"Big brother."

Three hundred three woke up in Jiang Lin's arms, he still didn't know how he appeared here.

"Where's my master?"

Daoist Qianhe and Jiang Lin fell silent.

"Uncle Qianhe, bring a pen and paper. I will write the names of some medicinal herbs. After you bring Sanbaisan back, you will immediately start looking for it. I will go to Kunlun. I have something else to do."

Now, if he wanted to save Daoist Dian, Jiang Lin could only refine the corpse poison in his body and give it to him, perhaps even saving his life.

"Aren't you going back?"

"Uncle Shi, please report to my master and Chili and the others first. I'll go back when I go. I'm going to take a look at that half of the Snow Mountain Sun God Pearl."

After the three hundred and three were settled, Jiang Lin could go to Kunlun to take a look with peace of mind when someone reported his safety. There were people he could not rest assured, and Jiang Lin also wanted to meet the three saints of Kunlun for a while.

Three days later, Jiang Lin came to Kunlun again, but this time, the Kunlun Mountains looked monstrous.

There have been many monsters in Kunlun since ancient times, but in Kunlun now, the monster is stronger than two or three hundred years ago.

When he came to the location of the Ice Palace, Jiang Lin's face was a little ugly. There were potholes caused by blasting everywhere.

Some are even on the verge of returning to the ground.

Some potholes have been around since at least a few decades ago.

Someone or a demon attacked the formation here, and the defensive formation was broken several layers.


The sound of the cave palace collapsing came from the ground, Jiang Lin's face changed greatly, and he hurried to the entrance of the ice palace.

After leaving the Ice Palace, Jiang Lin discovered that three demon kings were besieging and protecting Li Yingqi's Spirit Gathering Formation. After a while, the formation was broken.

The great formation around the Ice Palace was already in tatters and had already been damaged. As the most important three treasures of Emei, only the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword was hovering in mid-air.

"A snake demon has begun to turn into a dragon, a colorful tiger demon, and another, a flying squirrel demon. You are courting death!"

Jiang Lin's eyes shone with golden light, and the momentum all over his body burst out undisguised.

The strong killing intent spreads all around like a substance.

The three demon kings shuddered and turned around.

"Who are you, are you courting death?"

The colorful tiger king roared, they were about to obtain the treasure in the formation, but someone came to hinder them.

Why do so many people die these days?

"Yingqi, Yingqi, how are you!"

Jiang Lin's trembling heart radiated thoughts.

"Master... Master, Ying Qi has consumed a lot of spiritual energy in order to... maintain the formation, and is about to fall into a deep sleep."

Knowing that Li Yingqi was not injured, Jiang Lin's heartbeat calmed down a little, but this result also made him furious.

"You are the three saints of Kunlun?"

An icy voice came out from between Jiang Lin's teeth. He was going to stain the Ice Palace with blood today.

Of these three demon kings, don't even want to run away today.

"Haha, it turns out that our three brothers are so famous. I am the Three Holy Fire Flood Dragon King of the Three Saints of Kunlun."

"The Great Sage Colorful Tiger King."

"The Second Holy Rat King."

Fire Dragon King?Just now there are signs of Jiaojiao, dare to call yourself the Fire Flood Dragon King?

Jiang Lin sneered at the corner of his mouth. He sensed the existence of the Sun God Bead on the Fire Flood Dragon King's body. The half of the Snow Mountain Sun God Bead should be on his body. Moreover, this long worm turned into a Jiao Dragon is probably related to the dragon energy in the Ice Palace. related.

"Jie Jie, it seems that there should be a great beauty in the jade coffin. I wonder if there is still Yuan Yin."

The Fire Dragon King stretched out his snake tongue and shyly kissed his snake, looking at the white jade coffin greedily.

"Ouch, the young people in Kunlun Mountains say that the third is the oldest) (the second is the oldest."

"King Huo Jiao? Even a dragon, you have to serve it for me!"

This long worm touched Jianglin's reverse scale.

Touch to kill!


Jiang Lin's whole body was burning with fiery flames, and a three-legged Golden Crow, which was ten feet tall, appeared, and its dark golden eyes stared at the Huojiao King.

The Fire Dragon King's snake letter was bitten by itself, but it didn't feel the pain at all.

Since it showed signs of transforming into a flood dragon, it has faintly had a hint of the power of a flood dragon on its body. Even the Pandan Tiger King and the Sky Mouse King are quite afraid of it. There is a sense of fear in the soul.

So what about the Jiao, what about the dragon, as soon as the Golden Crow comes out, even the Blue Dragon will bow its head.

The Golden Crow folded its wings, and Jiang Lin's whole body's spiritual power was running wildly.

The flame wings spread out, and nearly a hundred yang finger qi was like a dense rain of bullets, piercing and shooting at the body of the Huojiao King more than ten feet.

The golden wings vibrated again, and dozens of three-foot-long light flame swords flew out from under the wings of the three-legged golden crow, and directly pinned the huge snake body of the Huojiao King to the ground.

The Golden Crow fluttered its wings and swooped over with lightning speed, its two legs pinched the Huojiao King's neck, and the third one stroked from top to bottom.

A huge crack suddenly appeared on the belly of the Fire Flood Dragon King's snake, and it spread all the way to the seven-inch vital position.

Chapter [*] A pair of brothers and plastic love, two demon kings are pets of war

"Pop! Kill the demon king and get [*] points of anger."

The four eyes of the colorful tiger king and the sky rat king suddenly bulged, and the Fire Flood Dragon King, who was only a little weaker than them, was killed in the blink of an eye?

This person is just a Celestial Master, how could he behead the Fire Flood Dragon King in such a short period of time?

To dream, you must be dreaming.

King Panlan raised his paw and patted the head of King Rat, who screamed wildly, "Fuck you, second uncle, what are you shooting me for? Do you want to surrender?"

The colorful tiger king's throat moved, Nima wasn't dreaming!

Wait, surrender?

At this moment, the mind of the King Panlan and Jiang Lin's battle had been extinguished by eight or nine points.

It can sense that the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body has consumed [*]% to [*]%, but Jiang Lin still feels very dangerous.

That kind of momentum, that kind of look, is too scary.

As for running, Pan Lan Tiger King still thinks that he will definitely die faster, and his intuition has always been very accurate.

The Tiger King Panlan felt pretty good. Even if he lost his spiritual power, Jiang Lin slaughtered these two beasts by relying on the way of the thousand-year-old Zombie King.

Jiang Lin refines the corpse poison to replenish his spiritual power. He now has less than [*]% of the spiritual power left in his body. The Golden Crow Zhanyi is a lore that he has researched and developed by himself.

Jiang Lin shook out the Yang Yan whip, took the Heavenly Dragon Divine Sword in his hand, and looked at the other two demon kings.

The three-legged Golden Crow also shot the golden light from their eyes towards them.

The last time he killed the Great Demon King and the three Great Demons, Jiang Lin did not remove the demon pills or blood essence from them. He was afraid that it would have an impact during the shuttle, but this time was different.

The zombie king is a corpse gasification bacteria, but if the demon king already has an inner elixir in his body, if he goes to another level, the demon elixir will take shape.

There are three demon kings, and there are three light inner pills, as well as the fur on the body and the heart of the demon king.

When Jiang Lin looked at them, the colorful tiger king and the rat king suddenly stood on end.

"My lord! Xiaohu really misses you. Since the last time you came to Kunlun, just because you glanced at you in the woods, Xiaohu has never forgotten your face, lord, and believes that you are my master."


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, what did this colorful tiger king mean by kneeling on his legs and bowing to him?

The King of the Mouse was also stunned. The boss of the Three Saints of Kunlun, what happened today? He took the wrong medicine. What about the usual stern tiger power?

It's broken, this tiger is about to surrender, and he is one step ahead of him.

"My lord, you may not remember. More than two hundred years ago, Xiaohu was still a big demon. You came to take care of his mistress. After you left, Xiaohu has always been very interested in his mistress. That lewd snake always wanted to fight. The idea of ​​the mistress, the intention to break the formation, is that Xiaohu has been dragging it, saying that the time is not enough, just to wait for the return of the master and protect the mistress. Heaven and earth can be learned, and the sun and the moon are conscience. "

It is true that the King Panlan Tiger did not let the Fire Flood King and the Sky Rat King break the formation so early. He was actually worried about the power of the Three Treasures. After the Three Treasures went to the second, he had tried many times over the past few decades before he completely united with the other two big demons today. Break the array.

The Rat King secretly scolded the Pandan Tiger King for being shameless. It was obviously because he was cautious, and he was afraid of being hurt by the treasures in the array. Now he said that he was protecting the owner of the jade coffin.

Good manners!

"You said that you dragged the two of them and didn't let them break through as soon as possible?"

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes. He was not interested in listening to what the colorful tiger king said, the princess and mother, but if the tiger king kept dragging the other two demon kings, he could leave a way for him.Of course, it's definitely not a good way.

"My lord, it's absolutely true, I can swear by my soul."

Panlan Tiger King immediately half-stands and pats his chest to assure that he doesn't care about his dignity, his life is the most important thing.

With a sneer, Jiang Lin said, "When the long worm had thoughts about my wife just now, you seemed to be encouraging him."

Jiang Lin hasn't had Ren Tingting's Zhuang for many years) (Yang soup is gone, I don't know if adding a hundred-year-old tiger leather will be very effective.

The heart of the colorful tiger king suddenly cooled to the freezing point. It hated why it was so rude, and it felt that its life was a little cold.

The man in front of him is definitely a wife-protecting madman!

It originally wanted to see the excitement, but it ended up being cut?

The Tiger King Panlan hurriedly explained: "My lord, you misunderstood. I didn't encourage the snake, it was to let the snake down, and I wanted to stab the lord twice when he was incapable of doing anything. I didn't expect that the lord's mighty mighty powers were boundless. I killed the long worm, and the little tiger hasn't had a chance to show yet."

Taking advantage of the misfortune, the colorful tiger king looked to the side of the rat king.

Seeing Panlan Tiger King's gaze, the Sky Rat King immediately bowed to Jiang Lin, trying to capture him for meritorious service.

NND, plastic brotherhood.

"My lord, I am the same as Xiaohu. Ever since I was in the woods..."

Jiang Lin had blue veins on his forehead and gave the mouse king a look: Shut up.

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