?

"It's the Three Treasures of Emei!"

After getting up and identifying the direction, Jiang Lin rushed towards Kunlun with three hundred and three in his arms.

Just now he heard the accents of the two, like Qinghai dialect, this place should be not far from Kunlun.

"The Three Saints of Kunlun? Could it be He Zu Dao in the story of Yitian and Dragon Slayer?"

The three demon kings took the title of the Three Saints of Kunlun, which is really beyond their own power.

After traveling for a long time, Jiang Lin found a town, where he exchanged the two pieces of silver he had for the ocean, and was going to find an inn, where he first settled the three hundred and three.

Coincidentally, in the inn, Jiang Lin met an acquaintance.

"Master, do you mind if I sit here?"


The unshaven Qianhe Daochang didn't lift his head, and just kept his head down and drinking.

"Lin Zi, where did you go? Chili said you weren't dead, but it's been a hundred days now..."

Jiang Lin felt sour in his heart. His uncle Qianhe seemed to be looking for him all the time, otherwise he would not have appeared in this remote area.

"Let's have a drink together."

"I said you're annoying..."

Just as Daoist Qianhe was about to get angry, he saw Jiang Lin sitting opposite him.

Rubbing his eyes hard, Daoist Qianhe seemed to have seen a ghost.

"Lin Zi, is that you?"

"Uncle Qianhe, long time no see."

Jiang Lin was very emotional, he finally returned home.

When asked about Qianhe Daochang Zhanghan and Ninth Uncle's current situation, Jiang Lin felt quite uncomfortable. The two of them were much older.

As for Daoist Dian, he hasn't woken up yet, and I'm afraid there is not much time left.

"Master, why are you injured?"

The spiritual power in Daoist Qianhe's body was quite disordered, and he suffered a lot of internal injuries.

"I received news before that half a snow-capped Sun God Pearl appeared in Kunlun Mountain. I thought there were traces of you, so I rushed over and was chased by a red snake demon king and suffered some injuries. I still rely on you. The Exploding Flame Talisman escaped the catastrophe."

Half a snow mountain sun bead?

Jiang Lin suddenly realized that if the Sun God Orb hadn't broken and split into two, Daoist Qianhe wouldn't have been able to get half of it.

In this way, there is a problem with the Three Treasures formation on Kunlun Mountain.

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